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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Vox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique is Robin's Ultimate.

Gameplay Notes[]

  • While Concerto is active, Sway to My Beat in Cosmos replaces the current battle music.
  • When an ally attacks multiple enemies, the Ultimate's Additional DMG will only hit a random enemy hit by the attack.
  • As the damage dealt by this ability is Additional DMG, it does not count as Ultimate DMG for the purposes of effects that increase Ultimate DMG.
  • Robin's second Bonus Ability, Impromptu Flourish, increases the CRIT DMG from follow-up attacks launched by allies by 25% while this Ultimate is active.
  • Robin's first Eidolon, Land of Smiles, increases allies All-Type RES PEN by 24% while this Ultimate is active.
  • Robin's second Eidolon, Afternoon Tea For Two, increases all allies' SPD by 16% and Talent's Energy Regeneration effect by 1.
  • Robin's fourth Eidolon, Raindrop Key, causes this Ultimate dispels all Crowd Control debuffs from allies upon cast and additionally increases their Effect RES by 50%.
  • Robin's sixth Eidolon, Moonless Midnight, causes the CRIT DMG of additional Physical DMG to increase by 450% and can trigger up to 8 times while this Ultimate is active; this count is reset anytime an Ultimate is used.


Unique Status Effects[]

Icon Concerto
ConcertoIncreases ATK by and becomes immune to Crowd Control debuffs.
Icon Concerto
ConcertoIncreases ATK by . Robin deals Additional DMG after attacking.


Attr. 115.2%15.96%16.72%17.48%18.24%19%19.95%20.9%21.85%22.8%23.56%24.32%
Attr. 250658095110125143.75162.5181.25200215230
Attr. 372%76.8%81.6%86.4%91.2%96%102%108%114%120%124.8%129.6%

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishVox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique
Korean천음의 합주, 뭇별의 푸가
SpanishCanon de mil voces, fuga estelar
FrenchVox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique
RussianОпус космоса, гармонии глас
ThaiVox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique
VietnameseNgàn Âm Hợp Xướng, Tẩu Pháp Vạn Vì Sao
GermanSternenfuge mit tausend Klängen
IndonesianVox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique
PortugueseVox Harmonique, Opus Cosmique

Change History[]

