Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

SoulGlad™ has opened an official flagship store on the Skysplitter. In addition to classic beverage products, they also seem to sell some officially licensed souvenirs that match the Skysplitter's atmosphere.

SoulGlad™ Official Flagship Shop (Skysplitter Branch) is a Shop located on the Skysplitter aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.

It is operated by Su Meile.


ItemCostStockTotal CostRefresh
Recipe: Take Your Life 3000 Recipe: Take Your Life 3000Credit×10,0001Credit×10,000
Recipe: Spine-Marrow Sparking Blade Recipe: Spine-Marrow Sparking BladeCredit×5,0001Credit×5,000
Recipe: Sword in the Stone Recipe: Sword in the StoneCredit×2,5001Credit×2,500
Classic SoulGlad Classic SoulGladCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000Daily
Sweet Dreams Soda Sweet Dreams SodaCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000Daily
Flying Sword Model Flying Sword ModelCredit×60010Credit×6,000Daily
Total cost for all itemsCredit Credit ×41,500


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSoulGlad Official Flagship Shop (Skysplitter Branch)
Korean솔글래드™ 공식 플래그십 스토어(경기 함선 지점)
SpanishTienda insignia oficial de FelizAlma en la Bifurcacielos
FrenchBoutique officielle Félicitâme du Fendeur des cieux
RussianОфициальный магазин Услады™ («Рассекатель небес»)
Thaiร้าน SoulGlad (สาขาเรือประชันคมดาบ)
VietnameseCửa Hàng Chính Thức SoulGlad™ (Chi Nhánh Tàu Phá Thiên)
GermanOffizieller Flagship-Store von SeelFroh (Filiale Himmelsspalter)
IndonesianToko Flagship Resmi SoulGlad (Cabang Skysplitter)
PortugueseLoja Oficial da FelizAlma (Filial Cruzador Celeste)

Change History[]
