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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Time Change Notice For Oratorio Rehearsal is a readable found on Jarilo-VI.



Time Change Notice For Oratorio Rehearsal

To all members of the Goliards Chorus:

The rehearsal for next Tuesday has been rescheduled due to the Golden Theater heating device maintenance. The adjustment details are as follows:

1. The chorus rehearsal, originally scheduled to start at 9:30 on Tuesday, has been changed to 13:30 due to maintenance. Lunch will not be provided for this rehearsal.

2. The orchestra will not participate in this rehearsal because all instruments have been moved for maintenance. Please wait for further notices.

3. Due to soprano Tatiana's accidental injury and hospitalization, soprano Celine will be taking her parts in the play.

4. As the date for the official performance draws near, rehearsal time will be extended by three to four hours. The theater has arranged for transportation to ensure all members reach home safely. For those that live far from the theater, you may apply for accommodations at the Goethe Hotel.

Please inform each other, make sure everyone has read the notice, and make the proper arrangements accordingly.

Goliards Chorus Administrative Committee
November 22, 699 AF

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTime Change Notice For Oratorio Rehearsal
Korean오라토리오 연습 시간 변경 안내
SpanishAviso de cambio de hora del ensayo del oratorio
FrenchAvis de changement d'horaire de répétition pour l'oratorio
RussianУведомление об изменении времени репетиции оратории
Thaiประกาศเกี่ยวกับการเปลี่ยนแปลงเวลาซ้อมของละคร Oratorio
VietnameseThông Báo Thay Đổi Thời Gian Tập Oratorio
GermanAnkündigung der Zeitplanänderung für die Probe des Oratoriums
IndonesianPemberitahuan tentang Perubahan Jadwal Latihan Oratorio
PortugueseAviso de Mudança de Horário do Ensaio do Oratório

Change History[]

[verification needed]
