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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

A crystal monocle reflecting a grand building, demonstrating its owner's sophistication and erudition along with the cane, bracelet, and brooch.

Scholar's Silver-Rimmed Monocle is a Relic in the set Scholar Lost in Erudition.


[ID] EVD-W019EI06-003

[Name] Crystal monocle

[Key Feature] Displays evident fractures

[Location] Bohdan laboratory in the Energy Research Lab, Ohioti Central Academy of Sciences

[Individual Involved] Bohdan, the Chief Scientist in the energy analysis field and member No. #7 of the Genius Society.

[Site Analysis]
The traces on the site indicate that the subject inadvertently triggered a reaction while operating the observation device, leading to Phlogiston leakage from the vessel and severe injury to the subject's left hand. During the incident, the monocle fell from a height and was fractured.

[Supplementary Testimony]
Bohdan mentioned abnormal visual light emissions in the monocle during experimentation, resulting in a series of coincidences that eventually led to the Phlogiston leak.

The testimony was deemed inadmissible due to an excessive number of coincidences mentioned by the witness.

[Additional Information]
Suspected as a premeditated criminal act. However, the cascading coincidences creating the Butterfly Effect did not constitute a reproducible criminal method, therefore this event was ultimately classified as an accident.

"...This accident is actually a blessing in disguise, because it sent Lambda back to me again. Actually, this is our fourth remarriage... and it's a bit embarrassing to say, but this is MY first proposal for a remarriage." Sourced from Bohdan.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishScholar's Silver-Rimmed Monocle
Korean학자의 은테 모노클
SpanishMonóculo con borde plateado del erudito
FrenchMonocle à monture argentée d'érudit
RussianСеребряный монокль учёного
ThaiScholar's Silver-Rimmed Monocle
VietnameseKính Gọng Bạc Của Học Giả
GermanSilberrandmonokel des Gelehrten
IndonesianScholar's Silver-Rimmed Monocle
PortugueseMonóculo Orlado em Prata da Erudita

Change History[]

