When Fingertip Sings is an Achievement in the category The Memories We Share.
To unlock this achievement, the Trailblazer must:
- Investigate the guqin at the following location in Fyxestroll Garden
- Keep picking the top option until the heliobus appears
- Talk to the heliobus
- Talk to Chunfen and Mr. Xiyan in Central Starskiff Haven (optional)
- Talk to Gongyu in Exalting Sanctum
- Return to the guqin and talk to the heliobus
View map: Fyxestroll Garden
Map Location
Steps 1-3, 6
Steps 1-3, 6
View map: Central Starskiff Haven
Map Location
Step 4, optional
Step 4, optional
Map Location
Step 4, optional
Step 4, optional
View map: Exalting Sanctum
Map Location
Step 5
Step 5
- Several tinkling strings give an extra chill to the deserted garden.
- There's no audience or musicians around. Just a solitary guqin, whimpering mournfully as if waiting for an unrequited love to come around.
I have got to listen here for a little while longer...
- The guqin's player hasn't seemed to materialize. Despite this, let me use the sentimental backdrop of the moon in this lonely garden to tell you a story...
Too spooky. Let's go back...
- You've heard many horror stories where the protagonist is incapable of controlling their own curiosity — but you can.
- However, you know that most of the weirdness in Fyxestroll Garden is connected to heliobi. It's not too late to hold off and get yourself ready before coming back.
- Once, an outworlder tourist visiting Fyxestroll Garden stopped his pacing due to a piece of guqin music. He heard the scenery described by the music: lofty peaks, vast forests, soaring waterfalls, and ocean spray.
- The tourist was moved to tears, while the locals all raised eyebrows at him. Nobody knew what was happening...
- After the guqin song stopped and the crowds scattered, the musician got the chance to reach out to the outworlder and ask why he had been crying.
- When the guqinist heard the outworlder say, "Sounds like imperfect jade. I'm grief-struck...", he was shocked. Only this listener had understood the guqin's meaning: he had painstakingly crafted this narrative but could never quite complete this masterpiece.
- The two of them became close friends, the guqinist and the outworlder, and they decided to spend the rest of their lives together working on this song.
- ...It's getting late. Do you want to keep listening to the story?
Sure, I can keep listening...
- I'm sorry, but that fabricated narrative was actually lifted straight from...
- Uh-oh, something seems to have happened.
You've just about heard enough. Time to leave.
- This guqin doesn't seem to have noticed you yet, so you don't have to pay it heed. If you want to come back later, you can do so at any time.
Heliobus on Guqin
- Heliobus on Guqin: Oh, some people actually came to listen to my performance. Have you had enough of living, too?
Friend, you're a real scary talker.
- Heliobus on Guqin: I'm sorry. It's been so long since I've talked with someone...
H—Help me...!
- Heliobus on Guqin: H—Help...!
- Heliobus on Guqin: I can explain. It's like this: the last person who ever talked to me this way is dead.
Friend, you are still a real scary talker.
- Heliobus on Guqin: Really?
- Heliobus on Guqin: I thought only people wanting to end their own lives would ever want to come and listen to me.
- Heliobus on Guqin: ...If that's so, then just think of me as a ball of resentment left stuffed inside the guqin!
Friend, can you say anything that isn't scary?
- Heliobus on Guqin: It's hard work talking to you.
I told you, I completely understand now.
- Heliobus on Guqin: So long as you get it.
H—Help me...!
- Heliobus on Guqin: Stop shouting. Nobody can hear you.
- Heliobus on Guqin: The guqin's owner has unfinished music to compose, and that strong desire to complete the music remains here. And I, absorbing that desire, would like to finish this song, too...
- Heliobus on Guqin: But as you very well know, I'm just a heliobus... I can chew through the emotions and memories left behind by the guqinist, but I cannot create.
- Heliobus on Guqin: ...I'm stuck in here.
Tell me, how can I help you?
Then you can stay stuck in there — I'm off.
- Heliobus on Guqin: Hang on, not so fast. You can help me get out of here.
- Heliobus on Guqin: I may not have the aptitude for it, but there must be someone aboard the Xianzhou Luofu who knows about music and who can help complete this song.
- Heliobus on Guqin: An old listener who self-deleted left behind some recording material for me. You take it. I'm sure you'll put it to good use.
- (Obtain
Guqin Recording)
- (Talk to Heliobus on Guqin, optional)
Heliobus on Guqin
- Heliobus on Guqin: I may not have the aptitude for it, but there must be someone aboard the Xianzhou Luofu who knows about music and who can help complete this song.
- Heliobus on Guqin: Please help me. I want this song completed.
- (Talk to Chunfen, optional)
Excuse me. What do you know about guqin music?
- Chunfen: I'm sorry. I'm learning the Vidyadhara Elegies right now, but I can't say I know much...
- Chunfen: I think there's a musician over in the Exalting Sanctum who plays the chimes. I bet she could help you.
- (Talk to Mr. Xiyan, optional)
Excuse me. What do you know about guqin music?
- Mr. Xiyan: Not a lot. But...
- Mr. Xiyan: If you're asking, "Do you know any stories about guqin?" or "Who knows about guqin?", then you've come to the right place.
- Mr. Xiyan: So you know about Ms. Gongyu, who plays the guqin in the Exalting Sanctum, right? If it's the guqin, she'll definitely be able to help you.
- (Approach Gongyu)
Excuse me. What do you know about guqin music?
- Gongyu: It's not my area of expertise, but I know a little. Have you got any recordings for me to listen to?
- Gongyu listens to the unfinished guqin piece and learns about the guqin master's final wish.
- Gongyu: I understand the whole picture now, but I'm afraid I can't help you.
You can give it another try...
Darn it. I won't get to complete my mission...
Maybe I should become a transcendent musical genius...
- Gongyu: But don't worry. I'm thinking you won't have to leave here empty-handed.
- Gongyu: As far as I know, several hundred years ago, there used to be a maestro guqin player aboard the Xianzhou Luofu. He met his musical soul mate, a short-life species — before whose untimely death they were unable to complete this guqin song.
- Gongyu: "That guqinist thought he'd never find another musical soul mate like this, and decided to never play the guqin again — but he was forever filled with regret by this unfinished masterpiece..." That's how the story continues, right?
I really want to hear what happens in this story. So, what's next?
So this song is going to become a magnum opus?
- Gongyu: The descendants of that short-life composer grew up listening to the tale of this guqin, and one of them came to the Xianzhou longing to learn more about their guqinist ancestor. They brought the musical score, and found someone to play and record the unfinished symphony.
- Gongyu: Later on, the incomplete tune was posted online. Lots of music lovers studied this fiendishly difficult piece together, setting off an ancient guqin fad.
- Gongyu: In just a few short years, this guqin song began appearing in textbooks. After hundreds of years of analysis and study, this fiendishly difficult guqin piece has become a practice drill for beginners, spawning countless different versions.
I—Is that how everything worked out?
- Gongyu: Perhaps when the guqinist was still alive, such a thing as "hard-to-find soul mates" still existed. But if this tune was left to the vicissitudes of time, it could always meet a new soul mate in the future — never reaching its peak of perfection.
- Gongyu: I cannot help you, because you already have too many answers.
- (Obtain
New Guqin Recording)
Heliobus on Guqin
- Heliobus on Guqin: How's it going? Did you finish the song?
- You explain to him what became of the guqin song later, and play him a recording.
- Heliobus on Guqin: I never expected the guqinist to have made so many new soul mates after all this time.
Would the guqinist really consider them soul mates of his, too?
- Heliobus on Guqin: Human hobbies! How am I supposed to answer a question like that? However, I suppose through the vibrations of the strings, I did manage to feel a touch of freedom.
Yes, it's a shame the guqinist himself never realized that.
- Heliobus on Guqin: Luckily, the music managed to be completed this way.
- Heliobus on Guqin: Then without any further ado, allow me to give it a play right now.
- The heliobus takes possession of the guqin once more, and starts to play.
- Heliobus on Guqin: Thank you. The guqinist's legacy is now complete, and I'm happy too. I'm free!
- (Obtain
Condensed Aether ×2,
Strale ×10, and
Credit ×6000)
- (Obtain Achievement When Fingertip Sings)
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | When Fingertip Sings |
Chinese (Simplified) | 何不于君指上听 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 何不於君指上聽 |
Japanese | 何ぞ君が指上に於いて聴かざる |
Korean | 어찌 손끝에서 소리가 울리지 않는가? |
Spanish | Te presto mis manos |
French | Du bout de mes doigts fébriles et sensibles |
Russian | На кончиках пальцев |
Thai | เสียงไพเราะผ่านปลายนิ้ว |
Vietnamese | Sao Chưa Đàn Một Khúc |
German | Der Klang fließt durch die Fingerspitzen |
Indonesian | Tarian Jari Jemari |
Portuguese | Passei no Vestibulinho |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.5