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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"The destination lies where my arrow is heading."

Stone of The Hunt is a Tier-3 Synthesis Material.

Sold By[]

Grocery Stand (Central Starskiff Haven)Credit×5205Daily
Grocery Stand (Exalting Sanctum)Credit×5205Daily


There are 5 items that can be crafted using Stone of The Hunt:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Dust of Alacrity Dust of AlacritySynthesisSeed Seed ×2
Virtual Particle Virtual Particle ×5
Stone of The Hunt Stone of The Hunt ×1
Enhancement Paste: Wind Enhancement Paste: WindSynthesisGaseous Liquid Gaseous Liquid ×5
Vortex of Wind Vortex of Wind ×2
Stone of The Hunt Stone of The Hunt ×2
Five-Grain Jade Elixir Five-Grain Jade ElixirSynthesisStone of The Hunt Stone of The Hunt ×2
Short Rejuvepill Short Rejuvepill ×3
Human-Height Auspicious Crops Human-Height Auspicious Crops ×1
Ruby Potion Ruby PotionSynthesisVirtual Particle Virtual Particle ×3
Stone of The Hunt Stone of The Hunt ×2
Hard Chip of Nihility Hard Chip of Nihility ×3
Interdimensional Leaf Interdimensional Leaf ×1
Topological Acceleration Band Topological Acceleration BandSynthesisGaseous Liquid Gaseous Liquid ×6
Stone of The Hunt Stone of The Hunt ×2
Slime of Harmony Slime of Harmony ×3
Mythus Knots Mythus Knots ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishStone of The Hunt
SpanishPiedra de la Cacería
FrenchPierre de la Chasse
RussianОхотничий камень
ThaiStone of the Hunt
VietnameseĐá Săn Bắn
GermanStein der Jagd
IndonesianStone of the Hunt
PortuguesePedra da Caça

Change History[]

