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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Sinclair is an NPC aboard The Xianzhou Luofu, located in Cloudford upon completing Trailblaze Mission Obsequies Performed, A Long Road Ahead in the Chapter Karmic Clouds Faded, War Banners Folded.


Sinclair is a merchant from Aigaia, a planet part of a civilization under The Preservation. He considers the custom of dueling from his home planet to be dignified and is bothered by the Xianzhou's restrictions on duels. He has a low opinion of his commercial rival Maryam, with whom he is in competition for a guild permit.


Voice Lines[]

(Version 1)
"My home planet doesn't have much trade as it is. Why haven't the guild permits been released yet?"
(Version 2)
"I'm definitely going to get a guild permit this time around."


(First interaction)
Sinclair: My home planet doesn't have much trade as it is. Why haven't the guild permits been released yet? Y-you, yeah you! What are you doing?
Sinclair: If you're awaiting documents from the Sky-Faring Commission, you'd better get behind me in line. Go on, then — get out of the way
Icon Dialogue Arrow What documents? I'm getting in line too!
Sinclair: You don't understand anything, do you? You just came here to rubberneck.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm not waiting for documents from the Sky-Faring Commission
Sinclair: Hey hey, why didn't you say so? Did you have to wait for me to say all that before you made things clear?
Sinclair: Since you're not an Outworlder merchant waiting here for documents, then I suppose we aren't rivals.
Sinclair: On the contrary, that Maryam — hohoho! What a wreck, it's a disgrace just to be within spitting distance of her.
Sinclair: If we followed the Aigaian Customs of my homeworld, I would have challenged her to a "duel" and fought for dignity with my fists. A shame we're on the Xianzhou. Know what I'm saying? All uppity and civilized, can't get into a scrap here...
Icon Dialogue Talk I heard that people still duel on the Xianzhou.
Sinclair: Let me guess, you're a fan of Protecting Starskiff Haven, right? That program is so superficial. They get it all wrong.
Sinclair: Besides, every time I want to "duel," that guild rep with a big tail will always say, "No fighting! No fighting! Guild approval is a rare privilege reserved for the patient!"
Sinclair: For the sake of these documents, I had to hold back.
Icon Dialogue Talk You know it's disorderly conduct.
Sinclair: Gotta follow the local customs, right? Back in my hometown, it's proper etiquette to settle disputes with a "duel."
Sinclair: As for those astonishing age restrictions for entertainment... My friend who works in the Entertainment Division keeps telling me how much of a problem the "Restricted for those under 200 years old" rating system is.
Sinclair: Back on Aigaia, personal weaponry is legislated for ages twelve and up.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have you two come to a disagreement?
Sinclair: Ever heard of Cybercity superconducting alloys? I had a whole stockpile and was ready to come to the Xianzhou and make it big... Until I found out about Maryam having the same plan and wanting to steal all of my business.
Sinclair: I can't accept it. I'd rather lose money than let the Sky-Faring Commission buy her stock.
Sinclair: ...I know I come off as rather aggressive, and my friends back home always remind me that this'll run me out of business one day. If I've offended you just now, please don't take it to heart.
Sinclair: Take this gift for meeting up with me. If we get a chance to work together in the future, then let's do some business. Do you want to chat more?
(Obtain Human-Height Auspicious Crops Human-Height Auspicious Crops ×5)
(Continue onto dialogue options below)

(Subsequent interactions)
Sinclair: This time, I'm determined to win that guild permit!
Sinclair: That Maryam sure is sharp! If she obtains approval, then I won't be able to go home, so she absolutely must not get it!
Sinclair: You're back. I haven't been approved yet. Are you free now for a quick chat?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to ask you about something.
Sinclair: Ask away. If I'm able to answer, I'll be sure to let you know.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's this "Aigaian" you speak of?
Sinclair: Huh? Are you interested in our Aigaian civilization too? That's great. Let me fill you in so you don't formulate any negative stereotypes.
Sinclair: Thousands of years ago, our Aigaian civilization was just a group of interstellar herders who did things our own way. Under the guidance of the Navigator Moth, we'd live a nomadic lifestyle across several planets. In many cases, internecine quarrels would break out over resources.
Sinclair: Until one day, the almighty Planck Aigaia Khan, hero of the Aigaian Khanate, realized an ambition — with everyone utilizing the same language, culture, and all worshiping the Preservation, why not unite under a powerful alliance together?
Sinclair: In the end, Planck Khan's cultural and military achievements unified the Aigaia, Gutenberg, Riemann, and Heisenberg Khanates under one banner — the almighty Aigaian civilization, which we know to this day.
Sinclair: Later on, the IPC made the first contact with us, and the Aigaian civilization was officially added to the credits macro-economy. Only then could I finally come to the Xianzhou to conduct business affairs.
Sinclair: Our modern tradition of "dueling" comes from Planck Khan. He felt that human dignity should be demonstrated via a fair "duel" between two individuals.
Sinclair: So do you get it now? Dueling isn't a barbaric custom at all! Rather, it's our display of human dignity!
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you going to do with your batch of goods?
Sinclair: What can I do? I can't just leave them to rot... Sigh, I don't mean that Cybercity superconducting alloys could ever actually rot. I just mean that I can't go back to my hometown with my tail between my legs and nothing to show for it.
Sinclair: Ours isn't a hyper-developed star system. Once the IPC settled in, that was the end of our local business economy. So, I teamed up with a few hometown friends, pooling our money to make opportunities for ourselves beyond the sky.
Sinclair: I ended up being the only one who made it to the Xianzhou Luofu, which was no big deal. People back home wouldn't feel like they were losing their shirts as long as I can get some business going for us.
Sinclair: I heard they needed these superconducting alloys over at the Artisanship Commission, but not very much. But Maryam popped out of nowhere and wants the business for herself. Now I have to compete with her prices... I'm so anxious!
Sinclair: She cut her price, then so did I. I had to make this sale and couldn't let her seize the advantage from me.
Icon Dialogue Talk What about making inquiries over at the Sky-Faring Commission?
Sinclair: C'mon... Do you really think I haven't tried? I've been there many times already.
Sinclair: The Sky-Faring Commission has been reasonable. I can only blame the Ambrosial Arbor's new growth, the closing of the Jade Gate, and the cessation of trade permits. They have been burned out for a while over at the Sky-Faring Commission and I can understand how hard they've been working.
Sinclair: After the disaster, I came to realize that there's no such thing as a steady and stable business out there in the universe. Or as a common Xianzhou saying puts it, "It's a matter of time, luck, and fate."
Sinclair: There's a guy called Maozhen who's keen to help me solve things. I trust he can help me with document approval... So I'm staying here. The key is Maryam... If she could just be a little more sensible.
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you again next time.
Sinclair: Cool. Outworld traders like us need to stick together.
Icon Dialogue Exit Catch you again next time.
Sinclair: Cool. Outworld traders like us need to stick together.

Other Languages[]

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