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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Welt Sticker 01
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The Ten Unpardonable Sins are the ten most severe crimes in the Xianzhou Alliance. These crimes carry the death penalty, though some criminals are instead imprisoned in the Shackling Prison due to their indestructible nature or special status.[1]


The ten sins are as follows:

  1. "Involuntary Immortalization" — contaminating the genetic makeup of short-life species, resulting in their transformation into long-life species
  2. "Immortality Theft" — travelers' infiltration of the Xianzhou with the intent to steal the secret of immortality
  3. "Beguilement" — using mind-manipulating abilities to deprive individuals of their free will and control them
  4. "Mara Ensnarement" — inducing mara through specific means
  5. "Phratry Murder" — violently taking the lives of fellow Xianzhou peoples
  6. "Illicit Espionage" — theft of confidential information from the governmental organizations of the Xianzhou
  7. "Prison Break" — attempting to breach the confinement of the Ten-Lords Division, and attempting to enter the Shackling Prison to release prisoners held within
  8. "Sowing Discord" — inciting, dividing, or undermining unity among the various races on the Xianzhou
  9. "Incitement to Riot" — mobilizing military forces to launch an attack on the Xianzhou, inciting war or rebellion
  10. "Capsizing Xianzhou" — attempting to disintegrate the physical structure of the Xianzhou ships with the aim of it sinking[2]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTen Unpardonable Sins
Korean10 죄악
SpanishDiez pecados capitales
FrenchDix péchés impardonnables
RussianДесять непростительных мерзостей
Vietnamese10 Tội Ác Không Thể Tha Thứ
GermanZehn unverzeihlichen Sünden
IndonesianSepuluh Dosa Tanpa Ampun
PortugueseDez Pecados Imperdoáveis


