"Huh, so this is the stuff that the playwrights spend their time eating. I wonder if their storylines are as sweet as the flavor of this yogurt?"
Puffergoat Belly Bliss is a consumable that the player can use.
Sold By[]
Source | Cost | Stock | Refresh |
Longevity Hall | ×1,800 | 5 | Daily |
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Puffergoat Belly Bliss |
Chinese (Simplified) | 浮羊和胃汤 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 浮羊養胃湯 |
Japanese | 浮羊和胃湯 |
Korean | 양유 요구르트 |
Spanish | Sopa de floticabra para calmar el estómago |
French | Régal de chèvre-globe |
Russian | Молочное утешение для живота |
Thai | Puffergoat Belly Bliss |
Vietnamese | Canh Vi Sinh Phù Dương |
German | Pufferziegen-Suppe |
Indonesian | Puffergoat Belly Bliss |
Portuguese | Cabra-Balão Estômago-Feliz |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.5