The Silvermane Guards would host contests where the winner must take a body part from a monster and bring it back within a set time limit. This broken blade must have been a trophy of one such contest.
"I saw it with my own eyes. Captain Gepard smashed that thing's hot steel blade with one blow of his fist, then held it with his bare hands and plunged it into the belly of that cold fatty, warming its heart."
"I saw it with my own eyes. Captain Gepard smashed that thing's hot steel blade with one blow of his fist, then held it with his bare hands and plunged it into the belly of that cold fatty, warming its heart."
Searing Steel Blade is a 4-star Character Ascension Material. It is used to ascend characters of the Fire type.
Ascension Usage[]
3 Characters use Searing Steel Blade for ascension:
No Light Cones use Searing Steel Blade for ascension.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Searing Steel Blade |
Chinese (Simplified) | 过热钢刃 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 過熱鋼刃 |
Japanese | 灼熱の鋼刃 |
Korean | 과열된 강철 칼날 |
Spanish | Hoja de acero sobrecalentado |
French | Lame en acier brûlant |
Russian | Раскалённое лезвие |
Thai | Searing Steel Blade |
Vietnamese | Lưỡi Kiếm Quá Nhiệt |
German | Glühende Klinge |
Indonesian | Searing Steel Blade |
Portuguese | Lâmina de Aço Flamejante |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.4