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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Vessel of Mediocrity (II) is an Adventure Mission on Jarilo-VI.


After reaching Trailblaze Level 24 and completing Trailblaze Mission Young Guard, talk to the Mysterious Woman.


  1. Solve an Armory Box puzzle
  2. Talk to Cyrille
  3. Solve an Armory Box puzzle
  4. Talk to Cyrille
  5. Report what you found to Dunn
  6. Find Dunn

Gameplay Notes[]

  • After reporting to Dunn, wait one daily reset to receive a message to continue the mission.



(Talk to Mysterious Woman)
Mysterious Woman: It reeks of rust and soot here... I don't like it one bit.
Mysterious Woman: But Mr. Stefan said that this is my responsibility too. If I just do as he says, I'll earn everyone's respect and be able to live a good life.
Mysterious Woman: But where should I start? What is it that I'm looking for? I can't think of anything... nothing... I need his help...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Cyrille?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you... grown up?
Cyrille: Hmm? Are you... have we met before?
Cyrille: Sorry, I'm... my head is not in a good place. I can't remember much of anything at all, and I'm not able to think a lot...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you been "trapped" by your box again?
Cyrille: "Trapped"? Hmm... hah, I'm quite confused right now, and I can't really understand...
Icon Dialogue Arrow How did you leave Backwater Pass?
Cyrille: Leave? Leave where? I can't remember where I'm from, and I can't remember leaving any place...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I remember you... back when you were much younger.
Cyrille: But... I don't have any recollection of you whatsoever. I'm sorry — I'm a little confused at the moment...
Cyrille: Mr. Stefan said that I don't have to make hard choices on my own. If it's an important enough occasion... then he'll be there for me. So... I'll just wait.
(Trailblazer): (She may appear to be an adult... but her mind seems to be just as muddled as before.)
(Trailblazer): (Is the person she's been waiting for this whole time called Stefan? It doesn't look like he's shown up yet. Perhaps I can try to help her again...)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Will solving this box puzzle help you?
Cyrille: I... don't know.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I want to try and help you clear your mind.
Cyrille: ...Really? Do you know how?
Cyrille: Thank you. I... don't usually accept help from strangers, so I don't really know how to show my thanks. But I really am grateful to you.
Cyrille: These boxes... I don't know what connection they have with me, but I can't take my eyes off them... and I can't figure out what they mean.
Cyrille: Maybe by solving this puzzle... no, I can't get my hopes up. Mr. Stefan said to forget about any unrealistic expectations... Everything must be fought and won by ourselves.
Cyrille: I'll wait for you here. I'm not going anywhere.
(New Mission Vessel of Mediocrity (Part 2))

Solve an Armory Box puzzle[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

You bump into Cyrille again in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone... And she's no longer a little girl.
Cyrille's still being confounded by box-like puzzles puzzles and needs your help.
(Approach crates)
The Fool's Box
Push the armory boxes and rescue Cyrille
(Solve The Fool's Box puzzle)

(Reward: Icon Dialogue Box Bountiful Treasure)

Talk to Cyrille[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You bump into Cyrille again in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone... And she's no longer a little girl.
This is the third time that you've helped her solve puzzles.
Talk to her and see if she'd like to share anything with you.
(Talk to Cyrille)
Cyrille: ...
Cyrille: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...What's wrong?
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Has anything changed?
Cyrille: I... think I remember something.
Cyrille: I saw... people, lots and lots of people. They're gathered in a clearing, and they're all looking up at something...
Cyrille: It's me. They're looking at... me.
Cyrille: Mr. Stefan is there, and he's with me. My sister's not there... I really wish she were.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Stay silent and keep listening.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow When did this happen? Where did it happen?
Cyrille: I... can't remember.
Cyrille: Wait... I think I can... hear a voice, a voice coming out of the crowd.
Cyrille: They... they're saying bad things. Complaining, grumbling, and... cursing.
Cyrille: Those bad words... seem to be aimed at me. They don't like me. They despise me, and they even... hate me. I don't understand...
Cyrille: But Mr. Stefan is holding my hand. He's smiling, and he's always smiling at me... He says everything will get better and there's nothing to worry about.
Cyrille: I trust him because he's never lied to me before. Those bad words... don't matter. All I care about is his voice.
Cyrille: And then... and then...
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Stay silent and keep listening.)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Then?
Cyrille: And then... darkness. All I can remember are these flashbacks... other than that, it's total darkness.
Cyrille: But at least I've got something back — does this prove that... what you just did actually worked?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you feel free now?
Cyrille: No. Even though I've got some of my memories back... I still can't go anywhere.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Should I do it a few more times?
Cyrille: I...
Cyrille: I can feel the power trapping me... coming nearer again. It's coming, one step at a time... to wrap me in darkness once again...
You blink, and then...
(Trailblazer): (In the blink of an eye, the boxes reappear — just like how they did at Backwater Pass.)
Cyrille: I can't break this cycle. I don't know what to do...
Cyrille: I can't feel the past, and I can't see the future. I seem to be drifting alone in a blizzard, surrounded by nothing but darkness.
Cyrille: But I still want to get my own memories back, even if it's just a few tiny pieces. At least... I feel a little bit better having recovered those fragments.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll try my best to help you regain yourself.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I doubt if it will work... but I'll still help you.
Cyrille: Thank you, stranger.
Cyrille: I can place my trust in people now... Would Mr. Stefan be happy if he knew about this?

Solve an Armory Box puzzle[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You bump into Cyrille again in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone... And she's no longer a little girl.
It worked — she finally seems to have regained some of her memory fragments.
Keep at it. Solve another puzzle for her, and maybe she'll be able to completely rediscover herself...
(Approach crates)
The Fool's Box
Push the memory boxes and rescue Cyrille
(Solve The Fool's Box puzzle)

(Reward: Icon Dialogue Box Bountiful Treasure)

Talk to Cyrille[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You bump into Cyrille again in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone... And she's no longer a little girl.
You've helped her solve the fourth box puzzle.
Talk to her... Perhaps this time, she'll finally be ready to tell you the truth.
(Talk to Cyrille)
Cyrille: ...
Cyrille: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Is your memory back yet?
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Any other side-effects this time?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Just wait in silence.)
Cyrille: ...
Cyrille: I remember... finally... I can remember. My identity, my past, what I'm looking for...
Cyrille: ...It's shrunk up into a ball. It's hard to untangle it all, so I have to pull out each memory, one by one. I think I can do it... all on my own.
Icon Dialogue Talk So who exactly are you?
Cyrille: I am...
Cyrille: Sorry... I'm sorry. I shouldn't risk my privacy like this! I know you mean no harm, and I do trust you — but Mr. Stefan said... he said...
Cyrille: I'm sorry. I just can't... If you can, please remove the name Cyrille from your memory, too! Just pretend... pretend that we've never even met.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is it that you're looking for?
Cyrille: I... it's just this thing...
Cyrille: I betrayed Mr. Stefan's trust. He put so much trust into me, but I... I couldn't even do this one simple thing.
Cyrille: I'm trying to fix everything and make amends, or else...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you no longer need my help?
Cyrille: ...No, no, thank you. Your involvement... should probably end here.
Cyrille: I'm sorry. I didn't want to offend... It's thanks to you that I have all these precious memories back, but this is also for your sake...
Cyrille: If we exchange too much information... if I say something that I shouldn't... then Mr. Stefan will definitely...
Icon Dialogue Exit I... don't have anything to say.
Cyrille: I'm sorry... I know you put a lot of time into helping me, and you deserve an answer...
Cyrille: But I can't just share this with you. I don't want you to get caught up in bad business like this. I don't want to see a good person get hurt...
Cyrille: So... let's stop there. I'll remember your kindness, but please try to forget all about this... all about me.
(Trailblazer): (Cyrille wants me to forget everything, and says she doesn't want me to get hurt...)
(Trailblazer): (I know Sampo said it's possibly all just an illusion created by the Fragmentum... but she sounds all too real to me.)
(Trailblazer): (In any case, let's report this to the security personnel responsible for the restricted zone...)
(Talk to Cyrille again)
Cyrille: Thank you for your kindness, stranger. I'm sorry that I can't tell you everything...
Cyrille: Please forgive me. It's for your own safety... Please, just forget about me.

Report what you found to Dunn[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

You bump into Cyrille again in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone... And she's no longer a little girl.
She seems to have recovered her memories, but refuses to share them with you. According to her, it's for your own good.
In any case, you feel duty-bound to report this to the Silvermane supervisor on duty... Go chat with your old friend Dunn.
(Talk to Dunn)
Icon Dialogue Quest I met this strange woman in the restricted zone...
Dunn: A strange woman? Are you sure it wasn't someone from the logistics team or Scientific Research Division?
Dunn: Mmm... Tell me what you found. If necessary, I'll immediately send some Silvermane Guards over to investigate.
Tell Dunn about your encounter with Cyrille...
Dunn: Mmm... a strange woman spouting nonsense, and Armory Boxes just popping out of thin air...
Dunn: It sounds... utterly outrageous, but then again, it doesn't seem that strange coming from you.
Dunn: That's a warehouse stacked with old abandoned ammo, and nobody really goes by there at all — but to tell the truth, I've heard a few weird rumors in my time...
Dunn: Anyway I think I got the gist of the situation. I'll send some Silvermane Guards over to investigate things thoroughly — and give the warehouse a once-over at the same time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you know or have you heard about a guy called Stefan?
Dunn: ...Stefan? No, never heard of him. Have you got some business with him? Anything I can help out with?
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...Never mind. Forget I said anything.
Dunn: Hmm? That's a bit weird of you... Eh, I won't pry.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Could you help me look into this name?
Dunn: No problem. I'll send someone to check the Silvermane Guard roster.
Dunn: Anyways, thanks for your contribution to maintaining order here in the restricted zone, outsider. I'll give you a heads-up as soon as I hear anything.
(Mission Completed)

Receive a message from Dunn[]

NPC Dunn Icon
NPC Dunn Icon
(Trailblazer), can you read this? You remember the weapon storage that you reported had something weird going on? I got a Guard squad to head over and have a look, and they discovered something you might be interested in
It'd be better to speak face to face. I'll wait for you at the same old spot in the restricted zone
I'm coming
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'm coming
I'll be there later
Character Trailblazer Icon
I'll be there later
Message Mission Banner Adventure
Accepted Mission
Vessel of Mediocrity (II)
Icon Arrow

Find Dunn[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Dunn pings you a message, claiming to have found something interesting back where you solved the box puzzles.
Go to the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone and chat with him. See if Dunn's clues can help you understand Cyrille a little better.
(Talk to Dunn)
Icon Dialogue Quest You said that you found something in the warehouse?
Dunn: My Silvermane Guard squad never found anything strange in the warehouse other than a few weird letters... We scanned them over but nobody had any idea about what they said.
Dunn: I think you might be able to get something out of them... Why don't I leave these with you?
Dunn: Ah yes — I checked up on that "Stefan" character you mentioned. There's no record of him among our registers, including retired Silvermane Guards and veterans.
Dunn: Looks like I won't be able to help you out. If you want to conduct your own follow-up investigation, I wish you all the best!
(Obtain Cyrille (Readable) Cyrille (An Old Letter))
(Mission Completed)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishVessel of Mediocrity (Part 2)
Korean어리석은 자의 용기(容器)2
SpanishRecipiente de la mediocridad II
FrenchRéceptacle de médiocrité (partie 2)
RussianСосуд заурядности II
Thaiภาชนะแห่งสามัญ 2
VietnameseRương Của Kẻ Tầm Thường-2
GermanBehältnis des Mittelmaßes (Teil 2)
IndonesianWadah Orang Biasa (Bagian II)
PortugueseRecipiente da Mediocridade (Parte 2)

Change History[]
