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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The grand music festival hides a lurking threat as the Dazzling Ninja Hero takes the stage — let the hunt begin once more! The band performance will soon commence, and it promses to be an electrifying spectacle!

Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription is a permanent Event in Version 2.6.

Event Details[]


  • 2024/10/25 12:00:00 – 2024/12/02 03:59:00 (server time)
    • After the limited-time event concludes, Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription will be moved to Conventional Memoir, where Trailblazers can continue to experience its gameplay.



  • In the event, Trailblazers will take on the role of the band manager for a music party, leading the members to complete three performances on the central stage of the campus.
  • During preparations, Trailblazers must complete various music challenges to gather inspiration for composing.
  • Each music challenge has three difficulty stages — Easy, Hard, and Advanced Trial. After completing the Easy difficulty challenge, you can obtain the corresponding musical inspiration.
  • In the music challenges, Trailblazers are required to follow the musical rhythm and react at the correct moment.
  • Once you've gathered enough Inspiration and completed the composition, you can edit the track that will be performed and take the stage. The edited track will also continue to play in the central stage area of Paperfold University.

Limited Time Rewards[]

Band Reputation[]

Requirement Rewards
Reach Band Popularity Level 3
Stellar Jade 80
Traveler's Guide 8
Credit 100000
Reach Band Popularity Level 6
Stellar Jade 80
Refined Aether 10
Credit 100000
Reach Band Popularity Level 9
Stellar Jade 80
Lost Crystal 10
Credit 100000
Reach Band Popularity Level 12
Stellar Jade 80
Traveler's Guide 8
Credit 100000
Reach Band Popularity Level 15
Stellar Jade 80
Refined Aether 10
Credit 100000

Rhythm Master[]

Requirement Rewards
Accumulate a total of 5 star(s) the music challenge's Easy and Hard difficulties
Stellar Jade 80
Traveler's Guide 8
Dynamic Outlining 10
Accumulate a total of 15 star(s) the music challenge's Easy and Hard difficulties
Stellar Jade 80
Refined Aether 10
Dynamic Outlining 10
Accumulate a total of 20 star(s) the music challenge's Easy and Hard difficulties
Stellar Jade 80
Lost Crystal 10
Dynamic Outlining 10
Accumulate a total of 30 star(s) the music challenge's Easy and Hard difficulties
Stellar Jade 80
Traveler's Guide 8
Dynamic Outlining 10
Accumulate a total of 35 star(s) the music challenge's Easy and Hard difficulties
Stellar Jade 80
Refined Aether 10
Dynamic Outlining 10
Accumulate a total of 45 star(s) the music challenge's Easy and Hard difficulties
Stellar Jade 80
Lost Crystal 10
Dynamic Outlining 10

Performance Progress[]

Requirement Rewards
Complete the Adventure Mission "Sound Hunt: Initiation"
Stellar Jade 80
Lost Crystal 10
Credit 100000
Complete the Adventure Mission "Sound Hunt: Continuation"
Stellar Jade 80
Traveler's Guide 8
Credit 100000
Complete the Adventure Mission "Sound Hunt: Culmination"
Tracks of Destiny 1
Stellar Jade 80
Credit 100000

Campus Celebrity[]

Requirement Rewards
Complete all limited-time missions
Self-Modeling Resin 1

Nameless Honor Missions[]

This event added additional "This Period" Nameless Honor missions to the 2024-10-23 Nameless Honor. The Nameless EXP obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 8,000 The Nameless EXP.

MissionsThe Nameless EXP The Nameless EXP
In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, collect 3 musical inspiration(s) of the Dreamscape Rock genre1400
In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, collect 3 musical inspiration(s) of the Dynamic Disco genre1400

Total Rewards[]

Credit 976,000 Credit


There are 5 Achievements related to Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Remix 10 The Memories We Share In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, unlock the fourth track of the stage Yes 2.6 10
Musical Rhapsody The Memories We Share In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, name the band you created No 2.6 5
Natsu Matsuri The Memories We Share In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, complete the first performance of the music party with your band No 2.6 5
Heaven and Hell The Memories We Share In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, complete the second performance of the music party with your band No 2.6 5
Testify The Memories We Share In Sound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription, complete the final performance of the music party with your band No 2.6 5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSound Hunt Ninjutsu Inscription
Korean음률 사냥 인법첩
SpanishPergamino ninja de la Cacería del Sonido
FrenchTechnique de la chasse au son
RussianМузыкальная охота: Свиток ниндзя
VietnameseBí Kíp Nhẫn Pháp Săn Bắn Âm Luật
GermanNinja-Kodex der Klangjagd
IndonesianTeknik Ninja Perburuan Nada
PortugueseInscrições do Ninjutsu da Caça ao Som

Change History[]
