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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Many individuals obsess over the glory of the past and aspire to become Memokeepers, longing to live within their memories. Such individuals often degenerate into unbridled Cremators, distorting memories to suit their preferences.

— A Memokeeper's memories[1]

The Cremators is a faction in Honkai: Star Rail, rogue Memokeepers of the Garden of Recollection.


"Worthless memories dissolve in time, like tears in rain..."

— From the memories of Memokeeper Roy Hampton before execution, 2053 AE

In the Garden of Recollection where memories of the universe are sought and kept, hides a group of extreme Memokeepers who view the marks of existence differently. Instead of treasuring all that has taken place like their colleagues, they believe that there are different qualities and priorities of memories in the world, and that the pure land created by Fuli should not be taken up by worthless memories.

The Cremators believe that they bear the sacred duty of filtering memories for the Aeons. They steal the stored memories that Memokeepers have gathered and rank them in order of importance. The ones that they deem worthy are returned to the collection, whereas the ones arbitrarily deemed unworthy are completely destroyed, never to be found again.

The Cremators claim that they are cleaning out the garbage, all in hopes of relieving some of Fuli's burdens, and contributing to the glorious sacred grounds of Remembrance. However, the Garden of Recollection scoffed and saw no reason for their actions, for the smallest shard of memory in the universe holds just as great of importance as the grandest of feats. No mortal has the right to judge the value of any piece of memory.


Not much is currently known about the exploits of the Cremators besides their responsibility for something known as "Holstein Aphasia" that occurred in early 2157 AE. The Cremators took the memories of "language" from the residents of Holstein, removing their ability to produce speech. With the help of the IPC, the residents of Holstein were able to communicate through writing while the Galaxy Rangers attempted to track down the stolen memories.[2]

Known Members[]

  • Rama †[3]
  • Roy Hampton (Presumably) †[4]
  • A lady with a gray-matter-esque complexion[5]

Faction Mentions[]

Character Stories






Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishThe Cremators
FrenchLes Crémateurs
VietnameseNgười Hỏa Táng
GermanDie Krematoren
PortugueseOs Cremadores

Change History[]


  1. Data Bank, Characters, Black Swan: Character Story: Part III
  2. Parlor Car, Interactable: IPC Broadcast 2
  3. Divergent Universe: The Human Comedy, Curio: Automated Experience
  4. Data Bank, Factions: The Cremators — Remembrance
  5. Simulated Universe, Occurrence, The Cremators

