Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The wielder of this shield is seemingly protected by an invisible shield wall, immune to fiery arrows or mountainous claws.
Ancient legends entail a war where a tribal hero wielding a bronze shield charged to their death against a Leviathan, together with warriors armed with fiery spears.
This shield is a witness to that war.

"Do not cross the line."

Safeguard of Amber is a 4-star Light Cone Ascension Material and Trace Material.

Ascension Usage[]

No Characters use Safeguard of Amber for ascension.

12 Light Cones use Safeguard of Amber for ascension:

PreservationAmber (Light Cone) Amber
PreservationDefense Defense

Trace Usage[]

4 Characters use Safeguard of Amber for their Traces:

QuantumFu Xuan Fu Xuan
IceGepard Gepard
IceMarch 7th (Preservation) March 7th (Preservation)
Trailblazer Trailblazer

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSafeguard of Amber
Korean앰버의 수호
SpanishCustodia de ámbar
FrenchProtection d'ambre
RussianСтраж янтаря
ThaiSafeguard of Amber
VietnameseHổ Phách Kiên Cố
GermanSchutz des Bernsteins
IndonesianSafeguard of Amber
PortugueseProteção de Âmbar

Change History[]

