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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

The Rightful Rights Society is a charitable organization in Belobog that protects people's rightful rights.


The society is a volunteer group that helps its members temporarily escape from the bonds of family and responsibility. The society has a one-time trial service for free, and requires no fee to join.[1] In order to fully enjoy the benefits of the society, members must have a record of having helped others: one instance of helping other members equals two instances of asking for help.[2]

Society members post their commissions on the noticeboard in the Administrative District. It is implied there are other branches throughout Belobog, but their locations are unknown.[2]

Following the events of Adventure Mission Series Searching for You, the members are thinking of disbanding the society ever since Belobog made contact with the outside world.[3]

Known Members[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishRightful Rights Society
Korean정당 권익 회사
SpanishAsociación de Derechos Lícitos
FrenchSociété des droits légitimes
RussianОбщество законных прав
VietnameseTổ Chức Quyền Lợi Chính Đáng
GermanGesellschaft der rechtmäßigen Rechte
IndonesianKlub Pelindung Hak
PortugueseSociedade dos Direitos Legítimos

Change History[]


  1. Administrative District, Investigation: Phone Booth
  2. 2.0 2.1 Daily Mission: Grinding in the Dark
  3. Adventure Mission, Searching for You: Searching for You: Of Snow and Sun
  4. Daily Mission: Grinding in the Dark
    Old Goethe: Hahaha, good! You're now a member of the Society.

