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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife is a Boss Enemy part of the Titankin faction.

Enemy Info[]

The Titan of Strife continues the mad war in their frenzy, becoming the unconquerable fear of the masses of Amphoreus.
They once were famed through glory, earning respect from gods and from the people of the land. And yet, the city that revered them was sundered, and the poems that praised their name were destroyed. Only their evil reputation lingers in this lightless era and end times, tainting the Throne of Worlds's brilliance.



Damage RES
Physical Fire Ice Lightning Wind Quantum Imaginary
20% 20% 0% 0% 20% 0% 20%
Debuff RES
Bleed RES Burn RES Frozen RES Shock RES Wind Sheer RES Entanglement RES Imprisonment RES Control Effects RES
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50%

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The Giver, Master of Legions, Lance of Fury[]

Damage RES
Physical Fire Ice Lightning Wind Quantum Imaginary
20% 20% 0% 0% 20% 0% 20%
Debuff RES
Bleed RES Burn RES Frozen RES Shock RES Wind Sheer RES Entanglement RES Imprisonment RES Control Effects RES
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50%

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  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
Icon DangerCalamity Eternal
5 Energy
Deals Imaginary DMG (80% ATK) to all ally targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks (12) are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed (10%), takes massive Imaginary DMG (10% Max HP), and regenerates Energy (15% Max Energy) for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt (20%) by the next attack, with a high chance of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Lightning Spear of the Firmament
[Single Target]
10 Energy
Deals minor Imaginary DMG (240% ATK) to one designated ally target.
Hewing of the River of Souls
[Single Target]
15 Energy
Deals Imaginary DMG (360% ATK) to one designated ally target.
Unceasing Flames of War
10 Energy
Deals Imaginary DMG (280% ATK) to all ally targets.
Sky-Piercing Lance
5 Energy
Deals successive (5) minor Imaginary DMG (120% ATK) to random single ally targets.
Polis Protector
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks (7), which decreases DMG taken (10%). Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG (10% Max HP) to this unit and delaying their action (10%). The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy (15% Max Energy). After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG (1% Max HP) when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Better to Die in Battle Than to Return Even in Glory
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt (30%) and Energy Regeneration Rate (10%). When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked (Max 2 Stacks). After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.
Icon DangerCalamity Eternal
5 Energy
Deals Imaginary DMG to all ally targets and apply "Glory". At the same time, this unit obtains "Titanic Corpus." When "Titanic Corpus" stacks (12) are reduced to 0, this unit's action is delayed (10%), takes massive Imaginary DMG (10% Max HP), and regenerates Energy (15% Max Energy) for all targets. Possessing "Titanic Corpus" will greatly increase the DMG dealt (20%) by the next attack, with a high chance (80% Base Chance) of inflicting Imprisonment on all attacked targets.
Icon DangerAll Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust
15 Energy
Deals massive Imaginary DMG (2200% ATK) to all ally targets. The DMG is distributed evenly among the targets.
Worldsplitting Spine
10 Energy
Deals minor Imaginary DMG to one designated target (220% ATK) and adjacent targets (180% ATK).
Survivors Unto Dead Waters
[Single Target]
15 Energy
Deals Imaginary DMG (400% ATK) to one designated ally target.
Pyre of High Graves
10 Energy
Deals Imaginary DMG (320% ATK) to all ally targets.
Ruination of Night and Light
5 Energy
Deals successive (10) minor Imaginary DMG (120% ATK) to random single ally targets.
Polis Protector
Possesses a number of "War Armor" stacks (7), which decreases DMG taken (10%). Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" on this unit after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG (10% Max HP) to this unit and delaying their action (10%). The target that destroyed "War Armor" will regenerate Energy (15% Max Energy). After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG (1% Max HP) when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Better to Die in Battle Than to Return Even in Glory
When using "Calamity Eternal," apply "Glory" to all targets. Every stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt (30%) and Energy Regeneration Rate (10%). When the affected target uses Skill or Ultimate, "Glory" can be stacked (Max 2 Stacks). After the next action by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife," dispel "Glory" from all targets.

Unique Status Effects[]


Icon War Armor
War Armor(Unremovable) Decreases DMG taken by 10%. Loses 1 stack of "War Armor" after being attacked. When at 0 stacks, "War Armor" will be destroyed, dealing massive Imaginary DMG to this unit and delaying their action. The ally unit that destroyed the "War Armor" will regenerate Energy. After "War Armor" is destroyed, this unit will also additionally take minor Imaginary DMG when attacked. "War Armor" will be restored to maximum stacks at the end of this unit's turn.
Icon Titanic Corpus
Titanic Corpus(Unremovable) Reduces DMG taken by 30%. After being attacked, reduces 1 stack. When stacks reach 0, this unit immediately loses a certain amount of HP, regenerates Energy for all targets, and dispels "Titanic Corpus." When attacked by targets with "Glory," "Titanic Corpus" stacks corresponding to the target's "Glory" stacks will be reduced. While this unit has "Titanic Corpus," increases the DMG dealt by the next attack by 20% and causes the attacked target to become Imprisoned.
Icon Glory
GloryEach stack of "Glory" increases DMG dealt by 30% and Energy Regeneration Rate by 10%. When launching Skill or Ultimate, adds 1 stack of "Glory," up to 2 stack(s). Attacking can dispel a certain stack of "Titanic Corpus" corresponding to the number of "Glory" stacks.
Icon Forthcoming Strife
Forthcoming StrifeDistribute the "All Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust" attack unleashed by "Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife."

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The next action after Calamity Eternal is delayed by 25%.
  • When Titanic Corpus is active, it overrides the War Armor status.


Savage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife shares the same voice-overs for all four voiced languages:

Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Entering Battle 
(2× speed)
Entered Phase 2 
(2× speed)
Hit by Light Attack 
Hit by Heavy Attack 
Calamity Eternal 
(2× speed)
All Realms Leveled, All Legions to Dust 
(2× speed)
Worldsplitting Spine 
(2× speed)
Survivors Unto Dead Waters 
(2× speed)
Pyre of High Graves 
(2× speed)
Ruination of Night and Light 
(2× speed)
Hit While Weakness Broken 

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSavage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife
Korean야만신, 미치광이 왕, 분쟁의 화신
SpanishDios Bárbaro, Rey Loco: Encarnación del Conflicto
FrenchDieu impétueux, Roi fou, incarnation du Conflit
Russian«Дикий бог, безумный царь, воплощение раздора»
Thaiร่างจำแลงแห่งเทพอนารยชน ราชาปฏิปักษ์จอมคลั่ง
VietnameseVị Thần Man Rợ, Vua Điên, Hóa Thân Của Phân Tranh
GermanUngestümer Gott, wahnsinniger König, Verkörperung des Zwists
IndonesianSavage God, Mad King, Incarnation of Strife
PortugueseDivindade Selvagem, Majestade Insana, Encarnação do Conflito

Change History[]

