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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Price gouging? That's the wrong wording. I say if you want something good, then you pay the price. It's not my problem if you don't have the money. That's your problem.

— Taravan, one of the directors of the IPC[1]

Taravan Keane is the P48 Head of the Building Material Logistics Department and one of the seven board directors of the Interastral Peace Corporation. He is also one of the few Emanators of Preservation in the IPC.[2]


Taravan is unsympathetic and uncompromising, willing to prioritize market dynamics over fairness or affordability for others.[1] Despite being an Emanator of Preservation and taking the role as the Head of the Building Material Logistics Department, whose primary goal is to transport materials to Qlipoth and is comprised of the most ardent followers,[3] it's unknown whether he is a believer of Preservation.[4]


According to the Simulated Universe, Taravan created two robots, Jim Hulk and Jim Hall, for the purpose of guarding the construction materials used as offerings for Qlipoth. However, he abandoned them after their uses had expired.[5]

During Topaz's mission on Jarilo-VI, the Head of Strategic Investment Department, Diamond, convinced Taravan to lend his support in favor of the project regarding business on Penacony after the Interastral Peace Corporation received an invitation to a banquet from The Family.[6][7]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTaravan Keane
SpanishTaravan Keane
FrenchTaravan Keane
RussianТаравана Кина
ThaiTaravan Keane
VietnameseTaravan Keane
GermanTaravan Keane
IndonesianTaravan Keane
PortugueseTaravan Keane

Change History[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Assignments: The Invisible Hand
  2. Honkai: Star Rail (March 19, 2024). Pom-Pom's Intel | Emanator Special, HoYoLAB.
  3. Honkai: Star Rail (October 21, 2023). Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Interastral Peace Tour: Selection, Planning, and Opportunity". YouTube. Retrieved October 21, 2023.
  4. Interactable: File Repository: Ally — Interastral Peace Corporation Headquarters
  5. Simulated Universe, Occurrences: Jim Hulk and Jim Hall
  6. Interactable: IPC Broadcast #1
  7. Trailblaze Continuance, Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream: Future Market (II)