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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Welt Sticker 01
"The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."
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Transportation between delves on the Xianzhou greatly relies on starskiffs, and Stargazer Navalia is the core zone to produce them.

Stargazer Navalia is an area aboard The Xianzhou Luofu, unlocked after completing Trailblaze Mission The Hound Chases the Fox in the Chapter Windswept Wanderlust.

There are a total of 23 Treasures and 1 Warp Trotter found in Stargazer Navalia.

Points of Interest[]

There are 4 Points of Interest in Stargazer Navalia:

Name Image Description
Icon Space Anchor Active Astral Cottage Space Anchor Astral Cottage A small building next to the entrance of Stargazer Navalia, made for Artisanship Commission craftsmen to relax in between their shifts.
Icon Space Anchor Active Ship Nursery - The Budding Space Anchor Ship Nursery - The Budding One of the work platforms of the Ship Nursery pipeline in Stargazer Navalia. This is where the "seed" of the ships are inserted into the Fallow Earth growth medium to allow for germination and budding.
Icon Space Anchor Active Ship Nursery - The Burgeoning Space Anchor Ship Nursery - The Burgeoning A section of the starskiff growth assembly line. The seeds of vehicles grow their boughs here and form into a nascent shape.
Icon Space Anchor Active The Mooring Space Anchor The Mooring The mooring platform in Stargazer Navalia. After the starskiffs become fully grown, they will temporarily be moored here.






There is 1 Stargazer Navalia NPC:


Brave Cycrane only appears during the unnamed mission for the Achievement The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Wrath.‍[verification needed]


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishStargazer Navalia
SpanishPuerto Miraestrellas
FrenchPort Mirétoiles
RussianПорт Звездочёт Навалия
ThaiStargazer Navalia
VietnameseBến Cảng Sao Xoay
IndonesianStargazer Navalia
PortuguesePorto Estelarium

Change History[]

