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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Welt Sticker 01
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Update Notes for Master Capote's Life Wiki Version 12.0 is a readable found aboard Herta Space Station.


[The following is a transcript of a recording]
Capote: Come on, Captain Arlan. You have to get into the role.

Arlan: I'm sorry, professor. I just can't think of you as an... an overbearing boss.

Capote: Close your eyes and try to feel it. After all, this is your trial of the heart! Listen to my instructions and let's try again...

Capote: Ahem... Arlan! Come to my office! Time waits for no one, and every minute of my time is precious.

Arlan: Y—Yes sir! Okay, I'm coming over right away.

Capote: Wrong! Biiiig mistake! Captain Arlan, you can't just be so submissive. If you were tasked with something beyond your scope of work, would you also take off immediately like you just did?

Arlan: I...

Capote: Oh dear! If you want to learn how to handle an overbearing boss, it looks like your heart is going to have to put in some serious training!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishUpdate Notes for Master Capote's Life Wiki Version 12.0
Korean카포티 위키 12.0 업데이트 내용
SpanishActualización de la versión 12.0 de la Enciclopedia de la vida del maestro Capote
FrenchNotes de mise à jour du wiki sur la vie de maître Boomer version 12.0
RussianОбновление для вики-страницы жизни мастера Капоте 12.0.
Thaiเนื้อหาอัปเดตของสารานุกรม Master Capote เวอร์ชัน 12.0
VietnameseNội dung cập nhật Bách Khoa Toàn Thư Nam Thần Capote 12.0
GermanÄnderungsprotokoll für Meister Capotes Enzyklopädie Version 12.0
IndonesianKonten Update Wiki Kehidupan Master Capote versi 12.0
PortugueseNotas de Atualização para a CalepoPédia, Versão 12.0

Change History[]
