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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Silver Chariot, Away to that Blackened Land is the first part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter Heroic Saga of Flame-Chase. It automatically begins after completing A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn.


  1. Join the navigation meeting to decide the next destination of the Express
  2. Pack up and get ready to set off!
    1. (Optional) Chat with your companions
  3. Take a short rest at the Party Car and wait for the warp jump
  4. Seek out March 7th, who seems to be out of sorts
  5. Seek your companions' opinion
  6. Go to the Parlor Car and prepare to activate the Backup Plan
  7. Wake up the unconscious Dan Heng
  8. Investigate the source of the abnormal noise
  9. Proceed with caution and explore Amphoreus
  10. Help March 7th to take photographs of two wondrous sights
  11. Enter the Temple and investigate the dispute
  12. Try to speak with Tribbie alone
  13. Follow Tribbie's lead
  14. Continue to follow Tribbie
  15. Keep moving forward and catch Noldus, who is deep in the temple
  16. Ride the dromas and head to the holy city
  17. Aid Okhema, the holy city, which is under attack
  18. Travel with Phainon and eliminate the enemies
  19. Follow Castorice's lead
  20. Go to the Marmoreal Palace
  21. Face Nikador, Lance of Fury


Join the navigation meeting to decide the next destination of the Express[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Mission Description

The journey to Penacony has come to a close once again. With the Express running low on energy, a journey that is sufficiently Trailblazing is urgently needed to refuel.
Icon Dialogue Talk Join the navigation meeting
Pom-Pom: Please stand by, passengers. The navigation meeting will be starting soon!
(The first two choices disappear after choosing them once)
Icon Dialogue Talk Black Swan isn't joining us?
Himeko: She doesn't think it's right to join in on our vote when she's only hitchhiking with us, so she's waiting in the Party Car.
Himeko: Though she did say that she believes we'll end up deciding on Amphoreus.
Icon Dialogue Arrow She can read our minds!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's prove her wrong.
Himeko: I'm sure everyone has a destination in mind.
Icon Dialogue Talk Where's Sunday?
Welt: He isn't joining us for the navigation meeting. He went to the Party Car to rest.
Welt: Don't worry about him. An unexpected destination could be a great starting point for Sunday.
(If the player decided to accept Sunday during Trailblaze Mission A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn)
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let the control freak lose all control!
Welt: Your words, not mine.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Send him to a Washtopia!
Welt: That's unexpected, alright... but let's not do that.
(If the player decided to reject Sunday during Trailblaze Mission A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn)
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm not worrying about him.
Welt: I can't decide if he'll be happy or disappointed to hear that.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Send him back to the IPC, then!
Transcription missing
Icon Dialogue Arrow He's pretty laid-back about this, huh.
Welt: Laid-back? That's... not exactly a word I associate with him.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Let's start voting on our destination.
Pom-Pom: Since everyone's here, Pom-Pom will start presenting our options. First up is the oceanic planet of Lushaka.
Dan Heng: Mr. Mikhail's homeworld. Lushaka was hit by rising sea levels after the Stellaron Disaster, though I'm not sure how things are on the planet now.
Pom-Pom: Next, we have Melustanin, the Agate World.
Himeko: That's where Idrila the Beauty ascended, a world of undying allure. It's also said to be one of the initial sites of the Stellaron Disaster. Probably not the safest choice.
Welt: Given the Express's fuelTrailblaze Power situation, it's worth us thinking through our options carefully.
Pom-Pom: And finally, the most adventurous option: The Eternal Land, Amphoreus.
March 7th: A planet not recorded in the data bank and a world even Akivili has never set foot on... But if this trailblazing expedition works out, it could solve our fuel problem!
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Express can soon achieve perpetual motion?
Dan Heng: It's not that simple. But we can save Pom-Pom from worrying about service delays, at least for a foreseeable period of time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We don't really have a choice in a time like this, do we?
Icon Dialogue Arrow No one wants to go to Edo Star?
Welt: They suffered an ambush by the Antimatter Legion some time ago. According to the IPC, the enemy was repelled, but Edo Star placed their planet on temporary lockdown. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do there.
Icon Dialogue Arrow No one wants to go to a Washtopia?
March 7th: Geez, stop messing around. We don't need a scrub. The Express is already spotlessly clean.
March 7th: Amphoreus does have something to offer, unlike the other options...
March 7th: Plus, it's a completely unknown world! What better place to trailblaze?
Welt: I feel the same. While we know nothing about Amphoreus, we know the other two worlds aren't exactly safe options. Anyway, if it's a risk we're taking, we might as well throw in some adventure for good measure.
Dan Heng: Agreed.
Himeko: So, everyone's leaning toward the uncharted world? It seems we've got a crew of like-minded adventurers on the Express.
Himeko: That includes me, too. I'm for Amphoreus.
Pom-Pom: Looks like Pom-Pom's voting plan won't be needed, after all!
Pom-Pom: It's official, then. Our next stop is... Amphoreus!
March 7th: Great! I'm looking forward to the conductor's jump announcement!
March 7th: I'll be in my room, freeing up some memory on my camera~! I'm going to have to snap tons of pretty pictures this time!
Himeko: Don't forget to share the good news with Miss Black Swan.

(Optional) Chat with your companions[]

(Trailblazer): (I'd better start packing up, too. Or should I go chat some more with the others?)

(Talk to Himeko)
Himeko: Ah, (Trailblazer). This is your first time exploring beyond the astral charts, isn't it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow It doesn't feel any different to me...
Himeko: Worlds that have been mapped on the astral charts also present new surprises from time to time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Same for everyone else, right?
Himeko: Maybe not for Pom-Pom. And worlds that have been mapped on the astral charts also present new surprises from time to time.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are credits going to be useless there?
Himeko: That's quite the detail to fixate on. Perhaps you should be worrying about language barriers instead?
Himeko: But we'll be fine. Let's just say I have a backup plan. I'll reveal it when the time comes.
(Talk to Himeko again, optional)
Himeko: But we'll be fine. Let's just say I have a backup plan. I'll reveal it when the time comes.

(Talk to Welt)
Welt: A world yet to be explored by the Trailblaze... No self-respecting Nameless would turn that opportunity down.
Icon Dialogue Arrow An opportunity hard to come by?
Welt: Absolutely. The Astral Express has always traveled along the silver rail laid down by Akivili. We don't normally get to venture into a world beyond the knowledge of the Trailblaze.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hah! So I'm better than an Aeon!
Welt: This is Akivili we're talking about. In the first instance, every one of THEIR stops was a world no human had ever set foot on. The Astral Express has always traveled along the silver rail laid down by Akivili, so we don't normally get to venture into a world beyond the knowledge of the Trailblaze.
Welt: But this time, we might just get the chance to add a brand-new stop to the astral charts. I don't mind telling you — I'm a little excited.
(Talk to Welt again, optional)
Welt: An unknown world brings unknown challenges. Exciting stuff.

(Talk to Dan Heng)
Dan Heng: I can't provide many details about our destination this time. You can ask the Memokeeper if you want to know more.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you nervous, Dan Heng?
Dan Heng: Why do you ask that? Are you feeling nervous yourself? It'll be fine. Just trust the Crew.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oh ho, the data bank's getting a huge update.
Dan Heng: Mhm, I suppose there's a lot to do. I'll disembark with all of you this time.
Dan Heng: We've never had this many passengers on board before... I'm still not used to it. Why don't you head to the Party Car first? I'll see you later.
(Talk to Dan Heng again, optional)
Dan Heng: Why don't you head to the Party Car first? I'll see you later.

(Talk to March 7th)
March 7th: Hey, great timing! I just turned on my camera and was looking through some old photos.
March 7th: Can I ask you something? What's your favorite part of a journey, from start to finish?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The start of a journey, when we dive into the unknown.
March 7th: Then let's go snap some photos as soon as we arrive in Amphoreus!
Icon Dialogue Arrow The middle of the journey, when some gains are made.
March 7th: Then you're going to have to give me a nudge whenever there's something worth snapping!
Icon Dialogue Arrow The end of the journey, when we wanna commemorate the adventure.
March 7th: Me too! This time in Amphoreus let's make sure we get a group photo that everyone loves!
March 7th: Anyway, enough chitchat! I better pack some extra batteries in case we end up somewhere without power!
(Talk to March 7th again, optional)
March 7th: Enough chitchat. You should get packing, too!

(Talk to Black Swan)
Black Swan: Ah, you're here. I hear the Nameless are going to Amphoreus. A very wise decision.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who did you hear that from?
Black Swan: I am a Memokeeper, after all. Memories don't lie.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why do you want to go to Amphoreus?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why is the Garden turning to us for help?
Black Swan: Truth be told, it's more of a personal request.
Black Swan: "Memokeepers traverse the worlds only to collect precious memories." Have you heard that before?
Black Swan: It's my duty to salvage unknown memories, and the Amphoreus that has been revealed by the Garden's mirror is like a treasure inside a display case — dazzling yet out of reach.
Black Swan: I need a sharp nail to break through that glass, and that's where you come in. Only through trailblazing can we reach the heart of Amphoreus, cut through the thick mist, and bring the world's "memories" back to light.
Black Swan: I trust you won't disappoint me?
(Talk to Black Swan again, optional)
Black Swan: I trust you won't disappoint me?

(Talk to Sunday)
Sunday: Looks like you've decided on your next stop?
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're going to Amphoreus.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're going to a Washtopia.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're going back to Penacony.
Sunday: I see.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're taking it very calmly.
Icon Dialogue Arrow No comment from you?
Sunday: Those who embark on a long journey simply need to "set off."
(Talk to Sunday again, optional)
Sunday: I look forward to the journey ahead.

Pack up and get ready to set off![]

(At the entrance to the Trailblazer's Room)
Icon Dialogue Talk Pack up luggage
After much deliberation, you realize that insufficient preparation is as good as no preparation! Might as well toss your luggage aside...
Never mind. Having some preparation is better than none. Even formalities have their place.

Take a short rest at the Party Car and wait for the warp jump[]

(Trailblazer): (Looks like it's about time. I should go find a spot to take in the views during the warp.)
(Interact with the highlighted sofa)
Icon Dialogue Talk Begin Warp Jump
Pom-Pom: Attention, passengers. The Express is about to make the jump. Please be seated and hold on!

(Cutscene starts)
Black Swan: There's nothing there...
Black Swan: Confusing?
Black Swan: The answer lies hidden in the starry sky.
(Cutscene ends)

Black Swan: Here it is — the isolated world that can only be seen through the Garden's mirror...
Black Swan: The Eternal Land, Amphoreus.
Icon Dialogue Arrow So blindingly bright...
Icon Dialogue Arrow What celestial body is this?
Black Swan: No one knows. That's what you're about to find out.
Icon Dialogue Arrow How did it suddenly just appear?
Black Swan: I used a little magic so all of you can also see what it looks like.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Woah. It's in the shape of an "8"!
Black Swan: As you can see, Amphoreus is surrounded by a mass of chaotic matter that conceals it from the outside world — nearly. Conventional interstellar travel can't detect its presence, let alone pass by or land on the planet.
Black Swan: Yet the Garden, caught a glimpse of this place, and along with it, discovered ever-shifting Traces.
Himeko: "Three Paths interweave and fetter Amphoreus, co-authoring the fate of the world." Ordinary Pathstriders aren't known to leave traces in the mirror, so if what you said is true...
Himeko: Then this isolated star system must have been home to at least three beings comparable to Emanators.
Black Swan: I would even go as far as to say Aeons THEMSELVES.
Welt: For a world to have nurtured such marvels yet still remain unheard of throughout the cosmos? Now, that is hard to fathom.
Himeko: We already know one of the three Paths to be the Erudition...
Black Swan: I can reveal the second. In fact, you've all seen it just now. It's the Remembrance.
Welt: I see. Then it makes sense that a messenger of the Garden would be capable of unveiling Amphoreus for us. What about the final Path?
Black Swan: Unfortunately, fate is keeping the third Path a mystery. I don't know what it is, either.
Black Swan: Hidden beneath the brilliance of Erudition and Remembrance, yet possessing enough power to rival the other two Paths. It could be the Equilibrium, the Enigmata, or perhaps the Permanence? I have no clue at all.
Black Swan: This white ribbon of light encircling Amphoreus might very well be a product of the three interwoven Paths. Only when Pathstriders of the Trailblaze enter the center of the vortex will its true nature be revealed.
Dan Heng: Still, we know far too little about the planet.
Dan Heng: What's more pressing is finding a suitable landing site. We could end up over an ocean, in a vacuum without oxygen, or worse yet, in the middle of a lava field...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Now I see why the data bank's important.
Dan Heng: It is. Still, encountering worlds that exist which are not recorded in data bank is unavoidable.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Have no fear, resilient little me will volunteer!
Dan Heng: I know you're fearless even in the face of death, but don't act recklessly — everyone values you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We're turning back! Next stop: Lushaka!
Dan Heng: Throwing in the towel already? I don't think we're at that point yet.
Himeko: Looks like someone is all set and itching to get off the train.
Welt: ...Wait, I think we might be missing someone.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hey, where's March 7th?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yeah, I was wondering where that chatterbox had gone.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Really? Who? All four of us are here.
Welt: Very funny... But seriously, where's March 7th?
Dan Heng: She said something about her camera before going back to her room. I haven't seen her since the warp.
Himeko: That's not like March. She's usually the most excited about expeditions. Let's drop by her room.

Seek out March 7th, who seems to be out of sorts[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

When setting off, March 7th seems to be feeling unwell...
(Trailblazer): (Is March 7th okay?)
(Talk to Black Swan, optional)
Black Swan: Something feels... off. Please, all of you go ahead without me. I'll join you later.
(Talk to Sunday, optional)
Sunday: Let me know if there's anything I can assist with. I'll do whatever I can.
(Upon arriving near March's room)
Himeko: March, are you in here?
March 7th: Yeah...
March 7th: Sorry, guys. I don't know what's wrong... I just feel really weak after the warp...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Did you come down with something?
March 7th: I doubt it...? Pretty girls aren't supposed to get sick...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it motion sickness?
March 7th: Of course not! I've been through way more jumps than you ever have!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you... possessed?
March 7th: Have a heart, will you? Stop scaring me...
Himeko: Miss Black Swan, could you take a look at the memories in this room?
Black Swan: Gladly.
Black Swan presses her forehead against March 7th's head, as if feeling the latter's body temperature...
Black Swan: ...I'm seeing March 7th hit by a sudden bout of weakness in her memories, as if something was weighing on her. The onset of it far too quick to be any kind of sickness.
Sunday: Perhaps it's the effect of some external stimulus?
March 7th: Ahh, why is everyone here!? I should've cleaned my room...
Welt: I invited Sunday to help with the diagnosis. He grew up in a star system rich in memoria. When it comes to mental healing, he's quite the specialist.
Sunday: You've all been to Penacony before. I presume you are aware of how some might find themselves in a Synesthesia Dreamscape after warping to Asdana.
Sunday: I'm guessing this is something similar. Miss March appears to be affected by a certain external stimulus, perhaps a Path, an Aeon, or even... Amphoreus itself.
Black Swan: I agree. That's likely the case.
Welt: Why is she the only one affected?
Sunday: There's no way to tell at this point. It could just be a matter of time before everyone feels unwell.
Sunday: Before we identify the cause, my suggestion is for Miss March to avoid venturing anywhere near Amphoreus.
Himeko: ...
March 7th: It's okay, Himeko. I'll be good on my own. Go ahead, guys! I'll catch up once I feel better...
March 7th: Here, (Trailblazer). Take my camera along! I was planning to take photos when we got there, but looks like you'll have to help me with that now...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Leave it to me.
March 7th: Heh, I know I can always count on you.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Nooo, how could I leave you by yourself...?
March 7th: Haha, what's with the melodramatic turn... I'll be fine.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Three, two, one... Cheeeese—!
March 7th: No—! Not when my hair's messy. And don't drain the camera's battery now...
Himeko: Why don't we take our discussion outside so March 7th can rest?
March 7th: Yeah, you guys go on ahead. Don't worry about me! I'll be back to being my hyperactive and adorable self by the next time you see me. Now don't forget about those photos, okay? I'll be checking the camera!

Seek your companions' opinion[]

(Talk to March 7th again, optional)
March 7th: Oh, I almost forgot. I was looking at the photos from before when I realized something. When we were on Jarilo-VI, the Xianzhou, and Penacony...
March 7th: The first local we met in each of those worlds all harbored their own deep secret! I'm sure it'll be the same on Amphoreus.
March 7th: I can't join you guys this time, but make sure to always look out for one another, okay...?
(Interact with companions)
Icon Dialogue Talk Interact with companions
Welt: Do you think March 7th's past could be connected to Amphoreus?
Himeko: No, that'd be too much of a coincidence. I haven't seen anything related to Six-Phased Ice yet. It's more likely that some kind of energy on Amphoreus affected her before any of us.
Himeko: (Trailblazer), I want you and Dan Heng to take the lead in this trailblazing expedition. Are you up for it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Sure, we work well together.
Himeko: I see our adventure in Penacony has helped (Trailblazer) grow into an experienced Nameless.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Pretty sure we're going to need more help...
Dan Heng: Not to worry, we have a knack for finding trustworthy friends wherever we go.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What about the rest of you?
Himeko: Amphoreus is a crucial stop, so everyone on the Express has been roped in to help in some way or another. Venturing into the unknown world is a task perfect for you youngsters. I'm sure you'll both have each other's backs.
Welt: So we're... staying behind to take care of the grownup stuff?
Himeko: Chin up, Welt. You'll get your chance out in the field.
Black Swan: Someone should be taking care of March 7th, too. I can do that.
Sunday: I'm fine with any arrangement you have for me.
Himeko: Great, sounds like we're all good! Come with me to the Parlor Car then, you two.
Himeko: I prepared a backup plan before our departure, but I didn't count on having to reveal it so soon.

Go to the Parlor Car and prepare to activate the Backup Plan[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

The absence of March 7th has introduced a new layer of uncertainty to this trailblazing expedition. To keep the expedition on course, Miss Himeko decides to activate the Backup Plan.
Dan Heng: Mhm, I suppose there's a lot to do. I'll disembark with all of you this time.
(Talk to Himeko)
Himeko: Now that our ground exploration team is assembled, I'll let the conductor reveal our backup plan.
Pom-Pom: Yes. Seeing how this is going to be a perilous expedition, Pom-Pom and the Navigator have come together to prepare a special trailblazing gift for you!
Pom-Pom: Your~ very~ own~ car~!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Our what now?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Express is splitting up?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can I have the Party Car instead?
Himeko: Amphoreus is outside the Interastral Peace Telecommunications' coverage zone, so there's no chance of remote communication when you're there.
Himeko: Uncoupling and using one of the Express' cars as your landing capsule is the best way we can ease your exploration. It can also be your safe house once you're on Amphoreus.
Pom-Pom: The car you're getting has its own thrusters, so just buckle up, and It'll take you into Amphoreus and land you somewhere safe.
Icon Dialogue Arrow The Express is more multipurpose than I thought...
Pom-Pom: Only in extenuating circumstances~! Don't go thinking you can detach cars from the Express every which way, alright!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Woohoo, a powerful engine to send cars blasting off in space!
Pom-Pom: Oh, no you don't! Only in extenuating circumstances! Don't go thinking you can detach cars from the Express every which way, alright!
Dan Heng: I'll make sure to keep an eye on (him/her).
Pom-Pom: Get going whenever you're ready. Pom-Pom can't wait to hear about your exciting discoveries!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm ready.
(Continue on to next section)
Icon Dialogue Exit Hold on the moment.
(Talk to Himeko again)
Himeko: The landing car is ready. My dear trailblazing vanguards, are you all set to dive into the unknown?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm ready.
Himeko: Go ahead and journey into The Eternal Land!
(Continue on to next section)
Icon Dialogue Exit Hold on the moment.
Himeko: Oh? Need to psyche yourself up? Don't keep us waiting too long.

(Cutscene plays)
Pom-Pom: "Car ready for detachment! Three... two... one!"
???: ...Mem?
(Trailblazer): ...Who's there?
(Cutscene ends)

Some time later...
(Trailblazer): Oof...
(Trailblazer): ...Dan Heng?

Wake up the unconscious Dan Heng[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

The coach was forced to make an emergency landing, but thankfully, we were both unharmed. Our initial assessment suggests that this world contains civilization. We resolve to remain vigilant as we explore this unfamiliar land.
(Observe Dan Heng)
Dan Heng is slumped in the corner of the wreckage, his well-being uncertain.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dan Heng, time to get up.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That was one stylish landing, bro.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Time to come up with a name for the next reincarnation...
Wait— you see Dan Heng's chest rising and falling, proof that life still lingers within him.
Icon Dialogue Talk Shake him hard.
...He doesn't even twitch. Looks like you gotta try some new ideas.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?
You recall the moment you first met Dan Heng and March 7th...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Nope, ain't no way.
How can such a thought even cross your mind? You're scared... You feel like slapping yourself to snap out of it!
But, come to think of it, you don't necessarily need to slap yourself, right? You take another glance at Dan Heng.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Yep, this is the way.
It's as if someone is shouting in your ear: "JUST DO IT!" It's veritably the whispers of the devil. After much hesitation, you finally lean down and...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Slap him in the face!
You suddenly felt the urge to "slap him" for no reason — There are no grudges. Some thoughts just spontaneously appear like that.
(Trailblazer): ...Sorry, Dan Heng.
Dan Heng: ...Sorry for what?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Oh, it's nothing.
Icon Dialogue Arrow When did you come to!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Uh, pardon me for... not keeping you safe.
Dan Heng: Ugh... How long were we out for?
Dan Heng: You passed out when our car got hit. I blacked out too, but not before dragging you out. It's a good thing we were in the car, or we would've been crushed to pieces.
Dan Heng: ...We should try making contact with the Express.

(Send a message to The Astral Express Family)
Character Dan Heng Icon
Himeko, we've made a smooth landing on Amphoreus. It looks like there's a civilisation down here.
I'm starving, Pom-Pom
Character Trailblazer Icon
The car's blown up! Pom-Pom, drop some food down, quick!
Farewell, my friends
Character Trailblazer Icon
Finally freed from the Express! Farewell, my prison!
Icon Dialogue Warning Message failed to send.

Dan Heng: I guessed as much... It's no longer working. Looks like it's just the two of us out here now.
Dan Heng: Let's find someplace safe to set up a base of operations first. This statue and the buildings we've seen so far point to a civilization here on Amphoreus...
Dan Heng: We can only hope they're not hostile toward outsiders.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's dangerous here. We should leave.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are we back to being fugitives again...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Who cares? We're only here to trailblaze.
???: Me...
(Trailblazer): ...?
Dan Heng: What is it?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I thought I heard something...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Shh. Someone's here.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Show yourself, peeping Tom!
Dan Heng: ...Someone's here? Ready your weapon and stay alert.
Dan Heng: Let's find out what's behind that gate.

Investigate the source of the abnormal noise[]

Dan Heng: Stay quiet.
(Approach the gate)
Dan Heng: Hold on— It opened on its own?
(Approach the floating creature)
(Trailblazer): Why is it so dark? Is it nighttime already...?
(The surroundings change)
Trailblazer: ...Wha?
(Approach the floating creature)
Dan Heng: Over there. That pink thing.
(Trailblazer): You see it, too?
Dan Heng: Yes, it's not an illusion.
(The surroundings change)
Dan Heng: There it is again. Is it doing all of this? This phenomenon... is hard to explain.
(Approach the marked location)
Dan Heng: It's gone... That happened too fast for us to make any sense of it. Did you see what the creature looked like?
Icon Dialogue Arrow A cat of sorts?
Icon Dialogue Arrow A rabbit of sorts?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The mastermind behind everything?
Dan Heng: It's unlike any of the known species in our data bank. But I guess that's to be expected. We know nothing about Amphoreus, after all.
Dan Heng: Back when we were trailblazing into Jarilo-VI, we knew its history and terrain even before arriving on the planet. But with Amphoreus... All we have is whatever little Black Swan told us about the world.
Icon Dialogue Arrow But we can't afford to screw up this trailblazing expedition.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What should we do now? Find a local?
Dan Heng: I'm afraid we must plan for the worst. Putting a potential language barrier aside, that was a powerful attack on us just now... It's hard to imagine a planet as far out and isolated as this having the expertise to create such sophisticated weaponry.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it any match for my baseball bat?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is it any match for your dragon transmutation?
Dan Heng: I can't tell for sure. But let's not get our hopes up too high. We can learn and observe as we move.

Proceed with caution and explore Amphoreus[]

(Pass through the gate)
(Trailblazer): Hmm, now that's one monumental city gate.
Dan Heng: Imposing and somewhat archaic... Could it be a cultural site?
(Approach the marked location)
Dan Heng: It looks like no one lives in this area, and that strange creature from before is nowhere to be seen. But...
Dan Heng: Look at that.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What is that?
Icon Dialogue Arrow A giant sphere...
Dan Heng: Judging from the prevalence of these colossal structures, this civilization has more than just great engineers and architects. The structures also indicate a universal belief system. If only it were closer, I'd be able to make out the details.
Dan Heng: ...If you want to take some photos, now would be the perfect time.

Help March 7th to take photographs of two wondrous sights[]

(Approach the marked location)
Icon Dialogue Talk Start taking photo
A giant sphere stands between heaven and earth in the distance. At its top, the sky appears torn open — or rather, it seems to have willingly opened a circular rift. Inside, a swirling vortex churns, and the clouds periodically reflect a golden glow.
If March 7th were here, she'd definitely use her girlish imagination to come up with some whimsical and creative metaphors for the scenery. Unfortunately, it's up to you to take on the team's photographer duties now.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Photograph the distant giant sphere.
(After taking the photograph)
Dan Heng: Don't forget the city gate, too.
(Approach the marked location)
Icon Dialogue Talk Start taking photo
Across the cliff, the grand palace gates remain silent, unwilling to reveal any of the history and secrets hidden behind it.
What could lie within the gate? You can't help but let your imagination run wild: bloody carnage, chaotic banquets, bottomless abyss...
Then you regain focus, hearing a playful voice softly whisper in your ear—
"March 7th": Hellooo~! Snap out of it and click the shutter already!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Photograph the cliffside gate.
(After taking the photograph)
(Trailblazer): (These turned out great. Heh, they deserve the most prominent spot on the photo wall.)
Dan Heng: ...Hmm?
Dan Heng: Something's wrong...
Dan Heng: Watch out, (Trailblazer)!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Were they at this location before?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm sensing hostility...
Dan Heng: These things aren't breathing. ...Inorganic lifeforms?
Dan Heng: Looks like they want to keep us here. With a dead end and a cliff edge behind us, there's no other way out. We're going to have to fight them.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You can't say it's trailblazing until...
Icon Dialogue Arrow ...you land a hit with your bat!
Dan Heng: Let's do this.
(Enter battle)
(First wave: Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×2, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×1, Furiae Troupe Furiae Troupe ×1)
(Second wave: Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×1, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×2, Furiae Philosopher Furiae Philosopher ×1)
(Third wave: Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×2, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×2, Furiae Troupe Furiae Troupe ×1)
Dan Heng: They just keep on coming, how do we break free from this...?
(Battle ends right after the third wave has appeared)

(Cutscene starts)
Dan Heng: Look out—!
???: You've got something... interesting.
(Cutscene ends)

White-haired Youth: I bear no harm. I just want everyone to be safe.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Everyone to be safe?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hey, I can understand what he's saying...?
Dan Heng: Everyone to be safe?
White-haired Youth: Roaming around a place like the Abyss with weapons in tow is a show of provocation. Those soldiers are minions of the Strife Titan. They're not known to stop until all invaders fall under their feet.
White-haired Youth: If you continue brandishing your weapons, you won't only be putting yourselves in the crossfire...
White-haired Youth: Their looming blades will come down on the heads of the innocent.
Dan Heng: A civil approach gets your message across all the same.
White-haired Youth: It's difficult to tell if you're friend or foe when you appear out of thin air. Even without your weapons, a great power still lurks within you...
White-haired Youth: I could be putting myself in harm's way for all I know. I'd be unwise not to take precautions.
White-haired Youth: So, care to share the reason for dropping in on us? Hmm? Visitors from above?
Young Female Voice: Phai—non—! Look what you did again! Taking off only to get yourself into trouble?
Red-haired Girl: Agh, you even ruined his weapon! Now you've really gone and done it! This is no way to be treating strangers.
White-haired Youth: I was just trying to fix our problem in the safest way possible.
Red-haired Girl: How is this safe!? Hello, friendly strangers! Let's all simmer down and cool our jets. We're all humans here. No need for things to get so heated.
Tribbie: Snowy's just worried you're baddies from above, but we know you two are nothing of the sort! Oh right, you don't know us yet. We're Tribbie from Janusopolis, and this is... Snowy! Hurry up and apologize to them!
White-haired Youth: Alright, if you say so, Tribbie... I apologize for my earlier behavior. I was overly wary because both of you landed in this tumultuous region, it put me on high alert.
Dan Heng: I understand. We're Trailblazers from beyond the sky.
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're telling them everything already?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Can they understand that...?
Dan Heng: There is no point concealing anything. They saw everything. If they wanted us dead, they wouldn't be standing around talking to us.
White-haired Youth: ...Not from above the sky but beyond it...?
Tribbie: Wow, that's something else altogether... You're lucky you met us, then.
Dan Heng: What do you mean?
White-haired Youth: She means you're lucky because we won't hurt you, but the same can't be said for others.
White-haired Youth: ...Let's talk somewhere else. You've seen it first-hand. It isn't safe out here. As you saw, there are still many refugees who haven't been freed in the temple.
White-haired Youth: We're here to rescue and escort them to the holy city, Okhema. They're the reason I had to be absolutely sure you were not here with ill intent, and why I wanted you to put away your weapons. If something were to occur, they would have no way of protecting themselves.
Phainon: I'm Phainon from Aedes Elysiae. Sorry if I offended you just now.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's an unusual name.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Meh, I preferred it when you were being combative.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Tsk, a little longer and I would've shown you what I can really do.
Dan Heng: ...You sound disappointed.
Dan Heng: I'm Dan Heng. This is—
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm (Trailblazer).
Phainon: Friction really does spark friendships, huh? Here, you can have your weapon back.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm the Galactic Baseballer.
Phainon: That sounds mighty impressive, but I'm guessing it's a nickname? We're meeting each other for the first time, so shouldn't you tell me your actual name?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm (Trailblazer).
Phainon: Friction really does spark friendships, huh? Here, you can have your weapon back.
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm the Galactic Baseballer who's missing a baseball bat.
Phainon: Baseball bat? Oh, you mean this marvel of a weapon...? Sorry, but why don't you tell me your name in return for your weapon?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm (Trailblazer).
Phainon: Friction really does spark friendships, huh?
Icon Dialogue Arrow (Does no one else think we look like brothers?/Why do I feel like you and I are kinda alike...)
Phainon: Well how about that? Perhaps it's fate! Friction really does spark friendships, huh? Here, you can have your weapon back.
Tribbie: And here's your spear. Don't worry, this is entirely on Snowy. I'll make sure he fixes it for you!
Phainon: Ahaha... It seems I'll have to treat Chartonus to a couple of drinks again.
Dan Heng: We've just arrived and still have many questions. If you two can ensure our safety, traveling together would certainly be the best choice.
Dan Heng: Please lead the way.

Dan Heng: How do you view the situation?
Icon Dialogue Talk There's more to this Phainon than meets the eye.
Dan Heng: I agree. To disarm you in a flash and even snap my spear... He's no ordinary person.
Dan Heng: He was also quite cautious, keeping his distance throughout the conversation. I tried probing for more information on Amphoreus, but they both casually glossed over it.
Dan Heng: Conversely, I believe this indicates he doesn't believe he can easily subdue us. If things take a turn for the worse, our best bet is still going to be resolution by force.
Icon Dialogue Talk Their appearance was suspiciously well-timed.
Dan Heng: Yes, the timing is suspect, too. The spear that destroyed our car is definitely man-made.
Dan Heng: I suspected they might have staged the encounter, but these refugees... they're clearly not pretending. For now, it's reasonable to assume they're not on the same side as the attackers.
Icon Dialogue Talk How is it even remotely possible that we share a common language?
Dan Heng: I've been trying to come up with possible theories for that, though the answer still eludes me. Perhaps like Jarilo-VI, Amphoreus was served by the silver rail eons ago? But the data bank would at least have some record on the planet if it were true...
Dan Heng: The way the girl uses "we" and "us" to refer to herself is unusual, too. I doubt it's just a habit of speech.
Dan Heng: But compared with our other suspicions, sharing a common language is the least of our concerns right now... Let's get moving and hope the problems will resolve themselves naturally.
Icon Dialogue Talk About your spear...
Dan Heng: Though losing the spear is unfortunate, we gained some important insight: Amphoreus' weapon-forging skills are on par with the craftsmanship that forged the Cloud-Piercer.
Dan Heng: Looks like this world is nowhere nearly as primitive as we had first thought. Perhaps they have more to surprise us with at this "holy city" they mentioned.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Nothing. Let's keep going.
Dan Heng: Hmm? Is someone arguing in the temple? Let's take a look, and remember — keep it friendly.

Enter the Temple and investigate the dispute[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

We had initial contact with the people of Amphoreus known as the Chrysos Heirs, then followed two of them into the Temple to explore. They claimed their purpose here was to rescue the refugees, yet there seemed to be tension and strife among the people.
(Idle chats)
Panicked Refugee: May Janus reveal our road.
Panicked Refugee: When will this end...?
Calm Refugee: The temple is so cold...
Panicked Refugee: Where will fate take us...?
(While walking into the temple)
Elder: No, I will never agree to that...
(Idle chats)
Panicked Refugee: When will days like these finally come to an end...
Calm Refugee: JanusPassage Titan, if only you were still here with us...
Calm Refugee: Hang on, you'll be able to leave soon

(Approach the marked location)
Elder: Virtus! You acted on your own to ask the Chrysos Heirs for help!? To bring us into their so-called holy city, no less! We are priests of JanusPassage Titan, born as footless birds — how could we possibly endure being confined to one place?
Virtus: We've lost far too many to NikadorStrife Titan's forces, Mr. Noldus! I only want for everyone to settle down somewhere safe, and to be able to sleep soundly.
Noldus: Lose your faith, and you lose everything. Do you seriously think you can seek shelter in Okhema? Nowhere is safe with the end times looming!
Noldus: I've said my piece. Leave, if that's what you want. Everyone else is staying in this temple, where we enjoy the protection of Janus, the Gate of InfinityPassage Titan.
Phainon: Don't make this decision in haste, sir—
Noldus: I appreciate the concern, esteemed Chrysos Heir. But please respect that we have the right to choose our own fate.

Virtus: I'm sorry you had to see that, esteemed Chrysos Heir. Hmm? These two with you are...?
Phainon: Travelers from afar. They're also headed for the holy city. If memory serves me right, you are... Virtus? Please, you may call me Phainon. What was that just now?
Virtus: It's an honor you remember me, Phainon. We are priests from Janusopolis. Armies of the Strife Titan destroyed our home, forcing us to flee across many lands until we arrived here.
Virtus: A few days ago, I watched another companion fall to those monsters, and I was shattered... I offered a prayer to Okhema, thinking the answer would take time, at least enough for me to convince Mr. Noldus. I didn't expect your arrival to be so swift...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Every place has their fair share of troubles.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Your ride is here. Why isn't everyone out yet?
Dan Heng: No idea what you're saying...
Dan Heng: The elder spoke of the "end times" just now and claimed that no place in Amphoreus is safe. What did he mean by that...?
Virtus: Excuse me, sir? Everyone knows about the prophecy. How is it that you—
Phainon: Virtus, right now we must focus on convincing Mr. Noldus to return. The Abyss is swarming with fierce enemies, and they have no way to defend themselves, leaving them vulnerable to all kinds of danger.
Phainon: My friends, I have a rather bold request. The two of you are quite capable — might I trouble you to fetch Mr. Noldus?
Phainon: Tribbie will join you. She can also answer any questions you may have.
Dan Heng: Please give us a moment to discuss it.

Dan Heng: Phainon interrupted me as I was trying to gather information from that refugee, and now he's saying the girl will answer our questions. His intent is obvious.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He's hiding something from us?
Dan Heng: No.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He's hiding something from the refugees?
Dan Heng: Yes.
Dan Heng: I believe he thinks it's worse for others to find out we know nothing about this world. He wants to hide the fact that we're visitors from beyond the sky.
Dan Heng: There's a rift between us and the locals, so let's play along with Phainon for now. We can also learn what Tribbie thinks when we're alone with her.

Dan Heng: Alright, we'll go. If we're to be companions on this journey, it's only right that we offer assistance where possible.
Phainon: You two are truly honorable! I'll stay behind to guard Virtus and the rest. Go quickly and come back safe.

Try to speak with Tribbie alone[]

(Speak to Phainon again, optional)
Phainon: Don't worry about me. I'll stay behind to protect those in the area. Please make haste.
(Idle chats)
Panicked Refugee: Save us, Gate of Infinity...
Panicked Refugee: ...Titan, please bless my people...
Calm Refugee: I can't walk anymore.
Calm Refugee: Rest up. There will be a way out of this.
Calm Refugee: Have hope, child...
Calm Refugee: Will Janus... show us the future?

(Talk to Tribbie)
Tribbie: I'm sure you two have a ton of questions, don't you?
Tribbie: As for why we should speak in private, that's because quiet places are better suited for communicating with one another.
Dan Heng: But the road ahead is... cut off.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Are you going to carry and fly us across?
Icon Dialogue Arrow You're not about to ask me to jump down, right...?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dan Heng is finally going to be able to jump?
Dan Heng: What are you talking about...
Tribbie: Heh. Judging by your reactions, you weren't lying about being newly arrived travelers. In that case, don't blink, or you'll miss the next part.
Tribbie: Also, Snowy wouldn't dare make plans for us, it's more like the other way around!
Tribbie: Alright! Silence, please. We are about to summon a miracle...
Tribbie: "We, thy humble descendants, doth surmount the myriad of passages of JanusPassage Titan to stand before thee and receive the scales of judgment."
Tribbie: "O, selfless arbiter TalantonLaw Titan, declare us innocent in the name of the law. Weigh the fruits of the present in exchange for the sweetness of the past."
Tribbie: "We summon thee, OronyxTime Titan, to lift the curtain of memory..."

(Cutscene starts)
Tribbie: ...Once again stir the ripples of past reverie!
(Cutscene ends)

Follow Tribbie's lead[]

Dan Heng: This is... unbelievable.

Continue to follow Tribbie[]

(Upon reaching Tribbie)
(Unlock Achievement Walk Along This Pillar of Light)
Panicked Refugee: H—How is that possible... Did Oronyx'sTime Titan prayer fail?

Tribbie: My two friends, don't stray too far away from us!
Calm Refugee: Stop panicking! As long as we're with them, we'll be fine.

(Upon reaching the other side)
Tribbie: Amazing, isn't it? Now that we're here, we can speak in peace...
Tribbie: Huh? But why does it feel a little too quiet?

Keep moving forward and catch Noldus, who is deep in the temple[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

A girl named Tribbie aids the refugees to lead them out of danger, using her remarkable ability to replicate space and time. The group is now preparing for a safe departure to Okhema.
(Approach the marked location)
Tribbie: Just what I was afraid of. So much for a peaceful chat...
Tribbie: The history lesson will have to wait, my friends. We must help Mr. Noldus!
(Begin battle against Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×2, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×1, Furiae Troupe Furiae Troupe ×1)

(After the player's first turn)
Tribbie: You both have impressive fighting skills!
Dan Heng: It would be better if I still had my weapon.
Tribbie: Oh, I'm sorry...

(After the battle)
Noldus: Whew... Thank you. The three of you saved our lives.
Tribbie: Mr. Noldus, Virtus was right. It's too dangerous for all of you to be here. Please come back to Okhema with us.
Noldus: I believe I've made my stance clear, my child. Us priests would rather die in the pursuit of faith than live in a foreign land.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It looks to me like you still prefer living...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Don't lie to yourself, old man...
Tribbie: Sir, we deeply understand your faith in the Titans. Perhaps in your eyes, KephaleWorldbearing Titan, the protector of the holy city, is but a god from a foreign land.
Tribbie: But we swear to you in the name of Janus,Passage Titan the Gate of Infinity that so long as the Chrysos Heirs live, Okhema will protect all followers of the Titans. We are one and the same.
Noldus: You swear in the name of JanusPassage Titan? Who are you...
Tribbie: Don't you remember, Noldus?
Tribbie: Our name is Tribios.
Noldus: What? You're the high priest!?
Noldus: Why do you look like a child? No, to think that I, a mere tribal priest, dared lecture you on faith. How ludicrous! Please forgive my transgressions...
Tribbie: Noldus, we do not wish to force you, but please think of the people in your tribe.
Tribbie: The young place their trust in you just as you place your trust in us. If you stay, they will remain here too, doomed to fall under NikadorStrife Titan's spear.
Noldus: If that is "divine will," then I have no reason to disobey.
Noldus: High priest, please guide us once again as we spread our wings on this long journey.

Virtus: Mr. Noldus, I'm glad you're all right.
Noldus: Virtus, I still disagree with your methods, but it doesn't matter now. Let us place our trust in the Chrysos Heirs.
Phainon: The dromas caravan that's supposed to meet us isn't here yet, so let's all rest where it's safe for a while.
Dan Heng: Regrettably, our questions are still unanswered, and we now have even more. Now that things have calmed down, perhaps you two can find the time to answer a few of them?
Phainon: Of course. Please come this way.

Phainon: I see you've both been made aware of our troubles. I'm grateful for your understanding, so in return, please ask me anything you wish to know.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is this "end times" people spoke of?
Phainon: Just as the word implies, it's the time of strife before the world meets its end.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That darn Finality is still after me...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is this the sequel to Belobog?
Dan Heng: Are you saying your civilization is coming to an end?
Phainon: To be precise, it's the whole world that's coming to an end.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are the Titans?
Phainon: The ancient gods of Amphoreus, once worshiped by humanity, they now stand as their foes.
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are the Chrysos Heirs?
Phainon: The prophetic Deliverers, with golden blood coursing through their veins.
Icon Dialogue Talk What is the miracle performed earlier?
Phainon: It's a gift from the Three Titans of Fate. With their blessings, priests can awaken shadows of the past to alter reality.
Tribbie: You're putting it too lightly. Don't make miracles sound like a tool you can simply use at will.
Icon Dialogue Arrow That's all the questions I have for now.
Dan Heng: Your answers are too concise...
Phainon: I'm sorry. I guess I'm not good at telling stories.
Tribbie: Yet, a tedious and overly long explanation isn't ideal either. Let me think...
Tribbie: Right! Virtus and the others are priests from Janusopolis. They should be adept at playing the lyre. How about playing a song for our two friends?
Tribbie: There's a ballad that's been passed down in Amphoreus since ancient times...

Tribbie: "Happiness abound in this lush land by gods chosen. Giants raised their glasses in a toast beheld by the twelve constellations."
Tribbie: "Three carved the heavens and the earth, three wove the threads of fate. Three molded life with their hands, and three guided calamity's gate."
Tribbie: "They declared the world too unstirring, hence wished endless laughter upon the living."
Tribbie: "Thus you and I were created, with words and song to weave, and love and intimacy to give."
Tribbie: "Thus, creation was complete, who then will bear the weight of humanity's souls, to lighten the steps of the living as a whole?"
Tribbie: "O great KephaleWorldbearing Titan, all-knowing father of stature so tall, yet low does their gaze willingly fall."
Tribbie: "With light of dawn heavy upon their shoulders, golden ichor spills unto the land..."
Tribbie: "...forming the boiling river that flows through the legacies of heroes who take their stand..."

Phainon: ...Hmm?
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's that sound!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's with the stage effects?
Phainon: Hahaha! Don't worry. That's just our rescue. Time to get up, everyone!

Ride the dromas and head to the holy city[]

(Idle chats)
Panicked Refugee: We can finally get out of here!
Calm Refugee: Hopefully, Okhema is a safe place.
Virtus: O gods, please have mercy on our destiny...

(Interact with the dromas)
Dan Heng: What magnificent creatures.
Phainon: These large mild-mannered creatures are called dromas. They're humanity's most loyal companions. We'll be relying on them to get us through the rugged mountain roads on the way to the holy city.
Phainon: Dromas are very docile, even first-time riders can steer them easily. Here, give it a try. Remember to hold the reins tight.
Dromas: Urrhh... uuuhhhh—
Icon Dialogue Arrow Ride the dromas.
You see all the white shells jutting out from the dromas' limbs and plan to use them as footholds...
Dromas: Urrhh!
The dromas lets out a dissatisfied growl and easily tosses you several meters away.
Icon Dialogue Arrow This is your idea of docile!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Why you! It's a good thing I managed to dodge quickly.
Phainon: I forgot to mention. Don't touch their white stone humps. When the Earth Titan blessed these creatures, it's said they also stuffed their ill tempers into these humps.
Dromas: Urrhh... uuuhhhh—
Icon Dialogue Arrow Carefully ride the dromas.
Phainon: See? Easy, wasn't it?
Noldus: Everyone, how did you find our lyre performance earlier? We've been in exile for many days and haven't touched our instruments in a long time. I fear our skills have grown rusty and we've made a spectacle of ourselves.
Tribbie: No, not at all! Your performance was wonderful, sir!
Noldus: It's been a long time since we sat together like that and sang ancient ballads to our heart's content. I'm grateful to all of you for reminding me of those glorious and peaceful times. Looking back now, I admit I was too stubborn.
Noldus: Perhaps you really can save Amphoreus from its doom, just like how the four of you heroes saved our very lives and faith today.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He even included the two of us!
Icon Dialogue Arrow I don't really get it, but at least things unfolded quite nicely.
Phainon: Suffering's bad for your health, and it won't help your faith much, either. That's why it's our inherent duty as Chrysos Heirs to free everyone from suffering.
Phainon: It's also the reason for the holy city Okhema's existence — the only human city left in our present day.
Tribbie: Hey now, don't be so serious. You're bringing the mood down. Anyway, in short, the holy cityOkhema is absolutely safe. Everything will be fine once we get there.
Tribbie: Is everyone properly seated? Then we're off! Next stop: Okhema!
The back of a dromas is like a cradle. You gradually fall asleep, and the caravan will arrive in Okhema after some travel time...

(Cutscene starts)
Dan Heng: ...Hey, wake up! Something's going on!
Dan Heng: The city's under attack!
(Cutscene ends)

(Enter battle)
(First wave: Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×2, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×2)
(Trailblazer): You call this safe!? It's not how Tribbie described it at all!
Dan Heng: These are the enemies we met in the Abyss. It seems this attack is also the work of the Strife Titan.
(Second wave: Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×2, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×2, Furiae Philosopher Furiae Philosopher ×1)

(After the battle)
Attacked Citizen: You both fought so bravely. Are you Chrysos Heirs from a foreign land?
Attacked Citizen: Please, I beg of you! Save Okhema! The mad king NikadorStrife Titan has returned! Look! There's strife and conflict everywhere...
Dan Heng: Stay calm and leave this to us. You must hurry and find shelter.
Attacked Citizen: Thank you, thank you... Your comrades are fighting inside the city. Fate will guide you to them.
Dan Heng: I expected the holy city to be a strong sanctuary, but things are less peaceful than I thought. Let's stay here and lend our support on the battlefield.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you still have your broken spear?
Dan Heng: They're just minions. My cloudhymn magic will be sufficient.
Icon Dialogue Arrow He thought we were Chrysos Heirs.
Dan Heng: "The Deliverers mentioned the prophecy"... It seems the people have a lot of faith in Phainon and the others.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Do you think this Nikador is related to the Destruction?
Dan Heng: I don't think so. These Titankin have obvious differences to the Antimatter Legion.
Dan Heng: Our priority now is to find Phainon.

Phainon: The main road's been blocked off! Tribbie...
Tribbie: Don't panic. Leave this to us! "I summon thee, OronyxTime Titan!"
Icon Dialogue Arrow :"Lift the curtain of memory—"
Icon Dialogue Arrow "—and stir up ripples of past reverie!"
Tribbie: "...Lift the curtain and stir up ripples of past reverie!"

(After using Oronyx's Prayer)
(Unlock Achievement Into the Currents of Time)
Dan Heng: How's the situation?
Phainon: It's you two... I'm sorry we got you involved again.
Phainon: I never expected NikadorStrife Titan to lead an army and launch a surprise attack on the holy city at a time like this... They and KephaleWorldbearing Titan have always been mortal enemies, but now they've gone mad like a vicious beast.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We took care of some enemies.
Phainon: You have my gratitude. Thankfully, Okhema is not completely unprepared. The prophecy had warned us about this. This is a catastrophe, but it's not the end.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Humanity is so doomed.
Phainon: There's no need to panic. Okhema is not completely unprepared. The prophecy had warned us about this. This is a catastrophe, but it's not the end.
Tribbie: Mr. Noldus and the others have gone to seek shelter. Leave the rest to us. You should evacuate along with the citizens.
Icon Dialogue Arrow We can help.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's safer by your side.
Dan Heng: What (he/she) meant to say is: We can help.
Icon Dialogue Arrow But I thirst for battle!
Phainon: I don't doubt your skills but...
Phainon: Very well, but please remain by my side. These pests can't hurt you, but our companions, those known as the "Chrysos Heirs"...
Phainon: Their attacks do not discriminate between friend and foe.

Aid Okhema, the holy city, which is under attack[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

Nikador, the Strife Titan, launched a surprise attack on Okhema. In a moment of desperation, we stepped in to assist. Following Phainon's lead, we defeated the Titankin and protected the residents on the way.
(Approach the marked location)
Pious Citizen: O KephaleWorldbearing Titan, Throne of Worlds, please end your long silence and grant humanity protection...

(Upon reaching the marked location)
Dan Heng: What are you doing? It's not safe here. Seek shelter, quickly!
Stubborn Citizen: No, no, no, it's very safe here.
Pious Citizen: The prophecy has already revealed that the light of KephaleWorldbearing Titan will shine upon all...
Stubborn Citizen: Watch! No one will die. The heroes will protect the city!
Phainon: Leave them be. Just as Mr. Noldus reveres JanusPassage Titan, faith is all some people have left in a world teetering on the brink of collapse.
Phainon: To honor their faith is the sacred duty of the Chrysos Heirs— Minions of Strife, you shall not harm these people!
(Begin battle against Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×1, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×2)

(After the battle)
Phainon: Bodies everywhere. How could so many enemies have made it to the front gates? Where were the city guards?
Trianne: Snowy...
Trinnon: We're back.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Th—Three Tribbies!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Is this a trick!?
Trianne: We are Trianne!
Trinnon: We are Trinnon!
Tribbie: We are Tribbie— Wait, no, now is not the time for introductions!
Dan Heng: ...The surprises never cease in Amphoreus.
Trianne: Snowy, De has been trading blows with the main forces for what feels like forever, from the skies to the city! Hurry up and assist him!
Phainon: I knew it... He gets reckless once he gets the urge to kill. I'm relying on you three to handle the task of getting the citizens to safety.
Trianne: Don't worry! With us here, we can just use the Century Gate to whoosh the people to the safest place in Amphoreus—
Trinnon: Wouldn't that be Okhema?
Trianne: ...
Tribbie: Stop messing around and help the people! Anywhere is fine, just send them to somewhere safe!
Phainon: Don't worry. Although they are a little childish, the trio are experienced Chrysos Heirs and one of the pillars of Okhema. Therefore, they can definitely be trusted.
Phainon: Well, let's keep on moving then.

Travel with Phainon and eliminate the enemies[]

(Idle chats)
Calm Refugee: No need to fear... No need to cower...
Calm Refugee: The hero from the prophecy will sweep away the shadows of fate, and Kephale's light will always protect Okhema...

(Approach the marked location)
Startled Citizen: L—Lord Phainon! You're finally here. Quick, save the Grand Craftsman! He's surrounded by enemies—
Phainon: What!?
Phainon: Chartonus! Hang in there!
(Idle chats)
Holy City Guard 1: Lord Phainon! May Kephale bless you!
Holy City Guard 1: Don't be rash! Protect the citizens first!
Okhema Refugee 1: OronyxTime Titan, please answer our calls...
Okhema Refugee 1: Chrysos Heirs, please protect us...
Holy City Guard 2: The prophecy of Lady Trinnon has come true...
Holy City Guard 2: Victory belongs to Okhema!
Okhema Refugee 2: Curse you, NikadorStrife Titan!
Okhema Refugee 2: Okhema shall forever despise you!
Holy City Guard 3: Stay calm, hold formation!
Holy City Guard 3: Wait for Lady Aglaea's orders!
Okhema Refugee 3: Don't panic. Retreat according to the plan.
Okhema Refugee 3: We mustn't cause more trouble for the heroes.

(Cutscene starts)
Mydei: "The rear is secured now"...
Mydei: This is the result of your efforts?
Phainon: Quit messin' around, you know who we're dealing with.
Mydei: Carelessness will be your downfall, "Deliverer"!
(Cutscene ends)

(Begin battle against Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×2, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×2, Furiae Philosopher Furiae Philosopher ×1)
Blonde Man: Mere child's play. A true fight between us would shatter them with the aftershocks alone.
(Trailblazer): Are you talking to me?
Blonde Man: Who are you?
Phainon: Enough, Mydei. Are you trying to destroy the holy city?

(After the battle)
Phainon: Chartonus!
Chartonus: Phainon...
Phainon: I'm glad that you're okay...
Phainon: As for you, Mydei... If I'm not mistaken, shouldn't your responsibility be protecting the citizens?
Mydei: What is that supposed to mean? Who are you implying isn't a citizen here?
Icon Dialogue Arrow The names of the people here keep getting stranger and stranger.
Phainon: Don't evade the question. Aglaea told us to protect the citizens. Are you ignoring what she said?
Mydei: It is you who forget the second half of her words. Her original words were, "Protect the citizens and eliminate the invaders." The crisis in the holy city will be resolved once we've eliminated NikadorStrife Titan.
Mydei: Speaking of which, since you've never considered the pair over there to be "citizens"...
Mydei: They seem to fit the definition of "invaders."
Dan Heng: What do you mean?
Mydei: The three priests of JanusTrinnon, Tribbie, Trianne share the same appearance and mind, and their senses are also interlinked. The Okhemans have long been aware of your presence and what you have been doing.
Mydei: You trust him that much? I suggest you think twice.
Phainon: Provoking your allies at such a critical juncture. Whose side are you on?
Mydei: From the moment we first met, I already told you that regardless of whether it's in the past or in the future, the people of Kremnos will never agree to make peace with the likes of you...
Mydei: As the successor of Kremnos, I, Mydei, am not able to act independently on such matters. Furthermore, things have escalated to a point where I must warn you, esteemed guests that your host is anything but proficient in the ways of hospitality.
Chartonus: Enough... The time for internal strife, now is not. Still on the offense, the mad king is and must be stopped by the Chrysos Heirs...
Mydei: I have not forgotten about what needs to be done. Stand down. I'm more than capable of taking care of what's ahead by myself.
Mydei: As for you... NikadorStrife Titan is in the Marmoreal Palace. Aglaea told me to stay out of it. So, go ahead... "Deliverer".
Phainon: I don't need you to tell me that.
Mydei: You, what's your name?
Icon Dialogue Arrow My name is (Trailblazer).
Mydei: Is that not also strange?
Icon Dialogue Arrow I am the Galactic Baseballer!
Mydei: Is that not also strange?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Heh, it's a secret!
Mydei: Isn't that name... also strange?

Dan Heng: Is he your companion? You guys don't seem to be on friendly terms.
Phainon: Well, that's the Chrysos Heirs. Revered as heroes by the masses, but still imperfect mortals at their core.

(Talk to Chartonus, optional)
Phainon: I'm sorry, we were not quick enough.
Chartonus: It's not too late. Leave it to us. Go, Phainon.
Phainon: Thankfully, no one was hurt. I hope that Mydei doesn't act on his words. After all, he's an exemplary fighter, if he's dead set on doing things his way... I fear not a soul could prevent it, not even myself.
(Talk to Mydei or attempt to leave the area, optional)
Mydei: What is it, outsider? Do you fear the Lance of FuryStrife Titan's raging flames? Or perhaps you'd care to spar with me?
Icon Dialogue Arrow No, thank you...
Icon Dialogue Arrow I'm interested.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Shatter them with the aftershocks!
Phainon: Avoid getting too serious with Mydei, because he means every word he says.
Mydei: That is true. Of this, you can be assured.

(Approach the marked location)
Phainon: ...What a mess.
Dan Heng: I don't see any more residents. Have they been evacuated?
Phainon: Yes. Tribbie acted with haste.
Phainon: This is Marmoreal Market, the most important residential and living area in the holy city. Pushing through by force would undoubtedly result in needless casualties...
Phainon: ...But now our backup is here.
???: Lord Phainon. And... the two guests.
???: Welcome to Okhema.
Dan Heng: These enemies... aren't moving?
Phainon: When I heard your footsteps, I thought Death was already writing my final chapter before my heroic journey had even begun...
Phainon: Miss Castorice.

Castorice: An abrupt ending to an epic that has barely begun might also amaze the people.
Castorice: But today, Lord Phainon... Okhema needs you.
Phainon: Well, if the "mortician" of the holy city says I'm needed, then it sounds like I'm gonna live through this mess.
Castorice: Well... that isn't for me to decide. All I can do is clear the obstacles and guide you to the place of NikadorStrife Titan's descent.
Castorice: Dear guests, if you would, I'd like you to please follow me...
Castorice: And kindly keep five paces distance.

Follow Castorice's lead[]

UI Trailblaze Mission Step Description

The Chrysos Heirs named Castorice and Mydei cleared the obstacles in our path. Now, alongside Phainon, we will face Nikador, Lance of Fury, and become heroes.
Dan Heng: Their hostility has ceased?
Castorice: In the face of death, Strife will also cause hesitation to arise. I... am the shadow of death.

(If the player tries to get too close to Castorice, optional)
The chilling aura emanating from Castorice fills you with unease. In the depths of your mind, it feels as though an overwhelming darkness is about to engulf you...
Now isn't the time to take risks. Maybe you should have followed her advice and kept a safe distance.
(Teleporting back to the original position)

(Idle chats)
Celestial Monster: Keep away from her...
Celestial Monster: Servant of Thanatos...
Celestial Monster: A death without glory is no...
Celestial Monster: It's the smell of the River of Souls...
Celestial Monster: Shadow of Death... Begone...

(While approaching the last two enemies)
Castorice: Hmm... There are also some enemies who are difficult to subdue by presence alone.

(Approach the marked location)
Soldier of Nikador: The scent of blood... Are you an attendant of the Hand of ShadowDeath Titan?
Castorice: ...No, I'm nobody's attendant.
Soldier of Nikador: You can try to avoid and hide it, but you obviously came from the world of the dead.
Soldier of Nikador: Okhema, Chrysos Heirs — what cowards. We live by loyalty and glory, while you live by weakness and deceit.
Phainon: I'm so glad that you're not my history teacher. How much can we trust the words of someone who has sunk so deep into madness?
Phainon: However, if you're standing here out of loyalty and glory, then I shall draw my blade and grant you a warrior's end.
Soldier of Nikador: Come, to arms!
(Begin battle against Furiae Warrior Furiae Warrior ×1, Furiae Archer Furiae Archer ×1, Furiae Praetor Furiae Praetor ×1)

(After the battle)
Phainon: As you wish.
Castorice: Lady Aglaea once said that your time is extremely valuable and shouldn't be wasted on unnecessary conflict.
Castorice: I have the power to lay them to rest.
Phainon: I was about to say the same. It's pointless to waste your strength on these pawns.
Phainon: Let's go. It's time to face "Strife".
Castorice: Once there...
Castorice: ...You must turn into birds and fly toward the final battlefield.
Phainon: Miss Castorice, why aren't you joining us?
Castorice: I must stay here and ensure that these soldiers do not destroy the city.
Castorice: Although faith is more important to the vast majority, there are still quite a number of citizens who care more about their worldly possessions.
Phainon: I understand, but...
Castorice: There is no need for worry. The citizens have already been evacuated and the only living things in the vicinity... are the three of you.
Castorice: As Lady Aglaea instructed, no civilians will be affected by this.
Phainon: ...Do excuse my impropriety.
Phainon: Well then, I'll see you later, Miss Castorice.

Castorice: Then...
Castorice: Could you all quietly leave?

Go to the Marmoreal Palace[]

(Approaching Castorice again, optional)
Phainon: We'll leave this place to Miss Castorice then. Let's get a move on.
(Approach the marked location)
Phainon: Marmoreal Palace, the Lance of Fury, NikadorStrife Titan... They're all there, in the distance.
Icon Dialogue Arrow What's that sound!?
Icon Dialogue Arrow Mommy, I'm scared...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Dan Heng, is that your stomach growling?
Dan Heng: What a horrifying battle cry. Is that a Titan?
Phainon: That battle cry once crushed all in its path. It knocked down foes and allies alike, leaving people as fragile as reeds in a gale.
Phainon: My limbs trembled uncontrollably as my weapon clattered to the ground. I could hear nothing but the frenzied and shameful beating of my own heart...
Phainon: Fear, this is why the Strife Titan is revered. If a warrior can face this terror and still step forward, no trial thereafter can shake the weapon in their hand.
Phainon: You two, if you wish to retreat, this is your final chance to do so.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's fine. I've already died a number of times before.
Icon Dialogue Arrow It's fine. He's already died a number of times before.
Dan Heng: These are separate matters...
Phainon: Looks like the both of you have indeed braved many dangers.
Dan Heng: We have no interest in the Titan rites. As Trailblazers, lending a helping hand to unfamiliar worlds is simply our duty.
Phainon: Trailblazing... What an interesting concept. Surely, on your worlds, there must also be a Titan which is revered by the masses?
Phainon: There's no need to further confirm your resolve. We shall soon cross swords with the embodiment of Strife. And yet, faced against this menacing threat, your resolve only gleams more intensely.
Phainon: Let's get going. In the era when KephaleWorldbearing Titan had not yet fallen silent, none could stand as their equal. Today, we inherit the duty of the gods, safeguarding the inhabitants of Amphoreus.
Phainon: Stand with me and become heroes!

(Enter the Hidden Passage)
Tutorial Janus' Hidden Passage (I)
Rotate the clues and assemble the pattern. Once the progress bar is full, you can quickly move to the target.

Face Nikador, Lance of Fury[]

(After traveling through the Hidden Passage)
Dan Heng: It's deathly silent...
Phainon: Deathly silence is the proud resonance of NikadorStrife Titan's war drums. Behind this watery veil... awaits the arena of conflict.

(After passing the first veil of water)
(Trailblazer): Who's wailing? My head feels as though it's being ripped apart...
Phainon: Stay strong! Recall your convictions and everything you hold dear... If you can't do that, then think of death, for doing so might actually keep you alive!

(Approach the marked location)
(Cutscene starts)
(Cutscene ends)

(Begin battle against Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife)
Phainon: Careful! They look different from what I remember.
Dan Heng: How so?
Phainon: Weaker... but also more distorted.
(Nikador takes the second turn)
Phainon: Cast aside all distracting thoughts—
Phainon: To me! I shall withstand their wrath!
(When "Titanic Corpus" has been destroyed)
Phainon: Even gods can bleed...
Phainon: I shall extinguish your Coreflame, Titan!
(Battle ends when Nikador is reduced to 1% HP)
(Cutscene starts)
Aglaea: Move.
Aglaea: This is not the true Nikador, just one of his many godly forms.
Aglaea: The Coreflame isn't here.
(Cutscene ends)

Aglaea: New allies of Okhema, welcome to Amphoreus.
Aglaea: While this welcome banquet is far from elegant, it has helped to remove any misgivings that we had. From this moment forth, you shall be treated as distinguished guests of the holy city and of the Chrysos Heirs.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Hello, Lady Aglaea.
Dan Heng: Lady Aglaea, your eyes...
Icon Dialogue Arrow Her gaze...
Dan Heng: Is somewhat unfocused. Could it be that...
Aglaea: Curious about my eyesight? Well, I'm not blind. On the contrary, I can see much more than the typical person.
Aglaea: Those with golden blood always have something extraordinary about them. For me, it's perception. I don't need light to measure the world — the wind carries messages along golden threads, delivering countless sensations to my fingertips.
Aglaea: Just like how at this present moment, the virtues possessed by the both of you have turned into a warm current that pleases my skin.
Icon Dialogue Arrow She sounds so cultured...
Dan Heng: Indeed, her manner of speaking is comparable to Sunday's.
Icon Dialogue Arrow See, I told you that I'm a heartwarming (guy/girl) deep down.
Dan Heng: She was just speaking metaphorically...
Phainon: A manifestation of NikadorStrife Titan...
Phainon: Could it be that my trial has not arrived yet?
Aglaea: By following the threads of fate, you have begun to write the opening chapter of your story. How do you feel?
Phainon: Truth be told, I don't feel any different. I anticipated a greater challenge.
Phainon: When Trianne followed those escaped soldiers, was that part of the plan too?
Aglaea: Naturally. We have long foreseen this attack and didn't intend to waste such a golden opportunity.
Aglaea: After NikadorStrife Titan succumbed to madness, their fortress disappeared into the fog, with no one being able to ascertain its location anymore. However, now that they have acted out of character and attacked Okhema of their own accord...
Aglaea: Then, the holy city shall also uncover their hiding place and sound the horn of retaliation.
Phainon: What an intricate plan indeed.
Phainon: I gave my word that after the situation stabilized, I would reveal all about Amphoreus to our allies.
Phainon: However, given that Okhema has just barely survived a calamity, and there are still many shaken citizens who need comfort... Aglaea, would you mind taking care of this in my stead?
Aglaea: Distinguished guests, since you have spared no effort in aiding the holy city, I will naturally take care of you as well.
Aglaea: I've woven many unforeseen events into the tapestry of fate, this is but one instance.
Dan Heng: ...?
Phainon: You two can find me at Marmoreal Market after you've grown tired of listening to her tales. In any case, I owe you my hospitality.
Aglaea: Now then, where should we begin?

Dan Heng: Lady Aglaea, could you give us some time?
Dan Heng: We'd like to get back to our mission now that the situation has calmed down. We want to lay down a beacon of the Trailblaze here.
Dan Heng: I can assure you that this will not bring any repercussions to Okhema. Think of it as a ceremony when traveling to someplace new.
Aglaea: Beacon... of the Trailblaze...
Aglaea: No problem, go ahead.
Dan Heng: With this Space Anchor on Amphoreus, we've taken yet another giant step on the Path of Trailblaze.
Icon Dialogue Arrow Our boarding passes are appreciating in value!
Icon Dialogue Arrow A few more, and maybe we can reconnect with the Express!
Icon Dialogue Arrow Praise Aki!
Dan Heng: ...I'm going to assume you meant Akivili.
Aglaea: What an interesting way to mark the start of your journey. I grow more and more curious about your cause.
Aglaea: But, please, let me first properly extend my hospitality to you... The conversation we must have will likely be quite lengthy, so why don't we go somewhere more suitable for that?
(Unlock Achievement Baby with Face Covered in Gold)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSilver Chariot, Away to that Blackened Land
Korean은빛 전차여, 검은 대지로 나아가라
SpanishCarruaje de plata, ve raudo hacia esa tierra ennegrecida
FrenchWagon d'argent, en route vers les terres du néant
RussianО серебряная колесница, мчись на тёмные земли
Thaiราชรถสีเงินเอ๋ย จงมุ่งสู่ผืนดินทมิฬ
VietnameseCỗ Xe Bạc, Mau Lao Đến Vùng Đất Đen Tối
GermanSilberner Streitwagen, fliege über das dunkle Land
IndonesianKereta Perak, Pergi ke Tanah Hitam itu
PortugueseCarroça Prateada, Rumo à Terra Enegrecida

Change History[]

