Visionary Predation is Jade's Technique.
Unique Status Effects[]
- Debuffs
Icon | Name | Description |
Blind Fealty | Enemies inflicted with Blind Fealty will not initiate attacks on allies. When entering battle with enemies inflicted with Blind Fealty, all enemies with Blind Fealty will enter battle simultaneously. Deals Quantum DMG equal to 50% of Jade's ATK to all enemies, and Jade immediately obtains 15 stack(s) of Pawned Asset. |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Visionary Predation |
Chinese (Simplified) | 猎手的视界 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 獵手的視界 |
Japanese | ハンターの視界 |
Korean | 사냥꾼의 시야 |
Spanish | Visión predadora |
French | Vision de prédateur |
Russian | Видение охотника |
Thai | Visionary Predation |
Vietnamese | Tầm Nhìn Của Thợ Săn |
German | Sichtfeld des Jägers |
Indonesian | Visionary Predation |
Portuguese | Predação Visual |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.3