Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

This weapon represents its owner's rank and accomplishments in the name of Destruction.
The owner of this weapon makes their appearance at the end of a war to fan the embers to consume the world. Regardless of the glories of the past or the blessing of its deities, this planet is destined to return to the ashes it came from, and to wither away in the depths of the starry sky.

"The bearer of this brand is tasked with purifying the world."

Worldbreaker Blade is a 4-star Trace Material and Light Cone Ascension Material.

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Worldbreaker Blade for ascension.

13 Light Cones use Worldbreaker Blade for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

8 Characters use Worldbreaker Blade for their Traces:

LightningArlan Arlan
WindBlade Blade
PhysicalClara Clara
ImaginaryDan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae Dan Heng • IL
FireHook Hook
IceJingliu Jingliu
Trailblazer Trailblazer
QuantumXueyi Xueyi

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishWorldbreaker Blade
Korean정화의 칼날
SpanishEspada rompemundos
FrenchLame briseuse de monde
RussianВсеразрушающий клинок
ThaiWorldbreaker Blade
VietnameseLưỡi Đao Tịnh Thế
GermanZerstörerische Klinge
IndonesianWorldbreaker Blade
PortugueseLâmina Destruidora de Mundos

Change History[]

