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Reality is But Dream's Echo is the fourth part of the Trailblaze Mission chapter A New Venture on the Eighth Dawn. It automatically begins after completing A Misfortune of Survivors.
- Take a rest
- Discuss the next steps with the others
- Go to Oti Mall
- Head somewhere quiet
- Investigate the dream bubble at Dr. Edward's
- Go to the Radiant Feldspar
- Meet up with Himeko
- Speak with Yukong
Take a rest[]
Mission Description
Survivors are often called "unfortunate." It was because she lost her life due to the Lord Ravager that the genius was able to reverse her death... The past is in the past. Perhaps it is best to look towards the future.
Take a rest and discuss the plan from here with the others.
- Wonweek: ...
- March 7th: Are... Are you alright?
- Wonweek: Did I pass out?
Only for a little while.
It's okay. You didn't end up in Dreamflux Reef.
We were just about to make a memorial portrait of you.
- Wonweek: A little quick to the draw, aren't you?
- Sunday: The tuning rebounded and affected Wonweek instead. This is no ordinary woman.
- Welt: I suppose there's no point in hiding it from you anymore.
- Tingyun is originally from the Xianzhou. She had an unfortunate encounter with a Lord Ravager, who robbed her of her identity and left her on the verge of death. While she miraculously escaped with her life, her body suffered terrible injuries, beyond all power to heal. Welt: Miss
- Sunday: But something happened to change that outcome?
- Welt: Yes, a genius got involved. She's very accomplished in the field of life sciences and managed to grant Miss Tingyun a shot at survival.
- Express to escort Miss Tingyun back home. We made a stop at Penacony along the way, partly to allow her some time to convalesce. Welt: After that, she asked the
- Tingyun: I'm so sorry. I thought no one would be affected if I hid inside a dream. I didn't expect so many mishaps to happen.
- Wonweek: That's alright, so long as nobody was hurt. Can I get something to drink? I feel like I've been asleep for ten years.
- Welt: That's fine. We should find another place to talk anyway. We drew some attention with that commotion earlier.
- Shortly after—
- SoulGlad again... I'm a local, you know. Wonweek:
- Sunday: You'll have to make do.
- Welt: In any case, I must thank the both of you for your assistance.
- Sunday: It was nothing. Now that the matter with Miss Tingyun is resolved, are we meeting your other two companions next?
- Welt: There's no need for that. Mr. Wonweek is in poor condition, so let's wrap up your farewells first.
- Welt: I'll leave Miss Tingyun in your hands.
- March 7th: Huh? But Mr. Yang, the messenger from the Xianzhou is almost here. You're not coming with us?
- Welt: I trust that you can handle it. Besides, Himeko will be there. She'll be able to handle any decisions should you run into any difficulties.
- March 7th: Okay. We better hurry then.
Discuss the next steps with the others[]
Step Description
You are about to return to the Xianzhou, but you still haven't decided on a souvenir for your old friends. You have decided to give it your all and get something that will make Miss Tingyun shine in the eyes of others.
Go to Oti Mall with Tingyun to buy gifts.
- (Talk to Sunday, optional)
- Welt: Where are you planning to go next?
- Sunday: Could you give me some time to think about it?
- (Talk to Tingyun)
- March 7th: Shall we keep going, then?
Where are we going?
What are we doing here again?
- Alliance, so we're here to help her pick out souvenirs. March 7th: Did you forget already? Miss Tingyun is going back to the
- Tingyun: I'm not too familiar with this planet. I'm worried an unscrupulous cutthroat merchant will try to take advantage of me. Luckily, the people I want to buy these gifts for are friends you already know on the Xianzhou, so I'll be counting on both your stakeholder intuitions for recommendations!
- March 7th: As if a merchant could seriously take advantage of you...
Go to Oti Mall[]
- Tingyun: I already picked up a few gifts earlier, so that means there's only three more left to go. But we've already lost a lot of time, so we'd better not drag our feet...
- (Talk to the shop assistant)
- Shop Assistant: Welcome! How can I help you?
- Dreamscape, so I wanted to buy some local specialties as souvenirs for my friends back home. My two friends here are more familiar with the Dreamscape and recommended your shop, so I'm here to take a look. Tingyun: Hello there! It's my first time visiting the
- Shop Assistant: Why, you really know how to flatter! Go ahead—browse all you like.
- Fu Xuan of the Divination Commission. What do you think best suits her? Tingyun: First, we have Lady
Brother Hanu Launcher.
- Tingyun: Lady Fu Xuan has such refined taste? The Xianzhou really has changed a lot in the time I've been asleep.
- Tingyun: Let's go with your suggestion.
Clockie eye mask.
- March 7th: Uhm, did you pick that because of her third eye?
- Tingyun: A meticulously thought out and interesting suggestion. It'll make for a novel gift. Let's go with that.
- March 7th: Um, can you picture her driving?
- March 7th: It looks cool, but it's probably not a good idea.
- (Return to previous option selection)
- Jing Yuan. Tingyun: Next is General
Some Penacony shares.
- March 7th: That's not your decision to make!
- Tingyun: That's the kind of treasure I've always yearned for, but the general's position won't allow him to accept such a gift.
- (Return to previous option selection)
Dreamjoy Memoir Film Reel.
- Clock Studios Theme Park to learn more about the history of the Planet of Festivities!" I think the general will like this gift. Tingyun: "Come to
Send him a division of elite fighters.
- March 7th: Seriously?
- Tingyun: Now that the Alliance has all of you there to help them, sending any elite fighters more would just be overkill.
- (Return to previous option selection)
- Bailu of the Alchemy Commission. She loves excitement. Tingyun: Finally, we have Lady
SoulGlad syrup.
- Tingyun: That's a good idea. It might be commonplace, but it's still the specialty of Penacony. It would make for an ideal gift to bring home.
Hamster Ball Knight hair clip.
- Tingyun: You carry yourself with such dignity and grace, but you still have the heart of a child. Lady Bailu loves these types of accessories. Let's go with your suggestion.
Halovian wings accessory.
- March 7th: Both wings and horns? That's a little much, don't you think?
- (Return to previous option selection)
- Tingyun: That's all of them. Please wrap them up for me.
- Tingyun: Thanks to both your help, everything went smoother than I expected. And it looks like we still have some time to spare.
- Dreamscape Sales Store? You can find memory bubbles pretty much anywhere, but Penacony's dream bubbles are extraordinary. Even if we don't get them as gifts, we can keep them as souvenirs for ourselves. March 7th: Why don't we pay another visit to the
- Tingyun: A souvenir for myself? That's definitely an idea I can get behind.
- Tingyun: But there's one more thing I wish to do. Since this is our last stop, could I have a word with you two in private? Perhaps somewhere more secluded. I'd like to discuss a personal matter.
Head somewhere quiet[]
Step Description
Though you have spent a great time together, it seems Tingyun has something to discuss with you as farewell creeps near.
Go for a good old walk-and-talk.
- (Approach the marked location)
- Tingyun: This is a good spot.
- March 7th: Miss Tingyun, what's this about?
- Tingyun: You've looked out for me during our travels together these past few days. I'm truly grateful and can't thank you enough.
- Tingyun: But there are some things I find difficult to forget. I feel it's only right that I tell you what's on my mind before we part ways.
- Tingyun: Do you two still remember what it was like when you first saw me?
- Trailblazer) was so shocked, (he/
she) was frozen in place when (he/ she) shouted...
March 7th: How could we forget? ( Tingyun? How?
Phantylia? How...
Sparkle? How!
- Tingyun: Exactly.
- Tingyun: And that's precisely why I haven't been able to shake off this strange feeling in the days since I started traveling with you.
- Tingyun: When I asked for your names, I couldn't help but think that this "first encounter" was actually a "long-awaited reunion" for you.
- Tingyun: I've heard about what happened to you on the Xianzhou, and I've got to admit, that Phantylia's disguise was so perfect, it was like another me tricking everyone.
- March 7th: Yeah, we couldn't even tell when you were replaced by Phantylia.
- Kafka. You vanished for a while, I thought you must have come back as a double. March 7th: I figured it happened when we were after
- Tingyun: But it was much earlier than that.
- Tingyun: That thought has filled me with sorrow, as if a piece of my life had been stolen away, and I had no part in it.
- Tingyun: That's what I've been puzzled about too. I never actually saw how Phantylia managed to disguise herself as me.
- Tingyun: What was your impression of that "Tingyun," if you recall?
A bit mysterious.
- foxians. It's widely known that mystery is the key to our allure. Tingyun: That's just the nature of the
A bit dangerous.
- Tingyun: But I'm not very strong physically. Are you referring to my quick wits?
A bit calculating.
- Tingyun: That part is true. I'm always calculating when it comes to business, but never with people.
- Tingyun: So, what did she seem like to you?
A shrewd merchant.
- Tingyun: I'll just assume that's a compliment! Maybe next time, you could just say "silver-tongued."
A potential Emanator of the Destruction.
- Tingyun: Is that... a compliment? I'm not sure if I'm deserving of that title.
- Tingyun: Was there anything particularly memorable?
High EQ.
- March 7th: That's true! I'd love to learn how you do it!
Extremely flexible.
- March 7th: Now's not the time for those kinds of jokes...
March 7th said you were bossy.
- March 7th: Hey! No tattling!
- Tingyun: Now, the final question.
- Tingyun: In your eyes, am I just like the Tingyun you remember?
That's not important.
- March 7th: Wait — don't you find that question a bit weird? You're the real Tingyun. Why compare yourself to an imposter?
- Tingyun: Miss March, you might have the wrong idea. I'm just feeling a mix of regret and relief.
- March 7th: ...Huh?
- Tingyun: As a merchant, staying well-informed is crucial. It's only natural for me to stay updated on the events of the Luofu before I return.
- Tingyun: If I had rushed in and out back then, I wouldn't have been much help. Instead, I would've postponed the trip and sought assistance from allies, but in that case...
- March 7th: We wouldn't have crossed paths.
- Tingyun: Exactly.
- Tingyun: Based on your description, that Lord Ravager was indeed cunning. Her demeanor mirrored mine so closely that it felt like she was living my life for a few days rather than merely disguising herself.
- Tingyun: I regret missing out on your Xianzhou journey, but everything that unfolded afterward, aside from the scheming, played out exactly as if I'd been there. This leads me to consider another possibility...
- Tingyun: Phantylia had stolen a piece of my life, and a foxian always gets even. I will not be taken advantage of. I must take something back from her as well.
- Tingyun: But after thinking it over, the only thing that could be considered equal value... is the bond I have with all of you.
- Tingyun: That thought has brought me great comfort, and now I know how to speak to you properly.
- Tingyun: We've never even met before, yet here you are, offering your help, just as before. I should've treated you with respect, but fear of Phantylia made me act like somebody else.
- Tingyun: And now, I will reclaim everything I have lost. And it should begin with a proper acknowledgment—
- Tingyun: Dear benefactors, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you.
- March 7th: ...
You're welcome.
I'm still a bit confused.
It's time to rethink how you see yourself.
- Tingyun: Looks like we're off to a good start! Moving forward, I'll definitely be trying more things like this from now on.
- Tingyun: And you, my dear benefactors, will be my source of courage.
- (him/
March 7th: Miss Tingyun, that's way too over the top. Just don't make any risky decisions. It might overwhelm - Tingyun: Haha, we'll see. I just hope the Tingyun in your memories won't be tainted by Phantylia anymore.
- Tingyun: Alright. No more questions. I hope I didn't take up too much of your time. Let's continue on our way.
- (Unlock Achievement Apparitional Return)
Investigate the dream bubble at Dr. Edward's[]
Step Description
How can a dream be a gift? To some people, those are the most precious things they have.
Go to Dr. Edward's and take a look at the dream bubble that Tingyun gifted you.
- (Talk to Dr. Edward)
- Dr. Edward: Welcome to the Dreamscape Sales Store! Dr. Edward at your service!
- March 7th: We're looking for some dreams to give as gifts — something exotic and, preferably, captivating.
- Dr. Edward: Just a friendly reminder: Being too picky won't help you find the best dreams. It'll just dampen your spirits ahead of time.
- Dr. Edward: That being said, there are always some lucky exceptions. Not long ago, I procured a dream bubble that sounds perfect for you.
- Dr. Edward: The story unfolds in the Xianzhou Alliance, where a young sword master strives to become the Sword Champion. However, his junior foxian soror who's just turned a hundred, puts him in a tough spot...
- March 7th: Why does that sound oddly familiar...
- Tingyun: Since I'm returning to the Xianzhou, I think it's better to choose something unrelated to the Alliance. Feel free to pick a few for me.
- Dr. Edward: I love customers like you... So easy to work with.
- March 7th: So easy to take advantage of, you mean?
- March 7th: Just don't pick anything weird, okay?
- Tingyun: Oh, speaking of dreamscapes, I have a gift for you, my benefactors.
- Tingyun: After troubling you all this time, I couldn't leave without properly expressing my thanks. Here's a dream bubble for you — I hope you enjoy it.
- March 7th: Wow, that's really nice of you!
- Dr. Edward: Here are the dream bubbles I've prepared for you. Thank you for your business!
- Tingyun: Well, it looks like everything's finally in order. I suppose it's time to head back?
- (Obtain
Tingyun's Dream Bubble)
Go to the Radiant Feldspar[]
Step Description
Though you wish it wasn't true, the time has come to bid farewell to Miss Tingyun... This is not a reunion, but maybe that is not such a bad thing. When a reunion is so perfect, it gives you something to look forward to in the future.
Go to Radiant Feldspar and meet up with Himeko.
- (After entering The Radiant Feldspar)
- March 7th: I can't believe it's time for Miss Tingyun to leave. I'm not ready to say goodbye just yet.
Meet up with Himeko[]
- (Approach Himeko)
- Himeko: You're back!
- March 7th: Yeah, we got delayed on the way. Mr. Yang will explain in detail when he gets back.
- March 7th: Has the messenger from the Xianzhou arrived yet?
- Himeko: Yes, we've been chatting for a while. Turns out, she's an old acquaintance of yours.
- Yukong: Long time no see, everyone.
- Tingyun: Madam Yukong?
- Yukong: I've imagined this moment many times.
- Yukong: I was worried I might embarrass myself in front of you. I even rehearsed every word beforehand.
- Yukong: But now it seems it was unnecessary.
- Yukong: Tingyun, I'm here to take you home.
- Himeko: You two must have a lot to catch up on after being apart for so long. We'll give you some space.
Speak with Yukong[]
Step Description
Like everyone else, they are speaking about the past... That's not to say they have nothing to discuss except the past. It's just that they want to use it to explain how they will move towards the future.
- Tingyun: Madam Yukong, I wasn't expecting it to be you. What a wonderful surprise!
- Yukong: I wanted to come because... after all, it's you who's coming home.
- Tingyun: Yeah, me, of all people...
- Yukong: Your body... It's going to be tough from now on, isn't it?
- Tingyun: I've already escaped death once. What more could I ask for?
- Tingyun: Also, it's not all bad. I might even beat you at arm wrestling now.
- Yukong: You're still the same — carefree as always.
- Yukong: I have a lot I'd like to tell you, but I'll save it for the road. It's a long journey back to the Luofu.
- Yukong: Even if we can't completely rid you of the pain, there must be ways to alleviate it on the Xianzhou.
- Tingyun: I have no doubt. But... since we're alone here, may I ask you one more thing?
- Tingyun: ...Do I really have to go back to the Luofu?
- Yukong: ...Why? You don't want to?
- Ruan Mei, who has no ties to the Xianzhou, go out of her way to save me? Tingyun: Despite Phantylia's ruthlessness, she spared me when I should have been eliminated. And why did Miss
- Tingyun: It seems as if I've become a pawn in someone else's game.
- the suspect is now on the Yuque. Yukong: ...There are people within the Alliance who also believe that
- Tingyun: If that's the case, it's all the more reason for me not to return to the Luofu and complicate things. I might as well take advantage of this situation.
- Yukong: Take advantage of the situation? What do you mean?
- Tingyun: Right now, the marks of Ruin inside me maintain a delicate balance. Moreover... they were created by Phantylia herself.
- the marshal. Maybe this body of mine can help the Alliance get one step closer to the Xianzhou's enemies. Tingyun: If possible, please inform the general and arrange for me to meet with
- Yukong: ...
- Yukong: When Ruan Mei visited the Luofu earlier, she mentioned what happened to you. This coincided with when the message sent by the Astral Express arrived.
- Arbiter-Generals concluded that Phantylia did not intend for you to survive. If utilized strategically, this could give the Alliance an element of surprise. Yukong: The
- Yukong: If we follow this plan, we must keep your "resurrection" hidden. But before making any decisions, I want to know what you think. If you wish to go home...
- Yukong: I'll support you, no matter what others may say.
- Tingyun: Then I'm glad. I shall save you the trouble of hearing what those people may say.
- Yukong: The road ahead is perilous. If you decide to take it, I won't stop you. Maybe I'm being selfish, but I still want to know — are you choosing this because it's what you really want?.
- Tingyun: I've come to see myself clearly in this dream journey. Perhaps it's what people call a blessing in disguise.
- Tingyun: There is someone who can attest to my true intentions.
- Tingyun: Please follow me. She should be around here somewhere.
- Yukong: Is that...
- Tingyun: After a strange encounter, I was fragmented into multiple "Tingyuns," each embodying a different aspect of my memories.
- Tingyun: And one of them hasn't returned to me because she ventured too far. Until now.
- Yukong: ...You mean her?
- Yukong: What is she... doing?
- Tingyun: She is captivated by something that has deeply mesmerized me.
- Tingyun: As a fleeting emotion, she's no different from a newborn. Her boarding this ship was solely down to her inner impulse.
- Tingyun: Madam Yukong, do you remember? Perhaps that was just an ordinary flight for you. But for a certain child...
- Tingyun: That was her first experience with the "sky."
- Yukong: Of course I remember.
- "The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities."Our community needs more information on this page! Can you help out? Click here to add more. The reason provided was:Missing animation
- Yukong: Back then, you were still young enough for me to carry.
- Tingyun: You probably still can! Want to give it a try?
- Yukong: I'm afraid you'd be too heavy for me now.
- Tingyun: Just kidding.
- starskiff and even dreamed of becoming a pilot. But once you were airborne, you were so nervous that you clung to others for dear life. Yukong: I remember you kept begging me to take you to the
- Tingyun: This flight was a turning point in my life.
- Tingyun: The boundless cosmos unfolded before me. I was completely mesmerized, not just by the view, but by a realization—
- Tingyun: In this world, there are paths beyond waiting for us to explore.
- Tingyun: Even though I lacked the talent to pilot the starskiff and wasn't much of a warrior, I still chose to travel around with the merchant guild.
- Tingyun: Even to this day, this thrill still courses through me.
- Yukong: That hasn't changed?
- Tingyun: Never.
- Tingyun: Now, I can embark once more on my journey as a "Traveler of No Return," exploring the paths that lie beyond.
- Tingyun: Speaking of which, how are things with the Whistling Flames?
- Yanming in charge for now. He's reliable, but he can be a bit extreme, and might not always follow your principles as a traveling merchant. Yukong: I've left
- Tingyun: My principles...
- Tingyun: "Forsake what others fight for and take what others abandon. That's the way to navigate the world and achieve my goals." I will continue to uphold my principles.
- Tingyun: But now, I've also learned that while these merchant principles may apply to humans, they falter in the face of the gods.
- Yukong: But this shouldn't fall on your shoulders to begin with. You are simply an innocent survivor in this war.
- Tingyun: Madam Yukong, you were once a "survivor" in the war too, weren't you?
- Yukong: ...
- Tingyun: In a hazy dream, I vaguely remember someone telling me that the inescapable price of survival is often more adversity, but...
- Tingyun: Madam Yukong, the gods use humans as pawns in their cosmic game, sacrificing countless innocent souls... Have you ever thought about making THEM pay?
- Yukong: ...Every moment of every day. But as inconsequential as we are, how can we escape the fate of being mere pawns?
- Yukong: If I could choose, I would never want you to become a pawn. I just wish you could still be that carefree little fox, not caught up in this war...
- Tingyun: Don't be disheartened, Madam Yukong.
- Tingyun: Thanks to the "favor" of the Lord Ravager, I've become a player in this game.
- Tingyun: Remember, it's often the unassuming pawns — the lone traveler or the worm that subdues the dragon — that leave even the best strategists helpless.
- Tingyun: So now, I'll become a cunning speck of dust and make those masterminds behind the curtains...
- Tingyun: Sneeze a few times!
- A moment of silence lingers after that. "Departure" is often indistinguishable from "Parting," yet they are fortunate enough not to have to waver between the two.
- But luck never seems to favor everyone...
- (Unlock Achievement Speak, Memory)
- Switching to Sunday's POV...
- The ascetic still gazes back at who they used to be, and the most weighty part of that identity will finally be parted...
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Reality is But Dream's Echo |
Chinese (Simplified) | 现实是梦的回声 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 現實是夢的回聲 |
Japanese | 現実は夢の残響 |
Korean | 현실은 꿈의 메아리 |
Spanish | La realidad es un eco de los sueños |
French | La réalité n'est qu'un écho des rêves |
Russian | Реальность - |
Thai | ความจริงคือเสียงสะท้อนจากฝัน |
Vietnamese | Hiện Thực Là Tiếng Vọng Của Giấc Mộng |
German | Die Realität ist ein Echo alter Träume |
Indonesian | Kenyataan adalah Gema Mimpi |
Portuguese | A Realidade É Apenas o Eco do Sonho |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.7