Sacerdos' Arduous Boots is a Relic in the set Sacerdos' Relived Ordeal.
"Go now. You are free — O chosen one, who dared to exceed his bounds. Sever your wings, descend to the mortal realm, and walk their lands. See what this world is truly like."
Since then, the IPC executive's words often echo in his mind. He traverses bustling streets and quiet shores, always in motion yet rooted in place... He never doubts that he has the determination to remain unwavering or that he has the capacity to execute the plan with devotion, but before rising again, he intended to pause and savor the hard touch of ideals crashed to the ground...
"The fragmented stones, steeped in beast blood and human sweat, forever cold, rough, and unyielding..."
As the head of the Oak Family, he had shepherded numerous lost souls onto the right path. Yet, when it concerns himself, those gentle reassurances seem to lose their charm — He does not need rebuke, guidance, or sympathy.
"Only from the mire arise those who trudge and toil. I shall press forward, learning more from my stumbles than my triumphs."
Before truly embarking on his new journey, he has enough time to slow down, reflect and rearrange his thoughts, then continue to wander at the same spot.
"Walking has no intricate philosophy. If one path proves impassable, simply veer onto another."
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Sacerdos' Arduous Boots |
Chinese (Simplified) | 司铎的苦旅短靴 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 司鐸的苦旅短靴 |
Japanese | 司祭の苦旅を共にするブーツ |
Korean | 사제의 고행 단화 |
Spanish | Botas tortuosas del sacerdote |
French | Bottes laborieuses de Sacerdos |
Russian | Тяжёлые туфли священника |
Thai | Sacerdos' Arduous Boots |
Vietnamese | Bốt Hành Trình Gian Khổ Của Linh Mục |
German | Beschwerliche Stiefel des Priesters |
Indonesian | Sacerdos' Arduous Boots |
Portuguese | Botas Árduas de Sacerdos |
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