Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

Maozhen is holding onto a number of unclaimed packages. For a modest sum, you could buy these parcels and potentially discover something of value within.

Procurement Point for Expired Parcels is a Shop located in Cloudford aboard The Xianzhou Luofu.

It is operated by Maozhen.


ItemCostStockTotal CostRefresh
Unclaimed Valuable Parcel Unclaimed Valuable ParcelCredit×6,0003Credit×18,000Weekly
Unclaimed Parcel Unclaimed ParcelCredit×2,0005Credit×10,000Daily
Hypnotic Hammer Hypnotic HammerCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800Daily
Izumo Miso Izumo MisoCredit×3,6003Credit×10,800Daily
Sweet Dreams Soda Sweet Dreams SodaCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000Daily
Mineshroom MineshroomCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000Daily
Dry Emergency Light Dry Emergency LightCredit×1,8005Credit×9,000Daily
Total cost for all itemsCredit Credit ×76,600



There is 1 Achievement related to Procurement Point for Expired Parcels:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Trust the Process Moment of Joy Purchase 1 Unclaimed Valuable Parcels from Maozhen in Cloudford Yes 1.4 5

There is 1 Achievement related to Hypnotic Hammer:

Name Category Description Hidden Version Item Stellar Jade
Good Night Makka Pakka Moment of Joy Enter a battle after using Hypnotic Hammer and have any character afflicted with Strong Reverberation Yes 1.5 5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishProcurement Point for Expired Parcels
Korean기한 경과 우편물 인수처
SpanishOficina de compra de paquetes caducados
FrenchPoint de récupération des colis expirés
RussianПункт выдачи невостребованных посылок
VietnameseChỗ Thu Mua Bưu Kiện Quá Hạn
GermanVerkaufsstelle für nicht abgeholte Pakete
IndonesianProcurement Point for Expired Parcels
PortuguesePonto de Aquisição para Encomendas Expiradas

Change History[]
