Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Within the Memory Zone, memoria of desires develops ceaselessly. It absorbs thoughts and impressions, nurtures magic mirrors of desires, and reflects the eerie shadows of memetic entities.

"Memory points to the past, while desire points to the future. Seek desires from memory will cause dreams to become inverted, and inner demons will naturally be born."

Shards of Desires is a 4-star Trace Material and Character Ascension Material.

Dropped By[]

4 enemies drop Shards of Desires:

Ascension Usage[]

5 Characters use Shards of Desires for ascension:

ImaginaryAventurine Aventurine
PhysicalBoothill Boothill
FireFirefly Firefly
QuantumSparkle Sparkle
ImaginarySunday Sunday

11 Light Cones use Shards of Desires for ascension:

Trace Usage[]

5 Characters use Shards of Desires for their Traces:

ImaginaryAventurine Aventurine
PhysicalBoothill Boothill
FireFirefly Firefly
QuantumSparkle Sparkle
ImaginarySunday Sunday

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishShards of Desires
Korean욕망의 거울 조각
SpanishFragmento de deseos
FrenchFragments des désirs
RussianОсколки желаний
ThaiShards of Desires
VietnameseMảnh Gương Vỡ Khát Vọng
IndonesianShards of Desires
PortugueseFragmentos de Desejos

Change History[]

