Rare horseshoe obtained when a Trampler of the Antimatter Legion is defeated. When no one is observing, it pops in and out of existence.
"The name of the experiment? It's just called "Horseshoe of the Trampler"... "
"The name of the experiment? It's just called "Horseshoe of the Trampler"... "
Void Cast Iron is a 4-star Character Ascension Material. It is used to ascend characters of the Quantum type.
Sold By[]
No shop sells Void Cast Iron.
Ascension Usage[]
3 Characters use Void Cast Iron for ascension:
No Light Cones use Void Cast Iron for ascension.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Void Cast Iron |
Chinese (Simplified) | 虚幻铸铁 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 虛幻鑄鐵 |
Japanese | 虚幻鋳鉄 |
Korean | 환영의 무쇠 |
Spanish | Hierro forjado del Vacío |
French | Fonte du néant |
Russian | Чугун пустоты |
Thai | Void Cast Iron |
Vietnamese | Thép Đúc Hư Ảo |
German | Leerengeformtes Eisen |
Indonesian | Void Cast Iron |
Portuguese | Ferro Fundido Vazio |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0