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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Red Warcry is the fourth part of the Trailblaze Continuance chapter Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II). It automatically begins after completing Alone In Peril.


  1. Head toward Stargazer Navalia and wait for the rest of the borisin
  2. Arrive at Stargazer Navalia's shipyard and survey the area
  3. Question suspicious persons
  4. Consolidate intel and review the suspicious points
  5. Question the suspicious Sky-Faring Commission staff member
  6. Defeat the disguised Borisin Wolftroopers
  7. Witness Hoolay's ravings


Head toward Stargazer Navalia and wait for the rest of the borisin[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Mission Description

Following Feixiao's advice, everybody abandons the large-scale hunt and begins to speculate about their prey's motives and agenda instead. As for Stargazer Navalia, the site where the wolves were first spotted, it shall become the hunting ground for the continued pursuit of the borisin.
Yanqing: I know I'm in no position to question your orders, but if I understand correctly, you already have intelligence about the borisin?
Feixiao: That's right. My people are busy collecting clues now. What's the situation, Moze?
Moze: General, before we completely lost contact with Jiaoqiu, I picked up a signal from his jade abacus. It won't take long before we locate their whereabouts.
Yanqing: If that's the case, shouldn't we immediately go there and join forces to eliminate the borisin? Why are we returning to Stargazer Navalia?
Feixiao: Looks like your general has only taught you swordplay, not the art of The Hunt.
Feixiao: There's an old saying among the borisin: "In the forest, the hunter may easily become the hunted." While we may call ourselves the hunters now, chasing them blindly will only make us become the prey.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How can Hoolay... possibly hunt us down?
Icon Dialogue Arrow But we have the advantage in numbers, right?
Yanqing: Are you joking, General? He's just a wolf who's been imprisoned for seven centuries. Even with his accomplices, they're no match for us numerous Luofu Cloud Knights. How could he consider us his prey?
Feixiao: Do not underestimate the enemy. Hoolay is not an ordinary borisin that can be easily killed. The advantage in numbers means nothing when we face that monster.
Feixiao: A vicious beast, who hasn't tasted blood and flesh in seven centuries, is now lurking on the streets of the Luofu right before the Wardance. This is what makes the situation treacherous and unpredictable.
Yanqing: To him, the lives of ordinary people are just meat, ready to be devoured at any moment...
Feixiao: Exactly. That's why we must succeed in our first strike, or the situation will spiral out of control.
Feixiao: You've heard of this military tactic, right? When you surround your enemy, leave one side open for them to escape. A skilled hunter must be well-prepared, waiting for the prey at the most advantageous position.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Where do those borisin want to go?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is Stargazer Navalia the most likely place for them to come to?
Feixiao: What would we do if we were the escapees from The Shackling Prison? While we can disguise ourselves and blend in with the crowd, we don't plan on staying here for long. In this case, what do we need most now?
Yanqing: ...A starskiff to get us out of the Luofu. The borisin we discovered at Stargazer Navalia were actually preparing a vessel for their escape.
Feixiao: We predict their next move, and we take them down.
Feixiao: Let's start from where you found those borisin and corner our prey.

Arrive at Stargazer Navalia's shipyard and survey the area[]

(Approach marked location)
Yanqing: This is where we ran into the borisin last time. It looks the same as usual.
Feixiao: Because I blocked all the relevant news, to make it seem as if nothing had happened.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Will the borisin notice something?
Feixiao: Losing contact with their accomplices preparing the starskiff will surely put them on guard.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yanqing may have alerted the borisin?
Feixiao: If Yanqing hadn't scared them off, we would not have many clues.
Feixiao: However, the more well-prepared a plan is, the longer it takes to adjust when it's disrupted. If any borisin wants to stick to the original plan despite the risks, they'll surely come back to Stargazer Navalia to check the situation.
Yanqing: Are you suggesting that there are borisin here at Stargazer Navalia, right now?
Feixiao: This is an automated area, so don't you think that there are a bit too many people here today?
Feixiao: First, look at those two Sky-Faring Commission staff members. They've been observing us in secret since we arrived here.
Feixiao: Then, there's a Cloud Knight soldier over there. Perhaps he's here for patrol, but each patrol team must consist of two members, and obviously, he's not following the rules.
Feixiao: Lastly, there's that craftsman wearing Artisanship Commission clothing. He's unusually focused on checking that device.
Feixiao: If you have a target in mind, let's go investigate.

Question suspicious persons[]

(Talk to the mild-mannered staff)
Agitated Employee: Who are you? Don't you know that Stargazer Navalia is on lockdown now?
Mild-Mannered Staff: Hey, chill out. They're just a few lost tourists.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Stargazer Navalia is on lockdown now?
Yanqing: ...But Stargazer Navalia is the shipbuilding port of the Xianzhou Luofu. If the Sky-Faring Commission called for a lockdown, there should be official documents proving it, right?
Agitated Employee: Official documents? Of course, there are. The Cloud Knights are aware that some people have infiltrated this port.
Yanqing: ...That makes perfect sense. So, you're now investigating the borisin?
Mild-Mannered Staff: Yeah, we've received orders from the higher-ups, so we've blocked off this area to prevent any interference with our inspection. Thank you for your understanding.
(Talk to the mild-mannered staff again, optional)
Mild-Mannered Staff: Yeah, we've received orders from the higher-ups, so we've blocked off this area to prevent any interference with our inspection. Thank you for your understanding.

(Talk to the Artisanship Commision craftsman)
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: Hey, you there! Please refrain from wandering around Stargazer Navalia if you're not... Oh, it's you, Lieutenant Yanqing.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is Stargazer Navalia on lockdown now?
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: No, not at all... Actually, I'm here to address a peculiar issue.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Aren't you wandering around here as well?
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: I'm an official staff member assigned to investigate a peculiar issue.
Feixiao: A peculiar issue?
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: Yeah, we've had some unscheduled starskiffs being constructed at this dock in Stargazer Navalia. Could there have been an error in the production planning for the assembly line?
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: This is just weird. I thought all the pending starskiffs from before the Wardance had been scheduled already.
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: I'm sorry, but I need to focus on my work right now. If you have any questions, we can discuss them later.
(Talk to the Artisanship Commision craftsman again, optional)
Artisanship Commission Craftsman: I'm sorry, but I need to focus on my work right now. If you have any questions, we can discuss them later.

(Talk to the soldier on duty)
Cloud Knights Soldier: Ahh... Ah! Lieutenant Yanqing! And General Feixiao?
Yanqing: You're aware of the borisin prison break, right?
Cloud Knights Soldier: Yeah, I've received the news, and I'll be on the alert!
Feixiao: Looks like you've been keeping an eye on the Skysplitter. Have you noticed anything unusual?
Cloud Knights Soldier: No, everything is normal on the ship. Nothing out of the ordinary!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Question his location)
(Trailblazer): This is not a location for a Cloud Knight on guard duty, is it?
Yanqing: Well, this spot offers a great view. Are you here to keep an eye on the Skysplitter?
Cloud Knights Soldier: Yes...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Ask about the Skysplitter)
(Trailblazer): You've been observing the Skysplitter for a while. Have you noticed anything?
Cloud Knights Soldier: ...Honestly, just watching the ship from here isn't too thrilling. I wish I could go on board and witness Lieutenant Yanqing's contests...
Cloud Knights Soldier: Speaking of which, Lieutenant Yanqing, aren't you supposed to be on the Skysplitter? Is it alright for you to be here instead?
Yanqing: Thank you for your concern, but I have more pressing matters to attend to.
Cloud Knights Soldier: Ah...
Icon Dialogue Arrow (End the questioning)
(Talk to the soldier on duty again, optional)
Feixiao: You're on duty, soldier. Stay focused!
Cloud Knights Soldier: Yes, ma'am!

Consolidate intel and review the suspicious points[]

Feixiao: So, it seems that some borisin have returned to Stargazer Navalia in disguise. The answer seems quite obvious...
Icon Dialogue Arrow The staff members from the Sky-Faring Commission.
Yanqing: That's my suspicion as well.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Cloud Knight soldier.
Yanqing: I believe he was just slacking off. In my opinion, the staff members from the Sky-Faring Commission appear more suspicious.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The craftsman from the Artisanship Commission.
Yanqing: I think he's genuinely here to investigate the starskiffs, as he claimed. In my opinion, the staff members from the Sky-Faring Commission are the most suspicious.
Feixiao: Remember when I mentioned that the Cloud Knights blocked all relevant news, to make it seem as if nothing happened? Stargazer Navalia is not under lockdown.
Yanqing: But on the contrary, those staff members used "Stargazer Navalia is on lockdown" as an excuse to persuade us to leave. This contradicts the Cloud Knights' plans.
Feixiao: Their flimsy disguise has been exposed. Even if they try to hide, there's no way they can escape us.

Question the suspicious Sky-Faring Commission staff member[]

(Talk to the mild-mannered staff)
Mild-Mannered Staff: Why are you still here? As I said, Stargazer Navalia is on lockdown now.
Feixiao: No, I never issued such an order.
Mild-Mannered Staff: Who are you?
Feixiao: Perhaps you haven't met me on the battlefield, but I'm certain you've heard my name. Now, I'm asking you a question, so answer me! Tell me...
Feixiao: How many more of your comrades are here? Where were you planning to meet Hoolay?
Agitated Employee: This woman... She's the general of the Yaoqing! What are you still waiting for!? Attack her!
(Begin battle against Eclipse Wolftrooper Eclipse Wolftrooper ×2, Sableclaw Wolftrooper Sableclaw Wolftrooper ×2)

Defeat the disguised Borisin Wolftroopers[]

(After all enemies are defeated)
Borisin Wolftrooper: Run! Tell Lord Mok Tok about this!

(After the battle)
Wolftrooper: Why don't you kill me?
Feixiao: Because I need answers.
Wolftrooper: You were our war slave, so you should know us descendants of Duran...
Wolftrooper: You want me to talk? Fine, try whatever you want, but I assure you, you won't get anything from me... only fangs and blood.
Feixiao: If I were to do that, I wouldn't be any different from you.
Feixiao: I am the arrow that pierces the wolf's heart. I grant you a swift death.
Wolftrooper: ...That's exactly what I desire. Wolves that leave the pack are prepared for the fate of never returning home.
Wolftrooper: But sadly, you didn't catch my partner... He will alert them...
Feixiao: Before you close your eyes, you should know that I allowed him to escape, because he will lead the Cloud Knights to Hoolay's hideout.
Wolftrooper: Arrrghhh...

Yanqing: Is this how you... "leave one side open"...? You let that borisin escape so you could track him.
Feixiao: This is the most common hunting tactic used by borisin.
Feixiao: I know the methods of these abominations all too well. They always leave an escape route for their prey, allowing them to flee in fear. Then they chase them like it's a game. Borisin get great satisfaction from the last struggles of their victims...
Yanqing: Have you witnessed these things firsthand? That guy called you a... war slave... What exactly have you experienced?
Feixiao: Well, just a hazy past that I can barely recollect. Long ago... I was one of them.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Wait, you're a borisin!?
Feixiao: The word "borisin" was only used to refer to those wolf masters. I'm a foxian who was born in one of the "fallen territories"...
Feixiao: In their eyes, we're mere consumables, cannon fodder used to slow down Xianzhou attacks on the battlefield.
Icon Dialogue Arrow But you're a foxian, right?
Feixiao: Not all foxians are lucky enough to be born on a Xianzhou ship... I grew up in one of the worlds where borisin roam, known as the "fallen territories" by the people of the Yaoqing.
Feixiao: To the wolf masters, foxians are nothing but property, cannon fodder used to slow down the Xianzhou attacks on the battlefield.
Yanqing: But you... survived. And not only that, you became the general of the Yaoqing! If I get the chance, I'd love to hear stories of your past, General.
Feixiao: Speaking of stories, you've reminded me that now is not the time for them. Moze, we've sent the "warning" from Stargazer Navalia. What's the situation on your end?
Moze: I've found them. Jiaoqiu is trying to stall Hoolay, and he signaled me... to not reveal myself.
Feixiao: Trust his judgment, and keep watching. We'll be right there.
Yanqing: I believe the "warning" we sent will stop Hoolay from attacking Stargazer Navalia. What will he do next?
Feixiao: The hunt is not over yet. Stay safe, Jiaoqiu...

Witness Hoolay's ravings[]

UI Trailblaze Continuance Step Description

Vowing to bring the wolves' way of survival back to his tribespeople, Hoolay declares that he shall be a wolf walking among sheep, and his blood and his scions shall teach the Xianzhou people the meaning of fear.
One dual-hour before the Wardance convenes

Exalting Sanctum
Patient's Voice: Please... save... me...
Patient's Voice: I want to live... Doctor...
Healer's Voice: Jiaoqiu! Find a medical ingenium and give that kid a shot! Hurry!

Jiaoqiu: I... I see. How is the front line?
Cloud Knight's Voice: The borisin beast ships have already landed on the Fanghu... It won't be long before this place is overrun as well.
Jiaoqiu: What about General Yueyu... Any news from her? I'm her healer. I should stay by her side at a time like this.
Cloud Knight's Voice: She asked me to tell you that she's not coming back. She must protect the Cloudpeer Telescope.
Cloud Knight's Voice: General asks you to... to save that kid. The girl fought desperately just to bring us all back here alive!
Cloud Knight's Voice: I've never seen such a brutal fighting style... Her body... it's like she was split open... just like...
Healer's Voice: Her blood pressure is dropping. Do you hear me, Jiaoqiu?
Jiaoqiu: Loud and clear... Get me some Tumbledust! We've got to start the operation right now!
Jiaoqiu: I... I will bring her back!

Hoolay: ...Is that why you're so determined to learn my secrets? Do you hear me, Jiaoqiu?
Jiaoqiu: I do. Loud and clear.
Hoolay: So, she saved you all in that great battle on the Xianzhou Fanghu three decades ago, but to your surprise, you discovered her borisin bloodline while she was at death's door.
Hoolay: Mok Tok told me that she was a war slave who escaped from the Eclipse Pack. What a twist of fate. Turns out she's from the same clan as I am.
Mok Tok: Now I understand. No wonder she displayed... such astounding power, determination, and cruelty in battle...! Turns out it's all because of her borisin bloodline. Mutt... despicable mutt.
Hoolay: And she used the gift of her bloodline to destroy the borisin.
Hoolay: Moon Rage, a blessing for wolves, and a curse for foxes. For borisin, to have their bodies torn apart by Moon Rage and transform into a beast... is the ultimate joy, but for you foxians with poor regenerative abilities, it means certain death.
Hoolay: With the burning fury in her heart, that foxian general will eventually lose her sanity and indulge in endless bloodshed. The scars on her body will not be caused by enemy weapons, but by the immense power she can't withstand. One day, she will be torn apart and die as a monster.
Hoolay: And in return for her saving your life, you intend to give everything to solve this impossible puzzle.

Jiaoqiu: Hoolay... do you know the saddest thing about being a healer?
Jiaoqiu: All this time, I've devoted my life to bringing back those who sacrificed their lives to monsters like you. I exhausted myself, and my hands trembled, but I believed everything I did was meaningful...
Jiaoqiu: But once again, they rushed into battle, and then I heard of their deaths. They died under your claws, in your jaws, amidst the flames of crashing starskiffs, and under the Lux Arrow of Reignbow...
Jiaoqiu: Like a useless idiot, I saved a fish named "Life" out of the cauldron called "Death," only to watch it struggle and dive back into the boiling broth.
Jiaoqiu: So I asked myself, why were they so eager to run toward their death after they had recovered from their wounds? Why wouldn't they value their hard-won life? All the doubts left me feeling lost...
Hoolay: Heh... I can smell your desperation, all the way down to your bone marrow.
Jiaoqiu: Eventually, I realized that their deaths held value. They placed the weight of their sacrifice on the living, granting us strength. With a coin forged by their deaths, they exchanged something more in return...
Jiaoqiu: Everything I'm doing now, following you so closely, is for just one reason: Witnessing your death with my own two eyes...
Jiaoqiu: Even your death has value. It will pave the way for a peaceful Wardance and a fully cured Feixiao.

Hoolay: Hmph, the thoughts in your pathetic head are hardly surprising.
Jiaoqiu: Did you already know this?
Hoolay: Yes, I did. As borisin, we understand the value of "death" more than anyone. And as a healer who has witnessed so much death, you won't be swayed by fear.
Hoolay: What a shame. What a shame. Your story actually sparked a trace of respect for you in my heart.
Jiaoqiu: Can you even feel "respect"... with your corrupted heart?
Hoolay: Of course, because I caught a whiff of my own kind in you. Unfortunately, in the end, you're still just a weak fox.
Hoolay: As the Wolf's Creed goes: Gift the wolf a dead end, where new paths arise. Raise him to a doomed fate, where satiation lies. The cowards, in forgotten corners, meet their unworthy demise. Yet the valorous, in brutal battles, embrace their eternal prize...
Hoolay: That's why I'm keeping you alive for now. I want to show you how borisin truly respect their enemies.
Hoolay: We will consume your flesh and blood, nourishing our own. We will crush your hopes and dreams, clearing a path for our hunt! Your feeble souls will witness a new future, a future that belongs to me!
Mok Tok: My Lord! We've received a message. Our arrangement at Stargazer Navalia has been discovered. We must act quickly!
Hoolay: That doesn't surprise me at all.
Hoolay: Mok Tok... What's that noise?
Mok Tok: It's the Skysplitter. The ship that the Wardance will be held on is about to set off! The Sky-Faring Commission will clear the air routes! And if our starskiffs try to escape, we'll be spotted.
Hoolay: Calm down, Mok Tok! Look at you now, hiding and fearful... Where is your borisin dignity?
Mok Tok: As I said, I'd sacrifice my dignity for your return! As long as you can come back to the borisin packs, there's still hope!
Hoolay: Hope? The borisin have forgotten the Wolf's Creed! Weak creatures put their hope in the strong, but the strong fight their way out!
Hoolay: Bringing me back instead of choosing a new master only proves the decline of our pack. And as for the prophet who manipulated you into saving me, she's just a liar trying to use Duran's offspring!
Hoolay: Mok Tok, let me tell you how the borisin will rise to power! We won't hide like rats in the streets of the Xianzhou! We will be ravenous wolves, walking amidst a herd of lambs with our fangs bared.
Mok Tok: But Great Warhead, our packs are not here! We can't go to war like this!
Hoolay: Our packs are not here? Wherever I go, everyone is the pack!
(Cutscene plays)

Hoolay: Mok Tok, we're the apex predators at the top of the hierarchy.
Hoolay: As wolves, we create fear. We don't become servants to it. If you're blind to the path, I will be the crimson moon that lights the way for you.
Hoolay: Share my crimson blood with our brethren! Use it to infect those foxians and strike fear into their hearts!
Hoolay: Now, you devious monkey... Come out and face me!
Moze: ...Jiaoqiu.
Jiaoqiu: Moze... run...
Hoolay: No, he can't run, and neither can you. You've come at the right time, monkey of the Yaoqing. Tell your general...
Hoolay: Tell her, that I will unleash a massacre here, drowning the Xianzhou Luofu in blood. From this moment on, wolves bearing my blood will hunt on every street, feasting on the followers of that Devilish Archer.
Hoolay: Follow me, my cubs! We shall stride among the prey!
Mok Tok and Wolftrooper: Gift the wolf a dead end, where new paths arise. Raise him to a doomed fate, where satiation lies. The cowards in forgotten corners, meet their unworthy demise. Yet the valorous, in brutal battles, embrace their eternal prize...
Hoolay: Do you hear that? The rumble of the cannons... it brings back all the memories of past battles within me...
Hoolay: My return will bring back the Wolf's Creed. In my own way, I shall save our weakened pack and restore it to its former glory!

Switching to March 7th's POV...
On Huaiyan's orders, March 7th and Yunli board the Skysplitter, participating in the Wardance Ceremony as scheduled...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishThe Red Warcry
Korean위삼궐일, 적혈의 선전포고
SpanishEl grito carmesí
FrenchPacte de sang
RussianХитрый ход, кипение алой крови
VietnameseVây Ba Thả Một, Máu Đỏ Lan Tràn
GermanBlutroter Schlachtruf
IndonesianTeriakan Perang Berdarah
PortugueseO Grito de Guerra Vermelho

Change History[]

