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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Toughness is an enemy-only stat in Honkai: Star Rail.

In combat, the Toughness gauge is displayed above the HP gauge of enemies. It can be reduced by attacks of a Type that the enemy is weak to. Once fully depleted, the enemy will suffer a Weakness Break which has the following effects:

  • Deals an instance of Break DMG
  • Delays the enemy's action by 25%
  • Has a 150% base chance to apply a debuff corresponding to the Type used to inflict Weakness Break
  • Enters the Weakness Broken state

In the enemy's next turn, they will recover from the Weakness Broken state and fully restores their Toughness gauge.

As long as the enemy is not Weakness Broken, all incoming DMG will be multiplied by 0.9, including the Break DMG from Toughness depletion.

Dealing Break DMG solely is not considered an attack.

Multi-Layered Toughness

Some enemies have multiple Toughness Bars. Fully depleting any Toughness Bar before the final one will only deal Break DMG without any other Weakness Break effects (action delay, Type-specific debuffs, entering the Weakness Broken state).



A purple Exo-Toughness behind the initial Toughness.

Exo-Toughness is an additional Toughness bar applied by certain effects, which is displayed behind the initial white Toughness. The initial Toughness needs to be depleted first (which triggers Weakness Break effects) before the Exo-Toughness can be reduced. Then, the Exo-Toughness can be reduced with any Type of attack regardless of Weaknesses, triggering Weakness Break again if depleted, which is equal to when depleting the original Toughness. Like the original Toughness, the Exo-Toughness can only be depleted once before recovering from Weakness Break.

Toughness Value and Reduction

Different enemies have varying amounts of Toughness. The base Toughness value of most enemies is a multiple of 10, with the exception of some enemies with modified Toughness value in a certain phase. Sometimes, 10 Toughness Reduction on display is also referred to as 1 Toughness Unit.

Different character skills will also deal varying amounts of Toughness Reduction. Currently, characters may deal 2, 2.5, 3.333..., 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 40 Toughness Reduction with their attacks.

Attacking an enemy in the overworld will deal 10 Toughness Reduction to all enemies weak to that attack's type upon entering battle. Certain Techniques can attack the enemy in the overworld and deal 20 Toughness Reduction to all enemies weak to that attack's type upon entering battle.

Some enemies have the ability to make themselves immune to Toughness Reduction.

Toughness Reduction Formula

For calculating Toughness Reduction:


Currently, Weakness Break Efficiency has a cap of 300%.

Weakness Break

When enemy targets' Toughness is reduced to 0, they will enter the Weakness Break State, which delays their actions.

Type-Specific Effects

Break DMG increases with higher Break Effect, higher target max Toughness, and higher character levels.
Break DMG cannot CRIT Hit and is not affected by DMG Boost effects.

Depending on the Type that caused the Weakness Break, the Base DMG of the Break DMG and the debuff applied will differ:

Break Properties
Type Break Base DMG Applied Debuff
Physical Physical Bleed
Fire Fire Burn
Ice Ice Freeze
Lightning Lightning Shock
Wind Wind Wind Shear
Quantum Quantum Entanglement
Imaginary Imaginary Imprisonment
Debuff Properties
Debuff Debuff Base DMG Turns Additional Effects Is DoT
Icon Bleed Bleed Normal:
2 There is a max cap for Bleed Base DMG:
Icon Burn Burn 2
Icon Freeze Freeze 1 Upon unfreezing, skips the target's current turn but advances their next turn forward by 50%
Icon Shock Shock 2
Icon Wind Shear Wind Shear 2 Applies 1 stack to Normal, 3 stacks to Elite/Boss Enemies (Max 5 Stacks)
Icon Entanglement Entanglement 1 Delays action by
Applies 1 stack when the Entangled target is hit (Max 5 Stacks)
Icon Imprisonment Imprisonment 1 Delays action by
Reduces the speed of the Imprisoned target by 10%

Damage Formula

For calculating Break DMG, DoT, and Delayed DMG caused by Weakness Breaks:


Break-related DMG is not affected by Weaken.

Break DMG Increase includes effects such as Fugue's Eidolon .

Super Break DMG

Super Break DMG increases with higher Break Effect, higher Toughness Reduction of the attack, and higher character levels.
Super Break DMG cannot CRIT Hit and is not affected by DMG Boost effects.
Super Break DMG is also considered Break DMG.

Super Break DMG is a special variation of Break DMG dealt by certain abilities. Super Break DMG is dealt only when enemy targets are attacked in the Weakness Broken state, and the Toughness Reduction of hits dealt in the Weakness Broken state will be converted into 1 instance of Super Break DMG.

For calculating Super Break DMG:

Super Break DMG Increase includes effects such as Trailblazer (Harmony)'s Bonus Ability .

Level Multiplier

Level Multiplier is determined by the attacker's level (Level 81 to Level 95 stats are enemy-exclusive when their Weakness is Broken due to non-character effects):

Level Level Multiplier
1 54.0000
2 58.0000
3 62.0000
4 67.5264
5 70.5094
6 73.5228
7 76.5660
8 79.6385
9 82.7395
10 85.8684
11 91.4944
12 97.0680
13 102.5892
14 108.0579
15 113.4743
16 118.8383
17 124.1499
18 129.4091
19 134.6159
20 139.7703
21 149.3323
22 158.8011
23 168.1768
24 177.4594
25 186.6489
26 195.7452
27 204.7484
Level Level Multiplier
28 213.6585
29 222.4754
30 231.1992
31 246.4276
32 261.1810
33 275.4733
34 289.3179
35 302.7275
36 315.7144
37 328.2905
38 340.4671
39 352.2554
40 363.6658
41 408.1240
42 451.7883
43 494.6798
44 536.8188
45 578.2249
46 618.9172
47 658.9138
48 698.2325
49 736.8905
50 774.9041
51 871.0599
52 964.8705
53 1056.4206
54 1145.7910
Level Level Multiplier
55 1233.0585
56 1318.2965
57 1401.5750
58 1482.9608
59 1562.5178
60 1640.3068
61 1752.3215
62 1861.9011
63 1969.1242
64 2074.0659
65 2176.7983
66 2277.3904
67 2375.9085
68 2472.4160
69 2566.9739
70 2659.6406
71 2780.3044
72 2898.6022
73 3014.6029
74 3128.3729
75 3239.9758
76 3349.4730
77 3456.9236
78 3562.3843
79 3665.9099
80 3767.5533
Level Level Multiplier
81 3957.8618
82 4155.2118
83 4359.8638
84 4572.0878
85 4792.1641
86 5020.3833
87 5257.0466
88 5502.4664
89 5756.9667
90 6020.8836
91 6294.5654
92 6578.3734
93 6872.6823
94 7177.8806
95 7494.3713


Toggle Descriptions
1 ability afflicts Exo-Toughness:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Fugue Fugue While Fugue is on the field, enemy targets will get additionally afflicted with "Cloudflame Luster," equal to 40% of their Max Toughness. When the initial Toughness is reduced to 0, "Cloudflame Luster" can further be reduced. When "Cloudflame Luster" is reduced to 0, the enemy will receive Weakness Break DMG again.
While Fugue is on the field and after allies attack Weakness Broken enemy targets, converts the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 50%—110% Super Break DMG.
Talent Impair

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5 abilities implant Weaknesses:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Boothill Boothill After the Technique is used, when casting the Skill for the first time in the next battle, applies the same Physical Weakness to the target as the one induced by the Ultimate, lasting for 2 turn(s). Technique Enhance
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf There is a 75%–87% base chance to add 1 Weakness of an on-field ally's Type to the target enemy. This also reduces the enemy's DMG RES to that Weakness Type by 20% for 2 turn(s). If the enemy already has that Type Weakness, the effect of DMG RES reduction to that Weakness Type will not be triggered.
Each enemy can only have 1 Weakness implanted by Silver Wolf. When Silver Wolf implants another Weakness to the target, only the most recent implanted Weakness will be kept.
In addition, there is a 100% base chance to reduce the All-Type RES of the enemy further by 7.5%–10.5% for 2 turn(s).
Deals Quantum DMG equal to 98%–215.6% of Silver Wolf's ATK to this enemy.
Skill Single Target
Boothill Boothill Applies Physical Weakness to a single target enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Deals Physical DMG equal to 240%—432% of Boothill's ATK to the target and delays their action by 30%—42%.
Ultimate Single Target
Firefly Firefly Restores HP by an amount equal to 25% of this unit's Max HP. Applies Fire Weakness to a single target enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Deals Fire DMG equal to (0.2 × Break Effect + 100%—220%) of SAM's ATK to this target. At the same time, deals Fire DMG equal to (0.1 × Break Effect + 50%—110%) of SAM's ATK to adjacent targets. The Break Effect taken into the calculation is capped at 360%. Skill Blast
Firefly Firefly Leaps into the air and moves about freely for 5 seconds, which can be ended early by launching a plunging attack. When the duration ends, plunges and immediately attacks all enemies within a set area. At the start of each wave, applies a Fire Weakness to all enemies, lasting for 2 turn(s). Then, deals Fire DMG equal to 200% of SAM's ATK to all enemies. Technique

Toggle Descriptions
11 abilities reduce enemy Toughness regardless of Weaknesses:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Acheron Acheron When Slashed Dream reaches 9 point(s), the Ultimate can be activated. During the Ultimate, reduces enemies' Toughness regardless of Weakness Types and reduces all enemies' All-Type RES by 10%—22%, lasting until the end of the Ultimate.
When any unit inflicts debuffs on an enemy target while using their ability, Acheron gains 1 point of Slashed Dream and inflicts 1 stack of Crimson Knot on the target. If debuffs are inflicted on multiple targets, then the 1 stack of Crimson Knot will be inflicted on the enemy target with the most Crimson Knot stacks. This effect can only trigger once per every ability usage.
After an enemy target exits the field or gets defeated by any unit while Acheron is on the field, their Crimson Knot stacks will be transferred to the enemy target with the most Crimson Knot stacks on the whole field.
Talent Enhance
Xueyi Xueyi Deals Quantum DMG equal to 150%—270% of Xueyi's ATK to a single target enemy. This attack ignores Weakness Types and reduces the enemy's Toughness. When the enemy's Weakness is Broken, the Quantum Weakness Break effect is triggered.
In this attack, the more Toughness is reduced, the higher the DMG will be dealt, up to a max of 36%—64.8% increase.
Ultimate Single Target
Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Immediately attacks the enemy. After entering battle, deals Quantum DMG equal to 80% of Silver Wolf's ATK to all enemies, and ignores Weakness Types and reduces Toughness from all enemies. Enemies with their Weakness Broken in this way will trigger the Quantum Weakness Break effect. Technique
Rappa Rappa Launches "Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade." The first 2 hits deal Imaginary DMG equal to 60%—108% of Rappa's ATK to one designated enemy and Imaginary DMG equal to 30%—54% of Rappa's ATK to adjacent targets, and the 3rd hit deals Imaginary DMG equal to 60%—108% of Rappa's ATK to all enemies.
Enhanced Basic ATK will not recover Skill Points. Attacking enemies that don't have Imaginary Weakness can also reduce Toughness, whose effect is equal to 50% of the original Toughness Reduction. When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.
Basic ATK Blast
Rappa Rappa After using Technique, enters the "Graffiti" state for 20 seconds. While in the "Graffiti" state, moves forward rapidly for a set distance and attacks any enemies touched. During the rapid movement, can block all enemies' attacks. Using an attack in the "Graffiti" state can end the state's duration early. After entering combat via attacking enemies, deals 30 Toughness Reduction regardless of Weakness Type and Break DMG equal to 200% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to each enemy target, and deals Break DMG equal to 180% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to adjacent targets. At the same time, this unit regenerates 10 Energy. Technique Enhance
Rappa Rappa Each time the enemy target is Weakness Broken, Rappa gains 1 point of Charge, up to a max of 10 points of Charge. When Rappa next launches the third hit of "Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade," additionally deals Break DMG equal to 30%—66% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to all enemies. This DMG can ignore Weakness Type to reduce 2 Toughness, consuming all Charge. Each point of Charge increases the Break DMG multiplier by 25%—55% and increases the Toughness Reduction that can ignore Weakness Type by 1.
When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.
Talent Enhance
Acheron Acheron Immediately attacks the enemy. At the start of each wave, gains Quadrivalent Ascendance, dealing Lightning DMG equal to 200% of Acheron's ATK to all enemies and reducing Toughness of all enemies irrespective of Weakness Types. When Weakness is broken, triggers the Lightning Weakness Break effect.
Quadrivalent Ascendance: After using the Ultimate, Acheron gains 1 point(s) of Slashed Dream and inflicts 1 stack(s) of Crimson Knot on a single random enemy.
If attacking a normal enemy, immediately defeats them without entering combat. When not hitting enemies, no Technique Points are consumed.
Ruan Mei Ruan Mei After using the Technique, gains Silken Serenade. At the start of the next battle, automatically triggers the Skill for 1 time(s) without consuming Skill Points.
In Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe, when Ruan Mei has Silken Serenade, the team actively attacking enemies will always be regarded as attacking their Weakness to enter battle, and this attack can reduce all enemies' Toughness regardless of Weakness types. When breaking Weakness, triggers Weakness Break Effect corresponding to the attacker's Type. For every Blessing in possession (up to a max of 20 Blessings will be taken into account), additionally increases the Toughness Reduction of this attack by 100%. After breaking an enemy target's Weakness, additionally deals to the enemy target Break DMG equal to 100% of Ruan Mei's Ice Break DMG.
Technique Enhance
Fugue Fugue Deals Fire DMG equal to 100%—220% of Fugue's ATK to all enemies. This attack ignores Weakness Type to reduce all enemies' Toughness. And when breaking Weakness, triggers the Fire Weakness Break effect. Ultimate AoE
Feixiao Feixiao Deals Wind DMG to a single target enemy, up to 402%—759.6% of Feixiao's ATK. During this time, can ignore Weakness Type to reduce the target's Toughness. When the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%.
During the attack, Feixiao first launches "Boltsunder Blitz" or "Waraxe Skyward" on the target, for a total of 6 time(s).
At the end, deals Wind DMG equal to 96%—172.8% of Feixiao's ATK to the target.
Ultimate Single Target
Fugue Fugue Grants one designated ally "Foxian Prayer". Enters the "Torrid Scorch" state, lasting for 3 turn(s). The duration reduces by 1 at the start of Fugue's every turn. "Foxian Prayer" only takes effect on the most recent target of Fugue's Skill.
The ally target with "Foxian Prayer" increases their Break Effect by 15%—33% and can also reduce Toughness even when attacking enemies that don't have the corresponding Weakness Type, with the effect equivalent to 50% of the original Toughness Reduction value. This cannot stack with other Toughness Reduction effects that also ignore Weakness Type.
While in the "Torrid Scorch" state, Fugue enhances her Basic ATK. Every time an ally target with "Foxian Prayer" attacks, Fugue has a 100% base chance to reduce the attacked enemy target's DEF by 8%—20%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Skill Support

Toggle Descriptions
5 abilities increase Toughness Reduction of characters:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Boothill Boothill Each stack of Pocket Trickshot increases the Enhanced Basic Attack's Toughness Reduction by 50%, stacking up to 3 time(s).
If the target is Weakness Broken when the Enhanced Basic Attack is used, based on the number of Pocket Trickshot stacks, deals Break DMG to this target equal to 35%—77%/60%—132%/85%—187% of Boothill's Physical Break DMG. The max Toughness taken into account for this DMG cannot exceed 16 times the base Toughness Reduction of the Basic Attack "Skullcrush Spurs."
After winning the battle, Boothill can retain Pocket Trickshot for the next battle.
Talent Enhance
March 7th (The Hunt) March 7th (The Hunt) Designates a single ally (excluding this unit) as "Shifu" and increases "Shifu"'s SPD by 6%—10.8%. Only the most recent target of March 7th's Skill is considered as "Shifu."

Whenever using Basic ATK or dealing 1 hit of Enhanced Basic ATK's DMG, triggers the corresponding effect if "Shifu" with the specified Path is present on the field:

Erudition, Destruction, The Hunt, Remembrance: Deals Additional DMG (DMG Type based on "Shifu"'s Combat Type) equal to 10%—22% of March 7th's ATK.

Harmony, Nihility, Preservation, Abundance: Increases the Toughness Reduction of this instance of DMG by 100%.
Skill Support
Rappa Rappa Each time the enemy target is Weakness Broken, Rappa gains 1 point of Charge, up to a max of 10 points of Charge. When Rappa next launches the third hit of "Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade," additionally deals Break DMG equal to 30%—66% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to all enemies. This DMG can ignore Weakness Type to reduce 2 Toughness, consuming all Charge. Each point of Charge increases the Break DMG multiplier by 25%—55% and increases the Toughness Reduction that can ignore Weakness Type by 1.
When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.
Talent Enhance
Yukong Yukong Basic ATK additionally deals Imaginary DMG equal to 40%–88% of Yukong's ATK, and increases the Toughness Reduction of this attack by 100%. This effect can be triggered again after 1 turn(s). Talent Enhance
Ruan Mei Ruan Mei After using the Technique, gains Silken Serenade. At the start of the next battle, automatically triggers the Skill for 1 time(s) without consuming Skill Points.
In Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe, when Ruan Mei has Silken Serenade, the team actively attacking enemies will always be regarded as attacking their Weakness to enter battle, and this attack can reduce all enemies' Toughness regardless of Weakness types. When breaking Weakness, triggers Weakness Break Effect corresponding to the attacker's Type. For every Blessing in possession (up to a max of 20 Blessings will be taken into account), additionally increases the Toughness Reduction of this attack by 100%. After breaking an enemy target's Weakness, additionally deals to the enemy target Break DMG equal to 100% of Ruan Mei's Ice Break DMG.
Technique Enhance

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4 abilities increase Weakness Break Efficiency of characters:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Firefly Firefly Enters the Complete Combustion state, advances this unit's Action by 100%, and gains Enhanced Basic ATK and Enhanced Skill. While in Complete Combustion, increases SPD by 30—66, and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break Efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10%—22%, lasting until this current attack ends.
A countdown timer for the Complete Combustion state appears on the Action Order. When the countdown timer's turn starts, SAM exits the Complete Combustion state. The countdown timer has a fixed SPD of 70.
SAM cannot use Ultimate while in Complete Combustion.
Ultimate Enhance
Rappa Rappa Enters the "Sealform" state, immediately gains 1 extra turn, obtains 3 points of "Chroma Ink," and increases Weakness Break Efficiency by 50% and Break Effect by 10%—34%.
While in the "Sealform" state, Basic ATK is enhanced, and Skill and Ultimate cannot be used. After using Enhanced Basic ATK, consumes 1 point of "Chroma Ink." When "Chroma Ink" is depleted, exits the "Sealform" state.
Ultimate Enhance
Ruan Mei Ruan Mei After using her Skill, Ruan Mei gains Overtone, lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration decreases by 1 at the start of Ruan Mei's turn. When Ruan Mei has Overtone, all allies' DMG increases by 16%—35.2% and Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 50%. Skill Support
Feixiao Feixiao Deals Wind DMG to a single target enemy, up to 402%—759.6% of Feixiao's ATK. During this time, can ignore Weakness Type to reduce the target's Toughness. When the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100%.
During the attack, Feixiao first launches "Boltsunder Blitz" or "Waraxe Skyward" on the target, for a total of 6 time(s).
At the end, deals Wind DMG equal to 96%—172.8% of Feixiao's ATK to the target.
Ultimate Single Target

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6 abilities deal Break DMG:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Boothill Boothill Each stack of Pocket Trickshot increases the Enhanced Basic Attack's Toughness Reduction by 50%, stacking up to 3 time(s).
If the target is Weakness Broken when the Enhanced Basic Attack is used, based on the number of Pocket Trickshot stacks, deals Break DMG to this target equal to 35%—77%/60%—132%/85%—187% of Boothill's Physical Break DMG. The max Toughness taken into account for this DMG cannot exceed 16 times the base Toughness Reduction of the Basic Attack "Skullcrush Spurs."
After winning the battle, Boothill can retain Pocket Trickshot for the next battle.
Talent Enhance
Rappa Rappa After using Technique, enters the "Graffiti" state for 20 seconds. While in the "Graffiti" state, moves forward rapidly for a set distance and attacks any enemies touched. During the rapid movement, can block all enemies' attacks. Using an attack in the "Graffiti" state can end the state's duration early. After entering combat via attacking enemies, deals 30 Toughness Reduction regardless of Weakness Type and Break DMG equal to 200% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to each enemy target, and deals Break DMG equal to 180% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to adjacent targets. At the same time, this unit regenerates 10 Energy. Technique Enhance
Rappa Rappa Each time the enemy target is Weakness Broken, Rappa gains 1 point of Charge, up to a max of 10 points of Charge. When Rappa next launches the third hit of "Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade," additionally deals Break DMG equal to 30%—66% of Rappa's Imaginary Break DMG to all enemies. This DMG can ignore Weakness Type to reduce 2 Toughness, consuming all Charge. Each point of Charge increases the Break DMG multiplier by 25%—55% and increases the Toughness Reduction that can ignore Weakness Type by 1.
When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.
Talent Enhance
Ruan Mei Ruan Mei Ruan Mei deploys a Zone that lasts for 2 turns. The Zone's duration decreases by 1 at the start of her turn.
While inside the Zone, all allies' All-Type RES PEN increases by 15%—27% and their attacks apply Thanatoplum Rebloom to the enemies hit.
When these enemies attempt to recover from Weakness Break, Thanatoplum Rebloom is triggered, extending the duration of their Weakness Break, delaying their action by an amount equal to 20% of Ruan Mei's Break Effect plus 10%, and dealing Break DMG equal to 30%—54% of Ruan Mei's Ice Break DMG.
Enemy targets cannot have Thanatoplum Rebloom re-applied to them until they recover from Weakness Break.
Ultimate Support
Ruan Mei Ruan Mei After using the Technique, gains Silken Serenade. At the start of the next battle, automatically triggers the Skill for 1 time(s) without consuming Skill Points.
In Simulated Universe or Divergent Universe, when Ruan Mei has Silken Serenade, the team actively attacking enemies will always be regarded as attacking their Weakness to enter battle, and this attack can reduce all enemies' Toughness regardless of Weakness types. When breaking Weakness, triggers Weakness Break Effect corresponding to the attacker's Type. For every Blessing in possession (up to a max of 20 Blessings will be taken into account), additionally increases the Toughness Reduction of this attack by 100%. After breaking an enemy target's Weakness, additionally deals to the enemy target Break DMG equal to 100% of Ruan Mei's Ice Break DMG.
Technique Enhance
Ruan Mei Ruan Mei Increases SPD by 8%—10.4% for the team (excluding this character). When allies Break an enemy target's Weakness, Ruan Mei deals to this enemy target Break DMG equal to 60%—132% of her Ice Break DMG. Talent Support

Toggle Descriptions
2 abilities deal Super Break DMG:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Trailblazer (Harmony) Trailblazer (Harmony) Grants all allies the Backup Dancer effect, lasting for 3 turn(s). This duration reduces by 1 at the start of Trailblazer's every turn. Allies that have the Backup Dancer effect have their Break Effect increased by 15%—33%. And when they attack enemy targets that are in the Weakness Broken state, the Toughness Reduction of this attack will be converted into 1 instance of Super Break DMG. Ultimate Support
Fugue Fugue While Fugue is on the field, enemy targets will get additionally afflicted with "Cloudflame Luster," equal to 40% of their Max Toughness. When the initial Toughness is reduced to 0, "Cloudflame Luster" can further be reduced. When "Cloudflame Luster" is reduced to 0, the enemy will receive Weakness Break DMG again.
While Fugue is on the field and after allies attack Weakness Broken enemy targets, converts the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 50%—110% Super Break DMG.
Talent Impair

Toggle Descriptions
3 abilities increase Break DMG Vulnerability of enemies:

Character Name Description Type Tag
Lingsha Lingsha Inflicts "Befog" on all enemies. While in "Befog," targets receive 15%—27% increased Break DMG, lasting for 2 turn(s).
Deals Fire DMG equal to 90%—162% of Lingsha's ATK to all enemies, and at the same time restores HP equal to 8%—12.8% of Lingsha's ATK plus 90—400.5 for all allies. Fuyuan's action advances by 100%.
Ultimate AoE
Firefly Firefly Enters the Complete Combustion state, advances this unit's Action by 100%, and gains Enhanced Basic ATK and Enhanced Skill. While in Complete Combustion, increases SPD by 30—66, and when using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases this unit's Weakness Break Efficiency by 50% and the Break DMG dealt by SAM to the enemy targets by 10%—22%, lasting until this current attack ends.
A countdown timer for the Complete Combustion state appears on the Action Order. When the countdown timer's turn starts, SAM exits the Complete Combustion state. The countdown timer has a fixed SPD of 70.
SAM cannot use Ultimate while in Complete Combustion.
Ultimate Enhance
Gallagher Gallagher The Besotted state makes targets receive 6%—13.2% more Break DMG. Every time a Besotted target gets attacked by an ally, the attacking ally's HP is restored by 80—707.2. Talent Restore

Bonus Abilities

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2 Bonus Abilities reduce enemy Toughness regardless of Weaknesses:

Character Name Description Ascension
Firefly Firefly During the Complete Combustion, attacking enemies that have no Fire Weakness can also reduce their Toughness, with the effect being equivalent to 55% of the original Toughness Reduction from abilities. 2
March 7th (The Hunt) March 7th (The Hunt) March 7th can reduce the Toughness of enemies whose Weakness Type is the same as Shifu's Combat Type. When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect. 4

Toggle Descriptions
1 Bonus Abilities increases Toughness Reduction of characters:

Character Name Description Ascension
Trailblazer (Harmony) Trailblazer (Harmony) When using Skill, additionally increases the Toughness Reduction of the first instance of DMG by 100%. 4

Toggle Descriptions
2 Bonus Abilities deal Super Break DMG:

Character Name Description Ascension
Firefly Firefly When SAM is in Complete Combustion with a Break Effect that is equal to or greater than 200%/360%, attacking a Weakness-Broken enemy target will convert the Toughness Reduction of this attack into 1 instance of 35%/50% Super Break DMG. 4
Rappa Rappa While in the "Sealform" state, after Rappa uses Enhanced Basic ATK to deal DMG to a Weakness Broken enemy target, converts the Toughness Reduction from this instance of DMG to 1 instance of 60% Super Break DMG. 4

Toggle Descriptions
1 Bonus Abilities increases Super Break DMG of characters:

Character Name Description Ascension
Trailblazer (Harmony) Trailblazer (Harmony) When the number of enemy targets on the field is 5 or more/4/3/2/1, the Super Break DMG triggered by the Backup Dancer effect increases by 20%/30%/40%/50%/60%. 2

Toggle Descriptions
1 Bonus Abilities increases Break DMG Vulnerability of enemies:

Character Name Description Ascension
Rappa Rappa When an enemy target becomes Weakness Broken, increases the Break DMG taken by 2%. If Rappa's current ATK is higher than 2400, for every 100 excess ATK, additionally increases this value by 1%, up to a max additional increase of 8%. This effect lasts for 2 turn(s). 6


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2 Eidolons reduce enemy Toughness regardless of Weaknesses:

Character Name Description Level
Xueyi Xueyi Talent's follow-up attack reduces enemy Toughness regardless of Weakness types. At the same time, restores Xueyi's HP by an amount equal to 5% of her Max HP. When breaking Weakness, triggers the Quantum Break Effect. 2
Acheron Acheron Increases the All-Type RES PEN for the Ultimate DMG dealt by Acheron by 20%. The DMG dealt by Basic ATK and Skill will also be considered as Ultimate DMG and can reduce enemy toughness regardless of Weakness Types. When Weakness is broken, triggers the Lightning Weakness Break effect. 6

Toggle Descriptions
2 Eidolons increase Toughness Reduction of characters:

Character Name Description Level
Rappa Rappa The Enhanced Basic ATK's first 2 hits have their Toughness Reduction against the one designated enemy increased by 50%. 2
Feixiao Feixiao The follow-up attack from Talent has its Toughness Reduction increased by 100%, and when it launches, increases this unit's SPD by 8%, lasting for 2 turn(s). 4

Toggle Descriptions
5 Eidolons increase Weakness Break Efficiency of characters:

Character Name Description Level
Lingsha Lingsha Lingsha's Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 50%. When an enemy unit's Weakness is Broken, reduces their DEF by 20%. 1
Fugue Fugue Ally target with "Foxian Prayer" increases their Weakness Break Efficiency by 50%. 1
Gallagher Gallagher Increases Gallagher's Break Effect by 20% and Weakness Break Efficiency by 20%. 6
Fugue Fugue Increases Fugue's Weakness Break Efficiency by 50%. While Fugue is in the "Torrid Scorch" state, "Foxian Prayer" takes effect on all allies. 6
Firefly Firefly While in Complete Combustion, increases SAM's Fire RES PEN by 20%. When using the Enhanced Basic ATK or Enhanced Skill, increases Weakness Break Efficiency by 50%. 6

Toggle Descriptions
1 Eidolon deals Break DMG:

Character Name Description Level
Boothill Boothill When triggering the Talent's Break DMG, additionally deals Break DMG to the target equal to 40% of the original DMG multiplier and additionally deals Break DMG to adjacent targets equal to 70% of the original DMG multiplier. 6

Toggle Descriptions
1 Eidolon increases Break DMG of characters:

Character Name Description Level
Fugue Fugue Ally target with "Foxian Prayer" increases their Break DMG dealt by 20%. 4

Relic Sets

Toggle Set Bonuses
1 Relic Sets affects Break DMG:

Icon Set Pieces Bonuses
Item Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge Iron Cavalry's Homing HelmIron Cavalry's Crushing WristguardIron Cavalry's Silvery ArmorIron Cavalry's Skywalk Greaves 2 Piece: Increases Break Effect by 16%.
4 Piece: If the wearer's Break Effect is 150% or higher, the Break DMG dealt to the enemy target ignores 10% of their DEF. If the wearer's Break Effect is 250% or higher, the Super Break DMG dealt to the enemy target additionally ignores 15% of their DEF.

Light Cones

Toggle Columns:
2 Light Cones increase Break DMG vulnerability of enemies:

Icon & Name Rarity Path Stats Passive
Light Cone Long Road Leads Home
Long Road Leads Home
5 Stars Icon Path Nihility Medium Nihility HP: 43~952
ATK: 21~476
DEF: 30~661
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 60~100%. When an enemy target's Weakness gets broken, there is a 100% base chance to inflict the "Charring" state on it, which increases its Break DMG taken by 18~30%, lasting for 2 turn(s). This effect can stack 2 time(s).
Light Cone Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest
Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest
5 Stars Icon Path Destruction Medium Destruction HP: 52~1,164
ATK: 21~476
DEF: 24~529
Increases the wearer's Break Effect by 60~100%. When the wearer deals Break DMG to an enemy target, inflicts Routed on the enemy, lasting for 2 turn(s). Targets afflicted with Routed receive 24.0~40.0% increased Break DMG from the wearer, and their SPD is lowered by 20%. Effects of the same type cannot be stacked.


28 Enemies can become immune to Toughness reduction:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
"Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus "Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War Imaginary FireLightningImaginary
Abundant Ebon Deer Abundant Ebon Deer Icon Boss Enemy Boss LightningWind FireIceQuantum
Abundant Ebon Deer (Complete) Abundant Ebon Deer (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss LightningWind FireIceQuantum
Abundant Ebon Deer (Illusion) Abundant Ebon Deer (Illusion) Icon Boss Enemy Boss LightningWind FireIceQuantum
Aurumaton Gatekeeper Aurumaton Gatekeeper Icon Elite Enemy Elite Imaginary LightningWindQuantum
Aurumaton Gatekeeper (Bug) Aurumaton Gatekeeper (Bug) Icon Elite Enemy Elite Imaginary LightningWindQuantum
Bronya (Boss) Bronya Icon Boss Enemy Boss Wind PhysicalFireImaginary
Bronya (Illusion) Bronya (Illusion) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Wind PhysicalFireImaginary
Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing Icon Boss Enemy Boss Ice LightningWindImaginary
Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing (Complete) Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Ice LightningWindImaginary
Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing (Illusion) Cloud Knight Lieutenant: Yanqing (Illusion) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Ice LightningWindQuantumImaginary
Cocolia, Mother of Deception Cocolia, Mother of Deception Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War IceImaginary FireLightningQuantum
Cocolia, Mother of Deception (Illusion) Cocolia, Mother of Deception (Illusion) Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War IceImaginary FireLightningQuantum
Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla Icon Elite Enemy Elite Ice PhysicalFireImaginary
Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla (Bug) Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla (Bug) Icon Elite Enemy Elite Ice PhysicalFireImaginary
Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla (Projection) Dreamjolt Troupe's Sweet Gorilla (Projection) Icon Elite Enemy Elite Ice PhysicalFireImaginary
Memory Zone Meme "Something Unto Death" (Complete) Memory Zone Meme "Something Unto Death" (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Physical FireWindImaginary
Sequence Trotter Sequence Trotter Normal PhysicalQuantumImaginary
Stellaron Hunter: Sam Stellaron Hunter: Sam Icon Boss Enemy Boss Fire LightningQuantumImaginary
Stellaron Hunter: Sam (Complete) Stellaron Hunter: Sam (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Fire LightningQuantumImaginary
The Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury The Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury Icon Boss Enemy Boss Imaginary
Trot Deuce Trot Deuce Normal LightningWindQuantum
Trot Prime Trot Prime Normal IceQuantumImaginary
Trot Tri Trot Tri Normal PhysicalFireIce
Trotter of Abundance Trotter of Abundance Normal PhysicalLightningQuantum
Trotter of Destruction Trotter of Destruction Normal Fire IceWindQuantum
Trotter of Preservation Trotter of Preservation Normal FireIceImaginary
Warp Trotter Warp Trotter Normal PhysicalQuantumImaginary

9 Enemies can restore the Toughness of other Enemies:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
"Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus "Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War Imaginary FireLightningImaginary
Memory Zone Meme "Insatiable Vanity" Memory Zone Meme "Insatiable Vanity" Normal PhysicalFire
Shadow of "Feixiao" Shadow of "Feixiao" Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War Wind PhysicalFireQuantum
Swarm: True Sting Swarm: True Sting Icon Boss Enemy Boss Wind IceQuantumImaginary
Swarm: True Sting (Complete) Swarm: True Sting (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Wind IceQuantumImaginary
The Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury The Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury Icon Boss Enemy Boss Imaginary
The Past, Present, and Eternal Show The Past, Present, and Eternal Show Icon Boss Enemy Boss PhysicalLightningWindImaginary
The Past, Present, and Eternal Show (Complete) The Past, Present, and Eternal Show (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss PhysicalLightningWindImaginary
Wonder Forest's Banacademic Office Staff Wonder Forest's Banacademic Office Staff Icon Boss Enemy Boss FireQuantum FireIceLightningImaginary

13 Enemies can reduce the Toughness of other Enemies:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
"Speartip" "Speartip" Normal Physical PhysicalFire
Automaton Spider Automaton Spider Normal PhysicalFire LightningWind
Borisin Warhead: Hoolay Borisin Warhead: Hoolay Icon Boss Enemy Boss Lightning PhysicalFireWind
Borisin Warhead: Hoolay (Complete) Borisin Warhead: Hoolay (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Lightning PhysicalFireWind
Dreamjolt Troupe's Bubble Hound Dreamjolt Troupe's Bubble Hound Normal Physical PhysicalLightningWind
Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish Normal Fire PhysicalLightningImaginary
Flying Sword (Illusion) Flying Sword (Illusion) Normal Ice LightningWindQuantumImaginary
Gnaw Sting Gnaw Sting Normal Quantum PhysicalIce
Juvenile Sting Juvenile Sting Normal Wind QuantumImaginary
Lesser Sting Lesser Sting Normal Wind PhysicalFireImaginary
Starcrusher Swarm King: Skaracabaz (Synthetic) Starcrusher Swarm King: Skaracabaz (Synthetic) Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War Quantum PhysicalIceImaginary
Swarm: True Sting Swarm: True Sting Icon Boss Enemy Boss Wind IceQuantumImaginary
Swarm: True Sting (Complete) Swarm: True Sting (Complete) Icon Boss Enemy Boss Wind IceQuantumImaginary

4 Enemies can increase Toughness Vulnerability of an Enemy:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
Nebula Devourer Nebula Devourer Normal Wind FireWindQuantum
Planeshred Claws Planeshred Claws Normal Wind FireWind
Shadow of "Feixiao" Shadow of "Feixiao" Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War Wind PhysicalFireQuantum
Worldpurge Tail Worldpurge Tail Normal Wind PhysicalQuantum

3 Enemies can implant Weaknesses to an Enemy:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
Flying Sword (Illusion) Flying Sword (Illusion) Normal Ice LightningWindQuantumImaginary
Lordly Trashcan Lordly Trashcan Normal Physical
Memory Zone Meme "Insatiable Vanity" Memory Zone Meme "Insatiable Vanity" Normal PhysicalFire

1 Enemy has multiple Toughness bars:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
"Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus "Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus Icon Echo of War Enemy Echo of War Imaginary FireLightningImaginary

1 Enemy can increase Break DMG Vulnerability of an Enemy:

Enemy Tier Damage Weakness
Memory Zone Meme "Insatiable Vanity" Memory Zone Meme "Insatiable Vanity" Normal PhysicalFire


There are 24 Achievements related to Toughness:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Break Till Broken Eager for Battle Inflict Weakness Break 4 time(s) upon the same enemy in a single battle No 1.0 5
Electric Dreams Eager for Battle Defeat 3 enemies with Lightning Break DMG in a single battle No 1.0 5
Fahrenheit 451 Eager for Battle Defeat 3 enemies with Fire Break DMG in a single battle No 1.0 5
Sunstorm Eager for Battle Defeat 3 enemies with Wind Break DMG in a single battle No 1.0 5
The Demolished Man Eager for Battle Defeat 3 enemies with Physical Break DMG in a single battle No 1.0 5
Lightning Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Defeat 20 enemies with Lightning Break DMG No 1.0 5
Lightning Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Defeat 60 enemies with Lightning Break DMG No 1.0 5
Fire Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Defeat 20 enemies with Fire Break DMG No 1.0 5
Fire Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Defeat 60 enemies with Fire Break DMG No 1.0 5
Wind Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Defeat 20 enemies with Wind Break DMG No 1.0 5
Wind Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Defeat 60 enemies with Wind Break DMG No 1.0 5
Physical Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Defeat 20 enemies with Physical Break DMG No 1.0 5
Physical Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Defeat 60 enemies with Physical Break DMG No 1.0 5
Schrödinger's Other Cat Eager for Battle Inflict 5 Quantum Weakness Breaks in a single battle No 1.0 5
The Cold Equations Eager for Battle Inflict 5 Ice Weakness Breaks in a single battle No 1.0 5
Unimaginably Imaginary Eager for Battle Inflict 5 Imaginary Weakness Breaks in a single battle No 1.0 5
Quantum Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Inflict Quantum Weakness Break 100 time(s) No 1.0 5
Quantum Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Inflict Quantum Weakness Break 300 time(s) No 1.0 5
Ice Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Inflict Ice Weakness Break 100 time(s) No 1.0 5
Ice Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Inflict Ice Weakness Break 300 time(s) No 1.0 5
Imaginary Breaker (I) Eager for Battle Inflict Imaginary Weakness Break 100 time(s) No 1.0 5
Imaginary Breaker (II) Eager for Battle Inflict Imaginary Weakness Break 300 time(s) No 1.0 5
Add Insult to Injury Eager for Battle Deal a total of 20,000 DMG to enemies inflicted with Weakness Break in a single battle No 1.0 5
Serial Breaker Eager for Battle Inflict Weakness Break to 4 enemies in a single action No 1.0 5

Other Languages


LanguageOfficial Name
VietnameseSức Bền

Weakness Break

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishWeakness Break
Korean약점 격파
SpanishRuptura de Debilidad
FrenchRupture de faiblesse
RussianПробитой уязвимостью
VietnamesePhá Vỡ Điểm Yếu
IndonesianWeakness Break
PortugueseQuebra de Fraqueza

Break DMG

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBreak DMG
Korean격파 피해
SpanishDaño de Ruptura
FrenchDGT de rupture
RussianУрон пробития
ThaiDMG ทำลายล้าง
VietnameseSát Thương Phá Vỡ
IndonesianBreak DMG
PortugueseDano de Quebra

Super Break DMG

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSuper Break DMG
Korean슈퍼 격파 피해
SpanishDaño de Ultrarruptura
FrenchDGT de rupture extrême
RussianУрон суперпробития
ThaiDMG สุดยอดทำลายล้าง
VietnameseSiêu Sát Thương Phá Vỡ
IndonesianSuper Break DMG
PortugueseSuper Dano de Quebra

Change History

Version 2.7

  • The Weakness Break Efficiency cap increased from 200% to 300%.

Version 2.6

  • Added Exo-Toughness mechanic.

Version 2.3

  • Added in-game Toughness Reduction value display.

Version 2.2

  • Added Multi-Layered Toughness mechanic.
  • Added Super Break DMG mechanic.

Version 1.1

  • Toughness depletion animation was updated.
    • Old: Depleted Toughness was red.
    • New: Depleted Toughness is orange.

Version 1.0

  • Toughness was released.

