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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Tweed jackets paired with knitwear are a commonplace attire at the academy. For visiting scholars, its durable fabric is an ideal choice.

Scholar's Tweed Jacket is a Relic in the set Scholar Lost in Erudition.


[ID] EVD-X043FE21-001

[Name] Tweed jacket, coarse spun wool vest, and white shirt

[Key Feature] Displays an 8-centimeter Phlogiston burn mark on the left chest

[Location] Bohdan laboratory in the Energy Research Lab, Ohioti Central Academy of Sciences

[Individual Involved] Bohdan (Deceased), the best scientist in the energy analysis field and member No. #7 of the Genius Society.

[Site Analysis]
The traces on the site indicate that the Grayseal Gold pellets carried by the subject absorbed a substantial amount of Phlogiston, resulting in a temperature spike of nearly 1,000 degrees Celsius near the subject's heart, leaving burn marks on the jacket, vest, and shirt.

Half of an unburnt finger bone was found in the burnt area, identified as originating from Lambda or related to the high-purity Grayseal Gold pellets.

[Supplementary Testimony]
"...We should have been more caring about him, especially considering he never truly let go of his wife's death..."

According to other scholars at the lab, Bohdan, who devised the safety manual specifications, should not have made such a "simple mistake."

[Additional Information]
Grayseal Gold is a rare alloy developed by Klein, member No. #9 of the Genius Society, known for its ability to absorb and store Phlogiston.

When a series of coincidences pile up, does that still count as a coincidence?

[Relevant Document]
"It is strictly forbidden to bring high-purity Grayseal Gold alloy products into laboratories with Phlogiston observation areas." Excerpted from the Energy Research Laboratory Safety Manual.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishScholar's Tweed Jacket
Korean학자의 트위드 재킷
SpanishChaqueta de paño del erudito
FrenchVeste en tweed d'érudit
RussianТвидовый пиджак учёного
ThaiScholar's Tweed Jacket
VietnameseÁo Khoác Vải Tuýt Của Học Giả
GermanTweedjacke des Gelehrten
IndonesianScholar's Tweed Jacket
PortugueseJaqueta de Lã da Erudita

Change History[]

