Penacony's Dream-Seeking Tracks is a Relic piece in the set Penacony, Land of the Dreams.
Those who have visited Penacony will agree that "built on dreams" is not just some saying, but is a very real statement. The opulent hotel is just the tip of the iceberg of the Planet of Festivities, and it is only when you "stay and dream" that you are considered to have officially arrived at Penacony. From then on, the land of dreams, consisting of twelve dreamscapes, slowly expands before the guests' eyes.
Guests who are new to the place may be overwhelmed by this carnival stage, but do not be alarmed. Look up and see the metal tracks crisscrossing the skyscrapers and the Spheroids rapidly rolling along them. They are the most visible means of transportation in this dreamscape metropolis and guide guests to each and every place around the city.
Starting from the central station, the complicated Spheroid tracks are like the blood vessels of the metropolis. Whether it is the underground tunnels of the Moment of Daybreak, the vast fields of the Moment of Scorchsand, or the glittering stadium of the Moment of Stars, the colorful Spheroids roll on and on, delivering people to each station accurately, efficiently, safely, and comfortably, pouring a sleepless energy into the dream world of Penacony.
Dreams give a light and delicate texture to everything, and the nut-like Spheroids are regarded as both vehicles and as toys in the land of dreams. However, few remember that the Spheroids are actually imprisonment cages — the vehicle towards dreams are tools originally used for locking up prisoners.
A long time ago, the IPC sent a huge number of prisoners to the Asdana star system in an attempt to stop a catastrophe from spreading. There, people reclaimed memoria, gradually becoming lost between fantasy and reality. The spherical work chambers in vacuum became an unforgettable "memory" for the prisoners — the hard curved interior walls, the awful experience of tumbling around, the unbearable daily attendance — perhaps these pains ran too deep. When those who regained their freedom pioneered the barren dreamscape, the spherical cages came along with them.
But now, unlike in the past, peace and freedom have given birth to optimism. Instead of trying to destroy the inescapable nightmares over and over, it is better to add to them the color this place should have, to take them in, and embrace them. So, the spherical imprisonment cages of the past have become today's Spheroids.
In the present, the fast-moving colorful Spheroids moving all over Penacony and the slight reverberations coming from within them... are all quietly hidden in the light of the dream city, blending in with the ambitions and laughter, like a land of dreams where time forever stands still.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Penacony's Dream-Seeking Tracks |
Chinese (Simplified) | 匹诺康尼的逐梦轨道 |
Chinese (Traditional) | 匹諾康尼的逐夢軌道 |
Japanese | ピノコニーの夢追い軌道 |
Korean | 페나코니의 꿈을 좇는 궤도 |
Spanish | Vías de búsqueda de sueños de Colonipenal |
French | Rails des rêves de Penacony |
Russian | Магистраль грёз Пенаконии |
Thai | Penacony's Dream-Seeking Tracks |
Vietnamese | Cung Đường Mộng Mơ Penacony |
German | Penaconys Traumsuchspuren |
Indonesian | Penacony's Dream-Seeking Tracks |
Portuguese | Pistas Sonhadoras de Penacony |
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