Rarely Affectionate (II) is the second and final mission in Clara's Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Slices of Life Before the Furnace chapter that takes place on Jarilo-VI.
After reaching Trailblaze Level 40, completing Trial of the Equilibrium: Part Three, Trailblaze Mission Humming Antlers, Entwined Horns and Companion Mission Rarely Affectionate (I), and visiting the Parlor Car, read the message from Clara.
- Check with Clara on how the robot is doing
- Head to the machine graveyard with Clara to look for a suitable shell
- Return to Svarog's Base and fix Pascal
- Follow Pascal, who had run away
- Follow Pascal
- Keep following Pascal
- Investigate the Tempering Workshop
- Continue investigating the Tempering Workshop
- Return to the Base with Clara
- Convince Clara or Svarog to take up the other's plan and decide on Pascal's fate
Gameplay Notes[]
- This is a multi-ending quest that results in different achievements in a follow-up mission:
- Siding with Svarog unlocks Wish You Were Here, which grants the achievement For a Breath I Tarry.
- Siding with Clara unlocks No One Is Answering, which grants the achievement The Lifecycle of Software Objects.
- Upon completing this mission, Clara will become a visitor to the Astral Express.
Receive a message from Clara[]
- Messages
ClaraThe little guy we picked up a little while ago has been fixedDrop by to see us if you have the time(*´ω`*)Accepted MissionRarely Affectionate (II)
Check with Clara on how the robot is doing[]
Mission Description
You receive Clara's new message. She seems to have finished repairing the little robot.
Maybe you can see how things are going at Svarog's Base when you have the time. Remember, you promised her to go —
No one can break a promise to Clara. No one.
- (Talk to Clara)
- Little Robot: ███You██Pascal█very██ █like████Clara██!
- Clara: Hehe, Good boy. Pascal.
- Svarog: Based on the information gathered, it is recommended that Pascal's data be formatted and integrated into the base network so that he doesn't threaten the property or safety of the camp's residents.
- Clara: I know this is the most sensible option, but Pascal...
How are the repairs going?
- Svarog: Welcome, outsider. Thanks to Clara's hard work, the repairs were completed successfully.
- Clara: Yes, the little fella is alive and well again. It's just that... some parts aren't completely back to normal yet.
Pascal? Is that his name?
- Clara: Yes! Mr. Svarog and I spent a long time coming up with a suitable name...
What about Pascal isn't normal, exactly?
- Clara: Well... How should I put it...
I think you should give up...
- Clara: Absolutely not! I'm not going to give up...
- Pascal: ███You██Pascal█good███I██am called██name██!
- Clara: Oh look, (big brother/
big sister)! Pascal is greeting you. It's just... his speech is still a little confusing. - Svarog: The examination conducted earlier revealed that the information stored in this robot's core module is incompatible with the new hardware.
- Svarog: Furthermore, many defective networks were detected in the core module. A significant amount of muddled information with unknown content was discovered during a deep scan.
- Clara: Simply put, Pascal's brain is filled with junk information of unknown origin. This junk, along with hardware that's incompatible with his core, caused him to lose his ability to communicate.
- Clara: Fortunately, apart from the language module, Pascal is still functioning properly...
- Svarog: However, the robot still has a 44.7% chance of malfunctioning. It's recommended that Pascal's data be formatted and integrated into the base network.
- Clara: Mr. Svarog, I understand, but I think Pascal is different. He possesses a quality that other small robots don't have...
- Clara: In some ways, I believe he is similar to Mr. Svarog. I can't overlook this unique quality...
- Clara: Mr. Svarog, could you give me a little more time? I want to investigate this further. If we don't find anything, you can integrate Pascal into the network.
- Svarog: Understood, Clara. I respect your wish. In the meantime, I'll make sure that this robot doesn't endanger other people or property.
So... What should we do now?
- Clara: I'd like to recap what I discussed with Mr. Svarog earlier.
We should just format the robot and call it a day...
- Pascal: █Tempering██no██don't██return█back██hurt█!
- Clara: I know this is asking a lot...
- Clara: But... it's very important to me! Please... help me one more time.
Argh, if I have to...
- Clara: Oh, th—thanks then... I'm so sorry to trouble you again, (Trailblazer)!
I was just kidding. Let's go!
- Clara: Phew... As long as you're not really annoyed with me.
- Clara: Let's begin by doing exactly what we did before. Find a new shell, put Pascal's core in it, and see if the hardware is compatible.
- Svarog: According to the analysis, Pascal's original hardware was a Direwolf or Grizzly model. If we can put its core into the appropriate shell, there's an 87.3% chance that its language module will return to normal.
- Clara: There are all kinds of abandoned robots in the machine graveyard. Let's go take a look.
Head to the machine graveyard with Clara to look for a suitable shell[]
Step Description
Clara seemed to have given the little robot a nice name. It is now called Pascal. This name makes you feel a bit different towards it... but it could also just be an illusion. Forget about it — You currently face a more important matter.
Pascal doesn't seem to be able to talk fluently. To fix this problem, Clara and you have to look for a suitable robot shell to place it into.
- (Entering the machine graveyard)
- Clara: It's the same old place. Everywhere you look, there are robots that have lost the ability to function...
- (Getting closer to the robot)
- Clara: Hey, (Trailblazer), take a look over there!
- (Approach the robot)
- Clara: This is an Automaton Direwolf, but it appears to have been modified. It's most likely another abandoned robot pet...
- Clara: Although it doesn't seem to be functioning, you should still be cautious when approaching it...
- Automaton Direwolf: Dzz... Dzz...
- Automaton Direwolf: Intruder... Detected...
- Automaton Direwolf: Eliminate... Eliminate!
- Clara: Oh no, it's still active. Watch out!
- (Enter battle)
- (During battle)
- Automaton Direwolf: Intruders... Violate... Protocol...
- Automaton Direwolf: Terminate...! Protocol...! Eliminate!
- Clara: This big fella is completely out of control... Let's quiet him down!
- (After the battle)
- Clara: Argh...
- Clara: Here it is! This is the core. I'll pack it up and take it with us...
- Clara: Hmm, then all that's left is to drag the shell back.
Leave it to me. You should take a break.
- Clara: It's okay, I'm strong too! I'll tuck the core in a little tighter so it doesn't fall out...
You're taking its core too?
- Clara: Judging from how active the robot was, its core isn't just scrap metal. It should be repairable.
- Clara: I can't let any robot go to waste if it can be repaired. So... I'm going to try to fix them all.
Okay, I understand.
- Clara: Thank you... for understanding me.
So, should we fix Pascal or this one first?
- Clara: Let's start with Pascal. We found him first, after all. Also, like Mr. Svarog warned, if he's not supervised, he might cause trouble...
- Clara: You know, I have a large safe full of core modules that I've gathered around the Underworld.
- Clara: Every day, I try to figure out how to repair some of them and return the robots to normal. Except... there are a lot more than Mr. Svarog and I can handle on our own.
- Clara: But I'm sure I can fix them all one day... We can't relax yet. We must work harder!
You're a good kid, Clara.
- Clara: Thank you, (big brother/
big sister). It makes me happy to hear that.
- Clara: Thank you, (big brother/
That's a great dream, but a difficult one to realize.
- Clara: I know. You and Mr. Svarog have helped me so much, someone needs to do the same for those poor robots... I've got to do my best.
I can get Serval to help us! She's an expert mechanic.
- Clara: Really? I can't wait!
- Clara: Ah, I was talking so much that I totally lost track of time.
- Clara: Let's head back, otherwise Mr. Svarog and Pascal will get worried.
- (Obtain
Robot Shell ×1)
Return to Svarog's Base and fix Pascal[]
Step Description
Clara and you had a thorough search in the machine graveyard and finally found parts you can use.
Return to Svarog's Base and see if the shell can get Pascal back to normal.
- (Talk to Clara)
- Clara: Mr. Svarog, we're back.
- Pascal: ██Welcome█back█! return█(Trailblazer)█. █Clara█Rivet█!█Fail██-ure██?
- Svarog: Welcome back, Clara. I've completed my further analysis of this robot.
What have you discovered?
Pascal didn't cause any trouble, did he?
- Svarog: Although no abnormal behavior was detected during the analysis, the muddled information in the robot's core module is still rapidly increasing. The risk of abnormal behavior is expected to rise to 76.1% in three hours.
- Pascal: ██Lost█Pascal█. █Protect█good██! █Hurt██? No██...
- Clara: It appears we don't have much time left. Mr. Svarog, have you discovered anything else?
Wait a minute, let me take a quick break...
- Clara: Okay... Then you can tell me first, Mr. Svarog.
- Svarog: Conclusion: It is impossible to determine the time of manufacture, purpose, and ownership of this robot.
- Svarog: During my analysis, I extracted the robot's serial number and searched for it in the Underworld's automaton database...
- Svarog: According to my search, there are 32 automatons with the same serial number as this one. Even after eliminating the scrapped ones, three automatons still match the keyword description.
- Pascal: █Failure█3██. █Back█Rivet1██!█fail██-ure██?
Is it possible to narrow down the search results further?
- Svarog: Assessing... Assessment complete. Conclusion: Search results cannot be narrowed down any further.
- Svarog: The three automatons that match the keyword descriptions are located in Moltammerville, Rivet Town, and Forge Town. All three of these mining towns have been abandoned, and no automatons have been discovered in these three sites recently.
- Clara: It appears that the trail has gone cold yet again.
Is Pascal trying to say something?
- Clara: It appears so. I'm not sure what he's trying to say though.
- Svarog: While we were talking, the robot's failure rate increased. We should activate Alert mode.
Who's behind this plot!?
- Clara: I'm not sure, but if we can narrow it down to the three automatons, then...
- Clara: Maybe there's still a chance...
- Pascal: █Tempering█Tempering██. back█back█back to Rivet██!█fire██fire██!
- Clara: Pascal is becoming increasingly unstable... We should change his shell.
- (Submit
Robot Shell ×1)
- Clara: Pascal, I'm going to change your shell. Don't worry, it won't hurt...
- Clara transferred Pascal's Core Module into the new Robot Shell...
- Pascal: █Back█back██. Back█back█back to Rivet██!█Rivet██Rivet██!
- Pascal: █Return█waiting██. continue█repair█waiting██failure█wait██—ing██!
- Clara: Still not functioning properly? What's wrong, Pascal?
- Svarog: Watch out, Clara...
- Pascal: █Failure█failure██failure█failurelure█failure██failure██!
- Clara: Pascal!? No... He's running away!
- Svarog: Clara!
- Clara: Pascal... Did he run off towards Rivet Town? Let's follow him!
- Svarog: No, Clara, just leave it to me. I'll order the robots to pursue this one...
- Clara: No, Mr. Svarog! Please, don't...
- Svarog: ...
- Clara: Please leave Pascal to me. It was my decision to keep him in the first place, so I must take full responsibility.
- Clara: I'm certain Pascal won't do anything to harm anyone, but if something goes wrong...
- Clara: Please let me handle this myself. Please, Mr. Svarog!
Can you endure the thought of erasing his data yourself?
- Clara: I... can't shirk my responsibilities. I'll do it.
Let Clara handle it.
- Clara: That's right... This all started with me and can only end with me.
- Clara: I'm certain Pascal would never do anything to harm anyone.
- Svarog: Clara, please tell me how you came to this conclusion.
- Clara: Pascal possesses a quality that other small robots lack. It's kind of similar to the emotions we humans have.
- Clara: I've only ever seen this quality in Mr. Svarog...
- Clara: I feel... a warmth from these emotions. I feel drawn to this quality, and try to respond back in my own way...
- Clara: But I'm also aware that not all emotions in this world are positive... If there are too many negative emotions that go unchecked, then someone needs to step in and stop them.
- Clara: The only things that can stop such negative emotions are rationality and responsibility. This is a valuable lesson I've learned from Mr. Svarog.
- Clara: Mr. Svarog, I want to help Pascal overcome those negative emotions. I want to take on this responsibility.
- Clara: That way... I won't have to hide behind Mr. Svarog anymore.
- Svarog: ...I understand, Clara. I support your decision.
- Svarog: I won't intervene unless the situation risks spinning out of control.
- Clara: Thank you, Mr. Svarog.
- Clara: So... Let's go, (big brother/
big sister)!
Follow Pascal, who had run away[]
Step Description
You fixed Pascal. Its core fitted into the new shell nicely. But Pascal was not completely fixed — After receiving the new shell, Pascal malfunctioned again and ran away toward Rivet Town.
Clara and you decide to head out immediately to look for Pascal and prevent it from causing incidents outside of Svarog's Base.
- (Approach Pascal)
- Clara: Look, Pascal's over there! Who's standing next to it?
- Clara: Huh? Isn't that a Grizzly robot? Let's go take a look!
- (Approach the robots)
- Clara: Pascal! Who did this to you?
- Pascal: █Pain█hurt██. Pain█hurt pain███!█Hurt██hurt? Pain██—
- Patrolling Robot: Clara, get away. This is a Fragmentum creature. It's extremely dangerous.
- Clara: A Fragmentum creature!? What are you talking about?
This is clearly a robot, just like you!
- Patrolling Robot: Request approved. Reanalyzing...
- Patrolling Robot: Reanalysis complete. The original assessment stands. This is a Fragmentum creature, and is thus extremely dangerous.
Have Fragmentum creatures evolved to this level?
- Clara: How is that possible? Pascal is obviously a robot, just like you!
Did Svarog send you? Spit it out!
- Patrolling Robot: I am on a standard patrol mission. I have not received any other orders from the network hub.
- Clara: It's telling the truth... Mr. Svarog made a promise to me, and he never betrays his promises.
- Clara: Could it have malfunctioned? It appears to be normal...
- Patrolling Robot: Please step back. I shall eliminate this Fragmentum creature...
- Clara: No, it's going to attack Pascal! We have to stop it!
- (Enter battle)
- (During battle)
- Patrolling Robot: Hostility detected. Commence elimination protocols.
- Clara: Oh no! It seems to think we're its enemies as well...
- (After battle)
- Clara: Phew... Luckily, the patrol robot and Pascal's cores are still intact. The big fella's shell is only slightly dented... Thank you for your help.
- Clara: The only thing that puzzles me is why the big fella mistook Pascal for a Fragmentum creature.
- Clara: Hmm, I can't figure it out... Well, let's not worry about that now.
- Clara: Anyway, I'll take this core back and examine it. Now, let's insert Pascal's core into the big fella's shell.
- Clara transferred Pascal's Core Module into the scrapped Automaton Grizzly...
- Pascal: █ ██Language module█connect█connecting███ ██ █ ██—
- Pascal: ███ ██ ████connection complete.
- Pascal: Testing, verifying, all modules, working, connected.
- Pascal: Welcome, back, everyone, finally. Pascal, has been, waiting!
- Clara: Pascal, you're back to normal!
A happy ending! We should work out our rewards.
- Clara: Um... No, there's one more thing... We still need to find out why Pascal was stealing parts in the first place.
Ask him why he was stealing parts.
- Clara: Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me!
Erm... what's next?
- Clara: Hmm... We still need to ask Pascal why he was stealing parts in the first place.
- Clara: Pascal... Could you please, uh... explain why you were stealing parts...?
- Pascal: Collecting, parts, returning to, workshop.
- Clara: Workshop? Oh, do you mean the Tempering Workshop in Rivet Town?
- Pascal: Been, waiting, repair. Follow, please, Pascal!
- Clara: Ah... Pascal ran off!
- Clara: He went in that direction... I think he wants us to follow him!
Follow Pascal[]
Step Description
Clara and you found Pascal. It seemed to have been subdued by one of Svarog's automatic robot soldiers. However, you did not have a nice experience communicating with that robot soldier.
Anyways, the incident is mostly solved — Pascal finally returns to normal after being given the last shell, then walks on its own to lead you somewhere deep in Rivet Town.
- Clara: I think this place used to be a restaurant. One time, I found a bunch of canned food here... The vagrants in the camp were so happy.
- Clara: However, I've always wondered...
- Clara: The light here... Why is it still on? This place has clearly been abandoned for a long time...
- Clara: Also, there's dust all over the place, but none of the equipment appears to be deteriorating.
I've been wondering about that too...
Is it possible that someone lives here?
- Clara: I don't think so... No one should be living here. I never saw anyone when I came here to hunt for supplies.
Maybe Rivet Town is haunted...
- Clara: Ah!? Are you saying we're... not alone...?
- Clara: No, no, no... Ghosts don't exist...
- Clara: Anyway, someone must be looking after this place. But who?
- Clara: And why...?
- Clara: Pascal's trail leads in that direction. Let's follow it.
Keep following Pascal[]
Step Description
Clara and you followed Pascal's steps and strolled along the streets of Rivet Town. During this, Clara asked you a question that you also found puzzling. "Why do the lights in Rivet Town never go out?"
You don't have the answer yet, but instinctively feel that the answer to this question lies somewhere in town.
Perhaps — and I mean "perhaps" — Pascal knows the truth about this?
- (Approach Pascal)
- Pascal: (Trailblazer), Clara, welcome, back, Rivet Town!
- Pascal: Look, isn't it, shiny? Job, Pascal, done, nice!
- Clara: Huh? Could it be... Pascal has been repairing this abandoned town?
- Pascal: Pascal, repair, indeed! Waiting, been, everyone.
Is this why you've been stealing the parts?
- Pascal: Parts, Pascal, collect, non-stop. Rivet Town, repair, non-stop!
- Clara: It seems that Pascal was stealing parts because he wants to repair the town.
Have you been waiting for us?
- Pascal: Waiting, everyone, Pascal, non-stop! Leave, everyone, come back, one day!
- Clara: Has Pascal been waiting for Rivet Town's evacuated residents to return?
Have you been repairing the town?
- Pascal: Repair, been, every day, Pascal! Use, can, everyone, return!
- Clara: Pascal has been looking after the town so that everyone can go back to their previous lives when they return...
So... why did you bring us here?
- Pascal: Workshop, Tempering, here. Base, Pascal, secret!
- Pascal: Parts, store! Enemies, not here. Place, safe. Scared, no need, everybody!
- Clara: Ahh. This appears to be the secret base where Pascal keeps the parts.
- Clara: Although we now know why he took them, there are still many unanswered questions. For example...
Why does he want to repair the town?
- Clara: Right. But I don't think Pascal will give us a straightforward answer on this one...
- Clara: Hmm... I wonder if we can find any clues here?
Why is Pascal being treated as a Fragmentum creature?
- Clara: ...Right. That bigger robot said that, how strange...
- Clara: Hmm... I wonder if we can find any clues here?
How should we punish this parts thief then...?
- Clara: ...Right. Pascal is doing this out of good will, but still...
- Clara: Stealing is always wrong, and Pascal needs to learn that.
- Clara: Let's take a look around again, (big brother/
big sister). I'm still not finished here.
- Pascal: Rivet Town, live, Clara, (Trailblazer)! Tour, feel free, please!
Investigate the Tempering Workshop[]
Step Description
Pascal led Clara and you to the abandoned workshop in Rivet Town, the Tempering Workshop. You piece together some of the motivations underlying Pascal's behavior from its broken speech.
Pascal seemed to have treated this place as its secret base and maintained the entire Rivet Town ceaselessly from here.
But there are still many mysteries surrounding Pascal — Perhaps a thorough investigation at the Tempering Workshop could solve the puzzle.
- (Investigate CRT)
- A well maintained CRT display device. Though covered by some dust, it still functions.
- Clara: This must be the result of Pascal's meticulous repairs... but the little fella doesn't really need the monitor, does he?
- Clara: Hmm... Hey! Those look like handprints on the side of the cabinet — human handprints. Could this monitor have been recently used by someone?
- (Investigate table)
- Book pages and letters all carefully cut and put aside, whose content varies from tales for children to outdated political news.
- Clara: These pages are so neatly cut out... Oh, and they smell like Geomarrow Fuel.
- Clara: Is there someone here in Rivet Town doing this...? Or could Pascal have collected the pages and put them together?
Continue investigating the Tempering Workshop[]
Step Description
Pascal led Clara and you to the abandoned workshop in Rivet Town, the Tempering Workshop. You piece together some of the motivation underlying Pascal's behavior from its broken speech.
Pascal seemed to have treated this place as its secret base and maintained the entire Rivet Town ceaselessly from here.
You find some suspicious objects, but they don't really explain much — Keep looking around for a bit longer.
- (Investigate diary)
- Clara: Huh? What's this? A diary?
- Clara: Wow. Such neat handwriting... no, wait a minute, I think this was printed onto the cover...
- Clara: ...Could it be Pascal's?
- (Opens
Pascal's Diary)
- Clara: ...
- Clara: Pascal...
It all makes sense now...
- Clara: So that's what happened...
What should we do now?
- Clara: I don't know...
- Clara: Let me think... How about we go over Pascal's whole story again, from the start?
(Try to sort out the whole story)
- (Trailblazer): (His backup power was activated after the incident in Rivet Town... and it woke up to discover that Rivet Town had been abandoned.)
- (Trailblazer): (He decided to collect parts, repair the town, and wait for everyone to return...)
- (Trailblazer): (Around that time, Pascal became sentient.)
- You recapitulate your thoughts to Clara.
- Clara: That is correct...
I'm still a little confused...
- Clara: So Pascal used to be a robot guardian of Rivet Town...
- Clara: Pascal's backup power was activated for some reason shortly after the residents were evacuated...
- Clara: It woke up to discover that the whole place had been abandoned. So, it decided to collect parts, repair the town, and wait for everyone to return...
- Clara: However, for some reason, Pascal keeps getting attacked by his fellow robots, because the automatons think he's a Fragmentum creature.
Maybe Pascal has gained sentience?
Could it be possessed by a Fragmentum creature...?
- Clara: I'm not sure, but I suspect Pascal's tormented sense of self stems from him being constantly attacked by his fellow robots.
- Clara: The module used to detect emotions was frequently damaged, eventually turning him into a small robot that did nothing but collect parts.
That's probably what happened.
- Clara: At least, that's my theory. Still, that doesn't explain why Pascal is being treated as a Fragmentum creature...
Why is Pascal being treated as a Fragmentum creature?
- Clara: I don't know... I can't find the answer in Pascal's diary.
- Clara: Pascal, why do your peers keep rejecting you...
- Pascal: (Trailblazer), Clara, tour, enjoyable, is it?
- Pascal: Pascal, collect parts, ready, continue! Or, wait, instruction, next!
- Clara: Pascal's consciousness does not appear to have returned to the level shown in the diary...
- Pascal: (Trailblazer), Clara, Rivet Town, resident!
- Pascal: Pascal, protect, everybody!
- Clara: I see. Thank you so much, Pascal.
- Clara: You can stop gathering parts for the time being. Just stay here and wait for us to return and give you your next orders, alright?
- Pascal: Pascal, affirmative! Be good, wait!
- Clara: (Big brother/
Big sister), let's go back to Mr. Svarog and talk about what to do next.
Return to the Base with Clara[]
Step Description
Pascal's diary revealed the cruel truth behind the parts theft and the lights that never went out in Rivet Town.
What will happen to this poor robot after knowing all this? Neither you nor Clara could make up your mind.
Why don't you return to Svarog's Base and discuss the possibilities with the one person (or rather, robot) in Belobog who understands automatic robot soldiers the most.
- (Talk to Svarog)
- Clara: So that's what happened, Mr. Svarog. But there's one thing I don't understand... Why is Pascal being treated as a Fragmentum creature?
- Svarog: This robot has been repairing itself using Fragmentum-contaminated components for an extended period of time. Therefore, automatons connected to the base network recognize it as a Fragmentum creature. This is a minor issue that can be resolved by replacing components, do not worry.
- Clara: I see... Has Mr. Svarog ever witnessed a similar incident anywhere in the network?
- Svarog: No. Network-connected automatons regularly clear out muddled information in their core modules.
- Svarog: The likelihood of a robot gaining sentience beyond control is approximately 0.12%. For those that aren't connected to the network, the chance climbs to 3.23%.
- Svarog: Please keep in mind that these probabilities are only estimates. Over the past 700 years, this has never happened in the Underworld.
So, you don't know what to do either?
- Svarog: Actually, I do. Contrary to popular belief, improbable events that are easily disregarded frequently result in catastrophes.
- Svarog: Given that automatons can still develop emotion modules using their own processing power, I have a backup plan in place.
But the robots here appear to be quite intelligent...
- Svarog: To make life easier for users, all of Belobog's automatons contain language simulation abilities. They generate appropriate responses by reading preset parameters and mimicking natural human conversations.
- Svarog: This, however, is only a simulation, and it does not mean that the automatons have actual emotional intelligence.
- Clara: But, Mr. Svarog is different.
- Svarog: Given that automatons can still develop emotion modules using their own processing power, I have a backup plan in place.
I can't believe such an improbable event has actually happened!
- Svarog: Improbable events that are easily disregarded frequently result in catastrophes.
- Svarog: Given that automatons can still develop emotion modules using their own processing power, I have a backup plan in place.
- Clara: Mr. Svarog always takes all factors into account and handles problems logically... I can't do that myself yet.
- Clara: So, what should we do with Pascal?
- Svarog: It is recommended that Pascal's data be formatted and integrated into the base network.
- Svarog: I will maintain the robot's core module and repair its hardware once it has been integrated into the base network.
- Svarog: There is a greater than 97.2% chance that this robot will return to normal after the bad sectors and muddled information are removed. However...
But what about Pascal's emotional intelligence...
- Svarog: Once the formatting is complete, the robot's emotional intelligence will vanish.
That sounds like an excellent plan to me.
- Clara: But, once the formatting is complete, Pascal's emotional intelligence will vanish...
- Svarog: ...Correct.
I know there has to be a catch...
- Clara: But, once the formatting is complete, Pascal's emotional intelligence will vanish...
- Svarog: ...Correct.
- Clara: ...
- Clara: Is there no other option...?
- Svarog: This option minimizes both internal and external losses. Although Clara's account indicates that the robot is relatively stable, the assessment based on the computations shows that...
- Svarog: Both the risk of Pascal crashing and the amount of muddled information are increasing. When it approaches 100%...
- Clara: I understand.
- Clara: But I don't think I'm ready to give up on Pascal just yet.
- Clara: We've helped Pascal find compatible hardware. If we can eliminate the muddled information without damaging the sectors linked to his emotional intelligence...
- Svarog: You know the chances of that are incredibly low, Clara.
Svarog's calculations are extremely precise.
- Clara: No, I can't just give up. There has to be another way!
How do you generally get rid of muddled information?
- Svarog: There's only one way to completely remove muddled information — overwriting.
- Svarog: When the muddled information is removed, the base network will create a comprehensive backup and overwrite the data stored in the corresponding sector.
- Clara: ...
In all honesty, I don't understand...
- Clara: It's okay, Mr. Svarog and I can come up with a solution.
- Clara: ...Maybe there's another way.
- Clara: We can install a "lock" in Pascal's core.
- Clara: Clear the redundant data and locate the core sectors that are still intact. Then, we can install a new suite of operational programs.
- Clara: This suite of programs can regulate Pascal's behavior and prevent him from hurting people.
- Clara: With this method, we might be able to retain as much of Pascal's emotional intelligence as possible while keeping him out of trouble...
- Clara: If we can keep Pascal's emotional intelligence, I might be able to teach him to treat people with kindness. What do you think, Mr. Svarog?
- Svarog: This procedure is theoretically viable, but there are risks. It will not eliminate the muddled information. Additionally, the newly installed programs may be later contaminated by it.
- Svarog: In other words, because we cannot monitor the robot outside of the network, this approach can only guarantee Pascal's stability for a brief period of time.
- Svarog: The probability of the robot crashing again is around...
- Clara: And if that happens, I'll do it again. And if it happens again, I'll go through the exact same steps. I'll guide him and fix him. No matter how many times it happens, I'll be there to help Pascal...
- Svarog: But he will forget about you, Clara. He will repeatedly forget you, as well as all the emotions and memories he has previously accumulated.
- Svarog: His limited storage capacity will eventually become completely overwritten by infinite copies of muddled information in an everlasting cycle.
- Svarog: Clara, the challenge will be tougher than you can possibly imagine. Are you sure this is the path you want to take?
- Clara: ...
- Svarog: There, there Clara. There's no need to rush to a conclusion.
- Svarog: The variable in Belobog's fate is still here. Perhaps (he/
she) can suggest the best solution. - Clara: Okay. I... I trust your judgment.
- Svarog: We trust your decision, (Trailblazer).
- (Trailblazer): (Both have provided their solutions...)",
- (Trailblazer): (Svarog thinks that formatting Pascal's data and integrating him into the base's network is necessary, but doing so will deprive Pascal of his special emotional intelligence.)
- (Trailblazer): (Although it may sound cruel, this approach best prevents Pascal from posing a threat...)
- (Trailblazer): (Clara thinks she can use programming to control Pascal's behavior and prevent him from causing harm while keeping his emotional intelligence intact. However, this doesn't address the root of the issue, and it also requires Clara to devote much time and effort to Pascal.)
- (Trailblazer): (Although Clara will use Pascal's emotional intelligence to help guide him in the right direction, Pascal could still go out of control in the future.)
- (Trailblazer): (In addition, Pascal has a history of stealing, even though he never caused any harm to anyone. This is also a major concern.)
- (Trailblazer): (What is most important here? I need to think carefully and choose one solution, then persuade the other person.)
Convince Clara or Svarog to take up the other's plan and decide on Pascal's fate[]
Step Description
Svarog and Clara both stated their thoughts but you, the hero who saved Belobog, have the power to decide.
Think carefully and decide on Pascal's fate.
- (Talk to Svarog)
- Svarog: Clara proposed that you should choose, outsider. I respect her wish.
- Svarog: Have you made a decision about how to handle Pascal?
Can you give Clara's idea some thought?
- Svarog: I had anticipated this possibility. Tell me what you think.
Pascal's emotional intelligence is important for research purposes.
- Svarog: I understand. Over the past 700 years, there has never been an automaton that has developed emotional intelligence through its own computational power. Pascal is an intriguing subject worth researching.
- Svarog: However, in my opinion, protecting humanity's safety and property is more important than research.
Pascal is similar to you, no?
- Svarog: I understand. You believe that Pascal's emotional intelligence, derived from his own computational power, is no different from mine.
- Svarog: I am currently still unable to conduct a thorough analysis of human empathy. However, I recognize the importance of respecting such emotions.
It has no malice and will not hurt anyone.
- Svarog: I understand. I also do not detect any hostility from him.
- Svarog: However, the risk remains, and there is no guarantee that the robot will not lose control again and cause harm to humans in the future.
- Svarog: The prior assessment remains valid. The risk of error and the amount of muddled information in this robot is increasing, and has the potential to cause future security concerns.
- Svarog: Clara believes in you as a variable. Either way, your input will be taken into account.
- Svarog: I'll keep gathering information and calculating new possibilities. Do you have any other insights, outsider?
Clara's determination cannot be underestimated.
- Svarog: "Clara's determination." This entry contains information that is difficult to quantify and may cause computational difficulties.
- Svarog: Nonetheless, real experience has demonstrated that Clara's determination can often overcome all challenges.
Emotions are priceless.
- Svarog: I understand. You and Clara both agree on this point.
- Svarog: Protecting a consciousness created by artificial intelligence. I shall give this more consideration.
You said you'd try to make Clara's wish come true.
- Svarog: People Clara's age do not usually take on overwhelming social responsibilities.
- Svarog: To ensure that Clara grows up well, I've always avoided overburdening her.
- Svarog: But if Clara insists on taking on such responsibilities, then I have no right to object.
- Svarog: There is no need to discuss this any further. If you insist on using Clara's solution, the Svarog base network will completely support you.
- (Trailblazer): (My choice will have a direct impact on the outcome... I should mull it over.)
We'll go with Clara's idea.
Wait... I should try to persuade Clara again.
- Svarog It's all up to you. I'll be waiting for you right here.
I'd like to give it some more thought.
- Svarog: I understand. You can make a decision after you've thought about it more.
- (Talk to Svarog again)
- Svarog: Have you decided?
- (Trailblazer): (My choice will have a direct impact on the outcome... I should mull it over.)
We'll go with Clara's idea.
Wait. I should persuade Clara out of it instead.
- Svarog: It's all up to you. I'll be waiting for you right here.
- (Talk to Clara)
- Clara: ...
- Clara: What should we do with Pascal?
I think we should go with Svarog's idea...
- Clara: *sigh* I figured you'd say that.
- Clara: But I'd like to know why you went with Mr. Svarog's solution.
His solution is the safest.
- Clara: I understand that, but...
There's no reason to make such a large commitment for a broken robot.
- Clara: Do you truly believe that, (big brother/
big sister)?
- Clara: Do you truly believe that, (big brother/
This is Pascal's punishment for stealing.
- Clara: I understand that crimes should be punished, but I think Pascal deserves another chance.
- Clara: He only wants everyone to return safely to Rivet Town and live their peaceful lives like before.
- Clara: I think that anyone with emotion should be treated with dignity, regardless of whether they are a human or robot.
- Clara: I'm confident that I can prevent Pascal from stealing and harming others.
- Clara: However, I respect your point of view. I admit I might not be as rational as Mr. Svarog, and don't think things through as much...
- Clara: So, could you please talk more about your point of view? I'd like to hear some different perspectives.
Pascal will forget you over and over.
- Clara: I said I will stay with Pascal until the end, but I'm actually scared too.
- Clara: What if I feel like giving up? What happens then?
- Clara: Perhaps it's best to let go now, while my feelings for Pascal aren't as strong?
He chose the safest solution for you.
- Clara: Mr. Svarog's warnings about the potential risks do make me nervous.
- Clara: I can't imagine it... How will I feel when I have to face Pascal after being forgotten so many times?
- Clara: Did Mr. Svarog consider that for me? Maybe I shouldn't disappoint him...
- Clara: Mr. Svarog believes Pascal will harm someone else eventually, which is why he keeps telling me to let go.
Human interests should take priority over machines.
- Clara: No, I don't think so. Humans and machines should coexist as equals. Isn't Mr. Svarog also a machine?
Pascal does not prioritize human interests.
- Clara: Are you trying to say... equality means you have to consider others' interests first?
- Clara: I see. Maybe Mr. Svarog believes Pascal will harm someone else eventually, which is why he keeps telling me to let go.
But Svarog cares about you.
- Clara: True. Mr. Svarog is always there for me.
- Clara: Maybe Mr. Svarog believes Pascal will harm someone else eventually, which is why he keeps telling me to let go.
- Clara: I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me. This decision is much harder than I expected, but I've finally made my mind up.
- Clara: If you feel it's necessary, we'll do what Mr. Svarog suggested... But until you're sure, I'll keep trying to find a way to save Pascal's emotions and memories...
- Clara: Tell me when you're ready to make a decision.
- (Trailblazer): (My choice will have a direct impact on the outcome... I should mull it over.)
Let's just do what Mr. Svarog suggested.
Wait... I want to talk again to Svarog.
I'd like to give it some more thought.
- Clara: Okay. I'll think about it some more too.
- (Talk to Clara again)
- Clara: So, what's your decision...
- (Trailblazer): (My choice will have a direct impact on the outcome... I should mull it over.)
Let's just do what Mr. Svarog suggested.
Wait... I want to talk again to Svarog.
- Clara: Okay... I need some time to emotionally prepare myself anyway.
- (If Svarog's idea was chosen)
- Pascal: Already, arrive, target! Waiting, further, instructions!
- Clara: ...
- Svarog: Accessing. Preparing to back up all core module data.
- Clara: Please, Mr. Svarog...
- (Screen turns black)
- Svarog: Backup complete, initializing formatting.
- Pascal: Waiting, furth█, instruct█, ██—
(Remain Silent)
- Pascal: Wait█, ██fur█, ██ in ███ ██ █—
(Strokes Pascal)
- Pascal: █Die██end██████Pascal██████Cla! Ra█████(Trailblazer)███—
(Holds Pascal tightly)
- Clara: ...
- Pascal: ██Thank██you█ ██ █Clara██ █(Trailblazer)█ ██ ████—
- Pascal: █Pascal█ ██ █very███happy█ ██ █finish█ █mission███—
- Clara: ...
- (Trailblazer): (Let's get out of here...)
- (If Clara's idea was chosen)
- Clara: Pascal, we're back.
- Pascal: Pascal, good, waiting! Waiting, further, instructions!
- Clara: Now...please be a good boy and don't move.
- Clara: Pascal, we've got Mr. Svarog to help treat your illness. He'll help you recover.
- Pascal: Illness? What, is, illness?
- Pascal: But, Pascal, not-move! Recover, health!
- Clara: Mr. Svarog, let's get started...
- Svarog: Understood. The protective programs are ready for installation...
- Pascal: █████████ ███ ███████████ ██████ ███ ██████-
- Clara: I hope I made the right decision...
- Clara: ...Is it done?
- Svarog: The programs were successfully installed. The robot will require offline maintenance and will be unable to communicate for some time. We can return to it later.
- Clara: ...I see. In that case, let's go back to the base.
- Trailblazer: (I think it's over... I'll check in with Clara later to see what's up.)
- (Mission complete)
- (Visitor Verification)
- (Clara has become a visitor to the Express. You might come across Clara when you return to the Express)
- (Achievement Unlocked Clara and the Sun)
- Messages
Clara(Big brother/Big sister), are you free now? I want to talk about Pascal...Actually, I've thought a lot about itI just don't understand... What is Pascal?Other robots think Pascal is a Fragmentum creationMr. Svarog thinks Pascal is a normal robotPascal doesn't even know what it is itselfI think Pascal could even be a human(Big brother/Big sister), what do you think? It is a robot...It is a Fragmentum creature...Fragmentum creature, robot, humanWhat is the difference between these?Some Fragmentum creatures can speak and behave like humansWhile Mr. Svarog looks like a robot, he also can speak, think, and even express "emotions" like usSo how do we tell what is "us" and what is "them?"Through empathy...Through biology...There is no difference...
- Svarog's Idea
- Clara's Idea
- (Talk to Svarog, if you sided with Svarog)
Has Pascal been reformatted?
- Svarog: No errors found — But I have made a copy of this machine's entire information on this core module according to Clara's request.
- Svarog: I will integrate this machine into the base network according to the determined solution. The copied information will be handed over to Clara to use at her discretion.
Will integration with the base network really stem the damage?
- Svarog: Affirmative. The machines integrated into the base network will no longer possess advanced emotional intelligence.
- Svarog: Each machine will prioritize the base network's directives, which have zero probability of compromising humanity's safety.
Will the copied information be of any use?
- Svarog: According to calculations, there is a possibility that Clara will implant the backup core, causing the "rebirth" of this machine, allowing it to "survive."
- Svarog: But this is only a possibility — I cannot accurately determine the changes brought about by human emotions. The answer to this problem will be left in Clara's hands, not mine.
I see.
- Svarog: Regardless, you have chosen the solution to minimize damage — This choice will inevitably ensure the stability of the Underworld.
- Svarog: You have my appreciation, (Trailblazer).
- (Talk to Svarog, if you sided with Clara)
Is Pascal still acting weird lately?
- Svarog: According to calculations, under the effects of the protection program, the probability of this machine's abnormal activity has been reduced to approximately 2.1%.
- Svarog: However, this metric will inevitably increase again with the passage of time.
- Svarog: Due to the inability to effectively monitor the machines outside the base network, I must regularly perform risk assessment according to Clara's maintenance results. so as to facilitate timely intervention at suitable moments.
Does this mean that the protection program isn't effective?
- Svarog: Inconclusive. The protection program cannot remove constantly generated information noises. Also, the newly installed program runs risk of being contaminated by the stated noises.
- Svarog: Once the noise reaches a threshold value, this machine will be unable to avoid malfunction. When that time comes, you all must make the identical decision.
- Svarog: But, Clara has already decided. I will accompany her and seek a breakthrough in this endless cycle that does not involve complete reformatting.
Will Clara be able to handle it?
- Svarog: I have performed repeat calculations regarding this problem, of which their results lie outside the area of the confidence bracket.
- Svarog: I cannot convey irregular calculated results to you, but I will keep verifying my formulae and calculations until I obtain a proximate answer.
I understand
- Svarog: Regardless, your choice has respected Clara's resolve and determination.
- Svarog: I, and on behalf of Clara, convey our gratitude, (Trailblazer).
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Rarely Affectionate (II) |
Chinese (Simplified) | 难得有情•其二 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 難得有情•其二 |
Japanese | 情、得難し・その2 |
Korean | 귀한 애정•2 |
Spanish | Un afecto inusitado (II) |
French | Rarement tendre (II) |
Russian | Невиданная ласка II |
Thai | ยากเกินจะไขว่คว้า 2 |
Vietnamese | Chút Ân Tình Hiếm Hoi-2 |
German | Seltene Zuneigung (Teil 2) |
Indonesian | Jarang Perhatian (Bagian 2) |
Portuguese | Pouca Afeição (II) |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0
- Rarely Affectionate (Part 2) was renamed to Rarely Affectionate (II).
- Rarely Affectionate (Part 2) was released.