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The Silvermane Guards are the organization that maintains peace and security in the city of Belobog on Jarilo-VI. They are a subfaction of the Architects.
Known Personnel[]
Current Personnel[]
- Bronya — Supreme Guardian and Commander
- Gepard — Captain
- Pela — Intelligence Officer
- Dunn — Restricted Zone Director
- William — Restricted Zone Liaison Officer
- Gilbert — Restricted Zone Logistics Officer
- Aide — Restricted Zone Automaton Beetle
- Major — Restricted Zone Automaton Grizzly
- Franz — Restricted Zone Guard
- Kyle — Pillars of Creation Guard
Former Personnel[]
- Alisa Rand † — Supreme Guardian
- Svetlana Rand † — Supreme Guardian
- Cocolia † — Supreme Guardian
- Laszlo Laudau † — Hero who covered the retreat of the Supreme Guardian
- Rhonda Landau † — Hero in the victory at the Snow Plains War Front
- Horace Goethe † — Hero in the Defense of Vevalo
- Jaeger † — Field Company Sergeant, hero in the victory at the Snow Plains War Front
- Richard Balakin † — Intelligence Officer and Chief of the Technology Division
- Penya Sergeyevna † — Belobog Scientific Expeditionary Team Member
- Natasha — Belobog Scientific Expeditionary Team Physician, Emergency Medical Team Member in the Logistics Department
- Oleg — Captain of the Underworld's Silvermane Guards
- Serval — Mechanic and Researcher of the Technology Division
- Molly — Staff of the Technology Division
Mechanical Units[]
- Automaton Beetles
- Automaton Direwolfs
- Automaton Grizzlys
- Automaton Hounds
- Automaton Spiders
- Engines of Creation
Faction Mentions[]
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
- A Call From The Fragmentum
- Anti-Fraud Guide, Edited Version
- Citizen Alexandra Program
- Crystal Daily's Sample Article for the Censorship Office
- Cyrille (Readable)
- Interview on Daily Life Before the Solwarm Festival
- Maddon Tunnel Is Collapsing
- Military Machinery Routine Maintenance Record Form
- Miners' Ultimatum
- Oath of the Silvermane Guards
- Old Newspapers of Backwater Pass
- Remnants of a Barista's Handbook
- Report on Recent Activities in the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone and Related Suggestions
- Solwarm Festival Celebration Plans
- Venerable Guards Will Defend Us From Enemies!
- Wildfire Flier
HoYoLAB Articles
- Travel Encounters: Belobog Guide
- Travel Encounters|Jarilo-VI Travel Guide (Part 1)
- Travel Encounters|Underground Operations
- Travel Log: Overworld - Plaza Sculpture
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Silvermane Guards |
Chinese (Simplified) | 银鬃铁卫 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 銀鬃鐵衛 |
Japanese | シルバーメイン |
Korean | 실버메인 철위대 |
Spanish | Guardia Crinargenta |
French | Gardes de la crinière d'argent |
Russian | Среброгривые Стражи |
Thai | กองกำลัง Silvermane |
Vietnamese | Thiết Vệ Bờm Bạc |
German | Silbermähnen-Wachen |
Indonesian | Silvermane Guard |
Portuguese | Guardas Crinalva |