Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"There was a poem from the Primeval Imperium days that went: 'Looking upon the bullfight from a distance, the shadow of the hair bun mixed with the clouds.' This is the origin of 'beef offal.'"
"You could do with less marketing mumbo jumbo when recounting history."

Signature Chili Oil Beef Offal Stew is a consumable that the player can purchase.

Sold By[]

Delicacy PavilionCredit×3,6003Daily

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSignature Chili Oil Beef Offal Stew
Korean대표 메뉴 고추기름 난도질 소내장탕
SpanishSalteado de tripas de ternera en aceite picante de la casa
FrenchRagoût d'abats de bœuf à la sauce épicée signature
RussianФирменные говяжьи потрошки в остром соусе
ThaiSignature Chili Oil Beef Offal Stew
VietnameseNội Tạng Bò Dầu Ớt Đặc Sản
GermanOriginal Rinderinnereien-Eintopf mit Chiliöl
IndonesianSignature Chili Oil Beef Offal Stew
PortugueseCozido de Carne e Miúdos com Óleo de Pimenta Clássico

Change History[]

Version 1.5

  • Consumable Type was updated.
    • Old: Restorative Consumables
    • New: Energy Regen Consumables

Version 1.3

  • Signature Chili Oil Beef Offal Stew was released.

