Secrets are short dialog sequences that typically provide some lore about the subject of a Simulated Universe Expansion.
After experiencing a Secret, it can be replayed under the dedicated tab of the Expansion.
In Simulated Universe: Swarm Disaster, Trailblaze Secrets are encountered at the end of each Plane.
Collecting all 42 Swarm Disaster Trailblaze Secrets awards the Achievement Stranger in a Strange Land and unlocks the Event Adventure Mission Swarm Disaster: Exchanging Secret Intel.
Sand King: Tayzzyronth[]
Part I[]

- Origin Universe: Don't forget you're playing as Akivili. Turning into a mortal and hiding in the crowd is what you do best. Don't worry. Just close your eyes and relax your limbs, and you will find your senses in the middle of a gallery of a plethora of colors... Then, you start browsing the changing scenes quickly...
- Origin Universe: You open your eyes and find yourself in Lepismat, where there's no humanity but a swarm of flat insects crawling at your feet. Your instinct screams at you, telling you that this is the beginning of everything! However, you realize that strange and anachronistic items constantly appear and are calculated into being from the loopholes in the Simulated Universe. For example, a manuscript copy of the research of Finality composed by Genius Society member #? has unfolded automatically before you.
- Origin Universe: You calm down and observe it, knowing that the end of all things is recorded in it. The scribbling writes, "...Tayzzyronth, an Aeon that ascends amid hatred and loneliness. From the words the Finality mutters in THEIR sleep, Tayzzyronth's death predetermines THEIR birth. Throughout THEIR whole life, THEY will be imprisoned in the Path of Propagation. If you're interested, you can learn about its abnormality, its separation, and how it is played by fate..."
- Origin Universe: This page of the manuscript starts burning by itself after you finish reading it. It carries out a strict self-destruction procedure. The next page contains a handwriting that is even more messy. You believe it will burn after you read it, too...
- Origin Universe: A genius left behind a manuscript before being murdered by Polka Kakamond. His writing style is as vague as his speech: "A—An Omen Van—Vanguard successfully interpreted the somniloquy of the Finality, those words sounding like an enigma being played backwards? ...He then traveled around only to share his findings with others... Th—There are no means to find out... whether the Omen Vanguard's action was effectiv—ve..."
- Origin Universe: "Th—That darn fictitious pills... It claimed... to be able to cure... stuttering disorder... caused by lack of self-confidence... Now... even my writing is... af—affected..."
Review those geniuses' manuscripts. — It's not like research reports can just jump up and hit you, unless, of course, you secretly want them to?
- Let's burn them up! — Burn before reading!
- Origin Universe: As you look elsewhere, the manuscript suddenly jumps and gives your head a *punch*! You are dumbfounded! Before you know it, it is back to where it was lying again.
- Origin Universe: You wonder whether you were hallucinating just now.
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: When you look up, you find yourself on an isolated island with coconut trees and ocean currents. The inhabitants are dressed in animal hide in the most primitive form. Forced to live in isolation, it suddenly occurs to you that it is the *place of destiny*. The first world the Propagation descended upon after their ascension seemed to be predetermined. Several Amber Eras ago, this place was gradually isolated due to geographic and ocean current changes. Loneliness thickens, mixes, and stirs, and the island is like a handful of soil waiting to be sown.
- Swarm Universe: You have nothing to do, and there is only an odd-looking flame on the wasteland before you. You put out the colorful flame with seawater, and a rather charred photo frame emerges... There is a drowned knife next to it.
- Swarm Universe: There is something peculiar about this photograph that chimes an irresistible fear within you. As you gaze upon it, you detect how fate expresses itself: The Mandalan islanders draw on photos, creating colorful wings upon the image of their family members' shoulders. That multicolored flame erupting out is the representation of life itself. They connect and embrace each other with flames, culminating in the birth of new life.
- Swarm Universe: The Mandalan islanders use the continuation of life to resist the fear of loneliness and death - there is nothing else on this isolated island except love and loneliness... Regrettably, this flame will eventually be extinguished, and the island will end up being the initial breeding ground for the Swarm.
Speak with the photo frame. — This is something you often do... Does everyone have that many friends?
- Swarm Universe: A ravenous desire for Destruction smolders in your heart... stoked by your overwhelming fear of annihilation! Your right hand rises uncontrollably as an irresistible fear tinkles through you and forces you to make a decision to commit robbery...
- Swarm Universe: However, as you touch the knife, countless souls who once caressed this blade appear and dissipate, and stories flood into your mind. For, out of the same fear, a one-armed father once wielded this very knife to protect his daughter. And yet, amidst the warfare that destroyed their village, the grown daughter ended her own life amidst the Swarm...
- Swarm Universe: ...There is nothing else on this isolated island except love and loneliness... Regrettably, they will end up being the initial breeding ground for the Swarm.
Make a small cut with a small knife! — You don't know why such a thought occurred, but you only live once!
- Swarm Universe: Anyone, no one will jump out and become your friend... You make a yawn.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: On planet Zeus Tehtera, where the distinction between day and night has long been blurred by the all-encompassing darkness wrought by the Swarm, the residents have already resigned themselves to their doomed fate. However, the shroud of darkness suddenly lifts — and the light of dawn breaks through. A triumphant and exultant celebration ensues, lasting for three full natural days and nights. You join in the revelry halfway through, imbibing to your heart's content with the jubilant crowd for eighteen days and nights, until a realization dawns upon you: The daylight has persisted for far too long.
- Ember Universe: Your gaze falls upon a stone cabinet at the center of the ruins: Some stubborn souls are still clinging to the past.
- Ember Universe: You politely knock on it and wait there for eleven whole natural months...
- Ember Universe: In the end, you lose your patience and pull a naked man out of the cabinet, shouting, "Stop hiding! The Swarm is no more!"
- Ember Universe: At that moment, a heartrending wail erupts from this miner from the support team, who then clings to the stone cabinet and cries for three days and nights. His grief is so profound that he and the cabinet seem like a pair of bitter lovers forced apart.
Give it a knock. — You are still waiting for him to come out of the stone closet.
- Leave. — You feel disinclined to interrupt his time inside the closet.
- Ember Universe: ...There's nothing wrong with living in the past.
Part IV[]
- Origin Universe: You are no stranger to the sudden darkness that envelopes you... for you have experienced too many inexplicable things, time and time again... This time, three shadows appear before you. Those who have once lived and perished may occasionally appear here. Their features flicker and waver, at times taking the form of insects resembling Melchiez's adopted sons... Perhaps they possess different souls.
- Origin Universe: "The formidable army spawned by the self-replication and division of the Sand King originates from the Lepismat system. Some units of the Swarm have transformed into ground combat units... They have sacrificed flight for colossal size and hardened carapaces... These units often serve as the shock troops of the Swarm Invasion, using their massive bodies to break through defenses..."
- Origin Universe: You have become madder.
A certain nobleman once recorded before he fell into a crazed state... — You're starting to feel a little *crazy* too.
- Origin Universe: "I have seen wonders beyond the scope of human imagination... I have seen dozens of insects intertwine and give birth to entirely new offspring, which in turn weave themselves together like a shape-shifting rose with countless interlocking petals. The reproductive cycle of the Swarm is akin to a flower emitting pheromones and various scents... a breathtaking combination of monstrosity and beauty..."
- Origin Universe: Understanding someone else's thoughts is never an easy task... You are starting to get drowsy.
A certain traveler with an active imagination murmurs to himself behind the glass wall after being confined... — You try to enter his mind.
- Armed Archaeologist before they were murdered... — You feel sorry.
- Origin Universe: "Lepismat was once a site of flourishing biodiversity, where insects of multiple biological sexes may have coexisted with each serving their own unique functions within the Swarm. However, it remains unclear which branches of the Swarm were responsible for reproduction during this era. However, at some point, the ancient insects gradually drifted toward the brink of extinction."
- Origin Universe: You are more curious about why he was murdered... But unfortunately, it seems he doesn't care about himself.
A piece of evidence left behind by a certain - Herta needs to do some bug fixing for the Simulated Universe. Leave. — Looks like
Part V[]
- Swarm Universe: At the hospital on Mandalan Island, your ears are filled with raucous cries... The number of newborns has peaked at an all-time high. In the days that follow, they rushed out of the isolated island, and as a result, Swarms emerge in the skies all over Lapole Major.
- Swarm Universe: You hold out with the doctors at the hospital for twenty-one days until the Lapole Major government officially announces the planet's fall and requests interstellar rescue. As transport ships arrive to evacuate the first batch of survivors, you hear whispers among some of the refugees, urging a distraught woman to flee the area. She refuses to open the door, and her window lies shattered.
- Swarm Universe: Driven by a sudden urge, you leap through the broken window and give her a good grimace! For her, this will be a *better* solace than those fools' comforting words.
- Swarm Universe: She is startled by your bold move! For a moment, you're unsure who is the *madder* one between you and the woman. Satisfied, you glance around the room and spot the toddler shoes scattered on the floor, a heartbreaking revelation of the woman's cruel fate...
- Swarm Universe: She winces... as if her blood has stopped flowing through her veins. Then, she asks you to leave.
- Swarm Universe: Later, on the twenty-fourth night of the Swarm Invasion, she discovers an insect crawling through a slit in her window and raises it as her own child. She teaches it to walk, to put on shoes, and even to speak with all her heart. Seven days later, her house becomes flooded with her new offspring... although none of them can put on shoes for themselves.
Tell her about the fate that she must accept. — Her children have all left, which also means they will never return.
- Swarm Universe: You accept the woman's reprimand in silence and take this chance to seal the broken windows in her room before leaving.
- Swarm Universe: Later, on the twenty-fourth night of the Swarm Invasion, she raises an insect that comes in through a slit on her window as her own child. She teaches it how to walk, how to put on shoes, and even how to speak with all her heart and so. Seven days later, her house is flooded with her heirs... although none of them can put on shoes for themselves.
It's better to seal the window up. — You are unwilling to tell her what you saw.
- Swarm Universe: You rub your feet uneasily, sadly reaffirmed about your ability to move your own feet.
Part VI[]
- Ember Universe: The calamity has ultimately ceased, or at least one must believe so. Ahead lies only those tending to the psychological needs of survivors, their ashen visages not unlike the ruins of their forlorn city now deprived of its former glory in the wake of the apocalypse.
- Ember Universe: The psychological assistance center of Elothea is seeking temporary helpers. While there will be no payment, the satisfaction of aiding those in need will be rewarding enough on its own.
- Ember Universe: Out of love, you harden your heart and bury it.
Participate in the psychological intervention and assistance work after the catastrophic swarm in the Elothean Empire. — You will also become slightly *hurt*.
- Ember Universe: Making up stories is your forte. As the Fourteenth Emperor gazes skyward, watching the Swarm retreat, he implores you to document the phenomenon. Inventing twelve distinct explanations for the ebbing Swarm, you fabricate twelve different versions of prophecies in response to this omen. In the years that follow, the prophecies you created become popular among the trendy Ptarmigans, who use them as a means to divine their character and destiny, masking their unease about the capricious future.
- Ember Universe: You have become a master astrologer without effort!
Sitting beside the 14th Emperor and helping him equivocate and embellish... — Narration itself is just a fancy sensory trick...
- Leave. — You are in a hurry.
- Ember Universe: Merely staying alive is traumatic in itself.
Part VII[]
- Origin Universe: The scent of blood pierces your nostrils, jolting you awake! You find yourself amidst an unprecedented massacre and the onset of all that was to follow. If only everything could halt at this instant, but regrettably, no one can freeze the passage of time...
- Origin Universe: You caress the Elydichnan army insignia affixed to your chest... Your regiment has just erupted into conflict with bounty hunters... And yes, you know well that you are on Lepismat, for where else would you be surrounded by countless sandworms?
- Origin Universe: You discern that certain insects are being utilized by the army as weapons due to their self-replication features. Some insects are reproducing on the battlefield like a legion that regenerates infinitely, while some colossal insects are purging the surface of all hostile entities.
- Origin Universe: You think you can stay out of this? Think again! You must learn to defend yourself... both on the battlefield and in your life.
I will put down my gun. — This is not what I want to do.
- Origin Universe: Yes, you have to convince yourself that this is not a game.
I wanna populate my insectoid index! — It's just a simulation game!
- Origin Universe: Death surrounds you, with corpses of both humans and insects littering the landscape. It's better to be the hunter than the prey! But to your amazement, in the midst of the battle, the Swarm abruptly ceases its flight and begins to reproduce. This moment may herald the advent of a new age of cosmic organisms! You never imagined that such a wondrous sight could occur right before your eyes.
- Origin Universe: Trembling, you suddenly spot the last of the Coleoptera on Lepismat, which hurtles into the sky with a shattered carapace and trails of mucus, leaving behind the chaos, carnage, and the unending flames of war. An otherworldly entity appears to be observing everything with its colossal eye.
Part VIII[]
- Swarm Universe: A vast swarm of locusts is once again pursuing you! Their buzzing wings produce such a cacophony that it causes you a headache... You slam the door and barricade them outside! You must find some solace... so you take out your treasured pocket watch and tenderly fondle it to stimulate your senses!
- Swarm Universe: In the eyes of others, you appear to be fondling and indulging in your pocket watch... But you alone know that the "distress records" frequencies have been inscribed as Morse code and are noted via the minute movements in the watch hands.
- Swarm Universe: You believe that once you survive this catastrophe, this piece of scrap metal will become priceless! And you shall become the second Louis Fleming!
- Swarm Universe: A signal from an Elothean city guard: A soldier who has lost one of his arms is shooing away flies in front of a fruit store, completely unaware that his city will be overrun by locusts in merely three days.
- Swarm Universe: This is the 1× Speed Universe.
- Swarm Universe: A signal from the Synesthesia Center on Trashill: Residents of Trashill send out a distress signal to the universe, hoping to be rescued within two system hours. When an escort sent by the Order arrives, they find that the entire star system has already succumbed to the Swarm.
- Swarm Universe: This is the 2× Speed Universe.
- Swarm Universe: A signal from the microbes on the potted plant "Greenhill": The "Greenhill" was created by a genius just to slake his obsessive desire for observing tiny intelligent beings. He marveled his little subjects as they groomed, nourished, and excreted in a state of ecstasy, until the entire Greenhill was trampled by a single True Sting!
- Swarm Universe: This is the 10× Speed Universe.
Let me hear its voice... — I want to fast-track my progress towards financial freedom!
- Break it! — Others' pain shall never become my solace.
- Swarm Universe: Sadly, no matter how many credits you offer, the Swarm outside shows no sign of ebbing. You hear a loud crash as the barricades give way... Now, you have to face the brutal reality.
Part IX[]
- Ember Universe: The Swarm recedes, and you return to Lapole Major, only to find it strewn with dead branches and bite marks everywhere — evidence of Swarm devastation. Suddenly, you notice a wooden hut that is familiar to you. You recall seeing it once, a long, long time ago when its windows were obscured by snow and its wooden shingles exuded the scent of pine nuts.
- Ember Universe: Eighty-seven tiny garments and over seven thousand pairs of little shoes. They are familiar to you, but you fail to recollect where you saw them before.
- Ember Universe: The fragrance of love, originating from Melchidek, the last hermit on Lapole Major.
Before entering, take a big whiff. — These have never been worn, so they have absolutely no smell.
- Ember Universe: Your manners exude politeness, but manners absent of scent cannot be considered quite so splendid.
Before entering, take off your shoes! — The ones on your feet are different, try to refrain from smelling them.
- Ember Universe: You gaze at the ashes in the furnace, and they seem to speak of Melchidek's past. She had been waiting for her children until her food had been depleted and everything outside had been devastated. She stumbled, opened the door, and cast herself into the darkness that enveloped the sky.
Lepismat System: Massacre Saga[]

Part I[]
- Origin Universe: When the "uncivilized" Lepismat system was first discovered by "civilization," the planet's surface teemed with swarms of insects. A leader gazed upon the star charts on the screen, relishing in the momentous occasion. He directed his attention towards Lepismat, awash in elation.
- Origin Universe: This leader... has always managed to succeed against all odds, and his triumphs have filled him with avarice, hubris, and an unwavering belief that he can conquer any planet and erect unprecedented civilizations. While he can get whatever he desires... he has never discovered what he really wants.
- Origin Universe: Now, he extends an invitation to you, something he rarely offers. He admires you, a navigator who composes poetry in your spare time. The curiosity for destiny is not just a butterfly that alights on your fingertips, but also on his.
- Origin Universe: He discloses a secret: He is afflicted with a peculiar ailment that allows him to only retain memories of the most recent three days. The leader requests a favor of you: to document certain whispers about Lepismat and remind him of them every three days. At that moment, you realize that this will be the greatest moment of your life. You will become his right-hand man and serve as his second mind.
I will join. — A rare opportunity... You are willing to sacrifice some personal time for this.
- I refuse. — My ambition is to write poetry after work.
- Origin Universe: At the next landing, you will arrive in Lepismat. His eyes gleam... and you are aware that he believes in the half-deciphered whispers that were played in reverse. "He conquers planets. He establishes civilizations. He finds his lost self."
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: The Swarm, emerging from an uncharted islet, ravages through the Cosmos, turning numerous star systems into barren wastelands... Soon, everything is devoured. The Swarm consumes countless worlds until not even the corpses of their victims remain.
- Swarm Universe: You trail the Swarm to a planet piled with corpses. As you inadvertently kick over a body, its shattered head suddenly springs to life! It is then that you notice an unlikely survivor with a scraggly beard, grizzled hair, twisted ankles, and scant clothing. The whiteness upon his crown catches your notice, and he raises his head and meets your gaze.
- Swarm Universe: He thanks you, smiles at you, and then lets out a torrent of furious curses!
Approach and strike up a conversation. — Look, who's that?
- Swarm Universe: He gazes at your back as you depart, and unleashes a torrent of furious curses!
Expeditiously avoid. — Don't pick a fight.
- Swarm Universe: He curses in a hoarse and anguished voice, lamenting that even after defeating the bounty hunters, he failed to find the "self" he had been seeking... and started to believe that the person who had recorded the whispers was nothing more than a liar! Despite this, he persisted in his "conquests."
- Swarm Universe: He curses vehemently as he attaches the *half of his head* you just kicked back to its original position.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: After the destruction subsides, a group of "Sin Thirsters" emerge from the void, feeding on the sense of guilt. They appear fleetingly, and dance around in jubilation, having gained a new lease on life. They represent the souls of the deceased: the Swarm that has died and been reborn, and the civilizations that have been destroyed and reconstructed...
- Ember Universe: As a Sin Thirster shifts and transforms like smoke, it eventually takes on a hunched human-like form. When it lingers near you, you detect both an alluring fragrance and the scent of blood.
- Ember Universe: You feel as if you have gulped down a mass of air as a Sin Thirster stirs within your stomach, leaving a flavor resembling that of a *Stink Fruit*.
Eat it up! — Doesn't it know that it's just a mass of gas?
- Tell it its name when it was alive. — Names are masks created by the living for their own emptiness.
- Ember Universe: Somehow, your actions seem to have agitated it. It alters its appearance and introduces itself in silence as a soldier imbued with "joy," and a Self-Annihilator who has forgotten how to erase itself from existence.
Part IV[]
- Origin Universe: Despite the gruesome scene before you, the individual in front of you displays no signs of mercy... The stench of blood mixed with fragrance fills your nostrils, and the remnants of insects are plastered to the window by the wind... which sends shivers down your spine. Thankfully, this place is sheltered by a layer of impenetrable glass, beyond which lies heaps of dead insects and fervent soldiers...
- Origin Universe: The leader beckons you to his side, immersing himself in the view outside the window and calling it as "a necessary path for the triumph of civilization." He implores you to chronicle his heroic deeds!
- Origin Universe: At his feet lie a few *Larnoli Worms*, characterized by their soft bodies and exquisite color hues... reminiscent of jelly drops.
- Origin Universe: On his table, there are tiny *Fisgerald Bugs*... ruthless and elusive assassins... Some of them only reveal their true form under certain lighting conditions.
- Origin Universe: He is toying with... a *Tagger* in his hand? No matter how you move around, his gaze never meets yours as he always keeps an eye on your back.
Look around while making the record. — You're curious as to what kinds of insects he's caught during the process.
- Origin Universe: You wait for several system hours until the leader falls asleep and begins to snore... Finally, you seize your chance to place your hand on those worms. It's time to leave... little ones. Go find a safer place away from the flames of war and fly freely in the sky.
- Origin Universe: You see a *Tagger* following you, reluctant to leave. You steel yourself and shoo it away.
Stealthily release the little ones he had caught. — Let's go, little ones.
- Origin Universe: Oh... what an adorable *Tagger*.
Part V[]
- Swarm Universe: You arrive at a desolate world, where nothing but a vast, lifeless desert remains. An old man with grizzled hair and twisted ankles sits amidst *dunes* and *sand warriors*, keeping the Swarm at bay with his sand walls.
- Swarm Universe: Despite having overcome aging, a natural biological process for living beings, he appears tormented. He looks exhausted and says that he doesn't understand why he just won't die. He scratches his ankles and shows you the sand towers he has crafted.
- Swarm Universe: He thanks you, smiles at you, and then lets out a torrent of furious curses!
Sincere praise. — Nicely built!
- Swarm Universe: This desire is too overwhelming! You gently reach out a finger... and destroy his decades-old creation in one fell swoop!
- Swarm Universe: To your surprise, he thanks you and smiles at you. But then, he lets out a torrent of furious curses!
Extend an index finger... — Hahah! And knock down the sand dune he spent ten natural years building!
- Swarm Universe: The old man explains that he has created buildings, islands, pavilions, castles, and even a miniature metropolis for slaves... all out of sand. He has witnessed his miniature empire rise, thrive, decline, and ultimately fall. According to him, he is so skilled in this craft that he once even restored "civilization" in a land possessed of naught but corpses. However, now he seems exhausted and is ready to depart for the next world.
- Swarm Universe: But you refuse to hear anything! His reprimands were so harsh that you begin to weep uncontrollably...
- Swarm Universe: Your tears inadvertently destroy countless *Sand Mechs*... prompting them to protest! Please, just stop crying.
Part VI[]
- Ember Universe: Guided by the ripples in your goblet, your gondola arrives at Elydichna, a desolate world ravaged by the Swarm. Amidst rusted iron sheets and charred soil, you encounter a reclusive Self-Annihilator. Upon seeing you, he glares viciously, and you follow his gaze to the Memory Bubble hovering in front of the gondola. He swallows hard and extends his hand towards it!
- Ember Universe: At that moment, an eerie, amalgamated sound emanates from all corners of the sky — you see everyone on the gondola acting bizarrely, seemingly unable to resist this sound. You have no idea which dimension the noise can be sourced from, but it sounds akin to a cacophonous carol with booming, whimpering, and laughter combined with hymns arranged in parallel. Everyone except you succumbs to the noise, falling into a state of ecstasy as if they have witnessed divine revelations. Despite your attempts to stop them, they follow the rhythm and pound the Memory Bubble in the dust until it cracks!
- Ember Universe: As a Shadow of Nihility emerges from the broken Memory Bubble, the Self-Annihilator's heartfelt smile abruptly turns to anguish. He embraces the shadow with open arms and gets consumed immediately, vanishing in an instant!
- Kill it, quick! — You don't want to be eaten by it!
- Ember Universe: The shadow is actually the *back* of an entire world. At that moment, the Self-Annihilator finally reclaims his lost self... He merges with the shadow, and his very existence dissipates into oblivion in the blink of an eye.
What kind of a Shadow of Nihility is it? — You don't understand.
- Ember Universe: The Arbitrators of Equilibrium take action before you do! With a resounding boom, the Shadow of Nihility fades, and the eerie sound dissipates. At last, the restless Swarm throughout the universe begins to calm down.
Bounty Hunter: Crimson Cleansing Chronicle[]

Part I[]
- Origin Universe: You find yourself among a bunch of bounty hunters, your ship steering towards a secret destination. You are becoming increasingly irritated by their rowdy demeanor and vulgar language, all the while hearing them claim that their leader has *prestige comparable to Aha*... Whoever their leader is, they seem to be an arrogant figure who has gained "insight" from nightmarish visions and has insisted on embarking on an insect hunt at the Lepismat Plains.
- Origin Universe: The leader, a gorgeous woman, is sitting before you in a chair with her back to the light, her blonde curls and armaments visible. "One must control their desires and eliminate any loose ends before the grand feast." With an enchanting smile, she extends an inviting hand to you.
- Hold that hand. — This might not be a good choice...
- Origin Universe: Stop! You have foreseen the consequences that would follow... Waking up the next day screaming in colorful goo, transformed into an *insect*.
Refuse. — This might be an even worse choice...
- Origin Universe: Unusual phenomena follow soon after... All the shouting and clamor cease before the hunt begins, and the once boisterous bounty hunter camp falls eerily silent. Upon reaching the settlement, all you can see are insects crawling on the floor of their dwelling. The leader turns to face you... her blonde hair and weapon *shimmering* in the sunlight.
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: The Sand King and its offspring breed at an alarming rate, hollowing all planets in their path and inflicting suffering upon land, sea, and life itself.... Two-thirds of known existence in the Sand King's wake have fallen prey to its insatiable hunger, pushing the title of "bounty hunter" to the brink of extinction.
- Swarm Universe: The hunter's license before you is ancient, its back inscribed with a string of letters penned by a group of surviving bounty hunters attempting to coordinate with one another amidst the disaster. They once suspected that the Sand King and its swarm were seeking revenge, but then their doubts were soon dispelled. It appears that Tayzzyronth has no intention of seeking retribution, as THEIR path is purely one of "Propagation..."
- Attempt to call the system's contact number. — It's already been a long time.
- Swarm Universe: "Beep... Beep... Fresh and breezy! From bounty hunter #?, a tasty juice mix made with their single-claw hand!"
- Swarm Universe: It seems that a band of fearless bounty hunters have opened an intergalactic bar.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: Followed by a bounty hunter's Sin Thirster, you gradually grow annoyed by the presence of this talkative entity...
- Ember Universe: This Sin Thirster is quite peculiar. It repeatedly uses various languages from outer space to beg you not to look back at it because it is constantly rubbing its hands... Finally, the changing of languages come to a halt, and it pleads with you to wash its hands again.
- Ember Universe: You reluctantly turn around... only to find nothing behind you.
Wash its hands again. — In return: After wiping away the mist, the phenomenon will reveal its own mystery.
- Ember Universe: You turn back in annoyance... only to find nothing behind you.
Chase it away. — It's already the 9087th time, but those hands can never be washed clean.
- Ember Universe: Still, its words persist... It claims that the chart compilation game has reached a point where the line between humans and insects has become blurred. Visions haunt the hunters and the Swarm alike at night, making it difficult to distinguish friend from foe. Inevitably, hunters started killing each other until the hunter's beloved confessed to using insect-dust witchcraft, urging him to end her life.
- Ember Universe: ...You wave your hand, dispelling the incessant *words*. Ah, peace and quiet at last.
Part IV[]
- Origin Universe: The diverse ecology of Lepismat has attracted numerous bounty hunters from star systems spanning up to 10,000 light-years away. For a time, the steady stream of hunters coming and going creates a bustling atmosphere as they prepare for their next "job." Their leader, with her unique charisma, quiets the crowd and states that this is all for the compilation of insect charts.
- Origin Universe: ...Chart compilation! Just as you are about to chuckle at the absurdity, your vision becomes clouded by a sudden haze of smoke. Through the mist, you see the sealed fate of this blonde leader: She and a bounty hunter in a hat raise their guns at each other! Then you suddenly realize that you are the one holding the gun... pointing directly at her!
- I don't want to shoot. — Obsession exists because of falsehood. Love, however, is both ugly and hurtful.
- Stay alert! — Fire at *your enemies*!
- Origin Universe: Bang! In the roar of the gunshot, you see the sealed fate of the bounty hunter as well: He takes the life of the very woman he loves before setting down his hunting rifle for good. They share a fleeting moment of love before raising their guns, and the sweet moment is lost forever after the fateful gunshot.
- Origin Universe: Eventually, the hunter flees from the carnage, leaving behind a final, delirious whisper. "For bounty hunters with different paths, their blood is not of the same color." You are well aware that it is a lie, for all you can see is a sanguine pool of blood.
- Origin Universe: You sniff it... and it does not smell like oranges.
Part V[]
- Swarm Universe: You find yourself amidst a pile of gibbering screws and gears on a vibrant spring afternoon. This is the first time these Intellitrons have ever come into contact with organic life, as the result of an accidental landing by a hooded traveler on an interstellar voyage.
- Make the little screws quiet down! — Don't touch his hat! This isn't the afternoon to get acquainted with ice cubes.
- Touch his hat! — You can do whatever you put your mind to!
- Swarm Universe: Since then, the inorganic beings have taken a keen interest in this outlandish traveler, who always gives lectures to the screws and gears on vibrant spring afternoons while weeping — an emotion that is entirely new to the inorganic beings. The first lesson in biological knowledge that he imparted from across the stars was something like this: "Research has shown that the blood of different species of insects is not of the same color."
Part VI[]
- Ember Universe: Rumors abound that the bounty hunters who participated in the massacre on Lepismat have been washing the multicolored blood from their hands ever since.
- Wash its hands again. — You seem pretty familiar with this.
- Ember Universe: However, they are never able to cleanse their hands, nor can they distinguish whether they have exterminated aliens or their own compatriots.
Tragedy and Insects: The Dwindling of Stars[]

Part I[]
- Origin Universe: Ancient amoeba slime molds unconsciously open their tiny mouths and attempt to devour the Depth Crawler, a creature thousands of times larger than themselves, despite their minuscule size! Now, they are leaping at your hand.
- Flick them off. — These deceptive critters!
- Origin Universe: Their bites leave a hole in your palm! You quickly brush them off.
Keep them on your palm for a while longer. — Pinch it a little, raise it up high!
- Origin Universe: The molds fall like sparsely scattered stardust, consuming the next host in the process. You are relieved that you managed to escape them in time, as they are on an irreversible path of Voracity.
- Origin Universe: But of course, these molds lack enough intelligence... to realize what is about to happen.
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: The Path of Propagation was revealed in a lone whine, and Tayzzyronth led the Swarm into the universe, avariciously consuming everything in its wake until Oroboros appeared before him. The great war between the Voracity and Propagation affected two-thirds of all the living worlds in the universe, and countless planetary and star systems perished as a result.
- Swarm Universe: A Depth Crawler, having razed several planets to the ground, is suddenly overwhelmed by tedious loneliness. It leans back against a mountain, which has become a wasteland, and begins to roar at the moon, as if recalling the thrill of consuming numerous breeds of the Swarm.
- Swarm Universe: You grab its tail and carefully climb onto it... But when you lock eyes with it, an unusual electricity runs through your veins.
- Swarm Universe: It is a bewitching emotion... and you decide to snuggle up to its gigantic body. Having grown tired of feeding, it shows no signs of hostility toward you. Time passes quickly...
- Swarm Universe: It gently and carefully lets out a burp of loneliness.
Catch its tail... — Careful... Don't let its tail get you.
- Swarm Universe: A perfect chance for your gunshot! Somehow, you feel as though time has slowed. It turns its head toward you, looks into your eyes, and seems to halt time in its tracks. In this fleeting moment that lasts for eons, it becomes moribund, reminiscent of the mountain covered in snow... It has so much time to dodge this tiny bullet, yet it closes its eyes and allows its heart to be penetrated by it.
- Swarm Universe: You realize that you will never meet it again. You believe that no one will ever understand... the soul of a Depth Crawler.
I don't want to be near it... — You have a hunting rifle in your hands...
- Swarm Universe: In the years to come, the memory of it will be relived in your mind.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: At that time, the ancestors of the Intellitrons of Golcondar were immersed in the infrastructure of the mechanical planetary system, completely unaware of the crisis faced by organic beings. Their ignorance laid the foundation for the countless irreconcilable contradictions that would arise between inorganic and organic life in the future. Endless wars raged on the vast sandbox of the universe...
- Move the universe sandbox. — The sandbox simulation is like magic happening in your hands...
- Ember Universe: It had a happy life before it met you.
- Ember Universe: ...But not so much afterwards.
I'm more concerned about the origins of that Depth Crawler. — You've developed an emotional attachment to it.
- Ember Universe: The disappearance of catastrophes is always silent, its beginning and end at such a dazzling speed that no one can interfere. No one has ever foreseen it or received any divine revelation.
Part IV[]
- Origin Universe: A squad of human beings once traveled the Path of Voracity, observing the traces along the way and trying to locate their prey. You notice a totem they carved on a stone tablet, like a solemn ritual before a grand feast...
- Origin Universe: Exactly! Reversing the magnetic poles of the knife and fork will lure those behemoths! They will follow the magnetism, exposing their weak spots as they open their huge maws. Taking this opportunity, the hunters will use the dual-color psychedelic magnets to shrink themselves and dive into the gaping jaws! Just like that, light a match, then ignite the behemoth and blow it up from the inside! Or, you can simply stuff yourself from the inside out...
- Origin Universe: Just wait a bit longer for the match to flash three times, and a dramatic scene will unfold...
Act according to the record. — You're eager to try it!
- Origin Universe: Well, actually, you just have to wait a bit longer for the match to flash three times, and a dramatic scene will unfold...
Refuse. — You walk away hurriedly.
Part V[]
- Swarm Universe: At the demise of the stars, the once-vast star system coalesced into a single particle and collapsed, emanating its final and ultimate radiance. When Oroboros the Voracity opened its huge mouth and consumed countless breeds of the Swarm, the particles and dust of billions of stars were also inhaled into their belly. Eons later, History Fictionologists sat in their vaulted libraries, writing down these histories unknown to the majority.
- Red-Nosed Old-Timer. Their reliability is unverifiable.
- Swarm Universe: 1. The wrapper for Procorean burrito: This star system was obliterated during the second war between Oroboros and Imperator Insectorum. Rumor has it that humans were regarded as food by Burriteasts on Procore, and they even initiated a war among themselves over their preferred flavors of human flesh!
- Swarm Universe: 2. Romantic story collection on Lapole Minor: Lapole Minor was destroyed during Imperator Insectorum's first conquest, and its twinning star, Lapole Major, was annihilated centuries before that. These planets were once in endless conflict several Amber Eras ago, as described in the official history. "Two sisters, eager to bring death to each other's door, unknown death marking them both, forevermore." However, in the unofficial history, a more romantic version preferred by historians depicts them as a pair of sisters who are entangled in love and hatred for each other.
- Swarm Universe: 3. A letter written in blood, discovered in Flamborghan: Flamborghan was obliterated during the second war between Oroboros and Imperator Insectorum. The last survivor on Flamborghan left a letter written in his blood before he was swallowed. "Wait, I haven't even finished paying my mortgage or had a romantic fling yet! I know my life sucks, but I'm just not ready to kick the bucket yet! What's wrong with that!?"
Flip through. — But the author is a History Fictionologist named - Not looking through. — Who would read something a History Fictionologist wrote?
- Swarm Universe: That will be all.
Part VI[]
- Ember Universe: Oroboros the Voracity vanished during the final phase of the war among Aeons. Their whereabouts remain a mystery.
- And? — You're still listening.
- Ember Universe: They have literally vanished.
- Isn't it dead? — You are suspicious.
- Ember Universe: You have no idea where they could have gone.
- Do I really not know? — You are suspicious.
- Ember Universe: Not even the slightest idea.
- Screwllum: "I'm sorry," Screwllum apologizes. "There seem to be some issues with the programs. Conclusion: They will be fixed immediately."
- Herta: "I've always suspected that someone is trying to tamper with the Simulated Universe, but... who could it be?" Herta appears. "Report to me if you encounter anything unusual."
Genius Society: Regular Experiments[]

Part I[]
- Herta: "Ruan Mei has created a living being," Herta's voice suddenly rings out. "It's an ordinary human, and I'd like to observe if he behaves differently in the three dimensions. I've decided to name this living being Norbati!"
- Herta: "Really?" Herta's lips curl into a mysterious expression, leaving you uncertain whether she was suppressing a laugh or expressing surprise. "Well, this is really..."
The name's not bad. — You can appreciate this style.
- Herta: "I think so too, but it doesn't matter as long as it's fun."
I think it needs another name... — You don't like it.
- Ruan Mei: "He was consumed by Amoeba Slime Molds right after he was created," Ruan Mei sighs. "I'll have to try again."
- Origin Universe: ...
- Origin Universe: According to the records of planets devoured by Cosmic Slime Molds, the so-called 'pre-dinner ritual' was actually a ceremony for the offering to freshen themselves and prepare to be devoured. Some travelers, who misunderstood the true meaning of the totem, reversed their knives and forks and waited for the match to flash three times, only to be consumed by the ancient Amoeba Slime Molds residing within the bellies of the Depth Crawler.
Part II[]
- Screwllum: "The data of the Cosmos is as varied as the stars embellished upon it. The original intent of the universe's creator was to instill patience and love into every ordinary being," Screwllum asks, "Inquiry, Herta, what's the status of Norbati II?"
- Herta: "Well... Patience is never my forte. He has ended yet another fleeting life," Herta's voice is tinged with a hint of displeasure. "Everything went well... until he was caught up in some sort of weird war..."
- Ruan Mei: "According to the report... this subject had no significant accomplishments in his life. As for his interests, he loved eating flour-kneaded crust... with spicy tofu filling..." Ruan Mei's voice trails off until she doesn't have the heart to continue.
- Herta: "That stuff is called Xiaolongbao," Herta interjects. "I've tried it before, and it's not bad, although I hate fillings with spicy sesame sauce."
- Screwllum: "Conclusion: He had a taste for food, which is extraordinary for an ordinary person."
- Herta: "Come on, Screwy. You're simply too picky about dishes," Herta retorts. "Our refreshments for afternoon tea are always Ruan Mei's pastries and your aristocratic cuisine served with machine oil... I am getting tired of them."
What kind of experiences did he have when he was alive? — You are curious.
- Ruan Mei: "Life possesses a conceptual beauty, such as the symmetry of its genetic numbers and the structural beauty of its spiral patterns... But life is as fragile as dust," a hint of sadness appears in Ruan Mei's eyes. "And his life is no exception."
- Herta: "He was just a boring, ordinary man. When the war between the Swarm and beasts broke out, he was buried in a collapsing building with no superheroes coming to save him... He was even working before the earthquake!" Herta seems to have a sudden flash of inspiration. "Hey, Screwllum! Maybe we need some simulated superheroes in the Simulated Universe."
How did he pass away? — You are commiserative.
- Swarm Universe: As you listen to their casual chat, you suddenly realize that... During the calamity that lasted five Amber Eras, the ceaseless battles between the Two Scourges plunged countless star systems into destruction. As for how many lives perished... the actual number is simply beyond your comprehension.
- Swarm Universe: Poor Norbati II.
Part III[]
- Screwllum: "That great being was devoted to becoming a master pastry chef." Screwllum turns the gears on his glasses, studying the details of the latest subject's fate. "He declined the help from the superheroes, stating that he would only return to us once he had perfected the art of baking. And he believed that the key to tasty Xiaolongbao was in the thin pastry."
- Screwllum: "Conclusion: Organic beings can be complex in their minds, which is highly commendable," states Screwllum, in his refined demeanor. "He pounded the crust and refused to leave his bakery shop, even when it collapsed from an earthquake."
- Ember Universe: He won't be coming! Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow... However long you wait for Norbati, he will not come.
Will he return? — You are suspicious.
- I want to leave a scathing review. — You can't stand it.
- Herta: "Why didn't you just ask your superheroes bring him and his Xiaolongbao back together?" Herta asks. "But don't worry, for Norbati III will carry the will of his predecessors on his shoulders and live on!"
- Ruan Mei: "That won't be necessary," replies Ruan Mei. "The experiment ends here. I'll choose another life form next time."
- Herta: "Is this the end?" Herta's voice carries a hint of reluctance. "Well, I don't think either Screwllum or I know you well... but it doesn't matter. The experiment is over! As for Norbati III... Screwllum will be taking care of him. Well, those screws will take good care of him."
Gondola: Helping Gods![]

Part I[]
- Origin Universe: The gondola set sail, and the drowsy Mourning Actors lay at the bottom deck, carefully guarding the glittering Memory Bubble. But soon, the ship vanished eerily, like a ghost fading into the stream of the universe.
- Origin Universe: Finally, the drowsy ones had a restful sleep. She pulled down her mask before falling asleep to conceal the truth that she would start sleepwalking. In her dreams, she would behave erratically and wake up suddenly, oblivious to everything that had happened before.
- Origin Universe: You resist the urge to remove her *mask*! This is not recorded in the Memory Bubble.
Touch those Memory Bubbles. — You want to obtain more *memories*.
- Origin Universe: As you make your way to the bottom deck of the ship, you run into a group of your *accomplices*, who claim that... she will pull down her mask before falling asleep to conceal the truth that she will start sleepwalking. In her dreams, she will behave erratically and wake up suddenly, oblivious to everything that has happened before.
- Origin Universe: And all you have to do is to resist the urge to remove her *mask* before your gondola reaches its destination!
Hide under the boat together. — The Mourning Actor sees you... and invites you to join her.
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: As the Swarm passed through the tavern at the world's end, the Masked Fools were intoxicated with their research on how to make tinctures out of insects...
- Bottoms up! — Chitin Cumin Wine is so hard to swallow, but let's cheers!
- Refuse. — It doesn't look very appetizing.
- Swarm Universe: At that moment, a blurred ripple appeared in the goblet. After three days of intense debate about its significance, the Masked Fools finally reached a consensus that it was a divine revelation from Aha. "Stop drinking, and go assist Aeons!"
- Swarm Universe: But was that truly a divine revelation from Aha? You had no way of confirming it and found it highly suspect, even though Aha admitted to it later and claimed that he had provided numerous ways in which the Masked Fools could help Aeons. Urged by Aha, the Masked Fools stole the Mourning Actors' gondola and accidentally took a group of the Nameless who were staying at the bottom deck along with them. The journey was full of twists and turns. You checked every possible path to protect yourself from Aha's lies. Before you realized it, the gondola was packed with an eager motley of passengers from all worlds and factions, but the Masked Fools were nowhere to be found.
- Swarm Universe: At that moment, you suspected that you were actually enjoying the thrill of being deceived by Aha.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: The voyage started several Amber Eras ago. The earliest crew members have long since passed away, and their heirs have aged. Guided by the ripples in your goblet, your gondola has finally reached its destination: the Realm of Elydichna. You have vowed to celebrate the feat of generations coming together!
- Ember Universe: As you dance around the gondola, the Mourning Actors burst into tears of jubilance.
Dance on the spot! — Shine bright and never look back!
- Ember Universe: You burn the gondola of the Mourning Actors! You have vowed to dedicate your lives to the war among the Aeons until your last breath!
Burn the boat! — How can we return if we burn the ship down?
- Ember Universe: And then, you wait for what seems an eternity, only to realize that even though you have arrived at the correct place, Aha has still found a way to deceive you all.
Part IV[]
- Aha: Simulated Universe: You hear someone singing: "Universe about to burn, and on it I toss cumin. Aha cares for nothing — as long as this world is a mess!"
- Pretend to not notice that something was off. — You feign obliviousness...
- THEY're here! — Quick, call for help!
- Screwllum: "I apologize. This was truly... beyond my expectations." Screwllum doesn't finish the sentence before closing your screen.
Part V[]
- Swarm Universe: The various factions are divided in their support of the Gods. Throughout this entire fiasco, you all have been twisting and turning, hemming and hawing, ingratiating yourselves with one another while trying to backstab each other the next moment! You make navigational changes on a whim in the dead of night, and revel in your shenanigans! Until one day, you unwittingly barge into the hallway of the Memory Zone, and a girl whose face you can't see wishes to gift you with a Memory Bubble — she claims a "shadow" is contained within.
- Swarm Universe: Facing the light, you can't make out what exactly this "shadow" is sealed within. An... urge suddenly wells up within you. Yes... you've been curious for far too long. It's all right, Herta isn't looking...
- Swarm Universe: ...You struggle with your thoughts for a bit, and finally... you can't help yourself... and you give it a lick! The Memory Bubble is cool, rubbery, but otherwise tasteless. Your tongue leaves a faint depression on the surface, which quickly fades back into its original state. Your curiosity is sated.
- Swarm Universe: You believe it has no calories.
Accept it. — It was born of non-existence. Does it really exist?
- Swarm Universe: Your guard against this *girl whose face you can't see* is on high alert. Faced against the light, you can't make out what exactly this "shadow" is sealed within.
Decline respectfully. — Don't accept things from strangers.
- Swarm Universe: After the end of that intermission, you all resume your daily antics. That is, until you all get caught in a miasma of insect wing powder and plunge into a state of delirium. In the ensuing chaos, a Nameless accidentally trips, does a full somersault, and hits the button that sends you all to the Elydichna Starzone.
- Swarm Universe: Later on, when people ask about the incident, the Nameless will reply: That was the most courageous decision he made in the name of the Trailblaze.
Part VI[]
- Ember Universe: Before the powerful hammering, whimpers and indecipherable words sound off, the Self-Annihilator with crooked ankles gazes upon you... He claims to have been alone in dialogue with the past for a long time, and that no traveler had ever stepped foot here.
- Ember Universe: He would be interrupted by sudden flashes of his memory, and temporarily stop talking, before raising his head to recollect his train of thought. He hands you a cloth written full of words... This is a memoir written by a Navigator who loves poems.
- Ember Universe: A worm who lets out a bellowing laugh once rubbed shoulders with countless people. A soldier who's trying to kill himself thus gains "joy," which in turn becomes the desire to live. But the joy that a mere single worm can spread is limited; it is always fluctuating, diluting and coalescing in three days.
Put the fragments back together. — You keep feeling a sense of familiarity with this... Have you done something like this before?
- Ember Universe: You caress touch his arched back with your hand, and a creeping chill rises within you — this should be the land of Tayzzyronth's fated beginning and end, but there is only desolation here.
Calm down the Self-Annihilator first. — You keep feeling a sense of familiarity with this... Have you done something like this before?
- Ember Universe: Just then, the Self-Annihilator stretches out his hand, gulping as if to keep some temptation at bay, and on the fourth day, he finally remembers the annihilation of self.
Beyond the Sky Choir: Anomaly Archives[]

Part I[]
- Origin Universe: When the ancient Order was still watching over all life in the universe, during a downpour, a young man once barged into the sacred and silent stone chamber. He used a slab of stone as a deity's seat, then took the angle of the seat's right angle as a posture to greet a God—
- Origin Universe: When he and his younger brother spread the song of their duet beyond the skies, he never imagined that he would thereafter be thrust into the role of the crown prince *bearing the crown* in the chaos. He would slay his brother, and the duet would forever have lost half of its voice.
- Origin Universe: You adjust your waist to a right angle. Your muscles start cramping up. This connection with God... It doesn't seem to have healed your waist, pained from working non-stop for credits...
- Origin Universe: But you feel what it's like to sit straight!
Sit on that chair. — Adjust the curvature of your waist to a right angle. Feel the "divine" sensation.
- Origin Universe: You understand the new language... That young prisoner had silently permitted everything to happen before he walked to the guillotine... This is the secret language of love and hate between two brothers, a whisper without a beginning or end.
Join this choir. — You will become a *musical note*.
- Origin Universe: When all this ends, a dissonant interval is suddenly heard in the Beyond the Sky Choir's singing: It is said that this is when Order and Finality brush past each other.
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: The Beyond the Sky Choir's singing was being muffled out by the high walls, thus becoming a source of dispute with the Architects, until a young singer tragically fell into the sea after climbing over the wall with his elder brother using the *inseparable* deception...
- Swarm Universe: ...His sacrifice marked the end of this farcical dispute.
- Swarm Universe: And a crowd was kneeling by the shore, expressing their thanks for the drowned, even if they still don't know *which one* of the twins it was.
- Swarm Universe: The waters of sea before you is akin to a silken sheet of glass blades unendingly rising and falling. It is a swarmless, serene sight beneath the waters... Your hand is cut by a strange force, but you already establish resonance with the ancient Order using the "right angle."
Kneel in a straight angle next to the shore. — Are you willing to be devout...
- Swarm Universe: You also jump into the sea with a resounding splash! Your vision underwater is muddled, but you can see kaleidoscopic rays of light enshrouding the drowned — after his death, the drowned would be known for having the most moving and holy of voices that ever harmonized for gods in the ancient era.
Devote yourself to saving him! — You are too late.
- Swarm Universe: You exude a heartfelt smile: Mortals would only be exalted in death, no matter how they lived.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: Countless worlds untouched by Qlipoth's graces recorded when the light of Order faded like the radiance of old empires: Their suns had once disappeared, a statue of an entangled pair of twins appeared in the sky, like an omen of a coming long night...
- Ember Universe: And when Tayzzyronth fell and the Swarm withdrew, the sun was gently returned.
- Ember Universe: "For Equilibrium." A voice suddenly calls out to you overhead, but it does not hope for your response.
- Herta: "What is that voice?" Herta's figure suddenly appears, "(Trailblazer), what did you see?"
- Ember Universe: "For Equilibrium." A voice suddenly calls out to you overhead. You hear a sliver of praise, "For Equilibrium."
For Equilibrium! — The Universe requires equilibrium.
- Ember Universe: "For Equilibrium." You detect the tinge of a secret from that emotionless tone, "Equilibrium has already happened."
Can I refuse Equilibrium? — The Simulated Universe may not require... equilibrium.
- Ember Universe: You can only feel the phenomenon unfold before you — THEIR decisions are never arbitrary, for THEY gently guide the angle of return.
- Screwllum: "Anomaly detected outside of system design." Screwllum's voice reassures you, "But it is of no danger, (Trailblazer). The Simulated Universe needs Equilibrium. I, Herta and Ruan Mei are here with you."
- Herta: "No, I'm not." Herta sulkily says, and then she's gone.
The Architects: Annals of Fortification[]

Part I[]
- Origin Universe: You encounter a giant Architect who is lounging lazily under the sun... You read some mottled carvings on the sole of his feet that read: They were called "Bigfeet" by humans. The sound that comes from his mouth is powerful, and you can't make out his words.
- Synesthesia Beacon on him. — Heh, let's give his beard a braid, and then insert the beacon there! Plant the
- Scratch his heel with the Synesthesia Beacon. — Even though it's hard to distinguish where his heels are...
- Origin Universe: He jumps to his feet with such force that it shakes the very earth! And he attempts to let out a sneeze, but you hastily stop him! This Architect claims they got a warning from the hammerings of Qlipoth, and are repairing the barriers of multiple star systems urgently. However, he knows not for what reason, and decides to pause what he is working on.
- Origin Universe: He uses a giant foot to stamp a crater in the ground, then invites you to rest in it together. You shake your head, sigh, and leave...
Part II[]
- Swarm Universe: The sound of beating wings smash through the Architects' walls, and the clash between them come to a close... A Bigfoot's wife chooses to leave the Architects' group, leaving for distant lands with the gondola.
- Swarm Universe: You see a familiar Bigfoot Architect leaning against the base of the wall. He feebly laments his own poverty: he would always pick the cheapest hours to eat Nosewalkers grilled by the Furnace with his wife. To make ends meet, they could only live in a bastion room buried by bricks, enjoying scant moments of peace with each other. When they leave the bastion, the gondola just happened to be traversing this star system.
- We meet again! — You are pretty familiar with him.
- Wait with him. — You may need to wait a long while.
- Ember Universe: Time passes slowly. You lean in close to each other. Truly... there is only "waiting." Besides that, there is nothing else to do.
- Herta: "Time to go, (Trailblazer). Why aren't you still playing in the Simulated Universe?" Herta suddenly appears. She doesn't know what happened to you.
- Ember Universe: You wait a while longer, but nothing else happens... All that's left to do is to leave.
Part III[]
- Ember Universe: You pass by the foot of the Architects' wall where a sturdy statue can be seen before the city — except it is breathing. His body is old and massive like a wall, his whiskers grown long as time itself. Travelers passing by thought of setting his beard on fire to clean him up, but he always declined their help.
- Ember Universe: Finally, he sees you and recognizes you as a familiar friend. His eyes shimmer with a faint ripple of shock, but as an ancient wall statue... he is already too decrepit to move his feet anywhere.
- Ember Universe: "Outsider... I've been waiting for you. The Trailblaze, I know you." He mumbles. This Architect has been awaiting the return of the gondola all this time, "Three times... I've met you. The Trailblaze can traverse stars for eternity. If you happen to meet her, could I ask you to help me tell her... not to go...?"
- I can try. — You keep making promises you don't even know if you can keep.
- I don't think this is effective... — Poverty cannot separate people. Different ideals, however, can.
- Ember Universe: You bid him farewell... and make for the distant stars with his love in tow. He stays where he is... His language is one of an ancient wail: No one knows better than him that, in a sea of wild embers, waiting takes far longer than immortality itself.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Trailblaze Secrets |
Chinese (Simplified) | 开拓秘闻 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 開拓秘聞 |
Japanese | 開拓秘話 |
Korean | 개척 비화 |
Spanish | Secretos del Trazacaminos |
French | Secrets de pionnier |
Russian | Секреты Освоения |
Thai | ความลับแห่งการบุกเบิก |
Vietnamese | Bí Mật Khai Phá |
German | Trailblaze-Geheimnisse |
Indonesian | Rahasia Trailblaze |
Portuguese | Segredos do Desbravamento |