Unreliable Narrator is Sparkle's Technique.
Unique Status Effects[]
- Others
Icon | Name | Description |
Unreliable Narrator | Make all allies undetectable by the enemies. And at the start of the next battle, recovers 3 Skill Point(s) for the team. |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Unreliable Narrator |
Chinese (Simplified) | 不可靠叙事者 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 不可靠敘事者 |
Japanese | 信用できない語り手 |
Korean | 믿을 수 없는 화자 |
Spanish | Narradora poco fiable |
French | Histoire bancale |
Russian | Ненадёжный рассказчик |
Thai | Unreliable Narrator |
Vietnamese | Kẻ Kể Chuyện Không Đáng Tin |
German | Unzuverlässiger Erzähler |
Indonesian | Unreliable Narrator |
Portuguese | Narradora Nada Confiável |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.0