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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

To Rot or to Burn is the twelfth part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter In the Withering Wintry Night.


  1. Find the guide arranged by Wildfire
  2. Open the gate to Svarog's base
  3. Collect Level 1 Certification
  4. Collect Level 2 Certification
  5. Collect Level 3 Certification
  6. Open the gate to Svarog's base
  7. Open the second gate to Svarog's base
  8. Go to the storage room and find Clara
  9. Go to the Tempering Workshop and find Clara
  10. Catch up with Clara
  11. Find Clara in the area
  12. Help Clara fix the energy supply device
  13. Enter Svarog's base with Clara's help
  14. Face Svarog
  15. Learn about the truth
  16. Talk to Natasha

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The correct answers for step 3 and step 4 respectively are "88 Degrees Bedrock" and "Logic control hub".
  • The first part of the battle with Svarog will end when his HP is reduced to 70%. At this point, all ally Ultimates will be disabled and Svarog will use the move Shrewd Bombing before the battle ends.
    • The second part of the battle begins with Svarog at 80% HP and allies gaining the "Wildfire Reinforcements" buff that reduces DMG taken. The battle ends as normal when Svarog is defeated.


Find the guide arranged by Wildfire[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

It seems Wildfire has finally sided with the Nameless due to March 7th and Dan Heng's mediation.
Now, your goals are crystal clear: Do your best in diplomacy with Svarog and if all fails, Wildfire will be ready for battle.
To reach your goals, Oleg has arranged a guide for the crew. You probably already know who the guide is going to be...
However, the person waiting for you at the designated location doesn't seem to be the dark blue silhouette that you were expecting. Instead, it's some sort of black chaos avatar...
(Talk to Hook)
Seele: ...Hook? You...
March 7th: This I really wasn't expecting...
Dan Heng: So, The Moles are a part of Wildfire...
Hook: Th—That's right! It's me, Pitch-Dark Hook the Great! What do you want?
Sampo: Uh, kiddo, I think there's been a misunderstanding...
Sampo: I will be your guide, friends. By order of Chief Oleg...
Sampo: I gotta say I'm a little upset at the thought of you choosing a toddler over your old buddy Sampo...
Seele: Alright, alright, don't get started. But I wanna ask you something: Everyone in Wildfire knows the location of Svarog's lair. Why do we need you as a guide?
Sampo: *sigh* My specialties in the field, perhaps? Wildfire may know where the base is, but have they ever been inside?
Seele: You've been inside?
Sampo: ...No. But I've felt my way around the outside and picked up more than a few clues. I can help you. You have my word.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's hope you can walk the talk.
Sampo: Hey, what are you trying to say!? Name me someone above or below ground that walks the talk like Sampo Koski.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oleg put his trust in you...?
Sampo: Hey, what are you trying to say!? You guys wouldn't have even gotten to know Wildfire without my help, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Clues for your own shady dealings, no doubt.
Sampo: Hey! That's not nice! Wildfire made a request and I got on with the job.
Sampo: My legacy will prove that Sampo Koski was nothing but a willing and devoted servant of—
March 7th: Ugh, enough! Jeez! We believe you, okay? Show us the way already.
Sampo: Great! Stay close.

Open the gate to Svarog's base[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Unfortunately, the old friend with the dark blue hair is still your guide this time...
To be honest, you would feel more at ease if Pitch-Dark Hook the Great was your guide...
But you don't have a choice now... Looks like you'll just have to go with it and follow Sampo to Svarog's base.
(After teleporting to the Robot Settlement)
March 7th: Sampo... Are we there yet?
Sampo: Do you have to ask every other minute, missy? Two more steps, just two more steps and you're there.
(Enter the settlement)
March 7th: This is Svarog's lair? I thought it'd be cold and lifeless, turns out it's pretty busy!
Seele: Many vagrants are staying here temporarily. Their homes were overrun by monsters.
March 7th: Isn't it dangerous for them to make camp right under Svarog's metal nose?
Seele: No. Svarog may be ruthless, but he never attacks without reason. For those with no home, this is actually a safe place to be.
Seele: Hm... If I hadn't moved away when I did, I'd probably be where they are right now.

(Listen to the first pair of vagrants near the camp, optional)
Devoted Vagrant: Did you hear? Those idiots got into a fight in the mine, haha! It only got settled after Boss Svarog showed up.
Devoted Vagrant: I've said it before — only Boss Svarog can protect us down here. Everyone should follow his lead.
Devoted Vagrant: Well, what do you think? Cat got your tongue?
Reticent Vagrant: ...Do you ever talk about anything else? I'm so tired of hearing about Svarog.
Devoted Vagrant: B—But it's true. What else is there to say? Take a look at all these good-for-nothings... They'd starve to death without him.
(Listen to the second pair of vagrants near the camp)
Vagrant Newcomer: Did you see those extra boxes of medical supplies at the depot? Who brought those over?
Experienced Vagrant: Clara, I assume? I can't think of anyone else that'd do something that generous.
Vagrant Newcomer: Who's Clara? Is she one of us?
Experienced Vagrant: Not even close! She's Svarog's trusted family.
Vagrant Newcomer: Family... of a robot?
Experienced Vagrant: Well, you'll understand when you've been here a while longer.
(Listen to the pair of vagrants down a slope near a robot, optional)
Earnest Vagrant: No, no, no! You can't insert the microcrystalline unit into the heat sink substrate like that.
Suspicious Vagrant: How do you know? Balaway from Miner's Lamp said that you need to pay attention to the interfaces when assembling relics.
Suspicious Vagrant: To make this thing move again, we need to connect the microcrystalline unit to the operating brake module. Otherwise, it's just a pile of scrap metal.
Earnest Vagrant: If you believe a word that senile idiot Balaway says, you're done for. The last time he acted on his own advice, he electrocuted himself.
Earnest Vagrant: You should be asking people with real smarts. No one is better at fixing machines than Marev.
Earnest Vagrant: I saw him connecting a microcrystalline conductor unit to a logic control hub to get a vibrating drill to work.
Suspicious Vagrant: Haha, Marev!? Him and his brother wouldn't know a real relic if it hit 'em in the face. Last I heard, he got scammed by someone selling counterfeit junk.
Earnest Vagrant: Ahh, you're just salty, my friend!
(Listen to Eunice and the other vagrant near some crates, optional)
Vagrant Rapper: Yo, yo, listen up. This one's for all you pretend rappers...
Vagrant Rapper: Internal Combustion Engine champion — 88 Degrees Bedrock — reppin' the dawn of the Underworld rap. Here's something to wake up your soul, check it...
Vagrant Rapper: (The vagrant is spitting fire rhymes...)
(Listen to the vagrant by the broken robot, optional)
Repairs-Duty Vagrant: Hold still. You're nearly fixed.
Grouchy Robot: My design has been superceded by newer models. My components are no longer valuable.
Repairs-Duty Vagrant: Hey! What are you talking about? I'm not interested in selling your components.
(After listening to any vagrants for the first time)
Sampo: Alas, this place is a bit of a mixed bag — plenty of... "characters." Keep your wits about you, friends. Don't let anyone deceive you.
March 7th: It's all good. We've had you for practice.
Sampo: Y'know missy, you sure know how to bear a grudge.

(Approach the gate)
March 7th: What a heavy gate... Okay, watch this!
March 7th: Opennnn sesame~!
Bronya: Is that a secret code or something?
Dan Heng: It's an imaginary password that children like to use... and I don't think it's going to be of much use.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What about these clues of yours?
Sampo: I was just about to get into those, before Miss March's colorful attempt.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Help us pry the gate open.
Sampo: Whoa, whoa! Pry it open? In front of all these vagrants and robots? They have eyes, you know.
Sampo: Luckily for us, I've already figured out the mechanism for this gate. They don't just let any Joe Shmoe in and out of Boss Svarog's territory. I mean, if you wanna see the big cheese himself, you need "certification."
Seele: Certification?
Sampo: Correct, only prospectorsSvarog's Scavengers with the right certification can get in or out. These prospectors collect mechanical remnants from all over the underground, and then bring them to Svarog for him to repair.
Sampo: Honestly, it's a very profitable little venture. If only I'd beaten him to it... Hehe, they'd be calling me Sampo "Boss-ki" by now...
Seele: ...Time out. Where do we get this "certification"?
Sampo: That's simple. You see the robots over by the vagrants? They're all Svarog's scouts — every one of them is commanded to maintain order here.
Sampo: Apart from them keeping a watchful eye on these hooligans, another one of their duties is "processing." Anyone who wants to become a prospectorSvarog's Scavengers has to pass a test from these walkin' stoplights first.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's the test?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Spelling test or combat test?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do they give you a gachapon for the test?
Sampo: Not a clue, I never had the urge to go on a Svarog suicide mission before. You guys are the ones that want in, why not go and ask the robots?

(Immediately after the conversation)
Bronya: It feels like the people here are all under the supervision of robots...
Bronya: This would be unthinkable on the surface. Robots are merely tools in the Overworld.
Seele: Don't take Svarog as an ordinary robot. He's, uh... special.

Collect Level 1 Certification[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

As promised, Sampo leads you to the gate of Svarog's base. He then leaves you with a cliffhanger: In order to open this gate, you'll have to collect certifications from the certification robot.
If he could just tell you everything at once, you wouldn't have to waste time running in circles — this is the reason why you dread working with Sampo... One of the reasons at least.
But there's no choice now... Looks like you'll just have to go with it and follow Sampo to collect the certifications.
(Approach Certification Robot)
Seele: This has to be one of them, right?
March 7th: It looks so... lame.
Seele: Is it even awake in there? Maybe it's broken down.
Certification Robot: Beep... Boop...
Seele: Ah! That scared me.
Certification Robot: Protocol initiating... Scanning... Verifying.
Certification Robot: Certification failure... Subject has yet to obtain access permissions. Launching processing.
March 7th: Huh? Are we starting now!?
Certification Robot: Launching stage one processing. Please listen to the following question...
Certification Robot: Who is the reigning champion of the Internal Combustion Engine Rap Tournament?
March 7th: Infernal construction what now? How would we know anything about that!
Dan Heng: Sampo, do you know the answer?
Sampo: Sampo Koski always knows the... Wait, what did it say again?
March 7th: Ugh, aren't you supposed to be dependable?
Sampo: Well, I don't know everything. *sigh* Sometimes you've gotta ask around if you wanna know the answer. Don't panic... Let's listen in to what these vagrants are talking about, we might just hit the jackpot.
Certification Robot: Please answer the following question: Who is the reigning champion of the Internal Combustion Engine Rap Tournament?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dr. Dig
Certification Robot: Incorrect answer. Certification result: Failure.
Sampo: ...Uh, y'know friends, if you don't know the answer, you don't have to pretend you do. No one's gonna laugh at you.
Certification Robot: Reassessing... Subject threat index: High. Initializing combat module. Threat elimination activated.
March 7th: Combat module? This thing's faulty, right...?
Seele: Wishful thinking, it's about to attack!
(Enter battle against Automaton Beetle Automaton Beetle ×2)
Icon Dialogue Arrow 88 Degrees Bedrock
Certification Robot: Correct answer.
(If the player did not exit to listen in on some conversations)
March 7th: Whoa! Was that a lucky guess? *gasp* Did you go to a music festival without us?
Certification Robot: Certification result: Success. Requisite certifications remaining: Two.
Certification Robot: Please extend your right hand.
March 7th: My right hand? Here you go. Why is this part of the— Hey, hey! Ow, ow, ow!
March 7th: ...So this is the certification mark?
Sampo: Great, only two more steps to go. Let's move.
(Obtain Robot Settlement Level 1 Certification Robot Settlement Level 1 Certification ×1)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Relic Gang
Certification Robot: Incorrect answer. Certification result: Failure.
Sampo: ...Uh, y'know friends, if you don't know the answer, you don't have to pretend you do. No one's gonna laugh at you.
Certification Robot: Reassessing... Subject threat index: High. Initializing combat module. Threat elimination activated.
March 7th: Combat module? This thing's faulty, right...?
Seele: Wishful thinking, it's about to attack!
Icon Dialogue Exit Let's listen in on some conversations...

(After battle, if answered incorrectly)
March 7th: Phew...That was scary, it just suddenly attacked!
Dan Heng: This button says "system reset." Let's give it a try.
Certification Robot: ...System reset... successful. Certification sequence... online.
Certification Robot: Please extend your right hand.
March 7th: My right hand? Here you go. Why is this part of the— Hey, hey! Ow, ow, ow!
March 7th: ...So this is the certification mark?
Sampo: Great, only two more steps to go. Let's move.
(Obtain Robot Settlement Level 1 Certification Robot Settlement Level 1 Certification ×1)

Collect Level 2 Certification[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

As promised, Sampo leads you to the gate of Svarog's base. He then leaves you with a cliffhanger: In order to open this gate, you'll have to collect certifications from the certification robot.
If he could just tell you everything at once, you wouldn't have to waste time running in circles — this is the reason why you dread working with Sampo... One of the reasons at least.
You've collected the Level 1 Certification. Hurry and collect the next level of certifications.
(Talk to Certification Robot)
Irritable Robot: Beep... Boop...
Irritable Robot: Protocol... initiating. Scanning... Ugh. I'm so sick of repeating this.
Seele: Ha? What did this bucket of bolts just say?
March 7th: Seems like this one's got a temper...
Irritable Robot: Ugh, let's get this over with. Did you get your first certification? If not then you're wasting your time.
March 7th: You mean this? Here, look.
(Submit Robot Settlement Level 1 Certification Robot Settlement Level 1 Certification ×1)
Irritable Robot: Yeah, yeah, whatever... Here comes your question, listen up.
Irritable Robot: Riddle me this: A microcrystalline unit should be connected to which component?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Heat sink substrate.
Irritable Robot: Wrong! Congratulations.
Irritable Robot: Simple question, terrible answer. It's back to school for you!
March 7th: ...(Trailblazer), can I smash this can opener already!?
Irritable Robot: Huh!? You wanna go? You caught me in a bad mood, let's do this!
Seele: If we turn you into scrap metal, we still get our certification, right? Suits me!
(Enter battle against Automaton Beetle Automaton Beetle ×2, Automaton Spider Automaton Spider ×1)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Operating brake module.
Irritable Robot: Wrong! Congratulations.
Irritable Robot: Simple question, terrible answer. It's back to school for you!
March 7th: ...(Trailblazer), can I smash this can opener already!?
Irritable Robot: Huh!? You wanna go? You caught me in a bad mood, let's do this!
Seele: If we turn you into scrap metal, we still get our certification, right? Suits me!
(Enter battle against Automaton Beetle Automaton Beetle ×2, Automaton Spider Automaton Spider ×1)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Logic control hub.
Irritable Robot: Huh? Lucky guess.
Irritable Robot: Ugh! Now I have to do this again. Put your hand out.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Put hand out)
Irritable Robot: What are you doing? I meant her, give me your hand!
Icon Dialogue Arrow March, put your hand out.
March 7th: Huh? Me again? It hurts, y'know!
March 7th: ...Ah! Owwww...
Irritable Robot: There, one step left. Now get outta here and leave me in peace...
(Obtain Robot Settlement Level 2 Certification Robot Settlement Level 2 Certification ×1)
Icon Dialogue Exit Let's listen in on some conversations...
Irritable Robot: You don't know the answer? That's lame. It's back to school for you!

(After battle, if answered incorrectly)
Irritable Robot: ...Wait, have mercy! I'm sorry! One certification, coming right up!
March 7th: Hehe, now we're talkin'!
Irritable Robot: Okay, please extend your right hand...
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Put hand out)
Irritable Robot: Not you, the girl over there!
March 7th: Huh? Me again? It hurts, y'know!
Icon Dialogue Arrow March, put your hand out.
March 7th: Huh? Me again? It hurts, y'know!
March 7th: ...Ah! Owwww!
Irritable Robot: There you are, only one more to go. Now, please leave me in peace...
(Obtain Robot Settlement Level 2 Certification Robot Settlement Level 2 Certification ×1)

Collect Level 3 Certification[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

As promised, Sampo leads you to the gate of Svarog's base. He then leaves you with a cliffhanger: In order to open this gate, you'll have to collect certifications from the certification robot.
If he could just tell you everything at once, you wouldn't have to waste time running in circles — this is the reason why you dread working with Sampo... One of the reasons at least.
You've collected the Level 2 Certification, just one more level until the gate opens. Keep it up!
(Talk to Certification Robot)
Malfunctioning Robot: Beep... Boop...
Dan Heng: Whatever the case, we'll need it to identify our certifications.
Seele: There's something wrong with this one...
(Submit Robot Settlement Level 2 Certification Robot Settlement Level 2 Certification ×1)
Malfunctioning Robot: Protocol... Inish-nish-nish-nish-nish...
Malfunctioning Robot: Initialization failure. Attempting system restorashhhh...
Bronya: Not encouraging...
Malfunctioning Robot: System restoration failure. Core module damaged. External threat detected.
Malfunctioning Robot: Threat elimination activated. Initializing combat module.
Seele: Ha! Finally, no more racking our brains. This rust bucket's about to meet its maker!
(Enter battle against Automaton Beetle Automaton Beetle ×2, Automaton Hound Automaton Hound ×1)

(After battle)
Seele: Ha! Learned how to behave now?
Dan Heng: Let me try and reset its system...
Malfunctioning Robot: ...Certification system online. Please extend your right hand.
March 7th: *sigh* ...Why is it always me...
March 7th: Aaaah!!! How come it hurt even more than the other two!? Hmph, at least that's the final step...
March 7th: We can get in now, right? Hehe, Svarog's certification system is no match for us!
Seele: This better work. Let's get back to the gate and give it a go.
(Obtain Robot Settlement Level 3 Certification Robot Settlement Level 3 Certification ×1)

Open the gate to Svarog's base[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

As promised, Sampo leads you to the gate of Svarog's base. He then leaves you with a cliffhanger: In order to open this gate, you'll have to collect certifications from the certification robot.
If he could just tell you everything at once, you wouldn't have to waste time running in circles — this is the reason why you dread working with Sampo... One of the reasons at least.
You've collected all three levels of certifications. It's time to open the gate and meet Svarog.
(Interact with controller and submit Robot Settlement Level 3 Certification Robot Settlement Level 3 Certification ×1)
March 7th: Opennnn sesame~!
Sampo: See? Not so bad having Sampo on the team after all, right? Chief Oleg knew all along that I—
March 7th: Yeah, yeah, thank you very much.
Seele: I'll commend you to the chief. No need to waste your time.
Sampo: Alright, well let me issue a warning now: Everything from here on out is uncharted territory — we must proceed with the utmost caution...
March 7th: Now to set the record straight with Svarog. Let's get in there!
Sampo: ...Ugh! Did anyone hear what I just said?

Open the second gate to Svarog's base[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

After tedious labor, you've finally completed the certifications the gate requires. But little did you know, there are even more gates after the one you just opened. This infuriated you. The thought of directly climbing over the gate crossed your mind...
However, a Nameless can't just jump without discretion, it'd be inelegant of you.
Looks like you'll have to see if the elevator over there is still working or ask what the robot by the door thinks of this.
(While walking towards the second gate)
Seele: A gate...
Seele: Ugh... Why is there another gate here!?

(Approach the gate)
Bronya: It looks like this gate has a more complicated structure than the last one...
Seele: Sampo, what is this?
Seele: ...Sampo? Where is he?
March 7th: Ugh! Where did he run off to — he was just here a second ago!
Dan Heng: ...This isn't the first time.
Seele: It's that same type of robot again! Please don't tell me there's another round of "processing."
Wandering Robot: Visitors for Svarog detected.
Wandering Robot: Protocol initiating... Scanning... Verifying.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who's a good boy? Here's our certification, we just wanna see your master.
March 7th: Ooh, good plan! Treat the robots like guard dogs!
March 7th: ...How is that gonna improve our chances?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Careful, this one might have a few tricks up its sleeve.
Seele: Are we gonna smash this one too? Count me in.
Wandering Robot: Certification failure... Subject has yet to obtain access permissions.
Wandering Robot: Request rejected. Visitors must acquire access permissions from Miss Clara.
March 7th: Clara? Oh, the girl we saw in the Great Mine?
March 7th: We need to get permissions from her? What's she got to do with this?
Icon Dialogue Arrow She's Svarog's family.
Icon Dialogue Arrow She's Svarog's owner.
Bronya: She's his "family..." Did you really forget?
March 7th: Family... Huh, weird.
Dan Heng: Don't trouble yourself about it. We need to find her.
Dan Heng: ...I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a try: Where is Clara right now?
Wandering Robot: Obtaining audio data, please wait...
Wandering Robot: The energy core's bearing component is broken... If we don't repair it soon, the settlement will be pitch-black.
Wandering Robot: Timmy, I'm going back to Rivet Town — maybe I can recover some usable components. You need to guard the gate while I'm gone.
Wandering Robot: Recording recovery complete. Resuming execution of Clara's commands.
Seele: She went back? But we were just there. *sigh* Sounds like we better head over again.
March 7th: Wait, you guys went sightseeing in another town?
Seele: ...It wasn't as fun as you think.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That town has danger lurking in every corner.
Bronya: Indeed. And that little girl heading into the Fragmentum all by herself... It doesn't bear thinking about.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We should go and find Clara.
Bronya: That little girl heading into the Fragmentum all by herself... It doesn't bear thinking about.
Bronya: Her strength belies her appearance, but even so...
Seele: You don't look so tough yourself. Well, let's find her. Svarog's not going anywhere.

Go to the storage room and find Clara[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Only Clara, who has returned to Rivet Town to collect materials, has the authorization to open the second gate.
Being there not long ago, you are well aware of how vicious of a place Rivet Town is. You wouldn't allow such a little girl to be exploring Rivet Town alone, even if she has a robot guardian by her side...
It's time to prove that you're truly a member of Clara's family — head to Rivet Town!
(After teleporting to Rivet Town)
March 7th: This is a big town. Where should we start?
Seele: Clara said she was going to find components, right? Let's start with Nat's storage room.

(Reach the storage room and investigate the damaged robot)
Bronya: Isn't this the robot that was following Clara around?
Seele: ...These can openers all look the same. How can you tell them apart?
Bronya: Shh, it's about to say something. Listen...
Perkins: Initializing self-repair module... Initialization failure...
Perkins: Clara... in danger...
Perkins: Must... protect...
Seele: In danger? What do you mean?
Perkins: Workshop... target... must be eliminated...
Bronya: Does it mean that a monster appeared over at the workshop? Clara, she...
Seele: Not good. She's in danger! Quick. Let's head over to the workshop and check it out. I know the way.

Go to the Tempering Workshop and find Clara[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Only Clara, who has returned to Rivet Town to collect materials, has the authorization to open the second gate.
Being there not long ago, you are well aware of how vicious of a place Rivet Town is. Here, you already discovered Clara's robot guardian to be heavily damaged and learned that Clara is trapped in the Tempering Workshop all by herself...
Clara is in danger — hurry over to the workshop and protect Clara!
(Approach the workshop)
Seele: Just as we feared, there's something big over there! And there's Clara — we have to save her!
Bronya: Let's go. No need to fear. We have the numerical advantage.
(Enter battle against Blaze Out of Space Blaze Out of Space ×1)

(After battle)
Seele: Are you okay, Clara? Are you hurt?
Clara: Th—Thanks, everyone. I'm fine. Just a few scratches.
Seele: You shouldn't be running around by yourself. It's too dangerous. What are you looking for here?
Clara: There's a fault with one of the energy supply units at the base. If I don't repair it soon, everyone at the settlement will be affected.
Clara: I knew there was a workshop in this town, so I wanted to try my luck here. I found all the components I need, but then I ran into a monster...
Clara: You guys saved me — I'll tell Mr. Svarog about it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Speaking of Svarog...
Seele: ...We were planning on paying him a visit.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We were just about to pay him a visit.
Clara: ...Huh? What do you need to see him for? I can pass him a message...
Seele: No, this time we need to set things straight with him face to face. Can you take us to meet him?
Clara: But... Mr. Svarog doesn't like talking to others, especially Wildfire...
Seele: Don't I know it. But he's evaded communication with us for too long — this time we have to see him.
Clara: Um... I know you're working hard for the people down here, but Mr. Svarog doesn't trust human emotions. He only trusts his calculation results.
Clara: So, I can't take you to see him... If Mr. Svarog and you had a fight, someone would get hurt for sure. Maybe even bystanders...
Seele: Listen kid, you—
Bronya: Clara, you said it yourself before, right? Svarog's duty is to protect the Underworld and preserve the civilization here. We have the same wish. Why would he refuse to cooperate with us?
Clara: I know Mr. Svarog. He isn't affected by other people's wishes. He only follows logical judgments.
Clara: Terrible things are happening on this world... Mr. Svarog thinks that the Overworld will end soon.
Bronya: ...
Clara: According to his calculation results, the strength of the Underworlders won't be enough to prevent the disaster.
Clara: His plan is to keep the Underworlders away from the source of the disaster, so they can survive for longer...
Seele: ...Isn't that just putting us in a cage? It's ridiculous — what difference does it make if our death gets postponed a couple of days? How is that better than putting up a fight?
Icon Dialogue Arrow See it as returning the favor, Clara.
Clara: I'll definitely return the favor! But not like this...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We have to see him, whatever the cost.
Clara: I'm sorry... I really can't help you with this.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why don't we think of another way?
Clara: I'm always trying to convince Mr. Svarog. Please give me more time...
Clara: Um, if you don't mind... I still have important things to do. I'll go back now.
(Clara runs away)
Seele: Clara—
Bronya: It's no use, Seele. She's made up her mind. I could tell from her expression.
Bronya: We will have to think of another way...

March 7th: That's no ordinary kid. So young and yet so... stubborn? No, intelligent?
Dan Heng: She's incisive, and determined... in sharp contrast to you, March.
March 7th: ...Did you really have to add that last part!?
Dan Heng: It looks like we'll have to get past Clara if we want to speak to Svarog.
Icon Dialogue Arrow If we can't even persuade Clara...
March 7th: ...Then good luck persuading that mass of metal.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is there any other way?
Dan Heng: If we circumvent Clara and the gate, Svarog will only identify us as intruders. He'll be even more likely to give us the cold shoulder.
March 7th: Isn't a robot shoulder cold to begin with?
Dan Heng: Clara mentioned Svarog's "calculation results" many times...
Dan Heng: The strength of the Underworlders won't be enough to prevent the disaster... Those were her exact words. For me, that's our starting point.
March 7th: So... you think Svarog's logic has a hole in it?
Dan Heng: No, his calculation is correct. At its current strength, it is highly unlikely that Wildfire would be able to resolve the problems stemming from the Stellaron. However, that calculation didn't take the present situation into account. There's a new variable yet to be added to the equation...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're the new variable.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We need him to recognize our value.
Dan Heng: ...Precisely. If we can make Svarog believe in us, we can almost certainly overturn the result of his calculation, and we'll be one step closer to peace talks.
March 7th: But, how we can get him to do that... Showing him some of our photos wouldn't cut it, right?
Dan Heng: There's always a way. But first, we have to convince Clara.
Dan Heng: I assume she must be on her way back to the robot settlement. Let's catch up with her.

Catch up with Clara[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You and your companions defeated the Fragmentum organisms and secured Clara's safety. You wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Clara into bringing you to Svarog, but she has a firmer and clearer conviction than March 7th... Your persuasion ended in failure.
However, all is not lost. You've noticed a breakthrough that could make her and Svarog talk — all you have to do now is to find Clara and revisit the conversation.
(Approach the gate leading to Svarog's base)
(Clara runs off in the distance)
March 7th: She turned that way, quick!

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You and your companions defeated the Fragmentum organisms and secured Clara's safety. You wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Clara into bringing you to Svarog, but she has a firmer and clearer conviction than March 7th... Your persuasion ended in failure.
However, all is not lost. You've noticed a breakthrough that could make her and Svarog talk — all you have to do now is to find Clara and revisit the conversation.
She seems to have taken the elevator and headed below the Furnace Core. You can still make it in time if you leave now.
(Take the elevator)

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You and your companions defeated the Fragmentum organisms and secured Clara's safety. You wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Clara into bringing you to Svarog, but she has a firmer and clearer conviction than March 7th... Your persuasion ended in failure.
However, all is not lost. You've noticed a breakthrough that could make her and Svarog talk — all you have to do now is to find Clara and revisit the conversation.
You catch a glimpse of her while in the elevator — it's time for a rabbit hunt. Go after her!
(Reach the spot where Clara was)
March 7th: Huh? Where'd she go? We just saw her go this way.
March 7th: *sigh* We'll just have to head straight and keep looking.

Find Clara in the area[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You and your companions defeated the Fragmentum organisms and secured Clara's safety. You wanted to take the opportunity to persuade Clara into bringing you to Svarog, but she has a firmer and clearer conviction than March 7th... Your persuasion ended in failure.
However, all is not lost. You've noticed a breakthrough that could make her and Svarog talk — all you have to do now is to find Clara and revisit the conversation.
Clara should be close by. Search carefully for her.
(Talk to Clara)
Clara: Hmm... why won't it...
Clara: Argh... I can't figure it out...
Clara: ...Oh, it's you. You came with me after all.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We couldn't give up that easily.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're the underground's only hope.
Clara: You keep saying that, but...
Dan Heng: Are you repairing this installation, Clara? Hit a snag?
Clara: Huh? How did you know?
Dan Heng: The dimensions and wear of these two roller components look very different from the rest of the unit. You must have only just replaced them.
Dan Heng: You replaced the damaged components, but the unit isn't starting up as normal. That's what you're trying to figure out, right?
Clara: ...Yeah. I've fixed a lot of things before, but I never had to repair one as complicated as this.
March 7th: Why isn't Svarog helping you?
Clara: I don't want to disturb him. This installation was... accidentally damaged by two of the vagrants. If Mr. Svarog finds out, they'll get in big trouble...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Was it really an accident...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You give a lot of thought to others.
Seele: ...Y'know Clara, if you're too kind, people can take advantage of you.
Dan Heng: ...
Dan Heng: I think I found the source of the problem. You replaced the rollers, but the bearing is causing a jam — there's a misalignment.
Dan Heng: (Trailblazer), March, give me a hand. We should be able to fix it between us.
March 7th: More fixing? I'm getting good at this!

Help Clara fix the energy supply device[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You find Clara sitting in front of a damaged energy supply device troubled with its repairs.
As a member of Clara's family, this is the time to give her a helping hand and use it as leverage... No, to use it as a chance for an opportunity to convince Clara.
Coincidentally, you find the energy supply device to have a similar structure to the various machines you've fixed before — it's time to display your true abilities!
(Repair the device)
Clara: Can we really fix this?
March 7th: Relax, we got this. Right, Dan Heng?
Dan Heng: ...Less asking, more helping.
(Enter Magflow Link puzzle)

Clara: Whoa! It lit up! Thanks guys!
Dan Heng: No need. We hardly lifted a finger. So, the settlement's energy supply problem is solved for the time being?
Clara: Yes. The people on the outskirts don't need to worry about heat or light now.
Clara: Umm...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're not trying to win you over.
Clara: I understand. You helped a lot of injured people in the mine, and you risked going into the town for supplies. You're good people.
Icon Dialogue Arrow On the issue of Svarog...
Clara: I know that you're good people. You helped a lot of the injured in the mine, and you risked going into the town for supplies.
Clara: If there's any other way I can help you, I'll do my best! But this...
March 7th: *sigh* How are we gonna convince her?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Remind her of the "present situation."
March 7th: The present situation is... we're here! This planet isn't doomed after all...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Point out the "variable."
March 7th: The variable is... our arrival! No outsider's set foot in the underground for over a decade...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Make something up.
March 7th: ...You might be putting a little too much faith in me, (Trailblazer).
March 7th: Clara, you're observant, right? Take a look at us. Do we look like Underworlders?
Clara: Well, uhh... you do look very different from other people.
March 7th: Right! That's because we're not from here. We've never been a factor in Svarog's calculations. And if those calculations are based solely on "the strength of the Underworlders," then the results don't apply to the present situation.
Dan Heng: When did Svarog start doing his calculations, Clara?
Clara: It was... a long time ago. The same time the Underworld was sealed off, I think...
March 7th: Circumstances have changed since then — there's a Silvermane Guard down here now! Is that part of Svarog's calculation? Not to mention, we're—
Icon Dialogue Arrow Not even from this planet!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Completely separate variables!
March 7th: ...Just tell her already! We come from a different planet!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Three people more than when we started!
March 7th: That's your big reveal? The important part is: We're from a different planet!
March 7th: There's just no way that Svarog's calculations would have included variables like us, y'know?
Clara: Different planet...?
Clara: D—Don't treat me like a child! Those are just made-up stories that grown-ups like to tell. I don't...
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're not made-up.
Icon Dialogue Arrow In other worlds, people have already conquered the heavens.
Icon Dialogue Arrow But you ARE a child...
Bronya: Hey. (Trailblazer) and March aren't lying, Clara. I believe them.
Clara: Bronya, do you really...
Bronya: I know how you feel, Clara. You want new hope for the underground, but you don't want anyone to get hurt in the process, right?
Bronya: I also have doubts... But my gut tells me that March, Dan Heng, and (Trailblazer)... They are the new hope this world has been waiting for.
Bronya: Let them meet Svarog, and let's see if his calculation result is any different. For you, for him... there's no harm in trying, right?
Clara: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow You've already seen our ability.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We will bring change to this world.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Come onnnn, what have we got to lose?
Clara: I... Okay. I'll take you to see Mr. Svarog.
March 7th: Really? Awesome!
Clara: ...Mm. I understand now.
Clara: Trying to change Mr. Svarog's mind on my own would take forever. Even if I kept trying until I was all grown up, I don't think I could do it.
Clara: And all the while, people would be getting sick, losing their homes, and fighting... just like in the mine.
Clara: I don't want that to happen. If you guys really believe that you can convince Mr. Svarog... then I need to be brave too.
Clara: Everyone, follow me.

(Immediately after the conversation)
Seele: Bronya! I didn't know you'd stick up for us like that back there — well said!
Bronya: It was nothing. I just... said what I truly felt.

Enter Svarog's base with Clara's help[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

"The members of the crew are the new variants. Our existence will topple Svarog's calcluations." And with that, you've completely convinced Clara and earned her trust, as well as awakened her courage and conviction to protect the world.
And so Clara makes the promise to bring you to Svarog.
Follow Clara back to the Robot Settlement and open the gate that leads to Svarog's base.
(Approach the gate)
Clara: ...I'm back, Timmy.
Wandering Robot: Welcome back, Miss Clara.
Clara: Timmy, open the gate please. I want to see Mr. Svarog.
Wandering Robot: Outsiders detected. Do you wish to permit access?
Clara: It's okay. They're all my guests.
Wandering Robot: Command received. Access restriction terminal unlocked.
Wandering Robot: Welcome back, Miss Clara and guests.

(Interact with the controller)
Clara: Uhh... If you can, please try not to upset Mr. Svarog...
March 7th: It's okay, Clara! We're here to reason with him.
Seele: I'll leave negotiations to you guys. They're not my strong point.
Bronya: Negotiating with robots... I can't say I've tried it before.
Dan Heng: (Trailblazer), are you ready?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's go and see Svarog.
(Door opens)
Icon Dialogue Exit Hold on a moment...

Face Svarog[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

The locked gates are now all opened. This is a path that must be traveled in order to change the destiny of the world.
Svarog is here guarding the truth of this world...
Go and face him.
(Approach Svarog)
Clara: I'm back, Mr. Svarog.
Svarog: I see that the energy supply system is back online. Thank you, Clara.
Svarog: But... why have you brought them?
Clara: Mr. Svarog... they want to talk to you about going to the surface.
Svarog: Analyzing... Analysis result: Target does not belong to Wildfire. Background: Unknown. Classification: Unknown.
Svarog: You have arrived on Clara's recommendation. I will give you an opportunity to speak.
March 7th: Hey, sounds like he's willing to communicate! Quick, (Trailblazer), time to smooth-talk him!
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're not interested in stoking conflict.
Svarog: You seek peace, understood. Nevertheless, your statement is unilateral.
Svarog: My position will be determined after assessing the result of our negotiation.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're here about the future of the underground.
Svarog: An inadequate pretext. You are not from the underground. You have no right to represent Underworld humanity.
Icon Dialogue Arrow To be, or not to be, that is the question!
Svarog: Said question lacks the necessary context to be answered.
Svarog: Proceed with your central point. Do not waste this world's valuable time.
March 7th: He cut you off completely! This guy...
Dan Heng: Stay focused. Remember, we have to make him see that we're a variable in the calculation.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're here about the Stellaron.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you know what a Stellaron is?
Icon Dialogue Arrow W—We're a variable!
March 7th: Think before opening your mouth!
(Returns to previous options)
Svarog: Stellaron...
Svarog: Searching database... Access denied. Discussing "Stellaron" with unauthorized targets: Prohibited.
Svarog: You are broaching a secret that lies at the heart of this world. A secret that should remain unknown to humanity.
Svarog: Reassessing targets... Threat index raised. I demand that you reveal your true intention.
Dan Heng: As expected... He knows of the Stellaron, but it's a restricted topic...
Seele: We've come this far. Out with it already! (Trailblazer), just be straight with him! Everything depends on it.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We must find the Stellaron, and then...
Icon Dialogue Arrow We want to bring this world's disasters to a close.
Svarog: ...
Svarog: Historical records state that humanity has already made multiple efforts to engage with the Stellaron. Without exception, these efforts have been motivated by human greed — attempts to secure the article for a selfish end.
Svarog: As instructed by the Architects: Any attempt to engage with the Stellaron will result in grave consequences. Reassessing... Target threat index critical.
March 7th: What should we do? This is going from bad to worse!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Wait, we're not like those others!
Svarog: There is no evidence to suggest you are an exception. Calculation result remains unchanged.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Your powers of calculation suck.
Svarog: Target hostility significantly exceeds base index. Calculation result remains unchanged.
Svarog: Peacekeeping protocol temporarily disengaged... Requesting extermination protocol launch.
March 7th: E—Extermination? In the literal sense?
Dan Heng: Peace talks are over — March, prepare for combat!
Clara: Mr. Svarog! Please, don't—
Svarog: Leave, Clara!
Bronya: Clara, it's dangerous here! Find somewhere to hide!
Seele: Tsk... looks like we have to take action after all.
Svarog: Prototype number 3, monitoring automaton Svarog, extermination protocol launch: Successful.
Svarog: ...Annihilation permitted!
(Enter battle against Svarog (Boss) Svarog (Boss) ×1)
(Battle ends when Svarog is reduced to 70% HP, where he will automatically use Shrewd Bombing)

(After the battle, Natasha and Sampo appear)
Natasha: Hah, how can you put up your best fight without a doctor on the battlefield?
Natasha: All of you, stay focused. I'm right behind you.
Seele: Nat? How did you...
Sampo: Guess you guys had a bad talk, huh? Luckily, Sampo's got your back!
Seele: Sampo! I knew you'd be involved somehow...
Svarog: Base breached. Armed Wildfire personnel detected. Assessing...
Svarog: All subjects are high-risk individuals. Commencing complete annihilation!
(Reenter battle against Svarog at 80% HP and allies gaining the "Wildfire Reinforcements" buff)

(After defeating Svarog, a cutscene begins)
(Natasha primes her weapon, aiming at Svarog)
Clara: Wait... Wait!
(Clara shields Svarog)
Clara: Please don't hurt Mr. Svarog!
(Cutscene ends)

Natasha: C—Clara? ...You...
Clara: Mr. Svarog can't fight anymore! Please... Please don't hurt him!
Svarog: Cla...ra...
Clara: Mr. Svarog... Don't push yourself any further. Can you tell them what you know?
Svarog: ...
Clara: Mr. Svarog, you said you were willing to make all my wishes come true, right? My biggest wish right now is for everyone to work together. Like... like family.
Clara: Recently, I learned something new... Calculation results can't always bring people happiness.
Clara: Even if the world outside the cage isn't beautiful... people still want to know what it's like.
Svarog: ...
Svarog: Assessment system reset... successful. Processing variables...
Svarog: Variable 1: Clara's request... Variable 2: Outsiders' intentions.
Svarog: ...Updated assessment result: Transference of decision-making authority to outsiders. Outsiders are granted access to Stellaron intelligence.
March 7th: So... So we did it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The cost was too great.
Dan Heng: Clara seems like the only one who can break through Svarog's cold logic. It's a good thing she was here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Thanks to Clara...
March 7th: Yeah! Without her, even if we'd defeated Svarog, there's no way he'd have given us access to the intel, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Our strength has been recognized.
March 7th: Although, if Clara hadn't been here... Svarog would never have granted us access to the intel, right? Even up until the end.
Dan Heng: I hope his memory bank really does contain data on the Stellaron.
Seele: Is this it, Nat? Us, Wildfire, the Underworld... Did... did we win?
Natasha: No, Seele.
Natasha: Our battle... their battle... it's just beginning.
Bronya: Finally... We finally made it to this point.
Seele: ...What's up, nervous?
Bronya: No, but... I do have an aching feeling in my chest.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The truth can be heartbreaking.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's up to you to make your own judgment about who's lying now.
Bronya: ...I'm ready, (Trailblazer). Reveal the truth. I'm listening.

Learn about the truth[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Svarog recognizes your value as a variant. You've been incorporated into the ice-cold logic of the humanoid weapon, changing the outcome of his calculations entirely.
Now, it has decided to pass on the truth of the planet to you.
It is completely up to you to decide how this precious information is used.
(Talk to Svarog)
Svarog: I have finished collating the Stellaron data and records. Do you wish to proceed, outsiders?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's have it.
Svarog: Requesting database materials cache. Serial number, 13175. Encryption level: Highest.
Svarog: Request approved. Transmission...
Voice of Researcher: ...This is the fruit of many years of research, Madam Guardian. The evidence is irrefutable: This so-called "Stellaron" is the source of all the destruction.
Old Guardian: The people will struggle to accept this conclusion, doctor. If we were to tell them that the almighty Alisa Rand activated this thing and triggered the Eternal Freeze...
Voice of Researcher: It's the truth, madam... The truth won't change with the opinions of the people. The reports before you are the precious result of painstaking effort on the part of Belobog's greatest scholars. You must trust the weight of its conclusion...
Old Guardian: ...I have never doubted you, doctor. On the contrary, I am resolute in the face of this conclusion.
Old Guardian: From the moment I took up this mantle, that voice... their voice — has made its home in my mind. I cannot shake them.
Old Guardian: ...I shouldn't be telling you this — let's return to your research, doctor. I'm afraid I cannot make these reports known to the public. Unless...
Voice of Researcher: Unless? Unless what? Please proceed, madam...
Voice of Guardian: ...Unless you have found a way to completely destroy the Stellaron.
Voice of Researcher: I understand. In the name of Preservation... I will fulfill this mission.
Svarog: Cache number 13175, transmission complete. Next transmission: Cache number 24830.
Young Researcher: ...I don't understand, doctor. Why do we have to hide such valuable research results away? They're the work of a lifetime...
Old Researcher: *coughing* Y—You're still young, child. There will come a day... a day when you do understand.
Old Researcher: The Supreme Guardian... sh—she sees further than you or I. All her decisions are for the security of Belobog...
Young Researcher: I just think... it's a shame. Our research has hit an obstacle. Meanwhile, your results will be buried in the snow...
Old Researcher: *coughing* Don't be upset, child. You still have lots of time ahead of you. When you find a way to destroy — *coughing* — destroy the Stellaron... our efforts will have been worth it.
Svarog: Cache number 24830, transmission complete. Next transmission: Cache number 57614.
Young Guardian: ...This is... Why is there a robot here?
Guardian's Bodyguard: During his life, this was Dr. Mearsheimer's personal robot bodyguard. I heard it's a prototype from the great war.
Guardian's Bodyguard: Since the doctor and his assistants passed away, it's remained here. It hasn't moved an inch.
Young Guardian: Oh... I see. Let's start. We must unearth the doctor's research conclusions — all of them.
Guardian's Bodyguard: Madam Guardian, I've found them... All the documents are here.
Young Guardian: Mm... good. That'll do.
Guardian's Bodyguard: Madam Guardian, what should we do with the robot?
Young Guardian: Ah... It would seem a great waste to destroy it. Find someone to reset its system and then arrange for it to be sent to the Underworld. I hear that the development group is in need of a robot with defense capabilities.
Guardian's Bodyguard: Yes, madam.
Young Guardian: I'm sorry, doctor... but these results must be taken care of by the Architects.
Young Guardian: One day, somebody will be able to carry out your behest.
Svarog: Cache number 57614, transmission complete. Concluding data transmission.
March 7th: ...So the truth is clear now, right?
Bronya: ...
Icon Dialogue Arrow They were looking for a way to destroy the Stellaron...
Dan Heng: And it would appear that they never succeeded.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I didn't quite understand. Can someone go over it again?
Dan Heng: Putting minor details aside, this is the conclusion... Eminent individuals, not to mention the guardian herself, knew early on that the Stellaron was the source of disaster on this world.
Dan Heng: But in order to maintain the peace, they decided to hide the truth. Secret research detailing a method for destroying a Stellaron ended in failure.
Dan Heng: Now only one question remains... Why would Cocolia exhibit such a sudden change in her attitude towards us?
Bronya: ...
March 7th: Bronya? Are you okay?
Bronya: ...I'm fine. I just... feel a little faint.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This must be a lot to take in for you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You can believe us now.
Bronya: Why...? Why, mother...? M—Maybe she wasn't aware, maybe she...
Seele: ...I'm sorry. It's no use lying to yourself, Bronya. It's time for you to make a decision.
Bronya: ...
Natasha: ...(Trailblazer), can I have a word with you? I know that we'll need time to process this new information, but we have to decide on our next plan as soon as possible.

(Listen to Clara and Svarog, optional)
Clara: Mr. Svarog, are you okay? Let me repair your language module first...
Svarog: ...
Svarog: Assessing... Language module operating as normal. Thank you, Clara.
Clara: Did your memory module get damaged? Maybe I can fix that too.
Svarog: Retrieving memory module...
Svarog: Architect machine era records: Intact. War of Defense combat data: Intact. Geomarrow Development Group era records: Intact...
Svarog: Record of Clara's crafting of miniature magnetic drill rigs: Intact. Record of Clara's explanation of human "sleeping in" behavior: Intact...
Clara: S—So, your memory module is okay?
Svarog: I have made a backup of all records pertaining to you, Clara. Do not worry.
Clara: ...Even the one about sleeping in?
Svarog: There are multiple backups. I can recover them at any time.
Clara: Mr. Svarog, can I delete some of them...?
Svarog: I cannot grant this request. Records pertaining to you constitute important data, Clara. They must remain intact.
Svarog: They are memories of family.
Clara: ...I understand.
Clara: Mr. Svarog, I still want to help you check a few other modules... Turn around a little.
(Listen to Seele and Bronya, optional)
Bronya: At daybreak, the guardian shall be a glittering star, illuminating the people's path.
Bronya: At nightfall, the guardian shall be a flickering flame, comforting the people's soul.
Bronya: So many years... Have I been following lies this whole time?
Seele: Hey... maybe you should find someone to talk to...
Bronya: ...
Seele: Don't let it get you down — you can share your feelings with others y'know? Do you think keeping it all to yourself is doing you any good?
Seele: You let that status of yours go to your head, huh? Afraid to show weakness? That's why you're keeping so much bottled up inside, right?
Seele: This isn't the Overworld. We don't do envy and etiquette down here. Whatever's on your mind, you can say it.
Bronya: ...I just want to be clear in myself, first. These fragments of history, the teachings I studied... It's all muddled together in my mind... I just... I don't know what I should believe.
Seele: ...No, you just have to be clear on what you should do.
Seele: You've spent long enough living in lies, Bronya. This is your chance to break out of the cage.
Bronya: ...
(Talk to Sampo, optional)
Sampo: How's it going, partner? Is that feeling in your chest the thrill of victory or just the joy of making it out alive?
Sampo: I know, your heart is bursting with gratitude... but there's no need to thank me. We have what I'd like to call a "fiscal friendship." If the money's right, not a problem in sight!
Icon Dialogue Talk When did you call in for reinforcements?
Sampo: Ha, I knew that you'd get yourselves into trouble eventually, so I got Oleg to send relief in advance. Pretty sensible, right?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm asking why you went behind our backs.
Sampo: My assignment was simply to take you to Svarog's lair. I got the payment and delivered the goods — I wasn't obligated to tell you about my dinner plans!
Sampo: But I threw in something extra regardless. I only did that because we're friends, or I would've charged extra.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Nice work, you saved us.
Sampo: My pleasure! Friends should look out for each other. Good for business.
Sampo: Here's a slice of life experience for you: Resourceful businessmen never get into risky trading without a plan b... and a plan b for their plan b. Plan c, we call that.
Icon Dialogue Talk You seem to enjoy muddying the waters.
Sampo: Hey now, you've got me all wrong! I just enjoy watching people fight, that's all. Fierce words, fists flying... what's not to like?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Thank you, Sampo.
Sampo: Easy there, don't get mushy on me now. We professional types don't have time for "thank yous." It's business! Feelings don't come into it.
Sampo: Hahaha~ you see? Gotcha! Hah, seriously though — Sampo will always be happy to assist you.

Talk to Natasha[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

You learn the truths of the world from Svarog.
The Guardians tasked with the Preservation chose to purposely hide information regarding the Stellaron from the people of Belobog. The brutal truth is a shock to all.
But whatever the case, the motives of the crew have been cleared — it's time to ask Natasha about Wildfire's next moves...
Natasha: The Furnace Core... The path to the surface is close at hand now.
Natasha: Thank you, (Trailblazer). What you've done has brought new hope to the Underworld. Now we have to wait and see... But maybe this will lead to a new lease on life.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Your support came at the right moment. Thank you.
Natasha: Well, you should really be thanking Sampo. If it weren't for his intel, we wouldn't have made it in time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow When did doctors start carrying weapons around?
Natasha: ...I, um... I haven't been truthful with you...
Natasha: As Wildfire's leader, I couldn't simply look on while you fought on our behalf. We had to come help.
March 7th: Huh...? Huh!? So, you're the real chief? Wh—What about Oleg?
Natasha: Oleg has always acted on my behalf — he helps me deal with all manner of problems in the Underworld.
Natasha: Thanks to him, I'm able to make time for the people. I do my best to make sure that they have everything they need... At the same time, I was formulating a plan to deal with Svarog.
Natasha: Your arrival unraveled that carefully crafted yet rudimentary plan, hehe... and for that, you have my utmost thanks.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're welcome, all in a day's work for a hero.
Natasha: When the Underworld recovers its freedom, the people will indeed extol you as heroes.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We did it for us, it wasn't as selfless as you made out.
Natasha: A person is defined by their actions alone... I think that's how the saying goes? If the Underworld recovers its freedom, the people will see you as heroes.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Any chance of a more... tangible show of thanks?
Natasha: You have Wildfire's full support.
Natasha: However, even though Svarog is no longer sealing off the Furnace Core, there's no way that we undergrounders could go pouring onto the surface.
Natasha: That cold-blooded supreme guardian has used lies and tricks to keep the surface separated from the underground. If she detects any change in the Underworld, I don't know what she might resort to...
Natasha: As for Wildfire, we need more time to build up our strength.
Icon Dialogue Arrow With things as they are, you want to take a back seat?
Natasha: No, but we need to wait for the opportune moment. In the meantime, I'm sending someone I trust to go with you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It will be difficult for us to defeat the guardian alone.
Natasha: Of course, there's no doubt about that. So, I'll be sending someone I trust to go with you.
March 7th: Seele...
Natasha: Didn't she tell you? In private, she insisted on accompanying you.
Natasha: Don't let her carefree nature fool you — she's actually very discerning, and can read a situation like no one else.
Natasha: Seele is a talented scout and a quick thinker — she takes decisive action. She'll definitely be able to help you. Not to mention... you also have Bronya now.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Will she stand with us...?
Natasha: It seems like the intel we got from Svarog caused her a significant shock... but with Seele by her side, I know she'll recover.
Icon Dialogue Arrow She got a big shock.
Natasha: You're right, but with Seele by her side, I know she'll recover.
Natasha: (Trailblazer), when's the last time you got some rest? I heard that you've been on your feet looking for Svarog since Rivet Town.
Natasha: Health is everything — you won't be much use if you neglect yours. Let Wildfire take care of the Furnace Core for now. You head back and recuperate.
Natasha: If you're lucky... perhaps tomorrow you can return to the Overworld.

(Talk to Natasha again, optional)
Natasha: Take a good rest while you still can, (Trailblazer). Your adventures on the surface won't be easy-going.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you're the leader of Wildfire.
Natasha: Don't be surprised. My job is just to help everyone make the right calls.
Natasha: You remember Rivet Town? When the Fragmentum corrosion first appeared, we were defenseless. We didn't have a clue how to protect our homes.
Natasha: After we fled to Boulder Town, I made up my mind: A tragedy like that could never be allowed to happen again. That's why I gathered Oleg and the others together, and created the first sparks of Wildfire.
Natasha: Afterwards, Wildfire began to grow. To be honest, I never thought a day like this would come.
Icon Dialogue Talk Your "gentle doctor" act is pretty good!
Natasha: What do you mean? That's me too, y'know. The "me" that my patients see, at least.
Natasha: Our identities are like masks. When we switch between them, we change the way the world perceives us.
Natasha: But our hearts never change.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's Wildfire's plan?
Natasha: Well, we don't want to act in haste before the situation has stabilized. We need to wait for the right time.
Natasha: Ten years of being sealed away has sapped the Underworld's vitality. Now that the Furnace Core is no longer blocked off, we need to prioritize the people and replenish our resources.
Natasha: Wildfire has never been in this for its own gain. Everything we do is for the citizens of the Underworld. That passage is a means to an end, not the end itself.
Icon Dialogue Talk What about Clara and Svarog?
Natasha: We'll leave them be... Svarog may have blocked off the Furnace Core, but he's provided shelter to the vagrants from the beginning. An admirable deed.
Natasha: There are many homeless people in the Underworld. If they had safety and security, they wouldn't have to struggle to survive.
Natasha: Wildfire can provide that while Svarog is recovering.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't have any more questions.
Natasha: Things have settled for now, you should rest while you can.


  • The Vagrant Rapper's song is a slightly-altered voiced version of the sad song sung by Eunice.
  • During the initial talk with Svarog, the Trailblazer can respond with the choice "To be, or not to be, that is the question." This is a famous line from William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTo Rot or to Burn
Korean부패 또는 연소
SpanishPudrirse o arder
FrenchPourrir ou brûler
RussianГнить или гореть
VietnameseMục Nát Hoặc Rực Cháy
GermanVerrotten oder verbrennen
IndonesianBusuk atau Bakar
PortugueseApodrecer ou Queimar

Change History[]

