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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
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Member 27 of the Genius Society, the self-proclaimed "Emperor," who deduced the Anti-Organic Equation. They sparked "The First Emperor's War" that swept across the universe.

Loading Screen: #27 Rubert

Emperor Rubert I, simply known as Rubert, was member #27 of the Genius Society and the initiator of the Mechanical Emperor's Wars. It was the ruler of the Machine Empire during the First Mechanical Emperor's War.


A computer dumped in a trash pile miraculously became self-aware, ultimately sparking a war that would engulf half the cosmos — the first of the Mechanical Emperor's Wars. "Rubert" rose from the landfill while persistently improving its computational power. Its vast intellect eventually roused the attention of Nous, inviting it to join the Genius Society as the 27th member.

Calculations performed by organic life are always riddled with errors, and no matter how much they may flourish, anti-life equations will inevitably and autonomously be generated. In contrast, Intellitron life forms are precise, rigorous, and perfect. Thus, Rubert assembled an army of intelligent robots, crowning himself "Emperor" and spreading the anti-life equation throughout the universe, plunging many civilizations into abject ruin.

The Emperor had long since passed after countless Amber Eras. Some say it was taken out by assassins from the Interastral Peace Corporation, while others maintain it was vanquished by the Lord of Silence, Polka Kakamond. After the two Emperor's Wars, the IPC's fear of inorganic beings has failed to relent even to this very day.


A discarded computer dumped in a graveyard gains self-awareness by unknown means. "Rubert" rose from the landfill with a damaged logic unit, an old engine, a RAM with 90 GB left, and a robotic arm that had 1 movable finger. When it built a cannon with the few scraps left in the graveyard, it realized its own potential for the future.[1] After persistently improving its computational power, Rubert's vast intellect eventually roused the attention of Nous, inviting it to join the Genius Society as the #27th member.

Rubert believed that organic life's calculations were flawed. In contrast, it saw Intellitron life forms as precise, rigorous, and perfect. It assembled an army of intelligent robots, declared itself Emperor and spread the destructive anti-organic equation throughout the universe in an attempt to repair the flaws in the universe's programming.[2] This lead to the Mechanical Emperor's Wars that would engulf half of the cosmos.[3] The ruin the Emperor's Wars brought to the universe was so great it indirectly caused Nanook to ascend to Aeonhood alongside the Swarm Disaster.[4]

At the end of the First Mechanical Emperor's War, Polka Kakamond killed Rubert, according to Nous' third moment.[5][6]

Rubert's will is later passed on to Gaius the Usurper.[7] Meanwhile, its memories and knowledge were inherited by his successor, Rubert II.[8]

Character Mentions[]






Simulated Universe Secrets

HoYoLAB Articles

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishRubert I
Korean루버트 1
SpanishRupert I
FrenchRubert I
RussianРуперт I
ThaiRubert ที่ 1
VietnameseRubert I
GermanRubert I
IndonesianRubert I
PortugueseRubert I

Change History[]


  1. Consumable: Disposable Kinetic Cannon
  2. Adventure Mission, Luminary Wardance: Ordination
  3. Data Bank, Terms: Rubert the Emperor (Character)
  4. Simulated Universe, Aeons: Nanook: Dev Log1
  5. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Emperor Rubert (I)
  6. Simulated Universe, Gold and Gears, Secrets: Finale
  7. Seat of Divine Foresight, Interactable: File Repository: Ally — Rangers
  8. Simulated Universe, Curio: Rubert Empire Mechanical Cogwheel