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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The crisis on the Luofu has subsided, and stories of the feats of the Nameless can be heard on every street corner of the Luofu. The storyteller, Mr. Xiyan of Starskiff Haven, seems to be interested in your adventure and wants to retell it in story form...

Tales of the Fantastic was an Event in Version 1.2.


Event Details[]


  • 2023/07/21 12:00:00(server time) – 2023/08/07 03:59:00(server time)



Many on the Xianzhou are already speaking of the feats of the Nameless. Mr. Xiyan also hopes the Trailblazer can help him to retell the stories of their trailblazing adventure.

  • After the event starts, a new Hero's Journey will be unlocked every day, for a total of 3 Hero's Journeys. Upon completion of each Journey, some "Legends Past and Present" combat challenge will be unlocked.
  • During the event, once Trailblazers complete a Hero's Journey, they will receive a Protagonist Model and gradually improve the abilities within it. These abilities can help to form a more riveting experience in Legends Past and Present.
  • The Protagonist Model can provide various Plot Armor combinations that can be freely adjusted, and their effects will be active in Legends Past and Present.
  • During the combat of Legends Past and Present, enemies will continuously appear for a limited number of rounds. Points will be awarded for dealing damage to and defeating enemies. At the end of each battle, the highest score will be updated based on the results of the current challenge.
  • During the event, Trailblazers can claim challenge rewards from the Rewards List after reaching certain scores in Legends Past and Present.
  • When at least 10,000 points have been scored for each Legend Past and Present, a new section of the Readable Legend of the Trailblazer will be unlocked that corresponds to this particular Legend Past and Present.
  • After unlocking all sections of the Readable, Trailblazers can obtain the limited item "Legend of the Trailblazer".
Things to Note
  • Good combinations of Plot Armor in the Protagonist Model will result in higher combat scores.
  • Trailblazers can use trial characters in Legends Past and Present.
  • Increasing the Equilibrium Level will also increase enemy and trial character levels in the event.


Tales of the Fantastic
Tutorial Tales of the Fantastic 1
During the event, complete Hero's Journeys with Mr. Xiyan to unleash the full potential of the Protagonist Model.

Tutorial Tales of the Fantastic 2
There are different slots in the Protagonist Model. The Plot Armor that can be selected for each slot is different.

Tutorial Tales of the Fantastic 3
Slots and Plot Armors will gradually be unlocked as you progress through a Hero's Journey.

Tutorial Tales of the Fantastic 4
Using these abilities can earn you points and rewards in Legends Past and Present, and will also gradually unlock Legend of the Trailblazer sections.
Relentless adversaries
Tutorial Relentless adversaries 1
This mechanic has a Cycle limit. Before the Cycles run out, enemies will continue to appear. Defeating more enemies will earn you higher scores and greater rewards.

Tutorial Relentless adversaries 2
The remaining Cycles will be displayed as a countdown on the Action Order shown on the left. Dealing damage to any enemy target before the Cycles run out will earn you points.

Tutorial Relentless adversaries 3
Defeating a Trotter during battle will award even higher points.

Limited-Time Rewards[]

Scenes & Bonus[]

The Chase Is On[]

Requirement Rewards
Obtain 10000 points in "Scene 1: The Chase Is On"
Stellar Jade 30
Lost Crystal 4
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 25000 points in "Scene 1: The Chase Is On"
Stellar Jade 30
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 40000 points in "Scene 1: The Chase Is On"
Relic Remains 15
Lost Crystal 2
Credit 20,000
Obtain 50000 points in "Scene 1: The Chase Is On"
Relic Remains 5
Credit 20,000

From Death, Comes Life[]

Requirement Rewards
Obtain 10000 points in "Scene 2: From Death, Comes Life"
Stellar Jade 30
Lost Crystal 4
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 25000 points in "Scene 2: From Death, Comes Life"
Stellar Jade 30
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 40000 points in "Scene 2: From Death, Comes Life"
Relic Remains 15
Lost Crystal 2
Credit 20,000
Obtain 50000 points in "Scene 2: From Death, Comes Life"
Relic Remains 5
Credit 20,000

Superior Firepower[]

Requirement Rewards
Obtain 10000 points in "Scene 3: Superior Firepower"
Stellar Jade 30
Lost Crystal 4
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 25000 points in "Scene 3: Superior Firepower"
Stellar Jade 30
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 40000 points in "Scene 3: Superior Firepower"
Relic Remains 15
Lost Crystal 2
Credit 20,000
Obtain 50000 points in "Scene 3: Superior Firepower"
Relic Remains 5
Credit 20,000

Vanquishing Evils[]

Requirement Rewards
Obtain 10000 points in "Scene 4: Vanquishing Evils"
Stellar Jade 30
Lost Crystal 4
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 30000 points in "Scene 4: Vanquishing Evils"
Stellar Jade 30
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 50000 points in "Scene 4: Vanquishing Evils"
Relic Remains 15
Lost Crystal 2
Credit 20,000
Obtain 60000 points in "Scene 4: Vanquishing Evils"
Relic Remains 5
Credit 20,000

Darkest Hour Before Dawn[]

Requirement Rewards
Obtain 10000 points in "Scene 5: Darkest Hour Before Dawn"
Stellar Jade 30
Lost Crystal 4
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 30000 points in "Scene 5: Darkest Hour Before Dawn"
Stellar Jade 30
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 50000 points in "Scene 5: Darkest Hour Before Dawn"
Relic Remains 15
Lost Crystal 2
Credit 20,000
Obtain 60000 points in "Scene 5: Darkest Hour Before Dawn"
Relic Remains 5
Credit 20,000

Triumphant Return[]

Requirement Rewards
Obtain 10000 points in "Scene 6: Triumphant Return"
Stellar Jade 30
Lost Crystal 4
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 30000 points in "Scene 6: Triumphant Return"
Stellar Jade 30
Traveler's Guide 3
Lifeless Blade 2
Obtain 50000 points in "Scene 6: Triumphant Return"
Relic Remains 15
Lost Crystal 2
Credit 20,000
Obtain 60000 points in "Scene 6: Triumphant Return"
Relic Remains 5
Credit 20,000

Requirement Rewards
Reach 10,000 points in every scene of Legends Past and Present
Reach the indicated score in Legends Past and Present during the Tales of the Fantastic event
Tracks of Destiny 1

Legend of the Trailblazer[]

Stellar Jade 50
Legend of the Trailblazer 1

Total Rewards[]

Credit 240,000 Credit

Nameless Honor Missions[]

This event added additional "This Period" Nameless Honor missions to the 2023-07-19 Nameless Honor. The Nameless EXP obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 8,000 The Nameless EXP.

MissionsThe Nameless EXP The Nameless EXP
Reach 10,000 points in every scene of Legends Past and Present during the Tales of the Fantastic event1400
Complete all Hero's Journeys in the Tales of Fantastic event1400

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTales of the Fantastic
Korean진기한 이야기
SpanishNarraciones extraordinarias
FrenchContes fantastiques
RussianЧудесные сказания
VietnameseKỳ Truyện Bình Thư
GermanGeschichten des Fantastischen
IndonesianDongeng Luar Biasa
PortugueseContos do Fantástico

Change History[]

Version 1.6

Version 1.2

  • Tales of the Fantastic was released.