Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A spindle entwined with silk threads. When the first discarded garment handcrafted by Aglaea accidentally found its way to the market, people were left in awe. What ingenious trimming! What flawless hidden seams! What masterful cutting! For a time, the entire Okhema fashion scene was swept into a frenzy of imitating Aglaea's artistry. The type of spindle she uses also became a must-have among garmentmakers but the golden thread wound around it — exclusive to the demigod of Mnestia — cannot be replicated no matter what.

"O beautiful Mnestia, grant me but one-tenth of Lady Aglaea's talent! I am willing to do anything in exchange!"

Silk Spindle is a Tier-3 Synthesis Material.

Dropped By[]

No enemies drop Silk Spindle.


There are 2 items that can be crafted using Silk Spindle:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Kremnos Shield Kremnos ShieldSynthesisSilk Spindle Silk Spindle ×1
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×3
Bough of Thought Bough of Thought ×2
Veil Bundle Veil BundleSynthesisFresh Seed of Dawn Fresh Seed of Dawn ×2
Silk Spindle Silk Spindle ×2
Bough of Thought Bough of Thought ×2
Distinctive Tattered Feather Distinctive Tattered Feather ×3

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSilk Spindle
Korean비단실이 감긴 방추
SpanishHuso de seda
FrenchFuseau de soie
RussianВеретено для шёлка
ThaiSilk Spindle
VietnameseCon Thoi Tơ
IndonesianSilk Spindle
PortugueseFuso de Seda

Change History[]

