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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Winter Soldiers' March is an Adventure Mission on Jarilo-VI.


After completing Trailblaze Mission Roads to the Past Have Long Been Closed, read the message from Dunn.


  1. Head to the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone and discuss the military exercise details with Dunn
  2. Talk to the aide and complete the military training exercise once


Receive a message from Dunn[]

NPC Dunn Icon
NPC Dunn Icon
How are you doing, (Trailblazer)?
A little busy
Character Trailblazer Icon
A little busy
NPC Dunn Icon
Oh, we're in the same boat then
At least Silvermane Guards aren't on my tail anymore
Character Trailblazer Icon
At least Silvermane Guards aren't on my tail anymore
NPC Dunn Icon
Haha, same
Not bad
NPC Dunn Icon
That's great
NPC Dunn Icon
Listen, (Trailblazer)... Our friendship began from our fight
After the battle with you folks, I meticulously examined the security of the restricted zone
I think it's time to hold a massive military exercise to raise the new recruits' vigilance and defensive awareness
NPC Dunn Icon
I would like to invite you to be the main drillmaster and host this military exercise at the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone
Please, (Trailblazer)! The young'uns in the Silvermane Guards need your guidance
Whenever you have the time, come look for me at the restricted zone
Message Mission Banner Adventure
Accepted Mission
Winter Soldiers' March
Icon Arrow

Head to the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone and discuss the military exercise details with Dunn[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Dunn sent you a message, hoping you will be the main drillmaster for the military exercise in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone.
With the commanding officer's approval, you feel you should attend this exercise.
(Talk to Dunn)
Icon Dialogue Quest When are we starting drills?
Dunn: Ah, so you're keeping this appointment, then. That's great. I knew I could count on you.
Dunn: I've mobilized all the young Silvermane Guards in the restricted zone, and they're all beyond pumped to be fighting against a legend like yourself.
Dunn: Trust me, you'll find it several times tougher this time if you want to break through the defensive line!
Dunn: Speak with my aide when you're ready — we can start the drill any time. It just takes a moment to set everything up in the restricted zone.

Talk to the aide and complete the military training exercise once[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Dunn sent you a message, hoping you will be the main drillmaster for the military exercise in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone.
Talk to the aide and begin the first round of the military exercise, and complete the challenge meticulously designed by the Guards.
(Talk to the Aide, first interaction)
Aide: Beep — boop.
Aide: Hats off to you, drillmaster.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you Dunn's aide?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hats off to you too, my guy.
Aide: Aide, deputy head of division 3 of the Silvermane Guards' logistics and security department, reporting for duty. Beep — boop.
Aide: Silvermane drills are ready to go. Everything is waiting on your command, drillmaster.
(Enter Winter Soldiers' March (Domain of Excursion): Difficulty I)
(Mission Unlocked Winter Soldiers' March (I))

(If Winter Soldiers' March (Domain of Excursion) is not started the first time)
Aide: I salute you, Drillmaster (Trailblazer).
Icon Dialogue Arrow When's the next drill starting?
Aide: As long as I give the order, it can start at any time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's begin.
Aide: The goal of this drill is to defeat the Major.
(Enter Winter Soldiers' March (Domain of Excursion): Difficulty I)
(Mission Unlocked Winter Soldiers' March (I))
Icon Dialogue Exit Maybe next time.
Aide: Beep-boop.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishWinter Soldiers' March
Korean겨울 병사 행진곡
SpanishMarcha de los soldados invernales
FrenchMarche des soldats de l'hiver
RussianМарш зимних солдат
VietnameseKhúc Quân Hành Băng Giá
GermanMarsch der Wintersoldaten
IndonesianMars Tentara Musim Dingin
PortugueseMarcha dos Soldados Invernais

Change History[]
