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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Wen Shiling (Chinese: 温世玲) is an NPC aboard the Herta Space Station. She can be found in the Master Control Zone, down the ramp behind Asta.


Wen Shiling is a Level 2 researcher at the Department of Implement Arts aboard the Herta Space Station who has extreme admiration for Capote. Her admiration for Capote leads to her inappropriate distribution of Curios.

After the events of Adventure Mission Spirit Traces, she is no longer a fan of Capote and despises him for what he has done. She is planning to take back all the curios she gave to Capote.


Missions and Events[]

Trailblaze Continuances

Adventure Missions


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"Curio management?! Ah, my head is going to explode!"
(Version 2)
"I know nothing! It's nothing to do with me!"


(First interaction)
Wen Shiling: What a headache. Which one should I give to Master Capote...
Wen Shiling: Hmm, why don't I give both Curios to him? That way I don't have to worry that he might not like it.
Wen Shiling: But if he dislikes both of them, wouldn't it be twice as bad? Master Capote is going to hate me...
Wen Shiling: Ahhh, what should I do?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you have the right to give Curios as a gift?
Wen Shiling: Ah! Who are you? How did you suddenly show up behind me? Were you eavesdropping on me!?
Wen Shiling: You don't look like you belong to any department... Phew, I'm relieved.
Wen Shiling: I'm Wen Shiling, a researcher from the Department of Implement Arts. According to the regulations... I'm supposed to give these Curios to Master Capote.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who is Master Capote?
Wen Shiling: What? You don't know Master Capote? You didn't only arrive today, did you? Or did the Legion break your head during their invasion and gave you amnesia?
Wen Shiling: Fine fine. Let me reintroduce Master Capote to you.
Wen Shiling: If you asked who is the most dazzling star on the space station other than Madam Herta, it would definitely be Master Capote.
Wen Shiling: He is gentle and modest, mature and composed. His inner excellence gives him a perfect appearance... Ahhhh! One's appearance is shaped by one's mind!
Wen Shiling: But don't you dare to do anything to Master Capote! I am his number-one fan on the space station!
(Continue onto dialogue options below)

(Subsequent interactions)
Wen Shiling: What a headache. Which one should I give to Master Capote...
Icon Dialogue Talk I've got something to ask you.
Icon Dialogue Talk What kind of Curio does Master Capote usually prefer?
Wen Shiling: You're asking the right person. I've gotta be the only person in the space station who can answer this question!
Wen Shiling: I know Master Capote's hobbies like the back of my hand. I even remember he adds three and a half cubes of sugar to his coffee.
Wen Shiling: As for the Curios... Ehem, you think you can fool me into answering this? As I said, the Curios are distributed according to regulations, instead of the researcher's preferences!
Icon Dialogue Talk What is the Department of Implement Arts' regulations in terms of distributing Curios?
Wen Shiling: It's... it's none of your business! The space station has its own rules and regulations, so does our department.
Wen Shiling: The Curios I distribute to Master Capote are through the normal procedure. Don't think too much about it.
Wen Shiling: Anyway, the Department of Implement Arts is very busy. Don't ask around even if you don't believe me. Save us some troubles.
Wen Shiling: Jeez, I hate newbies like you who always try to get to the bottom of everything!
Icon Dialogue Talk Give me a Curio, too.
Wen Shiling: Huh!? Do you even know what you're talking about? I can't just give a Curio to a random person!
Wen Shiling: Except for Master Capote, no one gets Curios without going through the normal process. No one gets to choose Curios. You think a newbie like you can match Master Capote's knowledge and standard?
Wen Shiling: ...
Wen Shiling: Ehem, I mean, your researcher level is too low. You can't apply for a Curio for your research at the moment. Anything else is none of your business!
Icon Dialogue Exit That's all I've got to ask.
Wen Shiling: Phew, finally. I spent so much effort introducing the basics of the space station to you, but you're interested in things you shouldn't know!
Icon Dialogue Exit That's all I've got to ask.
Wen Shiling: Phew, finally. I spent so much effort introducing the basics of the space station to you, but you're interested in things you shouldn't know!

(First interaction, upon completing Adventure Mission Spirit Traces)
Wen Shiling: Liars are unforgivable! Even death cannot redeem them!
Wen Shiling: Hmph, I'm going to finish writing this report very soon... Just you wait, Capote!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Aren't you Master Capote's biggest fan?
Wen Shiling: Bah! I've never wronged you, so don't give me a title that brings bad luck!
Wen Shiling: It's all over once I stopped being his fan. Please show me some respect!
Icon Dialogue Arrow What did Capote do?
Wen Shiling: Don't you remember? You were there too! Ugh, I don't want to relive that terrible experience ever again.
Wen Shiling: Anyways, just remember that Capote is despicable!
(Continue onto dialogue options below)

(Subsequent interactions, upon completing Adventure Mission Spirit Traces)
Wen Shiling: Firstly I need to do the inventory for reclaimed Curios, then do regular quality control at the warehouse, then I promised Adler to go find the weird thing that talks... Great, no time to write my report today either!
Icon Dialogue Talk There's something else I want to ask.
Icon Dialogue Talk What report are you writing?
Wen Shiling: A report that summarizes Capote's sins! I know a lot of secrets as his former top fan... Other people can't even imagine it!
Wen Shiling: Pity that I'm writing so slowly. I blame Adler — he comes to bother me every day, otherwise I'd have finished this ages ago and published it on the space station's anonymous forum.
Icon Dialogue Talk Did the Master Capote Fan Club disband?
Wen Shiling: Of course it did! We couldn't get away fast enough. But I hear some people plan to keep supporting him and want to "be here for him as he changes."
Wen Shiling: I don't get those people at all! Scoundrels like Capote don't deserve any care! I don't get it. I really don't!
Icon Dialogue Talk Those Curios you gave Capote...
Wen Shiling: Shhh! I told you that because we are friends, but that doesn't mean you can say it out loud! What if other people hear?
Wen Shiling: I already got the relevant parties to take back those Curios. Don't you worry about it. Just treat it as water under the bridge! Don't mention it ever again!
Icon Dialogue Exit That's all the questions I have.
Wen Shiling: Just you wait, Capote! When I finished my work, tidied up the Curio report, supervised Curio reclamation, and went with Adler to... Ugh! How come I still have so much work to do!?
Icon Dialogue Exit I'll leave you to it.
Wen Shiling: Just you wait, Capote! When I finished my work, tidied up the Curio report, supervised Curio reclamation, and went with Adler to... Ugh! How come I still have so much work to do!?

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishWen Shiling
SpanishWen Shiling
FrenchWen Shiling
RussianВэнь Шилин
ThaiWen Shiling
VietnameseWen Shiling
GermanWen Shiling
IndonesianWen Shiling
PortugueseWen Shiling

Change History[]
