Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Data Bank

First Meeting
 Hello, guest from the Astral Express. I am Yukong from the Luofu's Sky-Faring Commission. Welcome to the Xianzhou.
 It's a good day to set sail, isn't it?
 The sea of stars is vast and our journeys are difficult and long. Please look after yourself, no matter where you are.
About Self
 I have worked in every post in the Sky-Faring Commission from maintenance to pilot, combat reserves to stargazer... Such a long time has gone by so quickly.
Chat: Flying
 A full, complete flight can only be considered as such when it starts with a successful takeoff and ends with a good landing.
Chat: Sky-Faring Commission
 The past and present of the Sky-Faring Commission do not have such a simple relationship. The events of the past crafted its current greatness.
 I like to watch the clouds... I mean, the changing nebulas. The Sky-Faring Commission governs the area around the Xianzhou, but we are merely momentary traces that quickly disappear in the sky. The nebulas are the true masters of the heavens.
 Compared to the skies and the stars, our lives are as brief as fleeting insects... How I wish I can witness the day that the Xianzhou truly returns in triumph.
Something to Share
 The Sky-Faring Commission went toe to toe twelve times against the Plagues Author in the past. Three times we were nearly wiped out, but each time we rose up from the ashes and rebuilt.
 I have seen the last ray of light right before a sun dies, and the pulsing volcanic veins akin to flesh and blood on planets brought to life. I've seen the Lux Arrow of the Reignbow Arbiter flying to places light-years away, and the Rainbow Memory Bubble of the Glowswather bursting within flames...
About Jing Yuan
 The general may behave slovenly, but he has plans for all the affairs of the Xianzhou.
About Yanqing
 A sword will vibrate and beg to be unsheathed if it is unused for too long... Once unsheathed, it will either paint the battlefield in blood, or break itself in the process...
About Tingyun
 The Xianzhou need brawny warriors with their swords and spears, as well as unpredictable waters like her who travels freely and unrestrained.
About Sushang
 She is indeed reckless, but she is also passionate and eager. Don't underestimate her. Youth can accomplish a lot simply by relying on such energy.
About Bailu
 Though Bailu has been worshiped as the High Elder since birth and had no say in this, her title of Healer Lady was indeed gained from her expert practice of medicine.
About Jingliu
 You should not mention this name... it has been a forbidden word for a long time.
About Qingni
 Qingni picked the road she yearned for, just like her mother. There's no reason to feel remorse... It makes me wonder, who's really grappling with regrets?
About Feixiao
 Feixiao won't show any weakness to anyone. The fact that she sometimes chats with me about her feelings already counts as relaxing for her.
About Fugue
 In my heart, she has always been that child who yearned for the many worlds across the vast universe. She has always been... Tingyun.
Eidolon Activation
 The heavens are vast, the kite flies where it wishes.
Character Ascension
 My soul has never wandered far from this celestial expanse.
Max Level Reached
 *sigh* The day I was awarded those honors is still vivid in my mind.
Trace Activation
 I thought my days of wandering were behind me, but... there's still much to be experienced.
Added to Team With (Trailblazer)
 Should you require aid, (Trailblazer), you need only ask.
Added to Team With Tingyun
 Are you capable of handling this situation, Tingyun?
Added to Team With Jing Yuan
 General, my bow and arrows are at the ready, awaiting your command.
Added to Team With Yanqing
 Yanqing, your swordsmanship needs no guidance from me. But I encourage you to learn from your friends.
Added to Team With Sushang
 Be careful, Sushang. The battlefield tolerates no mistakes.
Added to Team With Lingsha
 This brings back a lot of old memories.
Added to Team With Feixiao
 You're much calmer than you once were.
Added to Team With Fugue
 We must both move on now.


Battle Begins: Weakness Break
 As easy as that.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert
 Brave the wind!
Turn Begins
 A pilot's spirit never dies.
 Stay the course.
Turn Idling
 The time is now. We mustn't delay.
Basic ATK
 This is it.
Enhanced Basic ATK
Yukong does not feature any Enhanced Basic ATK Voice-Overs.
 To the clouds!
Hit by Light Attack
 I can take it.
Hit by Heavy Attack
 Argh... Watch yourselves!
Ultimate: Activate
 The wind is rising.
Ultimate: Unleash
 Cloudkites, formation! Bolt from the blue!
Yukong does not feature any Talent Voice-Overs.
 The shame of it...
Return to Battle
 There'll be more to come.
Health Recovery
 Thank you, comrade.
 Speed, not haste.
Battle Won
 I'm glad we're all out safely.
Treasure Opening
 Quite the taking.
 May good things come in pairs.
Precious Treasure Opening
 A sight not often seen.
Successful Puzzle-Solving
 Hardly a concern.
 Practice is the key to increasing proficiency.
Enemy Target Found
 Never let your guard down in front of your enemy.
Returning to Town
 Another busy day ahead of us?

