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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Barren Land Birthed a Brave Soul is an Adventure Mission on The Xianzhou Luofu from the Luminary Wardance event.


  1. Return to the lounge
  2. Leave the lounge and let Luka have some peace and quiet
  3. Meet Huohuo on the Skysplitter
  4. Bring Huohuo and Tail to the lounge
  5. Help Luka out of the shadow of defeat and regain his motivation
  6. Escort Huohuo and Tail out


Return to the lounge[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

The tense and exciting match draws to a temporary close. It's time to have a quick breather... But with Luka eliminated, you don't really have the desire to "rest."
(Trailblazer): (Luka's condition is worrying... Let's go see him at the lounge.)
(Approach the marked location)
Carmella: That Boothill really went way overboard! If it weren't for Luka's Iron Arm, Luka would have been... would have been...
Luka: ...He's way out of my league. I swear, getting near him, I felt like... I was staring "Death" in the face.
Carmella: Luka...
Icon Dialogue Arrow He was genuinely trying to convince you to drop out of the competition.
Luka: Yea, and he was right.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He really went overboard this time.
Luka: I was outclassed. Boothill didn't do anything wrong.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What about your Iron Arm?
Carmella: I don't think that's what we should be worrying about right now!
Luka: Clara prepared a couple of spare boxing gloves... But what's the use? They'll just get shot up one by one by Boothill anyway.
Luka: I'm such a country bumpkin. I shouldn't have come here in the first place! I'm WAY out of my league....
Carmella: Don't give up! Do you remember? The Wardance has a "popularity revival" mechanic! Now the entire cosmos loves you — they'll definitely revive you!
Luka: Popularity revival? Maybe they all just want to turn me into a laughingstock... They just want to see me get beat up again and escape with my tail between my legs.
Luka: I'm sorry, Mr. Gepard, Miss Bronya... I, I'm just a useless piece of nothing.
Carmella: But...
Luka: Sorry, I... I want to be alone for a while...
(Talk to Luka again, optional)
Luka: Sorry, (Trailblazer), please give me some space...
(Talk to Carmella again, optional)
Carmella: ...Luka is so depressed. Let's not bother him anymore.
Carmella: I'm gonna go shop around and see if there's anything that can cheer Luka up.

Leave the lounge and let Luka have some peace and quiet[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Luka is very upset right now and needs some time alone to calm himself down.
Feel free to leave the lounge and go walk around outside.
(Approach the marked location)
Character Huohuo Icon
Character Huohuo Icon
(Trailblazer), are you busy?
Not anymore
Character Trailblazer Icon
I was busy, but suddenly I'm not
I always have time for you
Character Trailblazer Icon
I always have time for you
Character Huohuo Icon
I saw on the news that you're the coach for the Belobog team
I was sure you'd be busy
I can't believe you're free
Heh heh
Mr. Tail wants to ask why do you suddenly have time on your hands?
Luka was eliminated
Character Trailblazer Icon
Luka was just eliminated. I have time on my hands all of a sudden
Character Huohuo Icon
I'm sorry
I didn't know
You win some, you lose some.
Character Trailblazer Icon
It's okay. You win some, you lose some.
You didn't see the news?
Character Trailblazer Icon
I thought the sports news would have already reported it. Did you not see it?
Character Huohuo Icon
But I just saw it on a newsstand
Character Huohuo Icon
Mr. Tail is making a fuss about wanting to see you
Well, Mr. Tail said that he wasn't making a fuss
But he was
Where do we meet?
Character Trailblazer Icon
Where should we meet?
Character Huohuo Icon
Let's meet at the Skysplitter
We'll be there soon

Meet Huohuo on the Skysplitter[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

Huohuo and Tail come to see you at this particularly difficult juncture.
They probably can't help much, but Huohuo is so cute! Seeing her must be good for one's mental health.
(Trailblazer): (Huohuo and Tail seem to be on the Skysplitter too. Let's look for them...)
(Moving toward Huohuo)
Huohuo: Look, (Trailblazer) is here...
Tail: Hey, (Trailblazer)! Over here! Quickly!
(Approach Huohuo)
Huohuo: Hello, (Trailblazer)! It's been a hectic few days recently in The Shackling Prison — I had a hard time trying to leave. I'm very happy to be seeing you again.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You looking for me, Tail?
Tail: Obviously. I saw in the news that you're a coach now. You've got your hands in all kinds of pies, haven't you...
Tail: I was thinking you could train Huohuo properly, and have her attend the Wardance to fight against a few others. Isn't this much more effective at training one's bravery than watching horror flicks?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're also here to participate in the Wardance?
Tail: Whoa! Kid, are you a mind reader or something?
Tail: I see that you're coaching a Wardance contender. How about training Huohuo, so she can join the Wardance and fight against a few others. Isn't this much more effective at training one's bravery than watching horror flicks?
Huohuo: Ah—!? That's what you were thinking about? No, no no no no!
Huohuo: One punch, and I probably won't stop crying for ages. ...Please don't do this to me!
Tail: (Trailblazer), that kid you're training... Luka or whatever his name is. He got beat anyway. Isn't this the perfect opportunity to throw Huohuo into the mix?
Huohuo: Oh right, is Mr. Luka doing all right? The news said he couldn't even stand.
Huohuo: Since Mr. Luka is really popular, he'll definitely clear the popularity revival vote and return! Please cheer him on!
Tail: Ugh, what cheering? You're just trying to change the subject, you timid brat. You don't want to fight in the Wardance, do you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Heave a long sigh)
Tail: Whoa, that sigh of yours almost blew me away.
Huohuo: Why the long sigh? Is there a problem...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow He's decided not to participate in the repechage.
Huohuo: Huh? Why?
Tail: He got beat senseless?
You explain to Huohuo and Tail about Luka's worsening hallucinations and his current lack of fighting spirit.
Tail: Hallucinations? Just excuses, I bet! He's bowing out just because he got thrashed?
Tail: Extra! Extra! Brat even more cowardly than Huohuo discovered! Read all about it!
Huohuo: Don't say that, Mr. Tail... It's probably really emotionally damaging to realize how huge the skill gap is between you and your opponent!
Tail: Is that the reason you don't want to fight?
Tail: If that kid wants to forfeit the match, (Trailblazer), why don't you give Huohuo some proper training and forget about this mess?
Huohuo: Actually... hallucinations... Th-There's a way to deal with them. As long as there's someone who's superb at dealing with matters of the heart, and a kind-hearted heliobus willing to help out...
Huohuo winked at you, hinting at joining her in the guilt tripping.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yeah... Sad that it's hard to find such compassionate heliobi these days...
Tail: Huh? What are you lot looking at me for?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Where would we even find such a heliobus?
Tail: Huh? What are you lot looking at me for?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Huohuo, what's wrong? Are your eyes dry?
Huohuo: Eek... No...
Tail: I know what's wrong. Her eyes have claws in 'em.
Tail: ...Stop looking at me like that! Do I look like a psychiatrist to you?
Tail: Bah, you people... I bet you think I'm super useful, don't you? I'm charging a fee next time.
Huohuo: Thank you, Mr. Tail!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Thank you, Mr. Tail!
Tail: You're lucky I'm a big softie on the inside.
Icon Dialogue Arrow At least you're being reasonable now.
Tail: You wanna get smacked?
Tail: Where's Luka now? Take me to him.

Bring Huohuo and Tail to the lounge[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Mr. Tail is so awesome! He's basically a Xianzhou-version Clockie!
Hopefully he can get Luka out of the shadow of defeat...
(Approach the marked location)
Carmella: (Trailblazer), you're back? Who are these two?
Icon Dialogue Arrow They're Luka's fans.
Carmella: Ooh, Luka's fans! Luka, your fans are here to see you!
Carmella: Hang on... What's this! I-It's a ghost! To think Luka has fans from realms that transcend mortality!
Tail: Good thing I'm already used to such reactions.
Huohuo: Hello Luka... I'm Huohuo, and this here is Mr. Tail. We're your fans...
Luka: Ah, my fans... Sorry to have disappointed you.
Carmella: ...Luka's really down in the dumps now, and he can't lift his spirits up for anything. I ordered a couple pounds of grilled meat for him so he might have a feast to cheer him up. But he just sat there all moody and devoured the lot.
Icon Dialogue Arrow At least his appetite hasn't changed.
Luka: No matter how bad my mood is, high-quality protein is never to blame.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You ate it all?
Tail: This must be the fabled manifestation of "eating with a vengeance."
Huohuo: Actually, Mr. Luka, we're healers invited by (Trailblazer) to help you with your depressive emotions and hallucinations.
Tail: There is no "we." I'm the only one here who's powerful enough to perform such a difficult task!
Luka: Everyone, I've already withdrawn from the tournament. Please stop wasting your time and money on someone as useless as me.
Tail: Gah, I can't take it. The depression he's radiating is making even me uncomfortable. Hurry up and lemme at him.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm counting on you, Mr. Tail.
Tail: I'm really going to start charging money next time!
Luka: Uh? This... Mr. Tail? What are you doing so close to me?
Luka: C-Cold! I was shivering for a second there...
Icon Dialogue Exit Just a minute.
Tail: Stop wasting time! Hurry up!
(Talk to Tail again)
Tail: I'm going to start, that good?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm counting on you, Mr. Tail.
Icon Dialogue Exit Just a minute.

Help Luka out of the shadow of defeat and regain his motivation[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

"Should I still participate in a tournament till the end when I know I'll definitely lose?"
"Then let me ask you: Will you stop living if you know you'll life is doomed to fail?"
"But why should I see the end of this story when it's fated to be a tragedy that I can't change?"
"Because you're a fighter, idiot."
UI Location Icon Illusory Maze: Luka's Inner World
Tail: If we're to help the kid find his confidence again, we'll have to strike at the root of the problem and remove it completely.
Tail: So annoying, let's just make it quick.

(Approach Luka)
Luka: Margie! You're here to watch me fight again?
Margie: Yeah! You're just too strong! I was so scared when those three big guys came out... But you managed to beat them all!
Margie: I really hope I can grow up to be strong like Luka one day!
Luka: Of course you will! You just have to eat well, sleep well, train well, and you'll be even stronger than I am! When that happens, you'll be able to KO me in just a few punches, and then yell triumphantly in the ring!
Luka: "The Moltammerville warrior, the peerless Boulder Champion... Defeater of evil throughout the world!"
Margie: Hahaha! Not that, Luka! That's the line when you defeat the baddies!
Luka: It's getting late. You should be getting home. The early bird gets the worm — that's how you grow up big and strong!
Margie: Umm... Luka... I might not be able to watch your next match...
Luka: Hmm? That's all right. Even if you're busy, I know you've always got my back! Just remember to come by for the match after that. I'm facing off against the Decapitating Singer Kongiorni, and you can't miss it!
Margie: Luka... I don't think I can make it for that either... For a long time after this, I might not be able to come...
Luka: Hmm? What happened?
Margie: I really hope I can grow up to be strong like Luka one day...
Luka: Margie? Margie, where are you? Margie? Margie! Margie!
Luka: Where did you go...? I still haven't seen you grow up big and strong...

Tail: Luka, who is that little girl?
Luka: Her name's Margie, a fan of mine. She always came to watch all my matches. We got to know each other later, and started chatting. But in the end, I still didn't really understand her situation.
Luka: It wasn't until much later that I learned she had a serious illness, and was battling for her life against it. The Underworld is impoverished, and the doctors tried their best, but they couldn't cure her...
Tail: My condolences, Luka.
Luka: You may not be familiar with the place of my birth. When I was still a child, everyone led hard lives, teetering on the brink of death at all times...
Luka: Some died to monsters, others to bandits... I've seen so much death. Back then, I thought we were just too weak. If I could get just a little stronger, even just a little, we could vanquish our foes, and keep on living.
Luka: I did get stronger later on, and became the boxing champion who trounced the entire Underworld. At that time, I believed that as long as I swung my fists, no one could defeat me. I could be a role model for all the kids in the Underworld.
Luka: I could tell them that no matter how scary the opponent was, as long as we kept on fighting, we would win out. We would definitely win!
Luka: But, when I wanted to tell Margie the news about my victory, her father told me she was gone.
Luka: Margie... She was battling the demons of her sickness with that frail, tiny body of hers. She was always battling — she must win the next round!
Luka: In the end, I finally understood that there are always unwinnable battles in life. Some fights, no matter how much you need to win, you still lose.
Luka: Just like when I faced off against Mr. Boothill. I lied to those kids... and to myself. I can't face them.
Tail: Ugh... He is avoiding the problem. Let's catch up and see how it goes.

(Approach Luka)
Boothill: Dadgum Wubbaboo! Others might play games with you, but I ain't playing! I'm putting my life on the line here, but if you don't even have the guts to do the same, then what are you here for?
Boothill: Come on, look down the barrel of my gun. Walk over here and take a swing at me. You got the guts?
Boothill: Luka! C'mon! Get over here and take a swing at me! You got the guts?
Luka: ...
Boothill: Speak up!!!
Luka: ...Bring it on, Boothill. I'll make you eat your own words!
Boothill: Hahahaha! Screwubbaboo, You've got some guts! Bullets don't have eyes, so don't blame me for bein' ruthless!
(The sound of 6 shots firing plays)
Luka: ...

Tail: I thought your defeat was graceful. Not everyone has the guts to charge at a loaded gun and land a punch.
Luka: What else could I do?
Luka: Turn around and leave? Accept defeat? How is that any different than taking a desperate stand? No matter what I chose, my life wasn't in my own hands.
Luka: Don't you get it? If he wanted me dead, I wouldn't have had the chance to even muster an ounce of resistance. In short, it was Mr. Boothill who spared my life.
Luka: I hate this feeling... It makes me feel powerless, like my life is within the palm of their hand, and all my efforts to fight back seem like a joke.
Luka: That girl Margie, when she confronted the demons of her sickness, she must've felt this way too, no?
Tail: You idiot, is there anything in this world that isn't "in the palm of the universe?" Even our heliobi ancestors were trapped in the furnace. Even the Aeons must walk the Path. Freedom? Is freedom really that important?
Luka: You don't get it, Mr. Tail. I just don't want to lose.
Tail: Why'd he run off again? Forget it. We're almost in the depths of his inner world... The nightmare causing his loss of faith should be hiding there.

(Moving toward Luka)
Luka's Demon: Run, run! Run, you fool! You can't win! You'll die!
(Approach Luka)
Luka's Demon: Run, run! Run, you fool! You can't win! You'll die!
Luka's Demon: Run away, quickly! Flee! You can't win!
Luka's Demon: Run back to Belobog. The skill gap is too much! You'll die!
Luka's Demon: You're still thinking of bringing glory back home, to have your name exalted? Dream on! You absolutely can't win! Run! Are you not afraid of death?!
Tail: Hey! You pieces of trash! Stop spewing nonsense here! Scram!
Luka's Demon: Who are you? You don't belong here! You should not be here! You are... invaders!
Luka's Demon: Invaders... must be purged!
Tail: You're kidding. You're trying to get rid of me? This is outrageous!
(Begin battle against Memory Zone Meme "Shell of Faded Rage" Memory Zone Meme "Shell of Faded Rage" ×1, Memory Zone Meme "Heartbreaker" Memory Zone Meme "Heartbreaker" ×2)

(After the battle)
Tail: Luka, I've cleared out that noise messing with your head. You better get it together!
Luka: Noise? Mr. Gepard... uh, an officer in Belobog... He said something like that too....
Luka: "A person's inner voices make far too much noise, especially so during safe and quiet moments. Ironically, the voices that truly matter often become audible only in moments of pain, discomfort, and peril."
Luka: When I was staring down the barrel of Boothill's gun, I realized Mr. Gepard was right. My inner heart was at peace, there was only one sound that was yelling non-stop. It got louder and louder, till it just overwhelmed everything around me...
Luka: That voice said: "Run! Run! Run away quickly! You'll die if you don't!"
Luka: That was the truest voice in my heart when I stared danger in the face. I guess it means I'm not as strong as I thought I was...
Tail: Your inner voice told you to run, so why did you still charge towards him?
Luka: Because there was another weaker voice, so weak that I could barely hear it. But it still managed to reach my ears... It said: "If you run now, you might as well just die here."
Tail: So you did well — you charged forth.
Luka: But I lost, Mr. Tail. I listened to that very important voice, and I lost terribly.
Luka: Even if I were to be revived, I would still lose. If not today, then tomorrow. No matter how strong I become, I would still eventually lose.
Tail: My sides! You're killing me here. You're a real comedian. Isn't that just common sense?
Tail: You humans are very fragile. Heliobi are too, of course, but that's not the point. The point is...
Tail: Life is a fight in a ring you're bound to lose. Aging, disease, unattainable desires — each one will knock you out. Death just lands the final blow, making your friends and family cry.
Luka: If there is nothing but a path of complete and utter defeat to walk, what exactly can be considered "winning?"
Tail: Fool! What's the point of asking someone else this question? Isn't that something that only you can define?
Luka: I... don't understand...
Tail: You might as well be a single-celled organism! Let me ask you a question, and answer it properly...
Tail: That young fan of yours, Margie. She fought with her illness her entire life, and she didn't make it through in the end. Tell me, did she lose?
Luka: She did.
Tail: Eh?
Luka: But she tried her best in everything she did, and she was always putting up a fight against her sickness... One punch after the next, she was the greatest boxer there ever was! In my heart? Margie won. And she won in style.
Tail: See, you fully understand, don't you? There are rules to victory and defeat in the ring. But with our lives, only we get to dictate the rules.
Tail: Luka, the most important thing is to always throw the next punch!
Luka: Most important... is to always throw the next punch! Thank you, Mr. Tail!
Tail: Stop, stop, stop it! I can't stand people's gratitude. Now that you've gotten yourself together, it's time to give it your all in your repechage!

Luka: Miss Carmella, Coach (Trailblazer), I'm sorry. I shouldn't have given up so easily.
Carmella: Luka, what's with you?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You got it all figured out?
Icon Dialogue Arrow He's changed his mind...
Luka: I've decided to participate in the popularity revival repechage and return to the Wardance's stage!
Carmella: That's great! Luka, you've finally come around!
Huohuo: That's fantastic. I was sad seeing you so depressed just now.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's good that you've snapped out of it!
Luka: Yes, thank you, all of you. I'll never back down from a fight ever again.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Now go do ten sets of pull-ups to warm up!
Luka: You're such a brutal coach!
Carmella: But, what happened just now... Luka just came to his senses after that green flash of light? This treatment is a little too... effective, isn't it?
Luka: Maybe it's because I've seen too many bizarre things after arriving on the Luofu. But after witnessing Mr. Tail's capability, I'm actually surprised that I'm not very surprised at all.
Tail: Hey! Who're you calling a bizarre thing!
Carmella: Speaking of which, doesn't the popularity revival repechage rely on popularity votes? Is Mr. Luka qualified to join the repechage?
Huohuo: Let's see... Let's see...
Huohuo: I-I-I-I found it! Luka! The list! The repechage! He's in it!
Tail: (Trailblazer), looks like you're going to be busy. A pity! I'll have to temporarily shelve my plan to have Huohuo get pummeled.
Huohuo: Mis! Ter! Tail!
Tail: I'm out.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'll see them off.
Luka: Goodbye! Please come see my match again next time! I won't disappoint you, after all the help you've given me!

Escort Huohuo and Tail out[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Luka finally put himself together with Mr. Tail's help!
Now Huohuo and Tail need to leave. See them out.
(Talk to Luka or Carmella again, optional)
Luka: Goodbye! Please come see my match again next time! I won't disappoint you, after all the help you've given me!
(Approach the marked location)
Tail: Okay, this is far enough. Go back and take care of your business.
Huohuo: Ooo-er... It's suffocating trying to keep a secret. (Trailblazer), I have to spill the beans. Mr. Tail actually came to look for you to...
Tail: You dare!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Huohuo, don't be afraid to speak your mind
Icon Dialogue Arrow I knew Tail missed me.
Huohuo: I'm sorry, Mr. Tail! In truth, Mr. Tail really likes watching Luka's fights.
Tail: You rascal! How are you even a Judge when you can't even keep a secret! Agh forget it! I'll deal with you when we get back.
Tail: Anyway, you heard it. You better be a good coach and make sure that kid wins a few matches in style, got it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I won't let you down.
Tail: Good... I'm counting on you then!
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're teaching me how to do my job?
Tail: I'm trying to be serious with you!
Tail: We're leaving. See you some other time.
Huohuo: Bye! Do your best in the popularity revival repechage!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishThe Barren Land Birthed a Brave Soul
Korean예로부터 용자는 벽촌에서 나니
SpanishAlmas guerreras de tierras áridas de otro mundo
FrenchLa bravoure naît des terres arides
RussianОтважная душа из дальнего мира
VietnameseXưa Nay Đất Hoang Sinh Dũng Khí
GermanMutige Seele der kargen Außenwelt
IndonesianPemberani dari Tempat Terpencil
PortugueseDa Terra Estéril Nasceu uma Alma Corajosa

Change History[]
