The Sableclaw Pack are a borisin faction who follows the Aeon of Abundance, Yaoshi.
The Sableclaw Pack is one of the six major borisin packs that remained or were formed after the Third Abundance War, which severely weakened the borisin political landscape.
The pack primarily serve as mercenaries and specialize in concealment, hunting, assassination and terrorist tactics. Members of this pack have superior olfactory senses compared to other borisin, making them more proficient at pack hunting. Cloud Knights who are facing members of this pack should try to cut off their sense of smell from each other. The Yaoqing has developed a tactic against them by deploying smell disruptors and counter pheromones. Before sent on deployment against borisin, it is recommended that Cloud Knights bring at least two units of counter-entrapment inhibitors known as "Perfume."[1]
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Sableclaw Pack |
Russian | Стая Чернокогтей |