Percipient is the fifth part of the Trailblaze Continuance chapter A Foxian Tale of the Haunted. It automatically begins after completing Fyxestroll Gathering (II).
- Get information out of Cirrus.
- Meet up with Qingque at the entrance of the Divination Commission.
- Enter the Divination Commission and investigate the strange situation.
- Talk to Fu Xuan and try your best to wake her up
- Complete the Pathfinder challenge.
- Complete the Pathfinder challenge once more.
- Head to the sand table for Pathfinder.
- Stand at the designated location as suggested by Qingque.
- Complete the Pathfinder challenge for the third time.
- Talk to Guinaifen and post on Ghostly Grove about the anomaly having been resolved.
- Cast the heliobus into the suppression tower
- Talk to Hanya about how things have been recently.
Get information out of Cirrus.[]
Mission Description
The entities most familiar with the temperament and habits of heliobi are none other than other heliobi also confined within the furnace. As the duel promised by the general still stands, it makes Cirrus currently the ideal source of information. Ask it about the heliobus in the Divination Commission.
- Guinaifen: Notification sent. I guess now we should go to the Divination Commission and see what's going on?
- Huohuo: Mm, but let's talk to Cirrus again first.
- (Talk to Cirrus)
- Cirrus: So, you imprisoned Luxie in the matrix... and I heard the cries of other heliobi longing to break free.
- Cirrus: It would seem the Ten-Lords Commission has everything under control... What is it you want from me?
Same old same old.
Just came to vent some anger.
- Cirrus: Outside the confines of our agreement, you would be unwise to attack.
We miss you.
- Cirrus: You have managed to disgust me still further...
- Huohuo: One victory equals one question... don't forget the agreement you made with the general.
- Cirrus: Don't be so sure of victory before the battle begins, young one. Without Tail to protect you, isn't subduing a heliobus a bit overwhelming for you?
- Cirrus: You know, if you can accept me with an open heart... I can take his place and help you.
- Huohuo: ...R—Really?
- Cirrus: Of course.
- Huohuo: That's what I wanted to hear.
- Cirrus: Oh?
- Huohuo: The fact that you're trying so hard to persuade me means that you're not sure of victory either.
- Huohuo: If you were, you'd have devoured us without hesitation. Am I right, Cirrus?
- Cirrus: Then have it your way — I'll destroy Jing Yuan's pawns here and now!
- (Begin battle against
Wraith Warden ×2 and
Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish ×2)
- Cirrus: Don't let your previous victory go to your heads...
- Cirrus: ...the slightest misstep will be your undoing!
- Cirrus: Let's see how you perform without the general here to watch your back...
- Cirrus: I will never rest...
- Cirrus: Your mortal bodies will fatigue and breathe their last breath... and I will endure.
- (After the battle)
- Huohuo: We did it...
- Cirrus: Ask your question.
- Huohuo: We think the The Divination Commission has been infiltrated by a heliobus, but we don't know which one.
- You tell Cirrus what's happening at the Divination Commission
- Cirrus: Entering the Xianzhou's window to the future... It must be none other than Keralum.
- Cirrus: They always relished hounding your prophets and seers with questions of destiny — watching them flounder between the random and the pre-ordained.
Destiny... is pre-ordained.
Destiny... is not pre-ordained.
- Cirrus: Hahaha, that pile of protein in your human skull is computationally inefficient — your conjectures on destiny are little more than analogies and illusions...
- Cirrus: ...but we, The Shapeless, are different. When we come together to harmonize and observe, destiny is clear and vivid as firelight cast into darkness.
- Cirrus: In warfare, nothing is more important than being able to predict your opponent's movements. Among the fragments of Ignamar, Keralum was in charge of knowing the past and predicting the future.
- Cirrus: It is said that during that fateful battle, Keralum had a premonition of failure, but Ignamar ignored their warnings.
- Huohuo: It looks like we have a clear target this time. Let's get going.
- Cirrus: I may not have the same predictive power as Keralum, little fox girl... but one thing I do know is that sooner or later, you will beg for my help.
- Huohuo: ...
- Cirrus: Time will tell!
Meet up with Qingque at the entrance of the Divination Commission.[]
Step Description
Meet Qingque at the agreed location and ask her about the situation in the Divination Commission... and about what you can do to help.
- (Talk to Cirrus, optional)
- Cirrus: Lonely? Nothing to do? Shall I wake you up?
- Cirrus: If you have something to say then say it!
What do you think about destiny?
- Cirrus: If you open your heart to me, I can take you to witness your destiny.
- Cirrus: ...Forget it. I don't like tasting the same dish twice — the same goes for possessions.
Take a hike.
- Cirrus: You're the one who brought it up.
- Cirrus: If it's destiny you wish to discuss, I might as well tell you that I never think on it, or anything of the sort.
- Cirrus: Everything in this world will come to an end. It could be a trillion years from now, or tomorrow afternoon. It could be as a result of Nanook's pawns, or a sigh from the Nihility, or something else entirely...
- Cirrus: Eventually, this universe will be over, and all the species — long and short-life together — all of them will end up in the same place. It is inevitable.
- Cirrus: But does the knowledge of this fact change anything? What does it have to do with you?
- Cirrus: If you knew the Luofu were to perish tomorrow, would you skip dinner tonight? The flame of the heliobi will be extinguished in the hot silence of the universe... but that won't stop me from burning today...
- Cirrus: Destiny... why should a fish worry about where the river flows?
- Cirrus seems lost in thought, not answering anymore questions
I just came by to look around.
- Cirrus: You should be paying me for the privilege.
- (Talk to Qingque)
- Qingque: Oh, you're here! Is that a Ten-Lords Commission judge?
What's the situation inside?
- Qingque: Something's amiss in the Divination Commission — everyone is mumbling to themselves. Is this some workforce overhaul? Did I set a bad example?
- Huohuo: I—I'm afraid not, Miss Qingque. Something unexpected happened... I'm just not sure how to explain it...
(Tell the truth.)
- Sushang: The Divination Commission may have been infiltrated by some unknown creature... If you rush in, you could become a target too!
- Huohuo: Miss Sushang, we're supposed to be operating in secret!
- Sushang: I want Qingque to have an idea of the gravity of the situation.
- Huohuo: Hmm... I suppose Miss Qingque should be safe enough — the one we're chasing probably has a more... complicated target...
- Qingque: That sounds like a compliment, but at the same time... Eh, I'll just take it as a compliment.
(Avoid saying too much.)
- Guinaifen: Well... anyway, there's a dangerous situation at the Divination Commission at the moment, so just don't go in there!
- Qingque: Good idea, with working conditions like these, I wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway...
- Qingque: I heard from Awei that the Artisanship Commission is also experiencing strange phenomena — several of the apprentices have started babbling nonsensically, it's kinda scary... Of course, it could just be a side-effect of being denied graduation.
- Huohuo: In that case, Miss Qingque, could you stand guard here for us while we investigate?
- Qingque: It doesn't seem like a good idea to just stand here under such dangerous circumstances, does it?
- Huohuo: I mean, you could leave, but... Wait, are you thinking of coming with us? Didn't you see how bad the situation was...?
- Qingque: Yeah, yeah, I've seen it alright... but if I leave now, won't that count as unauthorized absence? I can get away with slacking off, but the Master Diviner won't tolerate complete abandonment of my post.
- Qingque: Besides, you guys need someone familiar with the Divination Commission to show you the way, right? Then let's go.
Enter the Divination Commission and investigate the strange situation.[]
Step Description
The heart of the eerie lies in the center of the Matrix of Prescience Ultima. Go with Qingque to see what has happened.
- Qingque: What's going on...
- Huohuo: (Trailblazer), s—stay close to me, okay? I'm... I'm a little scared...
- (Appraoch marked location)
- Sushang: What are they looking at?
- Qingque: Is everyone... okay?
- Divination Commission Diviner: There is only one way...
- Divination Commission Diviner: Divination is meaningless...
- Qingque: How did the Matrix of Prescience become like this?
- Huohuo: Look, Diviner Fu is standing at the center of the Matrix of Prescience... what is she doing?
- Qingque: Judging by her chanting, I think she's performing navigation calculations, or divining...
- Qingque: But something's not right — the Matrix of Prescience isn't moving at all.
She's probably already been possessed by a heliobus...
- Qingque: A heliobus... is that the danger you were talking about?
- Qingque: I read about them in a book. "Starfire Essence that can transform itself — enjoys manipulating the dreams and desires of mortals." You mean the Master Diviner is being controlled by something like that...?
- Qingque: How can we snap her out of it?
- Huohuo: We could try ringing the Harmonic Chime... If we're close enough, we should be able to enter the heliobus's illusion.
Shake Harmonic Chime
- Fu Xuan: Silence! Idle chatter is not permitted in the Divination Commission!
- Qingque: Master Diviner, you're awake!
- Huohuo: ...Or perhaps we should call you Keralum?
- Fu Xuan: It doesn't matter what you call me — I am the master of the Divination Commission.
- Fu Xuan: The current divination has reached a delicate stage, and no one is permitted to disturb it — not even a judge of the Ten-Lords Commission or a guest from the Astral Express!
- Fu Xuan: Qingque! I have grown weary of your insubordination! Are you the one who brought these outsiders into the Commission? Have you turned a deaf ear to all the rules I've laid down?
- Fu Xuan: Qingque, you are hereby expelled from the Commission!
- Qingque: I...? Th—That's...
- Sushang: Darn... Now we're down one person!
- Qingque: ...a great idea!
- Qingque: Eh-he, my days here really have been unproductive — loafing around outside and playing Celestial Jade — all while taking a Divination Commission salary. It's... how to put it...
Compensation without labor?
- Qingque: Not exactly, I do complete all my assigned work on time...
Living high on public expense?
- Sushang: That's not quite the right way to describe it...
Too much of a good thing?
- Guinaifen: Sure sounds like it. I could only dream of having a cozy job like that.
- Qingque: I would call it: wasting my life away. Thank you, Master Diviner, for giving me the push I needed. Since you feel that my skills could be put to better use elsewhere, it's time for me to think about making some changes.
- Qingque: But before I leave, I have to help these guests take care of some trouble here at the Commission. If I don't, people will think I was fired because of cowardice in the face of danger.
- Qingque: What next? What do we do now?
- Qingque: Hehe, giving a dramatic speech to my boss was cool and everything, but it's not gonna help her break free from the heliobus clouding her mind.
- Huohuo: I'm not sure what to do... The heliobus isn't trying to trap us inside the illusion, and it doesn't look interested in attacking us either...
- Fu Xuan: "Clouding my mind"? I've never been of clearer mind than I am right now.
- Fu Xuan: From now on, I will dedicate myself to divining the predetermined futures of the Xianzhou Alliance, and will make these futures known to the world so that all can live in clarity.
I think you've gone off the deep end...
...How is it possible to divine every future?
Since when is the future predetermined?
- Fu Xuan: I know what you want to say. Spare me the lecture on "human wisdom prevailing over nature" and those ridiculous notions of "free will..." These are but crude illusions created by the brain. From the beginning, there was only one path.
- Fu Xuan: You, (Trailblazer), you are nothing more than a pawn at the mercy of the Stellaron Hunters.
- Fu Xuan: What day you boarded the Express, who your enemies are, where you go... These choices that you think you make freely of your own accord are mere tributaries... that will eventually converge on the path of destiny.
- Fu Xuan: Your journey to the Xianzhou, the defeat of Phantylia — all these were written into a script long ago by that slave to destiny, hidden in the shadows.
- Fu Xuan: Even in this very moment, your options are few: Ready your bat and charge at me, argue with me loudly and futilely, or fall into silence.
- Qingque: (Trailblazer), don't let her words get to you! There are always other options!
(Ready your bat and charge at her)
- Fu Xuan: The rise and fall of the tides are dictated by the fire trigram and the water trigram — you are powerless against such a force. You have no hope of defeating me.
- (Begin battle against
Entranced Ingenium: Obedient Dracolion ×1,
Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish ×2,
Entranced Ingenium: Golden Cloud Toad ×1)
- Fu Xuan: Venting your anger is meaningless.
- Fu Xuan: Anger cannot change that which is already ordained by destiny.
- Fu Xuan: All offense, no defense. Is that your strategy?
- Fu Xuan: Your attacks won't land on me — only on these innocent puppets.
- (Conversation ends after battle)
(Argue with her loudly and futilely)
- Fu Xuan seems disappointed
- Fu Xuan: Come back to me when you've thought it through.
(Fall into silence)
- Fu Xuan seems disappointed
- Fu Xuan: Come back to me when you've thought it through.
Talk to Fu Xuan and try your best to wake her up[]
Step Description
Fu Xuan seems trapped in a deadlock of thoughts, attempting to prove to you that "if everything is predestined, then everything is futile." You and your squad members decide to instead use this invitation as the key to unlocking her confinement.
Keep talking with Fu Xuan and see if you can wake her up.
- (Talk to Fu Xuan)
- Fu Xuan: Such trivial choices cannot change the inevitable.
- Fu Xuan: If you're still not convinced, I can demonstrate to you the true nature of destiny — in a way that your human brain can comprehend.
Okay, sounds good to me.
- Fu Xuan: Then follow me.
- (Enter Exploratory Excursion Illusory Maze: Keralum)
(Remain silent.)
- Fu Xuan: If you have gained clarity on the true nature of destiny, you may leave... and stop interfering with my divinations!
Complete the Pathfinder challenge.[]
Mission Description
The master diviner uses "Pathfinder" to show omens to people whom destiny beckons. Despite the numerous choices they encounter, one must walk the only path in order to progress.
She has stubbornly holds [sic] on to her own believes [sic], and the only thing you can do is to break her obsession by using her own rules and reasoning.
Rules are meant to be broken. It is time to overcome the Pathfinder challenges.
- Huohuo: What is this...?
- Qingque: This place is what the Divination Commission calls the "Pathfinder." It's a sandbox game that diviners use to simulate future paths and exercise our minds. But why did the Master Diviner bring us here?
You want to play a game with us?
Is this where you show us the true nature of destiny?
- Fu Xuan: That's right. Now listen, (Trailblazer). If you place an ingenium in this little maze and give it a command, it will find its way to the exit precisely as it was commanded to do so. Are humans not the same as they navigate the path of destiny set before them?
- Fu Xuan: But you're probably thinking: "humans are not machines, there is more than one path in the universe!"
Humans are not machines.
There is more than one path in the universe!
- Fu Xuan: And yet machines we are — complex, sophisticated, but machines.
- Fu Xuan: We are just like the ingenium in this maze — we have no options to speak of... We can only navigate one path — the one that takes us to our destination.
- Fu Xuan: Let's begin. Lead the ingenium to the exit. Show me how many choices destiny gives you.
- Guinaifen: It feels like we're just dancing to the heliobus's tune...
- (Talk to Fu Xuan)
- Fu Xuan: Let's begin. Lead the ingenium to the exit. Show me how many choices destiny gives you.
Alright, make sure you're paying attention.
- (Open Pathfinder puzzle)
(Remain silent.)
- (After solving the puzzle)
- Qingque: We did it!
- Fu Xuan: Well done. Your choices are as the omniscia foresaw them. You should know that there was only one answer to this puzzle from the beginning, just as destiny has only one path!
It's just a game.
This puzzle was designed by you.
- Qingque: Yes, for a puzzle that was designed from the start, choosing any other path would be a pointless mistake.
- Qingque: But the universe isn't someone's game, and no one is designing puzzles for us to solve. The universe doesn't have a single answer... we can do anything we want while we're in it.
- Qingque: Even if it's the same work every day, I can hide in the library and read a book or find someone to play Celestial Jade with... and that's freedom.
- Sushang: I never thought slacking off could convince me of anything... the sign of a true scholar! A diviner of the Divination Commission after all!
- Guinaifen: Sushang, snap out of it! A slacker heliobus is getting into your head!
- Fu Xuan: Qingque, Qingque... For you, life may have a seemingly infinite number of choices. That is because your choices are simply different ways of slacking off and wasting time — they are of no consequence to anything... but for me, choices come with very real consequences.
- Qingque: That's the most "divinery" thing you've said so far...
- Fu Xuan: As the Master Diviner of the Luofu, I have a heavy responsibility. I must comb through the complex threads of destiny day after day, all for the preservation of this giant ship.
- Fu Xuan: Some paths look promising, but lead to an abyss of despair. Then there are small trails that plunge deep into unimaginable darkness. And in the end...
- Fu Xuan: ...I realized that we have no real choices. There is only one path to follow, only one way to the optimal solution, even if it is paved with ashes and bitterness.
- Fu Xuan: There is only one way — and there only ever was.
- Huohuo: What do we do... I don't think we can persuade her...
- Qingque: I have a proposal — why don't we try a more advanced sandbox?
- Fu Xuan: However long you want to play this game, and whatever tricks you try to pull, I'll happily play along.
- Huohuo: ...Miss Qingque?
- Fu Xuan: Use your "free will" to guide the ingenium out of the sandbox.
Complete the Pathfinder challenge once more.[]
- (Talk to Fu Xuan)
- Fu Xuan: Let's begin. Lead the ingenium to the exit. Show me how many choices destiny gives you.
Alright, make sure you're paying attention.
- (Open Pathfinder puzzle)
(Remain silent.)
- (After solving the puzzle)
- Qingque: The path changed slightly, but it was just as simple. I'm sure the Master Diviner would say—
- Fu Xuan: Destiny only has one path. Your choices are just a predetermined solution to the puzzle.
- Qingque: Actually, I don't think I agree. Master Diviner, let's reset the sandbox and give it another go, shall we?
- Fu Xuan: Again? Do it all over again, exactly as it was? You can try it a million times over, and a million times over it is doomed to the same fate — because there is only one path.
- Fu Xuan: Hehe, I see what you're thinking, Qingque... you're an interesting one.
- Guinaifen: Qingque, I've been thinking through the calculations for this puzzle — there really is only one solution.
- Huohuo: This maze was designed by Keralum. It's no use — there aren't any other solutions. As long as we're playing this so-called game of destiny, we can't win.
- Qingque: No, there's a second choice. There will always be another choice.
- Huohuo: (Trailblazer), quick, say something to persuade her...
I see where she's going with this...
I have no clue what she's thinking...
It's all yours, Qingque.
- Huohuo: I didn't mean like that...
- Fu Xuan: Ready to begin?
- Qingque: Of course there's another solution to this sandbox. (Trailblazer), listen to my idea.
- Qingque: You're all gonna help, right?
Of course.
There is more than one path...
- Qingque: Correct.
- Huohuo: Miss Qingque, I don't know how you're planning to solve the puzzle... but I'll support this squad to the end...
- Guinaifen: Count me in. I'm sure Miss Qingque has something up her sleeve.
- Sushang: If we can help, I'm in.
- Qingque: I only need two people for my plan to work.
Head to the sand table for Pathfinder.[]
Step Description
Qingque says the sand table always holds an alternative solution. To find it, you must start from the sand table's exit.
- (Approach marked location)
- Qingque: (Trailblazer), you go stand in the sandbox... right about that spot over there.
Stand at the designated location as suggested by Qingque.[]
Step Description
Qingque says the sand table always holds an alternative solution. Follow her instructions and arrive at your destined position in the sand table.
Stay put
- Qingque: Next, Judge Huohuo, you stand on the other side — and stop shaking!
Stay put
- Qingque: All right, we're ready.
- Qingque: And now the second path appears.
Complete the Pathfinder challenge for the third time.[]
Step Description
Qingque has placed "more individuals" into the sand table, determined to find an alternative solution.
Rules are meant to be broken. It is time to overcome the Pathfinder challenges.
- (Talk to Fu Xuan)
- Fu Xuan: Let's begin. Lead the ingenium to the exit. Show me how many choices destiny gives you.
Alright, make sure you're paying attention.
- (Open Pathfinder puzzle)
(Remain silent.)
- (After solving the puzzle)
- Qingque: This is the other solution — the alternative choice. I created a new solution.
- Qingque: Master Diviner, you're not the only one who can design a puzzle, and I don't tread the path of destiny alone.
- Fu Xuan: ...Hahahaha... you think that by calling on your companions for help, you created a new path out of thin air?
- Fu Xuan: You're just playing with semantics. I could weave a thousand routes for you, but they lead to the same destination — so what significance is there in having a choice?
You don't even understand what Qingque is saying.
- Qingque: Creatures like you don't understand humans.
- Qingque: The universe is like jade tiles on a game table. When the tiles are shuffled, the outcome is already predetermined.
- Qingque: Which tiles can be played, which tiles are leftover, what kind of hand the person next to you is trying to make — all of these can be determined through calculations. But if everything is just a calculation, the game loses its flavor.
- Qingque: Randomness and adaptability, ambushing your opponent, twists and turns, the balance of the elements — it's a mix of calculations, unknowns, and loss of complete control that makes Celestial Jade the kind of game it is — and those are the same things that give life its color and vibrance.
- Qingque: Do my "choices" at the game table mean nothing if I have a sure loss in front of me? No — the choices are what make the game meaningful in the first place.
- Qingque: Even if I lose, I'll still make choices to lighten the loss — just like Master Diviner is making choices for her own agenda.
- Qingque: You were right when you said that as Master Diviner, you must comb through the complex threads of destiny day after day, all for the preservation of this giant ship.
- Qingque: In this vast universe — a game where there are only losers — our Master Diviner is making endless choices, fighting against the odds just so the Luofu can safely travel for another day. Hehe, in my book she's the best player there is.
- Qingque: Why would someone as talented as the Master Diviner go through the trouble of making endless choices if the end result is predetermined?
- Qingque: Heliobus, you cannot fathom the joys of humanity. You are imprisoned by the illusion of destiny, unable to free yourself, and you want everyone who peeks into the future to suffer the same pain as you.
- Qingque: You... You don't understand humans at all.
- Keralum: Aghhhhh! Don't let them trick you, Fu Xuan! Don't push me away! Don't let her words fool you!
Fu Xuan is breaking free from their grasp!
- Qingque: Keralum, release the Master Diviner!
- (Begin battle against
Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish ×2,
Aurumaton Gatekeeper ×1)
- Keralum: I see through your trickery! I see through every bit of it!
- Keralum: I'm going to lose! Victory is beyond my reach!
- Keralum: Why... why is there no alternative?
- Keralum: Everything in this universe is predetermined!
- Keralum: No, I... I had no path to victory...
- (After the battle)
- Qingque: Master Diviner! A—Are you alright?
- Fu Xuan: I... I'm fine. Just a small headache, nothing more.
- Huohuo: It's normal to experience some discomfort after being possessed by a heliobus, but nothing a few medicinal pellets can't take care of.
- Fu Xuan: Is that... Keralum? Hmph, they may not be the most powerful fragment, but becoming entangled in their illusion can lead to endless despair.
- Keralum: Hurry... just hurry up and... seal me in the darkness...
- Keralum: I've foreseen what happens next... you're going to imprison me...
- Fu Xuan: Qingque, thanks to you, the Divination Commission is safe again.
- Qingque: No need to thank me, Master Diviner. By the way, while you were possessed, you fired me from the Commission, so... that counts, right? I'll have to ask you to give me written notice that my contract has been unilaterally terminated.
- Qingque: Then, with all the years I've spent in the Divination Commission, I'll be able to get a great severance package...
- Qingque: ...and I already planned what to do with all the money — I'm gonna open a gaming parlor, hire a couple of workers to run it, and spend the rest of my days living off the profits. I'll have started a new life without having lifted a finger, hehe.
- Sushang: Are there two Qingques?
- Fu Xuan: I see... What a pity, I don't recall anything I may or may not have said while possessed by the heliobus.
- Fu Xuan: In any case, Qingque, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be on duty back at the repository?
- Qingque: Huh!? M—Master Diviner, you can't back out now!
- Fu Xuan: Of course I can. After all, there are always choices in life. You taught me that.
- Qingque: I can't convince real you, let alone possessed you... Master Diviner, you should get some rest. I'm gonna go take a br— uh, I mean... get back to work...
- (Challenge completed)
- (Obtain
Traveler's Guide ×4,
Lost Crystal ×3,
Credit ×30000)
- (Obtain
- Fu Xuan brings herself to inspect the commission, and order is soon restored.
- Fu Xuan: My actions today brought great shame on the Divination Commission...
At least no one else got hurt.
- Fu Xuan: Yes, all is well, minus my headache...
Don't worry, Qingque's the only witness in the Commission.
- Fu Xuan: Hmm, I shall have to think of a way to keep her from talking... Hehe, just kidding.
- Huohuo: Heliobi are good at finding people's weaknesses and exploiting them... Everyone has some kind of weakness — you're not to blame.
- Sushang: That's right — you were just a victim of the heliobus's trickery, Diviner Fu — no need to blame yourself.
- Fu Xuan: I must express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your help.
- Fu Xuan: Apologies, but the Divination Commission is in disarray at the moment. I must return and set things in order — I'm afraid I cannot see you off in person.
- Guinaifen: Wait! There's something we need to ask you.
- Fu Xuan: What is it?
- You tell Fu Xuan the details of your operation
- Fu Xuan: Mm, I agree that "Master Diviner Gets Possessed" wouldn't make for a good headline...
- Fu Xuan: I don't care how you spin the story, so long as you leave my name and identity out of it.
Talk to Guinaifen and post on Ghostly Grove about the anomaly having been resolved.[]
Step Description
After successfully exorcising the heliobus in Fu Xuan, your next task is to publicize this victory on Ghostly Grove. However, you must minimize the public's perception of how dangerous the incident was to prevent panic, while also trying to stand out online to showcase the ghost-hunting squad's triumph. The task of writing a social media post is not any less challenging than exorcising the heliobus!
- (Talk to Guinaifen)
- (Opens A Foxian Tale of the Haunted: Ghostly Grove)
- SHOCKING! Matrix of Prescience Is Self-Aware! Second Aurumaton Uprising IMMINENT!
- Major Update of Divination Algorithm Causes Massive Workload!
Hottest Scoops
- LIVE: Construction Blunder Causes Total Divination Shutdown!
- Fu Xuan: I have many things to attend to — please allow me to save my thanks for another day.
- Huohuo: We won't delay you any longer. We need to go to Fyxestroll Garden and seal Keralum away.
Cast the heliobus into the suppression tower[]
Step Description
The only good heliobus is a captured heliobus. The only place they should go is the Suppression Towers in Fyxestroll Garden.
- (Interact with the Suppression Tower, Swallowsong Pavilion)
- Expel evil and capture stray spirits... With the support of the Ten Lords Commission's spiritfarers, you seal the heliobi within the Lunaumbra Gourd.
- Jing Yuan: It seems that your operations have met with some success.
- Jing Yuan: I've been browsing through some of the stories on Ghostly Grove myself — they make for good reading.
Did you hear about the Master Diviner?
- Jing Yuan: As the saying goes, serious divination concerns serious matters. It is inevitable that someone performing divination day in and day out for the Xianzhou would acquire inner demons, and heliobus can take advantage of those. Fortunately, with your help, Fu Xuan prevailed over her intruder.
What do you think about destiny?
- Jing Yuan: Do you enjoy listening to storytellers and watching immersia?
- Jing Yuan: In both cases, tales have a predetermined ending — but you shouldn't let that stop you from enjoying them, should you?
- Jing Yuan: The same is true of life. Whether the end is predestined or not, it's worth living.
I'm heading off.
- Jing Yuan: Very well, then. Miss Hanya is waiting for you by the suppression towers.
Talk to Hanya about how things have been recently.[]
Step Description
Madam Hanya single-handedly established the ghost-hunting squad. Report to her about the situation in the Divination Commission.
- (Interact with the Suppression Tower, Swallowsong Pavilion again, optional)
- (Shows one of the following dialogues)
- From an outworlder's perspective, it almost seems like the matrix seals on Xianzhou are all from the Divination Commission, but that's not true. Only 70% of the seals come from the Divination Commission, 20% from the Ten-Lords Commission, and the rest are random unintelligible symbols.
- You're not sure if the Evil Binding Matrix is still functioning, but the moment you close your eyes, you imagine your body inflates to the size of a hill. How scary would it be to pluck out the pillar in the middle of the matrix with your bare hands?
- According to the spiritfarers of the Ten-Lords Commission, there was a heliobus who reincarnated as a Vidyadhara and entered the human world to repay a benefactor for saving its life. However, once it revealed its true form, a Ten-Lords Commission spiritfarer captured and sealed it in a suppression tower, which was later destroyed.
- (Talk to Hanya)
- Hanya: On behalf of the Ten-Lords Commission, I commend you for your great service in resolving the Divination Commission crisis. I will honor all of you before the Ten Lords.
- Huohuo: Thanks, Madam Hanya...
- Huohuo: ...but we really couldn't have defeated Keralum without Miss Qingque's help.
- Hanya: I didn't realize that one as skilled as Diviner Fu would also be susceptible to the power of the heliobi.
- Hanya: That said... I can understand her plight. After all, we are all moving forward on our own unseen paths... in no uncertain terms.
- Hanya: Judges are instructed by the Ten Lords to carry out their orders, but no one ever explains their meaning to us...
- Hanya: Just like the master diviner — no matter what cruel and horrible paths she foresaw, as long as it benefited the Luofu, she had to make a choice.
- Hanya: Those choices may be correct and far-sighted, but we are, after all, flesh and blood, and we cannot help but agonize over the process of making them.
- Guinaifen: Madam Hanya
- Hanya: I apologize, I was getting carried away. I think all the paperwork must have worn down my mental acuity. Today's business is finished. Please get some good rest!
- Guinaifen: Right! Let's call it a day. And you too, Judge Hanya — don't work yourself to death.
- Sushang: It's finally time to get back to bed. Goodbye, everyone.
I'm totally beat, too. Chat more in the group later.
Remember to share the account updates.
- Messages
Ghost-Hunting SquadToday we sealed the heliobus Keralum. Thanks for all the help, everybody.By the way, Miss Qingque looked so cool~Well, let me tell you something funny.A while back, I got this message from someone accusing me of plagiarizing their shop-review videos. They even threatened to take legal action if I didn't respond right awayI simply replied, "Nah, it's my own stuff from last year."Then they argued that there's no statute of limitations for plagiarism, and whether I uploaded the video 10 years ago or 100 years ago, it should still count as plagiarism.What a stroke of bad luck...
- (Mission completed)
- (Talk to Hanya again, optional)
- Hanya: My apologies for rambling on just now...
- Hanya: Today's work is finished! Please make sure to get some rest!
- 犀 Xī means "rhino," and 照 Zhào means "illuminate." 犀照 Xīzhào literally translates to "to illuminate with a lit rhino's horn," as in Chinese folklore doing so can reveal ghosts and spirits. Thus 犀照 has become the metaphor of a percipient person in Chinese literature.
- Keralum's Chinese name, 犀焰 Xīyàn, literally translates to "flame of a lit rhino's horn" and has the same meaning as 犀照 when used as a metaphor.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Percipient |
Chinese (Simplified) | 犀照 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 犀照 |
Japanese | 犀照 |
Korean | 서조(犀照) |
Spanish | Percepción |
French | Perspicace |
Russian | Проницательность |
Thai | จุดสังเกต |
Vietnamese | Trực Giác |
German | Einsicht |
Indonesian | Mempersepsi |
Portuguese | Perceptiva |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.5