Verdant Manager is an NPC on Penacony, located in Dream's Edge and Dewlight Pavilion. His character is based on Fischer, one of the Origami Dreamweavers.[2]
Verdant Manager is a responsible and parental Origami Bird, calling the Origami Birds under their supervision the "children" or "kids" and showing concern for their safety. They are the supervisor of Dawn Workshop (Dream's Edge) and Dawndew Hut (Dewlight Pavilion).
View map: Dream's Edge
Map Location
Verdant Manager's "Great Tree"
Verdant Manager's "Great Tree"
View map: Dewlight Pavilion Floor 1
Map Location
Verdant Manager's "Great Tree"
Verdant Manager's "Great Tree"
Missions and Events[]
Adventure Missions
Character Mentions[]
Story Exclusive Dialogue[]
- (When interacting in Aventurine's PoV during Trailblaze Mission Double Indemnity in the Chapter Cat Among Pigeons)
Verdant Manager
- You hear a faint sound... emanating from somewhere, resembling the chirping of a bird or a figment from your subconscious.
- You glance downwards. As you expected, nothing is there.
- After all, real birds do not exist within the Dreamscape.
Dream's Edge[]
- (First interaction)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet! It's dangerous ahead. Unauthorized personnel are prohibited from entering, tweet!
What is this place?
- Verdant Manager: This is the town's farthest nesting site, tweet. There's a construction site inside, and it's really dangerous, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: The population of Dreamville is increasing, and there almost aren't enough houses for everyone, tweet... We need to expand beyond the town and build a new home, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: In short, it's dangerous outside the town, and the construction site is very dangerous too, tweet! Please leave quickly, tweet tweet!
I'm here to help.
- You flash your Dreamscape Pass to the bird before you.
- Verdant Manager: Sincere apologies! So you're Clockie's friend, tweet! We really need all the help we can get now!
I was invited here.
- You flash your Dreamscape Pass to the bird before you.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet? So you're Clockie's friend, tweet! We could use all the help we can get now!
- Verdant Manager: Today, some kids ran off to the nesting site to play, tweet... Even though we've asked Brother Hanu to keep watch in the area every day, tweet...
- Verdant Manager: Clockie's friend, can I trouble you to help us find them? Tweet tweet?
Leave it to me!
- Verdant Manager: That's great! Thank you so much, tweet!
Find them yourself.
- Verdant Manager: I have to supervise the construction efforts for the nest, so I can't lend you my wings, tweet — I'll leave this in your good hands, tweet!
(Pretend not to hear)
- Verdant Manager: Hello? Tweet tweet? Chiiirp tweet tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Those cheeky kids are probably playing hide-and-seek again. Please get them to return to the Great Tree — I'll prepare a gift of thanks for you, tweet!
- (If the player has found all 10 Origami Birds in Dream's Edge)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet?
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet! Looks like all the children are back, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Thank you for everything you've done. Here's a little token of gratitude. Please accept it, tweet!
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×30 and
Clock Credits ×180)
- (Subsequent interactions, before finding all of the Origami Birds in Dream's Edge)
- Verdant Manager: Hello, Clockie's friend, tweet! Not just about the kids, you can approach me for any questions about the nesting site too!
About yourself...
- Verdant Manager: I'm called Verdant Manager, the person in charge of the Dawn Workshop and Dawndew Hut in the town, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Professor Owl said we should help each other and make Dreamville a better place together, tweet! I'm building a new nest for my fellow birds in town, tweet!
I need a few hints.
- (If a hint is available)
- Verdant Manager: Hmm... When these children play hide-and-seek, they always have specific hiding spots, but I can't seem to remember them, tweet...
- Verdant Manager: But a Magic Coin can awaken my hidden memories, tweet!
(Take out an Aideen Coin)
- (Submit
Aideen Tokens ×1)
- Verdant Manager: A Magic Coin, tweet!
- The bird politely picks up the coin, then... gobbles it up!
- Verdant Manager: This is great. I'll be able to remember it now, tweet!
- (Continue to one of the following)
- (Cunning Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! A sly child mentioned that SoulGlad billboards are good hiding spots. It could be hiding near one of them right now!
- (Curious Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! A curious kid is always getting distracted by all sorts of knick-knacks. You might be able to find it near the telescope between the tree branches, tweet!
- (Slacking Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a kid who loves heights, and is always finding the highest spots to enjoy the breeze. It could be hiding in some tall tower to slack off?
- (Smart Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a smart kid that excels in hiding in sticker display cases, but it doesn't know that you can see it plain as day from another angle, tweet...
- (Sarcastic Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a foul-mouthed kid that loves taunting other non-winged creatures, but everyone's an upright citizen of Dreamville, tweet!
- (Bold Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a daring kid that believes that the most conspicuous place is the safest place, so it loves hiding atop the construction site billboards, tweet!
- (Kind Bird}
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a good-hearted kid who once said before: "The dinosaur in the garden is such a poor thing. I must add something to its head."... What exactly does that mean, tweet?
- (Car-Loving Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a kid who loves cars and likes to hide in dark places to observe the traffic. I reckon it's loitering about the parking lot now, tweet!
- (Superstitious Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a superstitious kid who uses four-leaf clovers as its lucky item. It's always saying that it won't be found as long as it has the fourth leaf, tweet... Maybe it's hiding in a place to do with four-leaf clovers?
- (Gossipy Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet tweet... That's right! There's a gossip-loving kid who's always hiding in some romantic rendezvous spot to peek at others, tweet. I wonder if it's still hiding there now?
- (Submit
Never mind.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Sorry about that, tweet...
- (If a hint is active)
- Verdant Manager: Clockie's friend, thank you for your enthusiasm! But it takes time to build the nest and keep on working, tweet.
- Verdant Manager: I'll try my best to recall any clues. Please help bring back that kid from before!
Catch you next time.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet — I'm leaving the rest of the kids who ran into the nesting site to you, tweet!
- (Upon finding all 10 Origami Birds in Dream's Edge)
- (Trailblazer): (Found all the origami birds. Time to report back to Verdant Manager at the Great Tree...)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet, that's great. The children playing hide-and seek are all back safely!
- Verdant Manager: Thank you, Clockie's friend! Please accept my token of gratitude tweet!
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×30 and
Clock Credits ×180)
- (Subsequent interactions, upon finding all Origami Birds in Dream's Edge)
- Verdant Manager: Hello, Clockie's friend, tweet! You can approach me for any questions about the nesting site too!
About yourself...
- Verdant Manager: I'm called Verdant Manager, the person in charge of the Dawn Workshop and Morning Dew Hut in the town, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Professor Owl said we should help each other and make Dreamville a better place together, tweet! I'm building a new nest for my fellow birds in town, tweet!
Tell me the story of the origami birds...
- Verdant Manager: Of course, tweet! Which story would you like to hear, tweet?
Regarding the nesting site...
- Verdant Manager: This is Dreamville's farthest outskirts, where we are currently building a new nesting site, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: The town itself is safe, but the area outside of town is filled with baddies. They are all eyeing Dreamville, looking to occupy it! The border near the nesting site is very dangerous. I usually don't allow any birds to come close, tweet.
Tell me about the origami birds...
- Verdant Manager: Ever since Professor Owl established the Sun Academy, there have been more and more origami birds joining the construction squad, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: They've all been looking for twigs and leaves that are suitable in shape. It's really busy but very fulfilling, tweet!
Tell me about Dreamville...
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet! Since you're Clockie's friend, I'm sure he has introduced Dreamville to you, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Dreamville is not a perfect utopia, tweet... Sometimes, huge gusts of wind will blow the branches away, or baddies will come and destroy our nests and take over the Great Tree...
- Verdant Manager: But all the birds are working hard to make it a better place, tweet! With Clockie and Brother Hanu, we'll be able to conquer any challenges, tweet.
Catch you next time.
- Verdant Manager: At your service, tweet!
Dewlight Pavilion[]
- (First interaction)
- Verdant Manager: This is terrible, just terrible! They've all run away from the nest, tweet...
- Verdant Manager: They're just little ones, tweet... What am I going to do, tweet...
What happened?
- (If you have interacted with Verdant manager in Dream's Edge)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet? If it isn't Clockie's friend, tweet! I was just thinking about you, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Come, come, we have an emergency, tweet!
- (If the player has not interacted with Verdant manager in Dream's Edge)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet? A guest I have not met before... This place is for hatching young birdies, it is best for guests not to enter, tweet...
I'm here to help.
- You flash your Dreamscape Pass to the bird before you.
- Verdant Manager: Sincere apologies! So you're Clockie's friend, tweet! We really need all the help we can get now!
I was invited here
- You flash your Dreamscape Pass to the bird before you.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet? So you're Clockie's friend, tweet! We could use all the help we can get now!
What is this place?
- Verdant Manager: This is the safest place in all of Dreamville — Dawndew Hut, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Young origami birds gather here, and the hut grants them protection until they grow to become adult birdies that can walk the land and soar through the sky alone, tweet~
- Verdant Manager: But these young ones are nothing but trouble! As soon as I took my eyes off of them, they went running out of the nursery nest... I imagine they're scattered across all corners of the hut by now...
- Verdant Manager: Clockie's friend, can I trouble you to help us find them? Tweet tweet?
No problem!
- Verdant Manager: You truly are the kindest person in Dreamville! Friend of Clockie, you are a friend of the origami birds now, too, tweet~
You want me running around for you again...
- Verdant Manager: Please, I will make sure it's worth your while, tweet~
My help does not come cheap, you know.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet! I see your game... W—Well fine then, I guess I shall have to open my little treasury, tweet...
- Verdant Manager: Please bring all of those little hide-and-seek loving rascals back to the Great Tree — I'll prepare a gift of thanks for you, tweet!
- (If the player has found all 10 Origami Birds in Dewlight Pavilion)
- Transcription missing
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×30 and
Clock Credits ×180)
- (Subsequent interactions)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet... Clockie's friend, did you find the lost origami birds?
About yourself...
- Verdant Manager: I am known as the "Verdant Manager," I am responsible for helping Professor Owl build Dreamville, tweet~
- Verdant Manager: Of course, sometimes I come here to look after some of the children, too... Tweet tweet, they are the future of the origami birds, after all~
Tell me the story of the origami birds...
- Verdant Manager: No problem, tweet~ I'm great at telling stories to children, tweet~
About Dawndew Hut...
- Verdant Manager: Dawndew Hut is the safest and most hidden location in all of Dreamville... This is not a place that any old townspeople can come and go to as they please!
- Verdant Manager: I rotate watch duty with some of my other brothers and sisters to protect these little birdies. After all, children are very picky about their bedtime stories, tweet!
About the townspeople...
- Verdant Manager: The population of Dreamville is growing by the day and the town is becoming more and more lively, tweet! When these little ones grow up, I can take them to learn how to build new huts, tweet~
- Verdant Manager: For instance, Old Man Wood's tree stump was designed by me... You can go and take a look if you get time, tweet~
I need a few hints.
- (If a hint is available)
- Verdant Manager: Hmm... When these children play hide-and-seek, they always have specific hiding spots, but I can't seem to remember them, tweet...
- Verdant Manager: All you need is a Magic Coin, and I can reawaken my latent memories, tweet!
(Take out an Aideen Token)
- (Submit
Aideen Tokens ×1)
- Verdant Manager: A Magic Coin, tweet!
- The bird politely picks up the coin, then... gobbles it up!
- Verdant Manager: This is great. I'll be able to remember it now, tweet!
- (Continue to one of the following)
- (Leisurely Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that loves listening to music, they always sneak off over near the record player when I'm not looking. Maybe they're there listening now, please go and take a look!
- (Domineering Bird
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that loves to show off, always trying to fly to the highest spots, even though their feathers have just come in... I keep finding them in the highest areas of the hut lately, tweet. Maybe you will be able to find them in a high-up area?
- (Scared Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that is terrified of everything. As soon as they lock eyes with another birdie, they become paralyzed with fear... Try looking in the corners of the room, they might be having a crisis!
- (Helpful Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that is very passionate. They are less interested in building nests and more interested in the interior decoration, tweet. Recently, they keep talking about how bald the statue is... Perhaps it's around one of the statues!
- (Glorious Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that has a strong sense of honor. They're a great kid, but they often fall into their own little world... They like the bird pattern in the hall, please check for signs of them around there.
- (Hidden Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that really enjoys playing hide-and-seek. They always manage to find hidden spots that no one would ever think of, but give themselves away at the crucial moment... Please go and check everywhere that looks like a good hiding spot, maybe you'll be able to spot their feathers, tweet?
- (Prosperity Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that loves to play pranks. They often toy with hut guests and swap out the Gold Coins in their hands for bird-folded origamis, tweet. I imagine they're up to no good near somewhere you can get Gold Coins?
- (Surprise Bird}
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that is very sweet. Their friend is about to celebrate their birthday, maybe they've run off to go and prepare a surprise present for them? Please head to the area with a stack of gifts and take a look~
- (Truth Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Oh yeah! There's one child that is very intriguing. One day, when they came back, they told me that they would "use intellect to save the origami birds..." Ah, although I don't fully understand them, I imagine you will find them deep in thought standing on the street light!
- (Perfect Bird)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Tweet tweet... Tweet tweet tweet... Ah yes! There's this young perfectionist who's always bothered by not having a fourth feather on their head... I bet they're currently agonizing in front of the framed specimen... Can you help call them back, please?
- (Submit
Never mind.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet... Sorry about that, tweet...
- (If a hint is active)
- Verdant Manager: Clockie's friend, thank you for your enthusiasm! But it takes time to build the nest and keep on working, tweet.
- Verdant Manager: I'll try my best to recall any clues. Please help bring back that kid from before!
Catch you next time.
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet... Please help me find the other missing children around the hut, tweet!
- (Upon finding all 10 Origami Birds in Dewlight Pavilion)
- (Trailblazer): (Found all the origami birds. Time to report back to Verdant Manager at the Great Tree...)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet... I know they were running around Dawndew Hut, tweet!
- Verdant Manager: Thank you, Clockie's friend! Please accept my token of gratitude tweet!
- (Obtain
Stellar Jade ×30 and
Clock Credits ×180)
- (Subsequent interactions, upon finding all Origami Birds in Dream's Edge)
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet... Hello, Clockie's friend! Allow me to thank you on behalf of all the children, tweet~
About you yourself...
- Verdant Manager: I am known as the "Verdant Manager," I am responsible for helping Professor Owl build Dreamville, tweet~
- Verdant Manager: Of course, sometimes I come here to look after some of the children, too... Tweet tweet, they are the future of the origami birds, after all~
Tell me the story of the origami birds...
- Verdant Manager: No problem, tweet~ I'm great at telling stories to children, tweet~
About Dawndew Hut...
- Verdant Manager: Dawndew Hut is the safest and most hidden location in all of Dreamville... This is not a place that any old townspeople can come and go to as they please!
- Verdant Manager: I rotate watch duty with some of my other brothers and sisters to protect these little birdies. After all, children are very picky about their bedtime stories, tweet!
About the townspeople...
- Verdant Manager: The population of Dreamville is growing by the day and the town is becoming more and more lively, tweet! When these little ones grow up, I can take them to learn how to build new huts, tweet~
- Verdant Manager: For instance, Old Man Wood's tree stump was designed by me... You can go and take a look if you get time, tweet~
About Professor Owl...
- Verdant Manager: Tweet tweet... If I were to choose the most excellent and outstanding bird in all of Dreamville, that would undoubtedly be Professor Owl, tweet.
- Verdant Manager: Every origami bird knows to build nests from birth... But it was only when Professor Owl shared their own nest-building skills with us that we were able to build such a rich array of huts throughout the town, tweet.
- Verdant Manager: Have you seen any of Professor Owl's works yet? Tweet tweet... They truly are overwhelming!
Catch you next time.
- Verdant Manager: At your service, tweet!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Verdant Manager |
Chinese (Simplified) | 草绿经理 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 草綠經理 |
Japanese | マネージャー・グリーン |
Korean | 그린 매니저 |
Spanish | Director Verde |
French | Gérant vert |
Russian | Салатовый Менеджер |
Thai | ผู้จัดการเขียวขจี |
Vietnamese | Giám Đốc Cỏ Xanh |
German | Direktor Grün |
Indonesian | Manajer Hijau Rumput |
Portuguese | Gerente Verdejante |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0
- Instances of "chirp" for Origami Birds were changed to "tweet."
- Verdant Manager was released.