Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

"I regret to say that Intelligentsia Guild's research on the material used to build the Subspace Crystalline Barrier by Amber Lord still needs time to reveal its nature."
"I'm sure it's not cement — am I right, Taravan?"

Preservation Construction Material is a Tier-3 Synthesis Material.

Sold By[]

Administrative District ShopCredit×52010


There are 7 items that can be crafted using Preservation Construction Material:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Disposable Shield Disposable ShieldSynthesisMechanical Parts Mechanical Parts ×4
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×2
Hard Chip of Nihility Hard Chip of Nihility ×1
Enhancement Paste: Physical Enhancement Paste: PhysicalSynthesisMetal Metal ×5
Meteoric Alloy Meteoric Alloy ×2
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×2
High-Tech Protective Gear High-Tech Protective GearSynthesisMetal Metal ×3
Mechanical Parts Mechanical Parts ×3
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×2
Inferior Protective Gear Inferior Protective GearSynthesisTrash Trash ×3
Mechanical Parts Mechanical Parts ×3
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×2
Kremnos Shield Kremnos ShieldSynthesisSilk Spindle Silk Spindle ×1
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×3
Bough of Thought Bough of Thought ×2
Longevity Pill of Cruelty Longevity Pill of CrueltySynthesisSeed Seed ×5
Ambergris of Abundance Ambergris of Abundance ×2
Hard Chip of Nihility Hard Chip of Nihility ×2
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×2
Interdimensional Leaf Interdimensional Leaf ×1
Stone From the Everwinter Monument Stone From the Everwinter MonumentSynthesisCore of Ice Core of Ice ×3
Preservation Construction Material Preservation Construction Material ×3
Hard Chip of Nihility Hard Chip of Nihility ×2
Tear Crystal of Glorious Death Tear Crystal of Glorious Death ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishPreservation Construction Material
Korean보존의 건축 자재
SpanishMateriales de construcción de la Conservación
FrenchMatériaux de construction de la Préservation
RussianСтроительный материал Сохранения
ThaiPreservation Construction Material
VietnameseVật Liệu Bảo Vệ
GermanBaumaterial der Bewahrung
IndonesianPreservation Construction Material
PortugueseMaterial de Construção - Preservação

Change History[]

