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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Stopped Clock is an Adventure Mission from the Clockie: Dreamjoy Memoir event. It is part of the Once Upon a Dreamville... chapter and takes place on Penacony.


  1. Investigate the argument in the theme park
  2. Speak with the employee wearing the Clockie headgear
  3. Try editing Chronometer Chronicles for Dreamjoy Memoir
  4. Get the editing for Dreamjoy Memoir started


Investigate the argument in the theme park[]

UI Adventure Mission Mission Description

It looks like two groups are clashing in Clock Studios Theme Park! Go and check it out!
(Approach the crowd in the theme park)
Clockie?: Clockie will always belong to Clock Studios and Mr. Watchmaker! You Family people can never have it!
Iris Family Representative: Sir, please calm down. I'm here to help you on behalf of the Iris Family.
Iris Family Representative: The lovely Clockie has brought immense wealth to Penacony. Now that he's in a bind, the kind and beautiful Miss Note is ready to lend a hand.
Clockie?: I'm sorry, but Clockie isn't in any trouble, nor does he need such hypocritical goodwill!
Iris Family Representative: Are you sure? The financial report of your company seems to tell a different tale though...
Iris Family Representative: The patent is about to expire, the chairmanWatchmaker has gone missing, and the commemorative movie has been postponed... The urgent reopening of the theme park despite the accident is your way to ease the cash flow pressure, right?
Clockie?: Umm...
Iris Family Representative: How is Clock Studios going to solve all these problems without The Family's help? Is there anyone outside of the silver screen that can save the company with "clockwork"?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Believe it or not, there actually is.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who called upon me? I have arrived!
Iris Family Representative: ...Oh?
Clockie?: I'm sorry, guest. We're in the middle of a business discussion here. Please bear with us...
Iris Family Representative: Wait, why don't you let the guest give you the most genuine feedback?
Iris Family Representative: Just look at Clock Studios Theme Park right now — The most iconic silver screen is broken, the sky is all gloomy, and the Dreamjolt Troupe is walking all over the place.
Iris Family Representative: Clock Studios can't even dish out enough funds to fix the place, yet they want to open the doors and start operating ASAP. How ridiculous...
Iris Family Representative: Hey, guest, let's hear your take. Do you think this dangerous, lifeless, and ill-maintained theme park can be a good recreational spot?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Not really.
Iris Family Representative: Look, that's the guest's objective and genuine opinion.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How thrilling, just the way I like it.
Iris Family Representative: Well... Can't believe Clockie is now being associated with excitement and thrills instead of warmth and joy... This doesn't bode well.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dewlight Pavilion is more fun.
Iris Family Representative: Alas, it's a shame that the theme park has even less pull than our office now...
Iris Family Representative: ...Anyway, I must remind you that Dewlight Pavilion isn't somewhere you can come and go at will.
Iris Family Representative: Now, your audience's feedback is your answer — you are shooting yourselves in the foot with your futile effort to turn things around.
Clockie?: E—Even so, we'll never sell Clockie. Please see yourself out!
Iris Family Representative: Alright, I'm sure you'll come to your senses sooner or later. However, there might no longer be such a generous offer on the table by the time Clock Studios files for bankruptcy with the Alfalfa Family.
Clockie?: Darn it...
Iris Family Representative: There's no rush, so I suggest you sleep on my offer. I'll take my leave now.

Boss Stone?: Oh, that blasted Iris Family! What should we do now?
Mr. Soda?: *gurgle* Seems like we can only pin our hopes on Dreamjoy Memoir now!
Brother Hanu?: Hmm, but Mr. Watchmaker...
Clockie?: Well, let's not bother our guest with our problems. Get back to work!

Speak with the employee wearing the Clockie headgear[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

It looks like there has been a clash between Clock Studios and The Family. Speak with this strange person wearing Clockie headgear to find out more.
(Talk with the person wearing Clockie headgear)
Clockie?: That was just a... minor business dispute. I'm sorry you had to see it.
Pisce: My name is Pisce, the producer for the Clockie franchise. Welcome to the Clock Studios Theme Park!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why are you dressed like this?
Pisce: This is fun, isn't it? Tick-tock, do I look like the cartoon star of Penacony — Clockie?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You look familiar.
Pisce: Haha, this is the cartoon star of Penacony — Clockie!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Holy Stellaroni! Clockie!?
Pisce: That's right! It's Clockie — the mascot of Penacony and the brightest star in Dreamville!
Pisce: All our cast members are dressing up as the characters in Clockie for the recent reopening of the theme park. We want to look more approachable while interacting with the audience.
Pisce: By the way, please don't mind what the lady said just now. We're just having a... minor budget issue. Clock Studios will never go under that easily... I think.
Icon Dialogue Talk What kind of issue?
Pisce: Well... As you know, Clock Studios was established by the mysterious Watchmaker.
Pisce: The tycoon has been at the helm of the company's development behind the scenes. Clockie only gets to see its success today thanks to his business acumen and wild imagination.
Pisce: Yet, we lost touch with him a while back, and the company's been a rudderless drift since then. We keep losing ground in the market competition as a result...
Icon Dialogue Talk What's The Family after?
Pisce: Their representative made us an offer to buy the copyrights of Clockie, claiming that they were trying to save the company...
Pisce: Ugh! That's just baloney! There's no point in keeping Clock Studios if it means losing Clockie!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is there a solution to fix this?
Pisce: There is... We've been preparing a film series to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Clockie called Dreamjoy Memoir!
Pisce: It's a much-anticipated piece that is a collection of all Clockie stories over the past five centuries. If we get to release the series, I believe we can turn the tide with the box office earnings and fund the refurbishment of the theme park.
Pisce: The thing is, the film reels of the series were severely damaged in the earlier accident. Despite our best efforts to repair them, we can only salvage some fragmented scenes, mixed with scrapped storylines. We have to re-edit it.
Pisce: Alas, who would have seen the Watchmaker's disappearance coming? He's the director of the film, and every crew member knows that Clockie's story is inspired by his experiences. However, none of us knows much about his background, nor do we dare to take on the director's role without authorization.
Pisce: For Clockie's future, please keep us posted if you know anything about the Watchmaker's whereabouts or someone who's familiar with his story!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm familiar with the Watchmaker's story.
Pisce: Really? Now isn't the time to joke around!
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm telling the truth.
Pisce: Well... It's not that I find you untrustworthy, but there are simply too many things that are untrue in dreams. I'd appreciate it if you could show me some proof.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Present the invitation letter from the Watchmaker)
Pisce: I see you're Mr. Watchmaker's guest. Please forgive my rudeness... Still, it only proves that Mr. Watchmaker invited you here. It doesn't mean you know him well.
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Present the Watchmaker's hat)
Pisce: This is... Mr. Watchmaker's hat!
Pisce: Yes, I'm pretty sure this is it. He was wearing this hat when I met him. I heard it's something very important to him, but now it's in your hands...
Pisce: I understand, dear guest. You may be the only one who can save the Dreamjoy Memoir movie series now.
Pisce: Please follow me to the theater... I'll show you the work Mr. Watchmaker left behind. Seeing that this is your first time doing any editing, I'll guide you through the basics. Are you ready?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Ready.
Icon Dialogue Exit I'm not ready yet.
Pisce: That's fine. Come find me when you are.
Icon Dialogue Exit I don't really know. Good luck.
Pisce: Thanks for your wish! We'll give it our all to rescue Clockie!
(Talk to Pisce again after exiting the dialogue above at any point)
Pisce: So, dear guest, for Clockie's future, please keep us posted if you know anything about the Watchmaker's whereabouts or someone who's familiar with his story!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm familiar with the Watchmaker's story.
Icon Dialogue Exit Good luck.

Try editing Chronometer Chronicles for Dreamjoy Memoir[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Thanks to your relationship with the Watchmaker, you have been made a special guest director for Clock Studios and begun editing the Dreamjoy Memoir movie...
Start with the pilot: Chronometer Chronicles to practice your editing skills!
(Opens Clockie: Dreamjoy Memoir: Films)
Clockie: Tick-tock, the Watchmaker left behind a lot of raw Story Snippets that need to be edited before they can be released
Clockie: Come on, let's practice our editing skills in this Chronometer Chronicles film first
(Begin editing Chronometer Chronicles)
Clockie: Tick-tock, every Dreamjoy Memoir film contains multiple chapters
Clockie: You will see the completed film snippets at the start of the chapter. Go and take a look

Clockie: Tick-tock, this is an unedited Story Snippet. You'll need to determine their duration
Clockie: This is the dice that represents the duration of the snippet. Drag it onto the plot content to start editing
Clockie: Tick-tock, the different amounts of time invested will bring about Emotion changes and varied story content as well!
Clockie: These are the Emotional Inclinations we're bringing to the audience. A good movie should encompass a variety of emotions, and they should never be allowed to hit zero
Clockie: Tick-tock, once our film is completed, it will undergo an internal screening where it must meet the specified targets in order to proceed.
Clockie: Well done. Let's keep editing
Clockie: Golden Story Snippets represent interesting storylines, which will always increase Audience Emotions
Clockie: Gray Story Snippets represent somber storylines, which will always decrease Audience Emotions
Clockie: Tick-tock. We need to dedicate as much time to interesting stories as possible while editing
Clockie: Selecting the dice also allows for quick allocation of the edit time. It's quite convenient!
Clockie: Let's keep editing!
Clockie: Here's a tip: Dragging the Time Dice to another snippet can switch the Time Dice for both stories.

Clockie: Tick-tock, we're about to enter the next stage of editing. Put the Story Dice in
Clockie: Blue represents normal Story Snippets. When increasing one type of Audience Emotion, they also decrease another type of emotion.
Clockie: Green represents continuous Story Snippets, and you need to invest enough time to gain Emotions
Clockie: Tick-tock, golden Story Snippets can raise multiple Audience Emotions at once!

Clockie: Tick-tock, the starter flick's editing is done! Good job!
Clockie: We just got a film reel for extra stories, which are about the supporting characters!
(Obtain Brother Hanu's Extras Film Reel Brother Hanu's Extras Film Reel ×1)
(If editing fails)
Clockie: Oops. Edit failed... But don't worry. The progress for your completed chapters will still remain.
(Upon reopening the movie where editing failed)
Clockie: Tick-tock, you can select the previously entered chapters to re-edit them

Get the editing for Dreamjoy Memoir started[]

UI Adventure Mission Step Description

Thanks to your relationship with the Watchmaker, you have been made a special guest director for Clock Studios and have begun editing the Dreamjoy Memoir movie...
Editing has started. Help Clock Studios complete more films!
Pisce: I'm surprised you've mastered the production techniques of Dreamscape animation so quickly! Your editing style, performance, and plot arrangement are just like Mr. Watchmaker's. You've done a terrific job!
Pisce: Dear guest... I mean, director, I'd like to sincerely invite you on behalf of Clock Studios to join the production team of the Dreamjoy Memoir animation!
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's it? I'm the director now?
Pisce: That's right! The post-production of Dreamscape animations isn't too difficult and doesn't require advanced skills. We only need a director who knows the Watchmaker well and whose ability is recognized by him. After all, this is his story.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I didn't say I wanted the job.
Pisce: Please do us a favor! The film series means a lot to Mr. Watchmaker! We can't allow it and the theme park to go into oblivion in the Dreamscape!
Icon Dialogue Arrow My services are expensive!
Pisce: Don't worry. Clock Studios is bound to rise once this series hits the cinemas. We'll surely pay you handsomely when the time comes!
Pisce: The other film reels of the Dreamjoy Memoir series will also be restored one by one. Once the editing is completed, they are ready to be released.
Pisce: By the way, during the editing work just now, you should have received an "Extra Story reel", no?
Pisce: This is the material used to shoot Extra Stories You can find animators to complete this extra story. Those animation-obsessed artists are all wearing various characters as headwear. You should be able to identify them immediately.
Pisce: Filming extra stories for characters is a glorious tradition that Clock Studios has continued to the very present. The characters who didn't get to be fully shaped in the main flick can showcase their uniqueness in extra stories and gain more popularity.
Pisce: Do you have time now? Let me explain the details.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Go on.

(Opens Clockie: Dreamjoy Memoir: Extras)
Clockie: Creating Dreamjoy Memoir Extras is the duty of other animators, but they'll definitely need help
Clockie: The obtained film reels can unlock the production plan for Brother Hanu's Extras

(Optional, talk to Pisce again)
Pisce: Filming extra stories for characters is a glorious tradition that Clock Studios has continued to the very present. The characters who didn't get to be fully shaped in the main flick can showcase their uniqueness in extra stories and gain more popularity.
Pisce: You can find animators to complete this extra story. Those animation-obsessed artists are all wearing various characters as headwear. You should be able to identify them immediately.
Pisce: I'm counting on you to shoot the Extra! Under your directions, our characters will definitely be classics that echo down the annals of cinema!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishStopped Clock
Korean회전을 멈춘 시계
SpanishReloj parado
FrenchHorloge arrêtée
RussianОстановившиеся часы
VietnameseĐồng Hồ Ngừng Quay
GermanStillstehende Uhr
IndonesianJam yang Berhenti
PortugueseRelógio Parado

Change History[]
