Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"Creatures that received blessing from Nanook all have twisted appearances."

Strange Matter of Destruction is a Tier-3 Synthesis Material.

Dropped By[]

1 enemy drops Strange Matter of Destruction:


There are 4 items that can be crafted using Strange Matter of Destruction:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Antimatter Field Generator Antimatter Field GeneratorSynthesisMeteoric Alloy Meteoric Alloy ×4
Strange Matter of Destruction Strange Matter of Destruction ×3
Disposable Kinetic Arm Disposable Kinetic ArmSynthesisPhlogiston Phlogiston ×4
Mechanical Parts Mechanical Parts ×2
Strange Matter of Destruction Strange Matter of Destruction ×4
Phase Flame Phase Flame ×1
Disposable Kinetic Cannon Disposable Kinetic CannonSynthesisPhlogiston Phlogiston ×4
Feather of Flame Feather of Flame ×2
Strange Matter of Destruction Strange Matter of Destruction ×4
Phase Flame Phase Flame ×1
Enhancement Paste: Fire Enhancement Paste: FireSynthesisPhlogiston Phlogiston ×5
Feather of Flame Feather of Flame ×2
Strange Matter of Destruction Strange Matter of Destruction ×2

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishStrange Matter of Destruction
Korean파멸의 이물질
SpanishMateria extraña de la Destrucción
FrenchMatière étrange de la Destruction
RussianПричудливая субстанция Разрушения
ThaiStrange Matter of Destruction
VietnameseDị Chất Hủy Diệt
GermanSeltsame Materie der Zerstörung
IndonesianStrange Matter of Destruction
PortugueseMatéria Estranha de Destruição

Change History[]

